Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Am I being a nitpicky bitch? (rant/ innacurate titSpoiler alert. I’m gonna sound like a preachy-ass condescending school teacher, barking at delinquents, so expect that. This isn’t a sexy story, it’s venting. It’s about to get naggy as hell, but I’m right, so deal with it. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable with this, but it annoys me greatly when descriptions and titles and tags are blatantly wrong on porn. Not slightly misleading or subjective, just entirely not true. The entire porn system operates on titles and key words, that’s how search engines function, so when you upload a video or picture, it is your job to tag it correctly and title is correctly, within reason. I understand it’s the WORLD wide web, so not everyone is gonna use good English and I’m not bitching about the details in phonetics or semantics, I can easily overlook a spelling error, or a missing punctuation, but if you are going to upload on an English speaking server and use English search systems, you should have some idea what the tags mean that you are using. You don’t have to understand every single word or fetish…just the ones you use in the tag. You have the internet, it takes 5 seconds to google a word and it’s basic meaning, that’s ten seconds to double check your damn 2 tags. I constantly uşak escort find page after page of videos with the key word I typed in that contain nothing related to that word. I constantly find myself rolling my eyes and scrolling through pages that are over half mis-tagged content. Seriously, if you don’t believe me, set the filter to “straight mode” and then type in “fisting” and see how many videos are just men shoving things in their asses, and how many of the women barely get 3 fingers in. I’m not complaining that you didn’t get enough in there, just don’t claim in the title that you got “elbow deep” when you got 4 fingers halfway in. it’s just not accurate, it’s clearly clickbaiting. Guys, I get that “chubby” and “BBW” very greatly in opinions, and “sexy” is highly subjective and therefore almost pointless to even use for that very reason, but some words just mean something obvious and clear. Fisting means inserting the fist. Is the fist in there? No? Then it’s not fisting. Is this nice, young lady sucking a dick and enjoying it? Well, then she probably isn’t a “Lesbian” now, is she? What’s that, your first time ever doing anal? Boy, that 3 inch gape and the ease in which you calmly took a 9 inch black cock in your guts seems to hint otherwise. You escort uşak say you never did this before, but the polygraph test results show, that was a lie!” (Maury Povich) Amazing how women can lose their virginity in 7 different videos, isn’t it? Now Guys specifically, use some common sense here. if you wanna cram cucumbers in your ass, that’s fine, to each their own, believe me I get the idea, my ass is no stranger to produce and I have 3 holes to choose from, so I have no excuses…but straight men and women using the “straight mode” filter do not want to see that. Fortunately there is a handy filter system that Hamster has provided; unfortunately it requires uploaders to have a brain and basic reasoning skills to use it. If you’re gay or bi, good for you, be yourself, but use the damn filter tags and label shit correctly. It’s not rocket science; most of you have an English speaking flag icon on your account. Use 5th grade or higher intelligence; take the time to make these sights better for everyone. Just step back and look at your video or gallery and think to yourself…what 3 words in all of grammar do I remotely understand the meaning of, that fits this upload with reasonable accuracy. Doesn’t have to be a novel, doesn’t have to be perfect, but just try. uşak escort bayan And Trolls…you dick-holes can go do a flying backflip-fuck off a bridge, we get it…you’re a douchebag who enjoys watching the world burn and ruining things for others because you have inadequate souls and tiny cocks. We get it, move on, and find another hobby. Try just masturbating, you’re already on a pornsight, it’s pretty common here. If you can’t get an erection, maybe try knitting instead, or get a cucumber, I do not even care. I just get sick and tired of sitting here bored and horny, typing in nitpicky specific words and rolling my eyes every time, because yet again, it’s flooded with content that has nothing to do with the thing I wanted and specifically typed in. if you don’t know what the word means, DON’T USE IT. If you don’t comprehend how uploading works, stop uploading and look it up. If English is not your first language, don’t mark it as English and then fail miserably trying to guess, either select your language or get a functional lesson on “how to English word gooder”. I don’t feel like I’m asking too much here, so if anyone would like to provide a logical reason as to why this is such an impossible request, leave a comment, I will probably take forever to read it or respond but I’m just being honest here. I can’t be the only one in this boat, why am I the only bitch rowing it?thanks for your time, tune in next week when I pitch a flamboyant fit about something else that just royally peeves my labia.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32