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I was in my early 30’s and living alone after divorce. I was becoming very bi curious using the internet to fuel my fantasies. I had also discovered that wearing lingerie left behind by my ex-wife made me extremely horny.

There were a number of internet chat rooms I frequented where I shared fantasies with other guys and one in particular who I chatted to a lot. One day he announces he will be in my area and could he call in on me. Initially I was turned on at the thought but also very nervous. After a bit of thought I agreed and gave him my address and a date was set.

In the weeks leading up to our meeting I went shopping for lingerie, thinking my ex-wife’s may not be suitable. I treated myself to a black silky looking basque with matching panties practically a thong. Black stockings of course and one of my wife’s blue blouses and a black skirt over the top. No wig or make up but dressed like that made me feel so horny and slutty. I was ready for his visit.

On the day in question, I showered well and dressed in plenty of time. I opened a bottle of wine to calm my nerves and sat quietly drinking a few glasses. Then the doorbell rang, and my nerves went into overdrive. I opened the door, hiding behind it just in case Belek travesti it wasn’t him. There he stood exactly as described mid 50’s slim, slightly balding in tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt. We exchanged greetings and I showed him into my lounge and asked him to sit on the sofa and offered him a glass of wine. As I poured his wine he told me I looked so sexy and just as he’d imagined me. My cock twitched in my panties at this.

As he sat there I turned on the CD player to play Madonna’s Erotica album and started to dance to it as we had agreed on chat. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music swaying and dancing as seductively as I could.

I soon slipped off the blouse and skirt and was dancing in my lingerie trying to be as sexy as possible, running my hands over myself, bending over to show him my ass and stretching my legs in my stockings. Running my hands over and playing with the bulge in my panties. I was so hard in my panties and as I opened my eyes I could see him on the sofa watching me with such a look of lust and rubbing himself through his tracksuit.

I danced up to him, turned round and bent over so my ass was just in front of him. He leaned forward and started licking and kissing Belek travestileri my bum and his hands were on my legs stroking my stockings. He pulled my pantie thong to one side and I felt his tongue on my asshole, gently licking and probing it. I couldn’t quite believe what was happening but I was in heaven. He was pushing his tongue quite deep into my hole and it felt so good. After a while I stood up and turned around, he quickly buried his head into my panties and licked the pre-cum that had soaked through then. He then pulled my panties down and looking up into my eyes, slipped my cock between his lips and I felt his tongue working over my head as he gently bobbed forwards and backwards on my cock. I felt so dirty, dressed like a slut with a mans lips around my cock, but felt so good. His hands were groping my ass as I watched him sucking me.

I was getting close to cumming but didn’t want to cum yet so I pulled back and my cock slipped out of his warm mouth. I looking into his eyes as I straddled him on the sofa so I was sitting on his lap facing him. I could feel his hard cock against my bare bum through his pants. It felt so good. He licked and sucked my nipples as I held his head and ground my ass Travesti Belek onto his cock. I don’t remember ever having been more turned on.

Holding his head to my nipple I whispered ” I want your cock in my mouth” to him and slipped backwards off him. He stood up and pulled his tracksuit and pants down and his 7″ cock stood firm and inviting. I pushed him gently back onto the sofa so he sat back down. I kneeled in front of him and quickly took his cock into my warm eager mouth. He stroked my hair as I fucked my mouth with his cock, sliding my lips up and down as my tongue worked away. The taste of his cock filled my mouth and it felt so right having his cock in my mouth. All too soon I felt him tense up and his cock started pumping cum into my mouth. I stopped moving and felt it jerking and spurting in my mouth. I could hardly believe I had just made a man cum with my mouth and was letting him cum in my mouth, but I loved that I had and the feeling of it. I swallowed most of it but let some dribble out of my mouth and down my chin. What could be sluttier than spunk dribbling out of my mouth I thought.

When he had finished cumming, I gave one last suck and sat up. I grabbed my cock and with a few strokes was cumming myself, spraying my cum on to his wet cock and stomach. I love the sight of cum on skin. Looking into his eyes, I wiped his cum from my chin and licked my finger clean.

A job well done I felt.

Hope you enjoyed this, let me know if you want to read more of my adventures.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32