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Being Sexed By a Gentile giant….I was at Joel home, we were going to study history and try a little math, Joel had other plans. As soon as I got to his house, Joel was happier than usual, he was more playful than normal. We retreated to his room and I settled him down by telling him I was going to spring history questions at him.Joel sat on the floor by the desk doing sit ups as I asked him questions. ‘Napoleon ruled what country?…The shot heard round the world was fired when?…’Joel answered each question without hesitation. I asked Joel ‘if you don’t need my help why do you keep asking for me to aide you?’Joel stood up and dropped his pants to his ankles ‘I thought you understood that we are now fuck buddies,’ I knew what he was saying but wasn’t ready to be staring down his huge purplish/black dick head.I looked up at Joel and whispered ‘what happened in the shower and back here was not the right thing to do, you see I’m not gay and I don’t think you are either.’ Joel cut me off saying ‘gay ain’t got nothing to do with it, I like having sex with you and you been ignoring me when I try to get you back here.”Joel, you’ve got to understand that we can’t be seen together always, you need to hang with other guys and girls….’ ‘But I want to have sex with you and you alone, we gonna have sex now, before my moms get home.’Joel stepped out of his pants and lifted his shirt over his head, his body was like some Greek god, with the sweat running down his chest and biceps. Joel had the tights stomach muscles for a guy his size. His biceps were at least twelve inches around and bulged like they would burst.His chest muscles flinched effortless as he spoke and his nine inches of man meat was as thick around as my wrist and throbbed with each eskişehir escort breath he took. I shook my head and slowly reached my hand up to his crotch and started to manipulate his steel hard cock.Slowly I bowed my head to his penis glans and licked playfully at the tip of his cock. Joel moaned sensuously as my tongue played with his gigantic cock, I opened my mouth and slipped my lips over his cock head and sucked gently while Joel stood with his feet apart rubbing his hands up and down his massive chest.Finally I pulled back and stood and removed my shirt pants, underwear and shoes. We stood there looking at each other, it was than I figured out Joel did not know what to do next. I gripped him by his cock and slowly pulled him to his bed.I moved closer to him and slipped my arm under his around his small waist, his cock sticking me in my navel, I looked up and asked ‘how do you want me…’His eyes twinkled and his lips smiled slightly ‘I dunknow I just wanna fuck…’I thought that I best try and keep a little advantage ‘I’ll lay on my back so I can hold you and guide you.’ Joel moved to me as i laid back on his bed, as I lifted my leg to the bed Joel placed a knee on the bed. I scooted over to the center of the bed and Joel shifted his knees to follow me.Joel laid down on top of me his rigid cock not bending or giving, poking me solidly where ever it pointed. Joel slipped his hand between us and tried to guide his rigidly stiff cock to my anus. I asked ‘Joel do you have some lubricant?’ He looked at me quizzically ‘what’s that?’I quickly reached between us and captured his massive cock in my hand and tried to explain to him that ‘we needed something to help you slide up into me.’ ‘We didn’t use that stuff before in the escort eskişehir shower or when we got back here.’ Good thing I was holding his huge throbbing cock in my hand or he would have tried to enter my butt and probably ripped me apart.I smiled and told him ‘Joel when we were in the shower the soap acted as lubricant. And when we got back here my butt was full of your come and didn’t need any extra lube.’Joel was now beginning to breath very hard and sweat profusely, I placed my other hand on his chest pushing him up just a little and asked ‘do you have any baby oil?’ Joel smiled and jumped off the bed out the door he ran naked and bake he came pouncing on the bed between my legs.Producing a bottle of baby oil he asked ‘we can use this right?’ I poured some in my hand and applied it to his enormously huge dick and wondered how the hell he got all that dick in me before with out ripping my butt open.I poured a huge amount of the baby oil on to my anus and tried to get as much as possible into my butt hole. Gripping Joel by his gigantic fuck tool I guided him to my awaiting anus.Just as soon as his dick head touched my puckering anal opening Joel lunge forward and sunk his huge head into my butt. I cried out sharply as he pulled back and ordered him ‘Joel, stop now…’ He looked at me like a hurt puppy.His huge cock head was still lodged in my ass and throbbed like a massive pump. I looked up and gasping between throbs ‘Joel, remember what I told you, take your time don’t rush, you can hurt me very badly if you don’t be careful!!!’Joel smiled at me and whispered ‘I don’t want to hurt you, I’ll take my time.’ I loosened the grip that I had on his dick and my hand brushed my butt I could not believe how huge Joel was till eskişehir escort bayan I felt his rigid dick in y anus. Joel slowly worked his dick back and forth slowly. With each movement I was gasping for breath through the pain of his mammoth fuck tool in my butt.Once Joel had half his huge dick in my ass I slipped my arm around his mid section and tried to guide his humping so as not to injure my fuck hole. Joel was really gentle and worked his huge dick all the way into my anal cavity till his pubic hair was mashed against my limp cock.Joel had an idea as to what he wanted to do and as soon as his entire cock was lodged in my rectum he started to grind like a grinding stone. Huffing and puffing with each movement Joel was fucking my ass like a pro. I was moaning and groaning from pain and lust as this huge brute had passionate sex with me.The only time I got scarred was when he got close to reaching his climax and started to ram uncontrollably into me. I tried to brace my arms between him and me but to no avail. Joel reached under me gripping both my buttocks in his huge hands and rammed his cock deep as he could in my butt.I was so glad when he finally shot his load of spunk up in my butt that I kissed and sucked his chest and arms passionately. Joel had what seemed like gallons of come built up in his testicles. As he flooded my rectum I could feel and hear the sloshing of his spunk as it filled my anal cavity.When he had filled me he collapse down on me and pinned me to the mattress as he caught his breath. All the time his gigantic cock was throbbing in my anus, I was helpless to push him off, even though I tried he laid there like a dead man till he had emptied his copious amounts of baby making fluid into my anus.Joel lifted his head and smiled ‘that was good, we do it one more time and than we stop.’ I looked at him and reminded him ‘your moms will be home any minute we need to stop and clean up.’ Joel looked over at the clock and than said to me ‘We’ll fuck more after she goes to sleep.’

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