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There was no other way to describe the scene in my apartment than utter mayhem. My living room was in shambles, one brother on the floor totally incapacitated, the other being choked out by Tariq and me Pa was wielding a baseball bat and shouting obscenities. I had to intervene. I ran in screaming;


It took me twenty minutes of explaining how Tariq brought me home out of the rain on his motorcycle. And his spending the night on the futon was out of necessity while his clothes dried. But the only thing that calmed me Pa down was the U.S. Marine tattoo with the words Semper Fi on Tariq’s right forearm.

“Were you a Marine Lad? I’m a fellow Jar head; I served in Vietnam, Hoorah!” Me Pa proudly boasted.

“Yes Sir, Sgt. First class. I did four tours in Iraq.” Tariq responded in kind.

“Well come down stairs son, you must be starved. I’ll have Maggie make you some breakfast.” Me Pa insisted.

Tariq put on his clothes and off they went, leaving my brothers and I to clean up my apartment. That Monday I went to the library on my day off with the purpose of apologizing to Tariq and keeping an eye on Sheila. My kitty was still sore from that Friday night and Sheila couldn’t help but noticed me limping to the front desk.

“Hey girl, isn’t this your day off? And why are you limping?” she inquired.

“Honey you don’t want to know. Have you seen Tariq? Never mind, there he is. I’ll be back.”

Tariq and I joked and laughed reliving the weekend, but the more intimate details seemed to have made things too steamy. That’s when Sheila walked in on us kissing;

“Oh look at you two love birds. See Tariq, I told you it would work.” She boasted with a devilish smile.

Apparently that whole episode that Friday with them being all close and touchy feely, was for my benefit, using my quick temper against me. She knew I would react drastically. Hey, what can I say? It worked. As for the envelope he gave her, well it was the Rihanna tickets that were supposed to be for our date but Sheila used them with her fiancé.

That night he convinced me to go to his condo with the lure of making me dinner. And while on tour of his beautiful home, lavished in African art and photos of his family and military life, he told me his story. He has a twin brother named Trevor with whom he is very close. They were raised by their aunt after their parents died in a car accident. After high school he joined the marines to put his brother through college and now that Trevor works on Wall Street; he is returning the favor for Tariq.

After dinner it was pretty clear to me what he wanted for dessert and I wanted him also, despite the soreness. We stared at each other from across the table long enough. So I stood up and stripped down to my panties and straddled him at his dinning room table. We kissed with a savage passion that rocked the plates on the table. He removed his shirt while I tussled with his belt and the button on his pants. Then he stood up holding me in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist and we ventured off to the staircase leading up to his bedroom. Halfway up his carpeted stairs, he placed me down to remove his pants, releasing his sweet unbridled beast. I anxiously engulfed him, deep sucking his shaft as he moved the hair from my face to view my work. I wanted to taste every drop of his sweet warm essence in my mouth but my throbbing wet pussy had other plans.

“Fuck me baby! Oh God! I want you so deeply inside me.” I begged.

“Anything for you my Angel.” He whispered

He sat on the steps next to me and encouraged me to get on top. My enthusiasm betrayed me when I jumped on his lap and slammed my tongue in his mouth. I position his cock to my pleasure box and slowly worked him in. I twirled my hips and gently forced inch after beautiful inch till there was no pain, only euphoria. His embrace was epic, his caresses were amorous, making me so fucking hot and causing me to quicken my stride.


He grabbed both of my breasts, squeezed them together and brushed his tongue rapidly across both nipples relentlessly, it drove me nuts. My cum was streaming so much I could hear the splash every time I pound down on his dick.

“Oh GOD! I cumming, I cumming, I cumming!” I whined.

My left nipple was being sucked semi hard with the flicker of his tongue; he grabbed my waist and rapidly pulled me into his powerful upstrokes. It was so primal, fierce and sexy. His grunts were vibrating through my chest, urging on my orgasm. I leaned way back as that familiar trembling sensation gradually radiated from my depths, bringing me to the most explosive mind blowing orgasm.


I leaned forward and hugged him tightly, my body shaking and my teeth chattering. He turned me over onto the steps and took over, fucking me with his deep manly thrusts. The intensity in his face bursa otele gelen eskort warned of his arriving climax. His pistons was at full form and I felt every grove of his dick sliding in then out of me, manipulating my pleasure points till I could hardy blurt out;

“Oooow Please don’t cum inside me.”

“OOOH SHIT! UH UH I’M ABOUT TO…” He attempted to yell.

He pulled out, stroking his huge cock over me, I sat up to lick his tip in anticipation and SPLASH, streams and streams of sweet cream eruption coated my face and filled my mouth. He grabbed the banister and collapsed before me breathing as I licked his essence off my lips. He kissed up my body reaching my neck and whispered in my ear;

“Last one to the shower has to make breakfast.”

Needless to say I lost that race but I won in other ways. Months went by and it became increasingly clear to me Pa that Tariq and I were dating and getting really serious. He and my brothers really liked Tariq; they would go to sporting events and work on me Pa boat together. But for some reason me Pa couldn’t shake his conflict over Tariq’s race when it came to his baby girl. The constant ribbing from his old cop cronies didn’t help with the matter. Me pa would ask me on occasion;

“Kaitlyn, I know you like Tariq and all, but do you think it’s wise to get too serious? Mind you don’t break your mother’s heart.”

I loved the way he threw mother under the bus when he actually meant his heart. Besides me Ma absolutely adores Tariq and loves how happy he makes me. So I looked at him, giving him my saddest puppy dog eyes and said;

“Aw Pa, please don’t be this way. I love him and he loves me and he treats me right. Besides look at the size of that man, who is going to appose of our relationship to him?”

He melted as usual, hugged me and said; “Kaity, Kaity, Kaity. What am I gonna do with you?”

Ahh the advantage of being the only daughter, you got to love it. But little did I know that this would still be an issue to this very day.

This month marks the tenth month since Tariq and I met and probably the best month of my life. My teacher’s certification came through, Tariq took his bar exam and Sheila is marrying her fiancé this weekend. But last week was the best. Tariq agreed to let me throw Sheila a bachelorette party that Friday at his place and we had a blast. Good music, a host of good lady friends, food and drink and three male strippers made it an exceptional evening. After the party, Sheila and her neighbor, a pretty and petite Columbian girl name Marisol stayed to help clean up but we were way too wasted. As we went through the gifts Sheila asked a question that completely changed the climate of the evening.

Sheila: “Lord Girl, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. And that one stripper named Onyx I believe. Well did you see the dick on that guy?”

And me in my drunken haze, “He’s ok I suppose but he has nothing on Tariq.”

Marisol: “Ay Dios mio Chica, don’t hold out on us. How big is it?

“Well it’s hard to describe, it’s fat and almost as long as my forearm. I took a picture of it but I can’t find my camera. You have to see it to believe it.” I answered

Sheila: “I know that’s right, the way he has you limping all over the place, ha ha ha. I am curious though, hmm. You know what? I have an idea.”

I could almost see the wheels turning in her head but her evil smile said it all. She searched through her gifts and pulled out a blue box and came up with her plan. She told me to call Tariq and convince him to come home early. We were all shit faced and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Her plans were to get him nice and liquored up and then, somehow slip him a Viagra from one of her gag gifts. The intention was to get him hard so they see the bulge outline in his pants but we never counted on it working so well.

Two hours into the plan, Tariq was feeling very loose and inebriated from his multiple Tequila shots and beer chasers. And judging by the raging protrusion down his inner left thigh, the Viagra we sprinkled in his beer was working perfectly. I was sitting next to him on his living room couch and Sheila and Marisol was sitting on the sectional across from us with a great view of his inseam. We joked and laughed for a while until his throbbing member took center stage. When things quiet down, Tariq noticed the ladies staring lustfully between his legs and he smiled. He leaned over and whispered in my ear;

“I think they had too much to drink. Come upstairs, I have something to show you.”

I giggled and said, “I bet you do. Go ahead and I’ll follow shortly.”

When he left, I told the girls if they wanted to see it in all of its glory, to give me ten minutes and come upstairs, I’ll leave the door open. On my way upstairs I stripped to my bare essence, tipsy as hell with naughty intentions. When I reached the bedroom, Tariq was sitting on the side of bursa eve gelen escort bayan the bed with his back towards the door, his pants were off and it seemed as if he was rubbing his cock to sooth it.

“Hey there Tiger, what’cha got there?” I asked in my coy naughty little taunt.

And without turning to notice my naked surprise he responded, “I don’t know what’s going on but my dick feels like the incredible Hulk.”

I walked around to his side of the bed, where he couldn’t help but notice me. His mouth dropped as I said, “That’s a pretty stiff situation you have there. It would be a shame to let that go to waste. Lay back and let me kiss it to make it feel better.”

I kneeled before my chocolate king, in total awe with his impressively strong black staff. It seemed to have grown larger and thicker from the effects of the pill. I stroked his length, licking the warm blood flushed head as it pulsed against my tongue. I wrapped my lips around his beautiful black cock and sucked the world away. He grabbed my hair and lift his hips to thrust himself deeper into my mouth, the sounds of me gagging drives him wild. His deep tone moans where more audibly prounced, echoing off the walls. In my haste to please my king, I completely forgotten about Sheila and Marisol untill I opened my eyes and saw them standing in the doorway engrossed in my king’s wealth. I smiled at their familiar look of astonishment and I whispered to the two inibriated ladies;

“Don’t just stand there, help me with this thing.”

I couldn’t believe what I’d just said, but fuck it, let’s blame it on the alcohol, right? The two ladies look to each other for reasurrance, smiled and nodded their heads in agreement and giggled as they entered the room. I climbed on the bed to straddle Tariq, hoping he wouldn’t be alarmed by our guest and whispered in his ear;

“I hoped we could do something different tonight and have a little fun.”

He saw the two ladies walking towards the bed undressing and inspecting his beautifully built body. He looked at me with elation and pulled me closely into his kiss. The ladies made their preasence felt, climbing into bed, rubbing and kissing my pert little arse while stroking and massaging Tariq’s throbbing vessel. Sheila was amorously vocal while kissing my buttocks and pinching and plucking my clit.

“Mmm Kaity, I love this tight little pink ass. Mari let me see you suck that cock. Yea, that’a girl, just like that.”

While Tariq sucked my breast with me on top, Sheila inserted two of her fingers into my hot moist slit, gently stroking my kitty kat, I couldn’t help but to purr. Then Tariq urged me to sit on his face and I obliged, positioning myself in the sixtynine position. I wanted to witness these ladies masterfully consume my Kings cepter while he tongue my precious little pearl. It was amazing watching their lips and tongues smothered each side of his shaft, up and down, meeting at the top and impeding Tariq’s pussy eating stride every so often. When their lips eventually met, they slipped into the most erotic passionate kiss. Marisol kissed with this intense latin desire that only complimented the rich fullness of Sheila’s lips. Instinctively I grabbed and stroked his cock while I enjoyed this spectile, it was making me so fucking wet. Mari caressed Sheila’s sexy chocolate body, squeezing her firm voluptuous arse. Sheila reciprocated in kind by rubbing Mari’s pink tiny clit as she twirled her tongue in Mari’s mouth. Tariq’s tongue was so deep inside me, it made me tremble but I was determined to insinuate myself into the ladies mix. As our three tongues converged in a lustful dance, I felt Sheila’s hand take from me the control of Tariq’s cock, ultimately leaving Marisole and I to lose ourselves in our inferno.

Marisol pulled me off Tariq and onto her, making our own little space on that massive bed. Her smoky olive skin was warm to the touch, so beautifully petitte. I reached between her legs to tease her sweetness while I sucked her stiff pretty brown nipples and her pussy was on fire. Her eyes rolled back and she pushed my head down between her thighs and said;

“A Dios mio, Momi, eso siente estupendo. Coma mi chocha Bebe, te necesito comer me por favor.” (Oh my God! Mommy, that feels great. Eat my pussy baby, I need you to eat me please.)

Her sexy accent compelled me to do so. I never been with a woman before, but I know what I like and I’d learned a lot from Tariq. Besides Marisol is fucking sexy as hell. Meawhile Sheila was keeping herself quite occupied deep throat sucking Tariq’s huge cock. She gingerly caressed and licked his balls, ran her tongue up his shift and wrapped her full lips around his head and forcefully ram his dick down her gullet. The suction and slurping told the true story, she was putting in work and she loved her job. It was more than Tariq could stand, he sat up quickly on the bed and held Sheila’s head pleading for mercy;

“Ooow please! Fuck! That was so fucking incredible, I think you found my kryptonite!”

“What can I say? I love sucking dick and you my dear have a lovely one.” She explained so boldly.

Sheila stood up, grabbed his hand and lead him to the recliner in the corner of the room. She sat down, lain back and threw her legs over each armrest. Tariq eagerly followed and kneeled before her, burying his face deeply between her mahagony toned thighs. The sweet blissfull anguish that chiseled the familiar pattern on her face sent chills through me and inspired my devilish performance. It was quickly evedent that Marisol’s pussy was super sensitive, her bucking and moaning at the slightest kiss made licking her kitty exhilarating. I felt so naughty eating her like a ripe mango with her sweet juices glazing my face. And judging by her increasenly spastic vulva her end was near.

“Aye! Aye! Mami Si! Si! Eso! Eso! Chupa me! Chupa! OH! OH! Ooow Oh my God! Mami. AHHHHH!” (Mommy yes! Yes! That’s it! That’s it! Suck me! Suck!)

Marisol came so hard she squirted her warm necter all over my lips. Her pussy kept throbbing prolonging her bliss, making it hard for her to recover. I cuddled her in my arms brushing her hair from her face as her convulsions slowly subsided. But my attentions was on Tariq’s and Sheila’s performance. Surprisingly, I was not at all jealous, as a matter of fact I was quite turned on watching my King tongue wrestle Sheila’s pussy into submission. She was no longer that sassy self assured high maitenance Diva that I looked up to. Now she was this docil little sex vixen cooing at my man’s manic manipulations, oh how fucking sexy. I found myself figering my hot wet box and still holding Mari close to me. His fat tongue licking her stiff clit into the folds of his lips, then sucking and gently pulling her clit with his mouth, made her high pitched screams deafening. When he was pleased enough with her level of arosal, he stood up and traded places with her on the recliner.

She mouted him and reached behind her to grabbed his cock and plunged him deep as she could bare. Slowly she rode my King, advancing inch after inch in her stride. Tariq’s massive hands were clutched firmly around her plump round buttocks, delighted in her reactions as he plowed deeper with every stroke. He licked and sucked her right nipple as the pace quickened. Her breath was labored, her moans were mixed with wimpers as if she was crying but she didn’t want to stop. She began to pounce harder and faster on that dick, enduring the total gerth and length as if she needed the sweet angony it bestowed. She kept contradicting herself;

“Oh God! This dick is soo fucking good. It’s too fucking big! Don’t stop! Stop! Don’t you dare stop!”

Tariq’s cock and balls was lathered with her cum and she showed no sign of stopping, pounding away. By then I had two fingers in me and a recovered Marisol was kissing my breast and making her way down my body. The way Sheila worked her hips and arse was rhythmical and hipnotic, making her arse clap and bounce off Tariq’s thighs like two bubbles, I salivated. Tariq picked her up, brought her to the bed and laid her down. He positioned her legs high by her head and slid himself inside her and ram fucked her with impunity. Marisole was now between my legs spreading my pussy lips apart and planted her warm soft lips around my exposed tingling pearl. I felt my eyes cross from every beautiful lick, practicully bluring my vision of the activities on the other side of the bed. Sheila’s body began to violently shake with orgasm, her speach was shorten and breathy. Her balled fist was pounding the bed frantically while Tariq balls slammed against her anus from deep dick drilling. She screamed with such intensity as her first orgasm released;

“OOOH SWEET LORD! AH! AH! OH MY GOD! Please wait, wait. AHHH! OH GOD!”

She screamed and pleaded Tariq for mercy but he ignored her and plowed on, bringing her another powerful orgasm.

“OOOOH GA! GA! GOD! OH SHIT! I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

Her body fell limp and trembling from exhaustion. Tariq pulled out and hovered over her, assessing his work. Proud of himself, he turned to look at me, smiled and whispered to me “I love you.” Instantly a wave of sensations rushed through my body, triggering my orgasm. I pulled Marisol hair to force her face deep ito my snatch and I rubbed my clit up and down her mouth as she stuck her tongue out to accomendate my foray.

“AHHHH! OH GOD! OH GOD! Hmm mmm mmm.”

I finally released Marisol and relaxed to calm myself on the big fluffy pillows. Mari was still between my legs on her knees and her head was resting on my belly. She was caressing my thighs and planting tiny kisses on my navel when I saw Tariq staring at Marisol tiny arse perched in the air. He left Sheila weakened body to recouperate and crawled slowly behind Marisol with his evil grin and a rock hard cock. He began to rub and squeeze Mari’s arse and hips, pulling her close so she can feel the weight of his thick sticky unit against her thighs. She reached between her legs and stroked his dick and said;

“Mmm Poppi are you going give me the leche? Da me Poppi, da me la leche.”

“Oh you want my leche huh? Let’s see if you’re willing to work for my leche.” He replied.

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