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“You should have seen his face!” Jarl laughed.
Jarl’s loins slapped against Sigrid’s bare buttocks as he thrust into her. Mirja didn’t know what surprised her the most, that the Sister let the prince use her as he pleased or that Jarl had gotten off completely from violating the most fundamental rule of the College.
“I thought he was going to choke on his own tongue as I stood up and just left. It was the best moment of my entire life.”
His hands rested on the Sister’s ass and Mirja could see his cock slide in and out of Sigrid’s rear.
Good thing that I prepared those potions for her. They make her rear as slick as her quim. I probably have to make more if she has finally relented to his wishes.
Mirja couldn’t help but get excited from watching and before she realized it her hand had searched out her pearl and rubbed it lightly.
She had been at the table studying when the two of them had come stumbling through the door. Jarl was dragging Sigrid after him and hadn’t even closed the door before pulling the Sister’s pants down and sinking his shaft into her already slick rear. Mirja hadn’t seen either of them in a few days. She had been busy either studying for finals or warming Leopold’s bed.
“I can’t wait to see the bastards bleeding back,” Jarl said through clenched teeth and thrust hard into Sigrid.
Mirja moved up to Sigrid and whispered into her ear.
“Are you all right?”
The Sister looked sideways at her. There was a mixture of pleasure and pain in her eyes that Mirja recognized all too well. Sigrid nodded. Mirja smiled, but anyway put her hand on Sigrid’s neck and whispered a few words that increased Sigrid’s pleasure even further. She saw the spell take hold of the redheaded Sister and her lips parted. Mirja couldn’t stop herself, she climbed up on the divan and spread her legs in front of Sigrid’s face. She never did wear underwear anymore and not moments later Sigrid’s tongue was lapping at her wet quim. Mirja put her head back and let the euphoria take her.
The taste of Sigrid’s quim lay heavy on her tongue and she just couldn’t get enough of it. The difference now that her womb was occupied was distinct, and Mirja loved it.
Jarl was asleep next to them. He had used them both for several bells before finally succumbing to the Lord of the Night. Mirja’s rear still ached a little from when he had used her. But it was a pleasant memory. His potency was off the charts now that he was completely in Mistress Varja’s clutches.
Sigrid shuddered under her ministrations and Mirja lapped up the last of her juices before climbing up next to her and cuddling in close.
“I missed you,” she whispered.
The Sister stiffened.
“You’re the one that left,” came her sharp voice after a long silence.
Mirja opened her mouth to protest but closed it again. Sigrid was right after all. She had forsaken her friend in favor for her blossoming love for the young duke. Love. Even thinking the word made her blush. But she did love him. He was tender, and rough when she needed it. And he did not mind where her studies took her. In fact, she knew that he would approve of what she had just done. He loved when she spoke of her adventures with other men and women, especially the ones with women. He had her tell him about it over and over as they lay next to each other, often with him running his hands all over her body as she told him where her tongue had been. She was planning to take girls into their bed, but the right time had not yet presented itself.
She lifted her head and looked at Sigrid.
“I’m sorry.”
The Sister looked at her with that stern look of hers. The she nodded. Mirja smiled and kissed her. They lay next to each other speaking softly for several bells.
“What made you relent?” Mirja asked just after the third bell had echoed out.
“That is your fault.”
Mirja’s jaw fell open.
“How can it possibly be−”
“You never got me an invitation.”
Mirja blinked. Invitation?
“This is the price I have to pay for Jarl getting me into the Emperor’s Ball.”
Mirja felt the embarrassment course through her. She had completely forgot about Sigrid’s request. She hadn’t even asked the duke. Mirja studied her friend for a moment. A warm feeling ran through her as she realized that Sigrid actually was her friend. She had never had friends before. Running her hand over Sigrid’s hand and squeezing her fingers tight in her hand, she said:
“I’m sorry.”
This time she really meant it. Sigrid glanced sideways at her, then looked back up at the ceiling.
“It’s fine. It’s not so bad.”
Mirja giggled and nuzzled closer to Sigrid and drew in on her scent.
“I could tell. I guess I shouldn’t tell him that you’ve been riding his cock with your rear more than once and truly enjoyed it?”
Sigrid glared at her. Mirja laughed.
“I’ll make you a few more of those potions, all right?”
Sigrid nodded.
Mirja winced as the whip tunceli escort struck Aelric’s back. There were a few whispers from the crowd but otherwise it had fallen silent after the fifth lash.
Just one more, Mirja thought and sent her good thoughts Aelric’s way. You can do it.
Aelric’s jaws were clenched tight around the wooden stick. Blood was running down his back, soaking his trousers red. There was no doubt about where he was looking. Straight at Jarl. Mirja felt embarrassed for her friend and companion. He was such a jerk sometimes. Now he just stood there, smiling broadly with Sigrid by his side. Mirja shook her head.
At least the winter winds are cooling his back, Mirja thought, pulling her cloak tighter around her as a gust made the flags whip.
The final lash hit home, bringing a new trickle of blood running down Aelric’s back. The worst thing about it was that he wouldn’t be allowed to use magic to heal. He would wear those marks for as long as he lived. Aelric spit out the piece of wood, stood up and pulled his shirt on. It instantly soaked through and red lines crossed his back once more. Mirja thought she could smell the blood in the cold winter air. Aelric turned around and seemed to be walking straight towards her.
“Are you all right?” she asked and put her hand on his as he passed just by her.
He looked at her, seemingly seeing her for the first time.
“I’ll be fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “As soon as I’ve gone and despoiled that bastard’s wife. After I’m done with her, she’ll want no one but me.”
There was a smile on his lips that didn’t match the look in his eyes. Mirja let him go and he stormed off down the street. She stood looking at his crisscrossed back as he went down the path. She sighed.
“Well. That was a lot of fun,” Jarl said behind her.
Mirja took a deep breath, slowly turning around.
“I do not know what you did to get off. That should have been you, understand?”
She had to struggle to keep her voice calm. Jarl just shrugged. Mirja felt like punching him in the gut. But that would just bring her down to his level. Instead she closed her eyes and weaved two new patterns. She could feel the siphoning take hold and the power from her link with Jarl was severed. She stumbled, she hadn’t realized how much she had been draining him. Jarl seemed completely unaware. She opened up the siphon a little and doubled the flux that was now draining down into the ground beneath them. To where the College power crystal store was located.
At least now you will pay a little, she thought looking up at him.
“Shall we go?” Jarl said. “This has put me in the mood to play with the both of you,” he continued slapping Sigrid’s ass.
A week passed without Mirja seeing her friend. She spent most of her free time with Leopold, she never would have guessed how good it could feel to just be in someone else’s company. They could talk for bells, and then make love for bells more without getting tired of each other. It was very strange, but Mirja still missed Sigrid. Both her mind as well as her wonderful body.
One morning as she was slowly riding Leopold’s morning wood, she decided to broach the subject that had been on her mind since last she met with Sigrid.
“Love,” Mirja said, caressing Leopold’s cheek and impaling herself fully on his proud member.
“What is it dear,” Leopold murmured, his eyes still closed.
“Would you mind if I brought another woman to our bed?”
Leopold’s eyes went wide open and in an instant, she could feel him grow another inch inside her. She smiled.
“Shall I take that as a yes?”
Leopold nodded eagerly. Then he looked at her in that way he did when he seemed to be reading her mind.
“You have someone in mind already, don’t you?”
Mirja smirked.
“Do you remember the girl who dropped through the ceiling window?” she said looking up at the window that had long since been repaired.
“The scary one with all the daggers?” Leopold gasped, his eyes wide.
Mirja laughed. Sometimes she forgot what a wimp Leopold was when it came to anything involving actual danger, and especially the drawing of blood. His flesh was starting to shrink inside her.
“The very same,” she nodded.
“Are you sure it will be safe?” he said, brows furrowed.
Mirja sighed. Then she smiled a wicked smile and leant down and whispered in his ear.
“She has the most amazing rear. It can handle anything,” the last word was nothing more than a warm breath. “You can use it as you please.”
His member stirred once more. He grabbed her hips and not two drops of the lead later he flooded her quim with his seed.
“The Emperor relies entirely on Schwabenland and Burdogawa. Without those two duchies the Empire would be as nothing,” Leopold said twirling his moustache with his fingers. “In fact. The central empire could not survive on its own. Did you know that my home duchy provides more than two thirds of the food turgutlu escort to Eldor?”
Mirja shook her head. She glanced over at Sigrid. The Sister was still staring at the mounds of delicacies that lay before them on the table.
“You are allowed to eat you know?” Mirja smirked.
Sigrid looked up at her.
“Do try the lobsters. They are fished in the deepest of the great fjords in the south of Schwabenland. There are none better,” Leopold said, pointing at a huge silver tray that held at least a dozen of the strange creatures. They gleamed bright red in the candlelight.
The three of them were sitting around the smaller of the tables in the dining hall. It was only brought out on special occasions. If they had been seated at the large table, they would have had to shout to each other. Here Mirja could reach out under the table and lay her hand on Sigrid’s thigh. Which she did.
“They’re supposed to be an aphrodisiac,” she said, running her fingers up over Sigrid’s thigh.
Unfortunately, the Sister always wore pants. Very practical, except when one wanted to feel the smooth skin on the inside of her thighs.
“That’s true,” Leopold nodded. “In fact, there was even a war called the War of Lobsters, between Schwabenland and Burdogawa that originated in an event where it was said that lobsters caused the duke of Nitchwa to accidentally lay with the lady Syren of Ranburg.”
Mirja raised an eyebrow.
Leopold nodded and picked up a bacon-wrapped vegetable of some kind and took a tiny bite. It was no wonder that he was as skinny as he was, he barely ever ate properly.
“Nitchwa is in the north-west of Yennow, a long-time ally of Burdogawa, and a prime supplier of arms to the empire, and to especially to Burdogawa. Ranburg on the other hand,” Leopold said putting down half of the green bacon-wrapped thing back on his plate which was promptly carried away by one of the serving girls. “Ranburg is an autonomous city on the border between Schwabenland and Burdogawa and has a long-standing neutrality with us and with the Burdogawi. Interesting fact, there have been seven signings of peace treaties between Schwabenland and Burdogawa in castle of Ranburg. But that wasn’t where I was heading. No. A key to the historical neutrality of Ranburg is that the ruling family does not share blood with any other. All new blood is taken from the most prestigious merchant families in the city, who, given the right amount of bribing can then elevate one of their own to the ranks of the Ranburgers.”
Mirja smiled. She just loved when Leopold went on some tangent dragging up some obscure fact that was barely known to the public.
“This is where the lobsters come in. Lady Syren and the Duke of Nitchwa reportedly shared no less than two dozen among them and ended up in bed. There may also have been a copious amount of wine involved. Anyway. Nine months after, an heir was born. A non-neutral heir.”
Leopold picked up a poached egg with his fork and seemed to study it as intently as he did his books. Mirja was used to this as well and knew that it was best not to disturb him during one of his musings. After almost a drop Sigrid couldn’t bear it any longer.
“And?” she said stabbing a lobster viciously.
Leopold jerked to life, staring at the woman with the knife.
“What happened then?” Mirja filled in, smiling at her lover.
“Ah. Well. Naturally my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather sent in assassins to deal with the issue.”
“Naturally,” Sigrid nodded.
“But they were careless and were caught after the fact. Under torture they revealed their sponsor.”
“Amateurs,” Sigrid sighed.
“Indeed,” Leopold nodded, and Mirja thought she could see a smile on his lips as he watched Sigrid pry open the shell of one of the red beasts.
Mirja couldn’t help but smile herself.
“Casus belli was asserted by the Burdogawi. The war lasted for a little over two years and cost over two million talents in today’s money. But Ranburg kept its neutrality. All for the best in the scope of things.”
“You know a lot of things,” Sigrid said, and Mirja was sure that she saw something in the Sister’s eyes that she hadn’t before.
“I try to keep myself informed,” Leopold said blushing a little.
Sigrid pressed her lips together and studied the young duke for a long while, which to Mirja’s amusement made him squirm in his seat.
“What do you know of the Westerlings?” Sigrid shot out suddenly and Mirja thought Leopold would fall of out of his seat.
After recovering some of his dignity he started nodding slowly.
“A fair bit. I have read all that is in our library with regards to them. We do own some very rare volumes regarding the ancient empire. I−”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Sigrid interjected.
Leopold’s mouth fell open and he gasped for air like a stranded fish.
“Ah. Well,” he frantically looked around the room trying to think of something. “Ah. Yes. Do you turhal escort know why we swear by the Seventh?”
Sigrid shook her head. Mirja closed her eyes, trying to remember. She knew this one …
“There were fourteen castes in the old empire. And the most regarded among them were the First and Seventh. The first were the leaders and rulers while the Seventh were the Keepers of the Gods. It was their duty to keep the wrath of the gods away from the doings of men. And the saying “by the Seventh” has outlived the ancient empire itself and is used frequently still.”
Mirja nodded. She had read that in one of the books, but it hadn’t seemed that important at the time. There had been a lot of other speculations by that specific author.
“Who were the others?”
“Which others?” Leopold said scratching his head.
“The other castes,” Sigrid said putting another lobster tail into her mouth.
Mirja was impressed, Sigrid was already better at eating the things than she was.
“Well. The second through the sixth were the different trading castes. The eighth through the thirteenth were the working castes.”
“And the fourteenth?”
“Those were the likes of Mirja,” Leopold said nodding at her. “Workers of magic.”
Mirja furrowed her brows. She had not known that.
“Why were they the last caste? Were they not respected?”
Leopold wagged his head.
“Not respected as much as feared. Mages were very present in everyday life in the ancient empire and they became immensely rich by monetizing their skills. But there are a multitude of old texts that predicted that the fourteenth would be what would bring the empire down. And in the end, they were right.”
Mirja nodded. She had read a few texts about the Westerlings and it was clear that it had been some magical calamity that had split the land into the current archipelago. And it was a well-known fact that you could not work magic, or even simple things like Longrunners, over the Isles.
“There is a specific saying from the ancient empire that stuck in my mind,” Leopold said rubbing his temples. “It goes something like this”:
The four and the ten,
The corruptors of men,
Fire stalk their wake,
All life in the world they take,
Of betrayal they reek,
Man, woman and child will utter their last sigh,
Once the fourteenth stand on the peak,
the end is nigh.
Silence filled the room as Leopold’s voice quieted down. Mirja looked at Sigrid who sat still in her seat. Her jaws working slowly.
“Cheery people then, those Westerlings?” Mirja said and laughed a little.
“No, not really,” Leopold said, the sarcasm completely lost on him. “But they were right in the end. It was the fourteenth caste that destroyed their empire. Interesting fact, there are some families that still adhere to the custom to send their fourteenth son to the College. It is very likely a relic of that ancient empire.”
Sigrid studied Leopold intently and after a few moments Leopold’s only defense was to keep talking.
“There is supposedly another relic from those ancient times, after the breaking of the Isles the remaining Sevenths created a new order to track down and eliminate any remaining of the Fourteenth and once they were done they retreated far beyond the reaches of the ancient empire and were lost to memory.”
The room went silent again apart from the clicking of heels of the servants who were clearing the table. A few drops later dessert was served. The somber mood remained despite the delicious treats that were arrayed in front of them.
Well, this won’t do, Mirja thought looking at the other two who were both deep in thought.
She stood up and started undressing. It wasn’t until she had almost cleared the table and climbed up on it and lay down on her back that the others were ripped from their reveries. She picked up a few creamy pastries and put them down on her breasts and stomach.
“Dessert is served. Eat. And you’re not allowed to use your hands.”
Mirja laughed as she looked at Sigrid’s face. It was completely white from the whipped cream. The Sister scowled down at her.
“Oh, come on,” Mirja laughed. “You must agree that was fun.”
Mirja’s nipples were standing out like ripe raspberries from where Sigrid’s and Leopold’s tongues had nibbled and licked, and she was wet as a spring river. She stood up on the table and looked down on the two others.
“Tell me dear,” Mirja said looking at Leopold. “Don’t you want to see what she hides under that armor?”
Leopold glanced in Sigrid’s direction but immediately lowered his gaze. Mirja turned towards Sigrid. The Sister was wearing her regular clothing. Which meant tight fitting leather armor and brown pants and shirt. If it hadn’t been for Mirja having seen her in the flesh so many times before she wouldn’t have guessed what was hidden underneath.
“Or do you want to have her with her clothes on?”, Mirja said stepping down off the table and walking behind Leopold, running her hands down over his crotch, feeling his proud member stir. “I can tell her to get on her knees and take you into her mouth, right here, right now,” she said loud enough for the entire room to hear.
The young duke’s flesh grew and Mirja smiled a wicked smile.
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