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A servant amd Mistress Part 3Part 3It was a complex game we played, the Mistress and I. I was not certainof the rules or if there were any, but soon after I became her personalservant I realized there was something unique in our relationship. Shepunished the other servants as much as always, the perfectionist in heralways demanding the most from her staff, but I noticed she punishedthem coldly, routinely, almost grimly, as though there was littlepleasure in it for herself, or perhaps not as much as she would like.Many times she seemed almost distant, lost in thought or even bored,though I doubt the recipient of her discipline noticed anything awry.Me, however, she punished almost exclusively in the privacy of her ownchambers. There was a large mirror in her room, opposite her bed, andoften she would d**** me across her lap on the bed or bend me overbefore the mirror so I could watch myself being punished, a trulyhumiliating experience. But I soon found myself watching her, admiringher dark, flashing beauty, the fire in her eyes never more intense thanwhen she whipped me, cheeks flushed rouge with excitement and passion,her massive bosom heaving magnificently as she panted and thrashed mesoundly. She seemed to delight in inflicting pain in the manner onec***d delights in pulling another’s hair for the first time, with analmost surprised, gleeful expression, as though astonished at theexplosive reaction generated.Though I noticed these things I did not see them, or comprehend theirsignificance, until much later. Perhaps there is truth in the old sayingthat looking at the flame too closely causes one to forget about thefire. There was one incident which should have enlightened me, but I wastoo blind to see it at the time.It was soon after I became her private maid, and I was still naive andnervous, as I thought I could escape her wrath through obedience. Onemorning I was preparing the bath for the Mistress. She has a private vatoff her chamber, of course, and all morning I had been lumbering up thestairs with buckets of steaming water from the kitchen. She likes herbath very full and hot, and I soon lost count of the number of trips Imade up and down the stairway. At last the bath was ready, steaming andwarm, and I guided the Mistress to the edge and assisted her indisrobing. She was naked underneath. This was my first time seeing hernaked, and I was instantly jealous, for her body was svelte andgraceful, her skin smooth and unblemished.She had her back to me at the time, and I could not help but admire hersleek thighs güvenilir bahis siteleri and round bottom. I had watched her cane my bottom just afew days previous, and I suddenly knew that my bottom, though alwaysplump and attractive to men and my only real vanity, as I am resolved toplainness in other areas, was nothing as perfect as her own. Hersswelled at the base with such graceful curves I knew it would drive aman wild to see them, her twin mounds made prominent by a deepmysterious chasm between them. As she walked toward the water each cheekgently rotated in a seductive fashion, trembling slightly each time herfoot made contact with the stone floor. In my mind instantly was apicture of that bottom covered with luscious, rich stripes from theleather strap, and I could almost see that bottom bouncing under thepaddle. Oohh, how I longed to wield that paddle across those buttocks!Even just a single stroke would revenge me for a hundred years, Ithought at the time.I was awakened from these thoughts by a cry of pain from the Mistress.She whirled on me angrily, slapping my face. “It’s too hot, you bitch!How dare you! Are you trying to burn me?”I shook my head frantically. I had tested the water myself. Thetemperature was fine, not too hot, not too cool. It certainly would notburn. But the Mistress was already fetching the strap, a long thick oneshe had made and kept in our chambers, specifically for me, as it wastoo much trouble to run to the kitchen every time I needed the strap.”Take off your clothes,” she ordered, and I silently obeyed, wonderingif this was leading to another paddling, as my first had been a livingnightmare.In a moment I was as naked as she was, and I obediently bent over andleaned my arms against the side of the large bath of water and spread mylegs wide. She began to strap me then, long heavy strokes that wrappedthe leather around my thighs leaving angry welts I knew would burn fordays. I sobbed and shivered and took the thrashing as best I could, onlyoccasionally crying out or shifting my positionAs she whipped me I was often granted glimpses of her behind me, to myleft, as she stood raising and lowering the strap with rhythmicprecision. I found myself astonished at her nakedness. It was so brazen,so exposed, and yet she did not seem the least troubled by it, her heavybreasts dancing as she flogged me energetically, her wide hips turningto offer me tantalizing visions of the profile of her curved backside. Idiscovered I was strangely moved by watching her. Her face was animatedand perabet alive, her lips full and blood-red, pursed slightly as she breatheddeeply, a faint grunt escaping her as she worked hard to strike meanother harsh and cruel blow. I could not help but admire her beauty andavid lust, unhidden, uncontrolled. I, whose passion had always beencarefully concealed, almost even from myself, found a delightful freedomin watching her openly display her emotions. I did not pretend tounderstand her perversion, but only accepted it as an obvious fact:whipping me excited her.I groaned as a particularly sharp cut struck the inside of my leftthigh, high, near my stretched and vulnerable crotch, and I felt reliefwhen she returned to my buttocks, as sore as they were. It was a longand thorough whipping, even by her high standards, and I almostcollapsed when she finally finished.”Now into the water,” she commanded, and I looked at her with horror.The water would be scalding against my welted flesh. I could not do it.It would feel like I was being boiled in oil, whatever that felt like.But I felt helpless under her gaze. To disobey would be to ask forpunishment, something I could not willingly do. Perhaps it wouldn’t beso bad.I stepped in, the water rising up my legs. It felt warm and soothing,steam lightly enveloping the rest of my body, tickling my breasts. Thenthe water rose to my thighs, and I felt the fierce burning as everysleeping welt awoke and painfully announced its irritation at being sodisturbed. I moaned loudly, but still the Mistress insisted, and takinga deep breath, I sank in completely, crouching on my knees so the watercame up to my chest.The pain was dizzying. I felt like I was being eaten alive by thousandsof ants, like in those African stories of native tortures. I writhed andmoaned loudly but I could not escape the pain. It was all around me, thewater feeling ten times hotter than when I had filled the bath. I weptmiserably and begged the Mistress to let me out.”Isn’t it too hot?” she asked coyly, and I nodded, sobbing, and criedout, “Yes, yes! It is too hot! It burns, it burns!”With a look of triumph she began to climb into the bath herself. Istarted to rise but she pushed me back down. “There’s room for two,” shesaid, “if we squeeze.” I was forced to lean back on my haunches to makeroom for her, my buttocks blazing angrily as they pressed against theback of my calves. My knees were spread wide when opened and exposed mycrotch, and I was glad that part of my anatomy was under water. TheMistress knelt perabet giriş opposite me and smiled. “Isn’t this nice? I just _adore_a warm bath on a cold, wintery day!”I smiled weakly at her and then began to soap and wash her, as sheinstructed me. I was finally given permission to rise to better performthis task, but I felt shame as I was naked before my Mistress, my sexopenly displayed at the level of her eyes. I could not think about this,however, and concentrated on washing her properly, while she talkedeagerly and with rare openness, seemingly in a very generous mood.At one point she grasped my hips and turned me suddenly, almost causingme to fall. She stared at my bottom and cried out, “I certainly stripedyour bum thoroughly, I must say!” She laughed gaily, as though we wereat a tea party and she had made a delightful joke at the expense ofsomeone not present. I flushed deeply at her words and waited for her toallow me to resume, but instead she placed her hand one my right cheekand squeezed me hard, bringing tears to my eyes. “I bet that smarts,”she whispered, her voice low, and strangely gravelly. “What does it feellike, Miss Janey? Does it burn when I touch it?””Yes, Ma’am,” I muttered, extremely uncomfortable.She massaged both cheeks now, squeezing the thick rolls of tender fleshbetween her fingers. Then she began to wash me, splashing water on mybottom and rubbing it in between my cheeks and into the crack. I wasspeechless, stunned. “Ma’am, please,” I begged, my face flushingcrimson. I’d never been touched by anyone like that, and it frightenedand unnerved me. The sensation was unbearably stimulating, that was theproblem, and I did not know how to react. I felt it was unnatural,forbidden, and yet it felt so good I could not ask her to stop. I simplysaid, “Please,” and she continued to wash me, her slender finger slidingup and down the crack of my bottom, occasionally brushing against thesecret hole there, sending wild shivers through my whole body.Then she stopped suddenly. I turned and she was not looking at me. Shemotioned for me to get out and I did, and she told me to get dressed andfetch her wood for the fireplace, as she was cold. I tried to tell herthere was plenty in the woodbox right there in her chamber, but sheinsisted I go to the woodshed immediately, my body still damp as Idragged myself through the icy snow. Her voice was strangely flat, yetserious and urgent, and I obeyed her at once, her tone making me feelthat something was quite wrong, and I suspected she had realized ourwater games were extremely inappropriate. As I left, however, I notedher face was almost serene, with a rather desperate, intense look, asthough she had almost reached some long sought goal, and yet in her eyesshe was lost and forlorn.To be continued……………………………………………
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