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Liddy had been too subdued by the intensity of her orgasms to really talk much as we wound up after our impromptu exercise in Skype (or whatever it is you use these days) sex. Clearly she had been flooded with Oxytocin, but without a physical body to hug, she could do little but offer up a stream of sincere, softly spoken thank yous before we rung off.

In a way I was pleasantly surprised she was missing sex with me so much. When she’d first come aboard the yacht all those years ago, she was fairly shocked, not just by the fact there were already three younger women sleeping with me on it, but as much by the fact sex was a daily demand for most of them.

She’d inferred that after a while sex surely became a bit of a take it or leave it thing for older women; nice in controlled doses, but something that could quickly become a burden if there was too much of it and the absence of which was no big deal. Her cynical approach at that time may not have been helped by the abusive nature of her short lived second marriage after her first much loved husband had died in a car accident.

It had been Liddy who had coined the “effervescence” description of Amy’s completely over the top sexual appetite; inferring it was something that would soon run out of bubbles.

Well many years on, and Amy is still effervescing. And Liddy did a pretty good job of effervescing herself for a while, eventually settling down to the two to three times a week we were having sex just before she left to visit her daughter in New York.

It was a chirpier Liddy that Amy and I spoke to by Skype the following day. However, there had been consequences of the previous day’s activities. The noise of Amy’s profanity strewn orgasmic screams and even, it appears, Liddy’s far from quiet moans, had penetrated through into the other rooms where her daughter, son in law and new born baby were sitting. Liddy seemed amused by how shocked her daughter had been. Shocked that her mother had Skype sex, shocked by the fact that it was effectively a threesome and shocked by the intensity of it, let alone the profanities. Then there was the usual yuck factor of any child in contemplating their parent having sex.

Her daughter may have been aware, even accepting, that Liddy was in a polygamous relationship, but confronting the reality of it was another thing.

But probably Liddy’s real amusement lay in seeing how much of her former self she’d built into her daughter. Liddy had been brought up in a very conservative Jewish family. She remained amused by the contradiction of her mother insisting that Liddy, then still a teenager, get sizable breast implants to give her the sort of bustle or bulge, in the very modest, figure hiding, clothing they wore, which would attract a good Jewish boy as her husband.

She’d had no complaints about the outcome. Her surgeon husband of 30 years had been good and kind, if a tad unadventurous and probably on the high functioning end of the Asperger’s spectrum. But while that had meant nothing but missionary sex for those thirty years, over time they’d effectively become non-practicing, even if they hadn’t outright rejected their faith and the community around it. The rejection of it for Liddy came when the community – including her parents – shoe horned her into her second abusive marriage and rejected her when she abandoned it; but that’s another story.

But it seemed her daughter had been left behind somewhere along the trail of conservatism while her mother broke out.

Anyway, headphones were a definite necessity for the next time.

We spoke with her daily during the rest of the week, but I was soon to find out that Amy was having additional conversations dealing with topics well outside those covered in our group one.

Amy’s an interesting character now her extroverted self has been allowed to escape. One of the sides to her that endears her to others is that she’ll always go the extra mile to help someone else to the best possible outcome. So it turned out to be with the Skype sex with Liddy. Amy had followed up with Liddy on the good and the less good with what had occurred and set out to deal with the less good. I think some fairly explicit details had been gone into, so I could understand why the girls decided to deal with it between themselves.

A package arrived during the week for Amy and as she opened it, she showed me a stereoscopic camera with optional head or hand held mounts; sort of like a stereoscopic GoPro.

It seems that one limitation for Liddy had been the side view of the whole thing. To use my own phrase to describe the issue, for Liddy it had been a porn show to masturbate to and while it worked quite nicely because it was Amy and me as the actors, something more immersive in its point of view might work better.

Amy had done enough research to know it could all be hooked up through the internet to artificial reality goggles Liddy would be wearing, without us risking going public with the connection – or so I hoped anyway. Plus Liddy’s goggles would have earpieces to stop Amy’s screams from being quite as genç porno public.

I was a bit more sceptical about the other modification to the arrangement, but happy to plead total ignorance. Amy told me Liddy had trouble keeping the dildo in when she wanted to use her hands elsewhere or just not have them between her legs in a way that spoilt the constructed reality. So they were going to use a tightly drawn up pair of bikini pants, the crotch pulled aside or returned into place as the need arose, to keep it in place; the inference being Amy would wear a matching pair to maintain the point of view consistency.

I was sceptical because sex with her bikini still on is one of Amy’s little occasional peculiarities, something I’m happy to indulge because the origin of it goes back to her own abusive relationship. Plus the twisting movement on that dildo looked as though it would drill through concrete. I didn’t see how a pair of bikini pants would stop it worming its way out. But who was I to judge such things against Amy’s reassurances they would do a satisfactory job.

When the next date night (for want of a more literal description) came around, Amy had spent the morning on line with Liddy setting things up and testing it. I think there was some fairly explicit discussion occurred, so I left them to it; not doubting I would be told what my job was when the time came.

Ten minutes before we were due to set up the conference, Amy came to me…

“OK, lets go in and discuss the script.”


“Yes, you need to know what Liddy wants from you and how we’re going to give her that.”

Amy had already turned and started to walk towards the room, so I followed her. As we went in the door, I could see Amy had been busy.

There was a sheet covered mattress in the centre of the room. At the foot was an empty chair. At the head was a low stool with our large laptop set up, open and already booted up. At the side of the mattress was the headset camera Amy would be wearing.

She pointed to the empty chair…

“Right, strip naked and sit there.”

As I started to take my clothes off, Amy slipped her light summer dress over her head to reveal she was in her black bikini. It was, like all her bikinis, very ‘fuck me’ in its style. The front piece of the small string sided pants wasn’t quite wide enough to completely cover the width of her mound, although it was the height of a normal low rider bikini, not one with a mound dipping waistband. The top was the usual too small slide, string tie, triangle one; displaying under boob, side boob and cleavage all at once. I knew the pants were quite tight fitting; having struggled to get them off while pinning her to a bed as she anxiously waited for me to penetrate her on more than one occasion.

I also knew Liddy had one exactly the same. Given the similarity of their figures and overall appearance, they sometimes played a convincing version of twins, or if not, mother/daughter, by them both wearing them to the beach. Whether she had them with her was another matter.

Amy looked at me with serious intent; like a school mistress about to address a seniors’ sex class.

“What Liddy wants is uncontrolled passion. No mucking about, no forepay, no fingering, don’t even try to bang or rake her g spot. Just penetrate and go for it like you can’t resist dropping a load in her for a moment longer. Sort of an extreme ‘go the animal’ on her.”

“But she, I mean you, won’t be ready for me.”

“We’re going to lie on our backs and finger ourselves first. You can watch from that seat. Maybe sit on the edge with your legs apart so she can see your cock dangle down before it grows and give her a good show of you playing with yourself in building excitement. Then at the right moment, she just wants you to lose it and throw yourself upon her; and by that I mean me.”

“What’s the right moment?”

“When she says ‘now’. Since she can’t actually put her arms around you, she just wants to lie back and pretend she’s taking it. That’s why she wants the dildo jammed up there. So I’m not going to hold you either to make the visual accord with her own actions. You just take me with as much passion as you can muster; although I’m going to give you the best ever display of me fingering myself to help you along. Really, in the ideal world, you’d do this great act of going from just sitting there playing with yourself to losing control and all but throwing yourself on me. But we know you’re not the world’s best actor.”

The last couple of sentences were delivered with a grin, but the tone of Q out of James Bond asking 007 to bring the car back in one piece and try and keep up.

“Why the big uncontrolled passion thing?”

“Ned, Ned, Ned. Liddy can finger herself to a climax any time she wants. Orgasms aren’t the problem. The lacking of another human is. There’s all sorts of emotions she’d like to feel instead of doing it by herself. But the only way we can transmit feeling over the internet is by ramping up the visuals. For the moment, passion is the full hd porno easiest one to convey from 10,000 km away, so we’re going to do that first. And no, you’re not going to hurt me. We’ve dealt with all that before. Make it look real; don’t fluff about with niceties.”

The Screw Girls always had me on this issue; Amy more than the others. They wanted me to go the animal on them. I was mortified about hurting them, so never quite gave them what they wanted – at least at first. With Amy there was the additional issue of her frequent past rape by her abusive partner. I knew for Amy the point of difference was the rapes were delivered with force and threats, but never passion. She wanted to feel the love and desire that goes with that passion. But still, it never felt right to me.

Now the rules had been tightened again. Fluffing about was specifically banned. And somehow I had to ramp up the visuals in the process.

We’d run out of time. Amy turned to establish the connection. Liddy popped up on the screen of the laptop at the other end of the mattress. Predictably, she did have on the black bikini that matched Amy’s. As she lay down, the view I had of her was one looking down from above her body. The camera was seemingly located a meter or so over her crotch and aimed so as to cover the field from her mid thighs to the top of her head. My god, she was beautiful. Not just for her age – although she was certainly that – but in absolute terms. There were good reasons she and Amy could almost pass themselves off as twins. Her figure was just as nubile as any 20 year old and those large perfectly formed breasts sat temptingly under the small triangles pathetically failing in their attempt to cover them, her skin still youthful because for the first 50 years of her life it had not been kissed by the sun.

In the bottom right corner was the insert of the view Liddy had of us; but without the stereoscopic vision. As Amy settled down and adjusted it, the view of us flipped about all over the place, but eventually settled to look down between Amy’s breasts at me; more or less the view she’d have if she lifted her head to look me in the eyes.

I watched as Liddy fitted her goggles to her face and the earpieces into her ear; somewhat spoiling the view of her beautiful face. Still, this was about her, not me. In any case Amy’s was offering up more than enough visual delight already.

Amy lay there with her legs slightly apart, giving me a shameless vista of her crotch, over the top of which sat her finely sculptured lower torso, leading up to what – from this angle – looked like her towering breasts. The bikini barely detracted from the erotica of the sight; indeed, by providing just the right amount of tease factor, may have enhanced it. The single dimple line of her crease as it ran from half way up the front of her pronounced mound and down through her crotch indicated she wasn’t yet aroused. That little place near her clit where her inner labia poked out of her outer labia could be seen as an eye attracting bulge in the tightly drawn, unlined, gossamer material. And of course, at the peak of the triangles of her bikini top sat the shadows of her completely alluring puffy nipples.

I could already feel the blood flowing into my manhood as it dangled over the edge of the chair and between my legs.

As I looked up to the laptop, I could see Liddy was already mirroring Amy’s position; albeit without the finer details so easily seen by me. It was like having a pair of twins laid out head to tail waiting for me.

Amy’s right hand came up over her torso and she started running her fingers along the line of the leg seam of her bikini pants, where the narrowness of the material left exposed flesh inside her thigh. At the same time she slipped her left hand under the right triangle of her bikini top and started teasing up her nipple.

With only a momentary delay, Liddy perfectly mirrored Amy’s actions.

I know that type of finger play through her crotch really turns Amy on when I do it, but it was titillating watching her body react so quickly to it. That single dimple widened, then became two lines of dimple as her labia swelled and separated, leaving a hollow of concave material between them. Particularly erotic was the way that projecting inner labia near her clit swelled to make an even more pronounced bulge there; as if attracting attention to the delicate, sensitive, and now certainly engorged, little bud that lay just under the hollow they created.

Amy caressed over the whole of her crotch area; gently running her fingers back and forth along the ridge of each her labia, dipping in through the hollow, to push the material into a deeper valley and lightly glide across her clit, and then repeat the cycle. The effectiveness of her stimulation of herself was further evidenced by the dark damp stain that quickly developed in the gusset of her pants over where her vagina lay hidden. The full details of what Amy was doing between her legs may not have been visible to Liddy, but I could see her attending to gangbang porno her own early stages of arousal just as effectively.

While not having really had the same pornographic display of this highly erotic passive view of proceedings that Amy was giving me, I’ve gone down this line of bikini sex with Amy often enough now to know that at this stage she’d be wanting me to be rubbing her clit through the gusset material. The way that damp stain was spreading and starting to glisten told me I’d normally be getting a fairly clear ‘get on with it’ message from her if it was me fingering her. But I could see Amy was taking things slower in the not unreasonable assumption that Liddy might need more time.

But soon enough, Amy started rubbing her clit firmly through the gusset, creating a large camel toe in her pants, which quickly grew wet as she stroked from her vagina up to her clit, spreading her honey through the material.

Amy’s left hand, until then inside her bikini top, momentarily left what it was doing and like a honey bee collecting pollen dived deep into her pants, drew out some wetness on the end of her finger and transferred it to a now exposed nipple to lubricate her teasing of it.

Looking up, I had seen Liddy had her hand down the front of her pants rubbing vigorously. But my attention was drawn back to the screen when I glimpsed her take a small mini vibrator from beside her and slip it into her pants, moving it against her clit with a couple of fingers held against the vibrating crotch of her pants.

Amy’s growing arousal was already announcing itself with her moans.

But then, mine was announcing itself too; but in a different way. From being flaccid between my legs, my manhood had stiffened and grown up through an arc to now be rigid and upright against my stomach; all broadcast to Liddy through Amy’s head camera. I don’t find dry self pleasuring all that effective – and haven’t had any need for self pleasuring for quite some time now. But I followed Amy’s instructions of playing with myself as I looked down at her.

Predictably, Amy came for the first time fairly quickly; loud moans and rising hips leaving no doubt about the issue. She looked up at me just long enough to flash me a grin, then dropped her head back as she pulled aside the gusset of her pants to expose herself and start rubbing the bare flesh of her clit.

She’d only been doing that for a few moments when she lifted her head again to look at me and dropped her fingers down to her clearly already receptive vagina. There she circled the rim of it with a finger before inserting, first one, then a second and finally a third finger into it, making an imitation thrusting movement. The raised eyebrows and grin made the message unmistakable – ‘I’m ready for you when the time comes.’

I was now weeping pre-cum. I had that feeling in my shaft of it being hard, needy and anxious to be deployed. There was little doubt that I was ready. My passion was certainly up. Whether I could deliver an academy award winning performance of displaying it, instead of just looking like a stumbling, over anxious, amateur, was another matter.

I looked up to the screen where Liddy was still working the vibrator against herself. There was a certain quivering and tenseness in her legs that told me she was getting pretty excited. I suspected my curtain call was getting closer when her large dildo was brought between her legs and slipped under the leg seam of her bikini pants with the hand not holding the vibrator against her clit.

I wasn’t sure it was the same vibrator she had last week; leaving me wondering how many of them she had. I’ve never really had anything to do with vibrators before, but to me it looked enormous. Y shaped, the main penetrating shaft of it, from where the v of the rabbit ears intersected it, looked way too long and thick for me. There was a bulge at the tip and another mid-way – the latter I assume where they thought the woman’s g spot might be (useless for Amy’s, whose is nowhere near there; just showing everyone’s different). As Liddy turned in on, I watched the bulges expand and contract in a way that I assumed would put momentary additional pressure on the front wall of her vagina at those points. It struck me it was a clit, g spot and cervix stimulator all in one. Liddy was going to explode if she used that thing to good effect. It made me wonder why she needed me (yes, I know, I was there to add the personal touch).

As she turned it off again and pushed it inside her pants, it forced aside the gusset enough to let me watch as she played with it shallowly inside her vagina; seemingly testing and preparing herself. She rested the handle part on the floor, leaving it positioned in a state of shallow penetration of her.

Amy meanwhile was building to another climax with her fingering of her clit; more noisily this time, as is the pattern for her. I never cease to be amazed by Amy’s sexuality. She seems to be a complete outlier of female sexual responsiveness; multi-orgasmic in the extreme, so easily brought to a climax and seemingly never quite capable of being fully satisfied. Not only was her former partner an criminal arsehole, he was a complete idiot to find more pleasure in passionless forced sex and rape than making the slightest effort to see to her needs and be rewarded with what she offers up to me.

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