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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Caught dad with hooker.My dad had been sick in cancer for a long time.I drove by his house everyday to give him something to eat.This day was like every other day.I finished work and drove by the grocery store.As i parked outside his house, kıbrıs escort i noticed a old european car outside his house.Didnt think much about it as a walked to dads front door and rang the doorbell.I just heard dads voice “Come in , escort kıbrıs son!! “Entered the old house and walked in the kitchen.I put the beers and the chickenwings in the fridge.- Come in son, dad screamed.I walk to his bedroom.And kıbrıs escort bayan he wasnt alone !!He had called my regular hooker.- She is better then you said , he said as he looked at me for a second.Then he turned back looking at her sucking his cock.I saw the smile on dads face as he came in her mouth, pumping his cum in her mouth.She stopped sucking him , the cum dripped from her mouth as she said.- Is your son paying ?I looked at dad, he looked at me….to be continued.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32