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And She thought that she could cuckold HimWife surprises husband, husband surprises wife.Cassandra breathed a sigh of triumph as she pulled her car into the driveway. The outside lights were blazing. She could see the back of the house was brightly lit also. Good. Harold was still up and by now was frantic wondering where she had been. He would be receptive to the changes that she was going to make tonight; that she had already made in fact.One part of her regretted what was about to happen. Harold had been a fine provider and a dutiful, if slightly boring spouse. His love-making was adequate, but without the fire and daring that she craved. She was tired of safe and dependable. She had taken the first giant step into a new arena. After tonight, their lives would never be the same.She parked and stood at the front door for an entire minute. She couldn’t help it, she simply had to savor the excitement of what was about to happen. She carefully loosened the strap tying her knee-length coat around her. She grinned at the thought of what was under it.With that smile on her face she opened the door and went in. Her heels clicked on the marble of the foyer. Closing the door behind her she stood and waited. The echo of the door had not faded when Harold rushed into the hallway.”Good Lord, Cassie, where in the world have you been? I’ve been worried sick. You haven’t answered your cell phone. You haven’t called. Where in heaven’s name where you.?”She lifted a hand, cutting off his rush of words. “I’ve been changing our lives, Harold.” With that she flung her coat open and let it slide off her shoulders to fall behind her.Cassandra reveled at the expression on Harold’s face. She had been nude beneath her coat and now he could see what she had been doing. Clad only in her high heels she lifted her arms and turned slowly around.”See the marks, Harold. See the bruises, the bites, the marks of love all over my body. This is where I have been tonight.”Harold stood with his mouth open. Cassandra continued.”Today, after work I changed clothes.” She rubbed her hands up and down her body. “I put on stockings with a garter belt and a short dress. I left my underwear off as I knew it would only get in the way when I found the man or men I was going to fuck.””The club was dark and smoke-filled. The music was loud and the beat made me shiver in excitement. The men were hitting on me from the time I walked in the door. All that I had to do was indicate which one I wanted to dance with and they would lead me to the floor.””I danced wildly, with abandon. I would run my hands over gaziemir escort myself and over every man who danced with me. They bought me drinks and champagne. I leaped onto the stage and did a striptease. I let the moment take me completely as I danced, losing my clothes till I performed in nothing but my heels.”Then it was time, time to fulfill my dream. I picked the two men. One was white, Claude; the other was black, Demetrius. I knew they would not be like you, Harold. I knew they would be forceful and commanding and take their pleasure with me.””They took me into the back room. I fell to my knees immediately and open Claude’s pants. His cock sprang out at me, slapping my cheek before I could grasp it with my mouth. But I did catch it and began to suck him immediately. His cock throbbed in my mouth.””Demetrius lifted my body, pulling me upright in spite of my attempts to keep Claude’s cock in my mouth. Then the two of them were nude and they had me sandwiched between them. Demetrius had his raging cock pressed between my ass cheeks. Claude’s slid up and down between the already puffy lips of my pussy.””Both men together raised me into the air. I felt their cocks touch me, one at the opening to my pussy, the other at the entrance to my ass. The they let me fall and I was split upon them. I screamed in pain and in delight as both huge cocks slammed inside my body. I have never been so full. I thought Demetrius was going to tear my asshole open. I could feel both of them almost touching inside me.””With me pinned between them they proceeded to fuck me. So hard, so deep, they thrust into me. Demetrius bit my shoulders and my neck and slapped my ass over and over until it reddened. Claude twisted my nipples and squeezed my breasts. And both of them rammed their full, long cocks into me again and again and again.””Between the pain and the pleasure I had already come twice when I felt them begin to pant and their long strokes get even more friezened. I closed my eyes in complete rapture as with one last lunge they both emptied themselves into me. I screamed again as their hot cum filled my pussy and my ass.””Oh they left so much in me, Harold. I fear that I have been stretched beyond your ability to enjoy me, but never fear. I have brought home something for you.””Now then, Harold, kneel before me. I want you to clean me up. Dip your tongue into my dripping pussy and ass and lick up the mingled man and woman juices.” Cassandra watched as Harold neared her. His eyes burned as they traveled over her from head to foot. She closed her eyes, set her gaziemir escort bayan hands on her hips and pushed her pelvis forward. His hands touched her arms and she braced for the life-changing moment that was about to occur.”Yikkkkkkkeeeeeeeesssssssss,” burst from Cassandra as she desperately grabbed the porch column to keep from tumbling down the steps. She tried to steady herself and turned around. What had happened? She had felt Harold’s hands tighten on her and then suddenly she was outside with the sound of the front door slamming echoing in her ears.”Harold,” she managed to gasp as the door suddenly reopened. Her husband’s form filled the doorway. His face was frozen as he tossed her the coat she had been wearing. She caught it, then dropped it as her purse followed. He remained in the doorway. He had her key ring in his hands. As she stumbled towards him, he finished removing something from the ring and threw them to her. “Harold!” she called again.”I’ll have your things packed and out in the yard by this afternoon. Don’t try to get in. Don’t call. Don’t email. Don’t anything. I never want to see you again.” Somehow he seemed so tall, so firm and unshakeable. Why had she never seen this before?The door slammed shut and the deadbolt clicked. Galvanized by the sound, Cassandra fumbled through the keys as tried to unlock the door. She realized numbly that the key he had removed was the door key.Wildly she beat on the door. “Harold, please, PLEASE. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would react this way.” It couldn’t end like this, she thought, it couldn’t. He had to let her in. She was the one in control, she always had been.The porch lights went out, followed by the remaining lights in the house, except for the ones in their bedroom. She rushed around to the windows, careless of the fact she was still nude. Standing on her tiptoes she could barely see in the room through the chink in the curtains. Harold passed through her limited field of vision. He was carrying hangers loaded with her clothes. Coming back with empty hands, he repeated the trip, ignoring her frantic tapping at the window.Suddenly she was bathed in light. A female voice called “Sheriff’s Department. What the hell is going on there?””Good Lord, its a nude woman,” a male voice commented.”Figured that out all by yourself did you?” The voices came closer and resolved into the forms of two Deputies. The petite female one looked Cassandra over and sighed. “Are you going to tell us what’s going on or do you simply want us to arrest you for peeping tom and public indecency?”Cassandra escort gaziemir spilled the whole story. During her recital, the large male Sergeant found her coat and wordlessly handed it to her. When she finished both the officers sighed.”I’ll go talk to the husband,” the male Deputy announced. “For whatever good that will do,” he mumbled as he headed for the house. “Sounds like this guy has made up his mind and who could blame him?”The female Deputy assumed a comfortable stance. “Would you please put your coat on, Lady? I’ve been attracted to women in the past but you’re not doing a thing for me.”After a few minutes that seemed to last hours, the front door closed again and the male officer came over. The blonde female looked at him.”Is he okay?””As well as can be expected under the circumstances,” was the reply. “I gave him my card and told him to call me if he wanted to talk. He’s upset but dealing.””Good.” Even under the circumstances Cassandra could hear the concern and relief in the two officers’ voices. All they seemed to care about was Harold.”What, what, what about me?” Cassandra couldn’t help her stammering. “Did you get him to agree to let me back in?”Both Deputies looked at her in amazement. “Now why would I even ask him such a damn-fool thing?” The man said. “My suggestion to you is to carry yourself wherever you plan to spend the night. He’s canceling credit cards right now but said something about you have one only in your name.””Yes,” Cassandra said in a daze, “He always insisted I keep one to make sure I had my own credit in case something happened to him.””Yeah, well, something did. So make the best of your bed. If we have to come back out here, your soon to be ex-husband won’t have to sign a complaint. We’ll do it and give you a charming place to spend the night.” The woman officer turned and walked off. “Let’s go,” she said to her partner. “We’re off in an hour and I want a drink as soon as we are.”The two officers returned to their patrol car. Cassandra heard the female officer say “Honey, if I ever do anything that damn dumb, shoot me will you?””You can count on it,” came the reply. The doors slammed and the car drove off.Cassandra walked numbly to her car and sat down. Now that the flush, the rush of the sex and the excitement was all passed, she realized that she felt dirty. She desperately wanted a bath. Her body ached all over. Neither of the men had been any kind of considerate lover and she realized she was in actually pain, both physical and mental. What the hell had she done? She had been so sure she was the one in control. And now all she could think of was Harold’s warm smile, his gentle touch, the kind and considerate way he had always loved her.Mechanically, she closed the car door and looked one more time at her, at his house. As she did, the last lights went off.(The End)
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