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Boat shopping turns into sex with strangersWhile shopping for a boat we saw a listing on CL for a 40′ older Chris Craft, so Sunday we decided to go take a look, it was a 45 minute drive to the marina, my wife was wearing a short white pleated tennis skirt and the matching polo top with no bra, sneekers and a visor completed the casual look, when she was in the I car I noticed she had on sheer white panties, I was hoping for none at all, we stroked and fondled as we drove along, it was a beautiful day out, the lake was full of boaters and skiers,We walked up to the marina office to check the bulletin board for any other boat for sale ads, a young guy came out of the office to ask if we needed any help, if my wife had not been with me I know he would not of come out, he just wanted to check her out, and she’s a flirt so he enjoyed talking to her, he did tell us about a boat not listed yet but up for sale, as we were walking around we met a guy that had come to look at the same boat we had come up to see, we talked about which ones he’d already checked out and not to bother with, we all climbed aboard to check it out, it was ok, inside, restored but not finished, Rick and I went out to check the hull, as we were standing on the floating dock around the bow my wife said something about the boat, we looked up and she was standing on the bow of the boat holding onto the rail, this was no accident, we both looked up to see her freshly shaved pussy a few feet above our heads, the white panties were gone, her legs were slightly spread for balance, and our pleasure, edremit escort we didn’t hear anything she said, we just stared at her pussy, it was a great rush to she her putting on a show for a guy we had met 10 minutes ago,When he saw that I didn’t mind at all him checking out her smooth pussy he moved closer to the boat, and we all knew what was going on and it was ok, she came back down and we went to check out other boats, they talked the whole time as we walked, when we would reach the next one she would climb up first and make sure we got a good view of her beautiful tanned firm ass, she would stop and turn to ask a question with her ass and pussy on full display, we finally got to the boat the guy from the office had told us about, after we had checked it out we sat to talk, Rick was behind the wetbar, I was on a small sofa but she sat on a tall directors chair right across from him,I looked and her knees were spread open and aimed right at him while we talked about things, turns out he had been into the swing lifestyle with his ex-wife and told us about a few off premise parties in the state he still attended, we told him a few of our advetures at some of the strip clubs and theatres, he came around from the bar and stood next to her and started rubbing her thigh then feeling her tits while kissing her, she spread her legs wider, they stopped for a second and looked at me, I had my hard cock out and was happy watching the show, she felt his cock through his shorts then asked if he wanted her to suck that cock for him, he had it out edremit escort bayan and kicked off his shorts instantly, he sat in the tall chair and she slowly moved down on her knees between his legs, she held his cock an inch from her open mouth and looked over at me, I gave her an ok sign and she turned to look up at into his eyes as she slid her red lips over the head of his cock, he moaned out loud and leaned his head back, then she started really going to work on him, sucking it in as far as she could then sliding it out and rubbing it around in circles around her mouth, kissing and licking his cock while holding his balls, every so often looking over at me and winking with a strangers cock in her mouth, she knew what I liked, she stopped to take her top off, said she didn’t want any cum on it, then she went back to sucking his cock, he told her he was close to cumming, she said she wanted it on her face, she knew that was another of my favorites, and just hearing her say the words were really exciting.Then the boat rocked a bit and we looked over and the young guy from the office was stepping into the boat, he had been watching the show my wife was putting on from outside and already had his hard cock in his hand as he stepped in, he didn’t say a word, just sat down stroking his cock while watching my wife, then Rick stretched out his legs straight and grabbed my wife’s blonde hair and aimed his cock at her face while she sat back lower and looked up at him waiting, she glanced over at the young guy and winked at him then Rick grunted escort edremit and started to shoot his cum on my wife, after the first shot landed on her cheek she opend her mouth and let him squirt some onto her tongue, some shot across her forehead and into her hair, he finished right between her open eyes which dribbled down the side of her nose and down to her lips and she played with it with her tongue, she cleaned Rick’s cock up with her mouth, and then asked the young guy if he was ok ?, he said he was trying not to cum but he had never seen anything like this happen at the marina, that this only happened in the movies,She went to him as he sat on the other end of the sofa from me and got on all fours facing me, her ass was up in the air ready for whatever the young guy wanted, and as we started kissing she reached back and flipped her little skirt up onto her back and started fingering and spreading her pussy for him, she looked back at him and said well ?, he jumped up on his knees and scooted right up behind her as if ready to fuck her, but it was too late and he was too young and he started to cum before his cock even touched her pussy, she told him it was ok and to cum on her ass, she has these two dimples at the base of her spine just above each ass cheek, he came a lot, up on her back, there were puddles on her dimples, it was running down her ass, along her cunt and dripping down her thighs, I thought his cum would of looked great on her face and tits, but it just happened before we could do anything, we all sat around talking and exchanged phone numbers, the guy said he had to stay and clean up the boat in case the owner showed up and saw the cum spots, Rick walked us back to the first boat so my wife could get her panties she had taken off, then to our car and thanked us.

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