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Big Tits

Every Wednesday I go and treat myself to a latte. Just a little treat to soothe my nerves and pamper myself. I hardly have time to enjoy it because I’m off again to another meeting, another appointment, another commitment. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to just slow down and relax every day, and not just on Wednesdays…

I’m waiting in line to place my order. It’s funny how predictable people are. I bet I can name the exact order of everyone in line in front of me. Up front is the tall blonde lady who gets a grande hazelnut flavored iced frappuccino. Next is the old woman who usually has a decaf tea. Then the handsome man with the glasses behind her always orders a tall hot cafe americano, black. (I don’t mind being behind him in line because the view is quite nice!) I, whom have some semblance of free will, prefer to change it up a little. I generally order just a latte but some days it’s a caramel macchiato and others it’s peppermint mocha.

I guess you could say what someone drinks tells you a lot about a person. Miss. “frappuccino” is probably “frigid” and judgmental, concerned more about image than health — those things are loaded with calories! The sweet “tea toddling” lady probably lives alone with her three cats. Mr. “hot cafe” much like his coffee may be “tall, dark and handsome” rocking the sexy male librarian look behind his wire frame glasses.

I wish I had been paying more attention to my own drink/personality this time because before I knew it, I was crashing into Mr. Cafe spilling my latte all over me AND him! (I hate coffee abuse.) As my face turns beet red, I yelp “Oh, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking.” He seems frustrated but doesn’t raise his voice. “Look, I have to be in a meeting in 10 minutes but it’s OK.”

I smartly offer to pay for his dry-cleaning; figuring the blazer he’s wearing probably is worth saving from permanent coffee stain. But as I’m inspecting his clothing for “damage” I notice he’s in a button down shirt and jeans with comfortable loafers. He’s also toting a decent package in those jeans, causing me to blush even further as I slowly raise my eyes back up to his.

He smiles and quietly chuckles, thinking I’m embarrassed that I got caught looking. But to be honest I was hatching a plan and I had to act fast. I hand him my business card, and tell him to drop by my office later that week with the receipt after he gets the coat cleaned. However, just a moment before he gets his fingers onto the edge of the card, I lean forward and slip it into his pants front pocket, making sure to brush my hand across his crotch. (I’m not disappointed, for it’s warm and firm. Unless I’m imagining it, he’s getting stiff just standing there.)

I smile warmly and walk briskly away…


What just happened? Miss. clumsy mocha latte just spilled her hot drink on me and I think she just copped a feel. Wow, what a morning this has been. To be honest, she wasn’t half bad looking, and I think I saw that she was wearing a red bra under that blouse of hers. (I wasn’t really looking but when she leaned forward to tuck that card into my pants; I could see the “pleasant valley” between her “white mountains.” I think I’ll stop by her office just to see her again.


Three days pass and I hear nothing. Pretty sad when the most excitement I get in a week is an accidental coffee spill and a failed attempt at getting a date for the weekend. Then, the phone rings.

“Hello?” I wait for an answer. “Hi, it’s the guy from the coffee shop, Jim.” (It’s HIM!) “Oh, hi Jim, glad you got back to me. I thought you had forgotten my offer.” I wait again to see what he says next. feriköy escort “Um yes, about that. I don’t really need you to pay for my dry cleaning. It wasn’t really that much. But I wanted to thank you for the gesture and well, um, maybe if you’d like to meet after work for a latte at our usual coffee shop, I could at least buy you a drink.” (Damn, he just turned it around on me. Why do guys have to be knights in shining armor?)

“You know Jim, we both only work a few blocks away, would you mind terribly grabbing the coffees and bringing them over here I’d really appreciate it. I’m bogged down here with work but would hate to pass you up on your gracious offer.” (Honestly, my memory had drifted from coffee and blazers to his eyes. There had been something there that told me he was curious. I could use a man like that right now.)


“Um, sure. I can come by around 5:30pm.” (This is going somewhere but I’m not sure where or that I want to go there.) “I can’t stay too long; I have to head to the gym tonight.” She chuckles and says goodbye. I’m trying to figure this lady out. She bumps me, offers to pay. Then when I tell her not to bother and that I’ll grab something for both of us, she expects me to come by like an errand boy with her coffee. She’s got a lot of nerve.

I arrive at her office and it’s empty except for me and her. She’s sitting at her desk but I see her shoes are on the floor. (I wonder if she realizes I can see her legs?) As she uncrosses her legs, I realize there’s a tightness in my jeans that wasn’t there before. Her hair’s pulled up in a messy bun and the glow from her laptop reflects off her glasses. She looks up at me smiling and I don’t know what it is about her but I’m frozen in place just looking back at her. Maybe it’s the naughty librarian thing?


I know I have a gift with men. I may not be a supermodel but I have what they want. They adore me; they just don’t know it yet. I wanted this Jim, my Mr. Tall Dark Hot Cafe Americano. I wanted to savor every drop. The question was not did he want me, but was he worthy of me.

“Would you be a dear and pull up a chair so we can enjoy our coffee together?” I ask in the sweetest voice I can muster. He shrugs and walks over placing the coffee on my desk and plopping himself down into the chair across from me. I close my laptop, slowly remove my glasses and adjust myself to sit more comfortably. As we sit and sip, I look over the brim of my cup and study him. Jim has a firm square jaw, sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. But what I’m finding the most interesting is his hands. I bet he’d give a great back rub with those hands.


There’s something intense about this woman, but I’m not minding the attention. She looks me in the eyes and hasn’t looked at my crotch once. Maybe I was just imagining that. I must say, she smells good and watching her mouth as she sips her coffee is causing my mind to wander. I know her name is Maria from her business card, but I really don’t know this woman at all. So why am I thinking about her mouth…hmm?


Oh, I just want to cut to the chase but I need to see if he’ll take direction. He did well so far, but it all changes once I bring sex into it. Does he like to play, and will he play with me? I need a man that isn’t afraid to let me take the reins and show him how to really please me. I see such potential in Jim but you can’t just outright ask a guy this. Or can I?


She’s definitely up to something. I can tell she’s going to ask me a question, gülbağ escort I can feel it. I almost think I should get up and walk away now. But, something is keeping me here. I think it’s her mouth. No, maybe it’s her eyes. It’s definitely not the coffee. Man I need to do something it’s getting warm in here.

I let my hair down and watch for his reaction. He watches and smiles, almost like a child anticipating a treat. Good. I continue to sip my coffee with one hand and loosen a couple blouse buttons with the other. He’s watching much more closely now. Very good.


Wow, I think her perfume is making me lightheaded. “Should I open a window for some air?” She just shakes her head and tells me to stay put. (What am I a dog? Oh, please.) But, I’m not getting up. I’m just sitting there, caught up in her cleavage. Damn, some milk for the coffee would be nice right now.


“So Jim, you single? Seeing anyone? Available tomorrow night perhaps? I make a killer lasagna if you’re interested.” (Oh my god, did I just say all that out loud?) “Um, sorry I do that sometimes. Just blurt out what I’m thinking. It’s perfectly normal.” He’s looking at me funny but he’s not leaving. “You know what, they say to be blunt with men so I’ll just tell you now, my back is killing me having sat here all day. So there’s a bit of tension I need to work out. You said something about going to the gym, so maybe I should probably let you go and head over to the spa for a massage.”


I don’t know why, but I like that she’s honest with me. No head games. I could give her a little foot or shoulder rub before I go. Why not? Sounds like she works hard and just needs a little relaxation. I can relate to that. “Why don’t I help you with that?” (Did I just say that? I don’t understand this. I keep offering to do stuff for her. What am I getting in return?) Although, I don’t HAVE to go to the gym. She seems eager to “get to know me.” Maybe I can just get some “cardio” with her tonight?


I get up from behind the desk and walk over to him turning my back to him and slowly sitting down on his lap. I feel him hot between my cheeks. God that gets me so hot. I loosen the rest of the buttons on my blouse and turn to look at him. He’s in shock, I know it. Oh man I moved too quickly. Great, here come the harassment charges! But instead he reaches up and gently starts rubbing my shoulders and neck. Mmm, now that does feel good. I think he just passed my next test.


Oh what the hell, she’s practically throwing herself at me. It’s not like I’m with anyone right now anyway. Maybe if I get her worked up enough I can get her to massage something for me with that mouth of hers. As it is she keeps moving her ass a little as I rub her neck and basically grinding into my crotch. Along with the little sighs, she’s making it’s driving me crazy.


I get up, turn around and shrug off my blouse to reveal a black lace bra, where it’s quite obvious my nipples are very firm. I just stand there and he knows what he must do. First he rubs them with his hands and then he worships them with his mouth. Pulling me towards him & pulling up my skirt, I straddle his lap with my legs on either side of his. (I glad he just figured out I’m not wearing panties.) My scent fills the room and my wet crotch rubs slowly in circles into his pants as we start to move together as one unit.

******************* He starts to kiss and suck on my neck and I moan. He’s doing such a good job I don’t want to stop him but kağıthane escort I don’t want to cum yet and I definitely don’t want him to either. I kiss his mouth and put a finger to his lips. “Shhh. Slow down. I want my feet rubbed first.” And without question he stops, looks at my feet, back up at me, and while holding me, stands up. He turns and puts me in his already warmed seat, sliding his hands down my leg from my thigh to my foot. Jim rubs my feet and all my pain goes away.


Whoa, this is amazing. She’s good to go and I’m getting a view of everything. I want to fuck her so bad but something is making me hold off. I have no idea what it is but I really want her to be happy. Because when I do what she wants she does stuff to me that make me very happy. I could get used to this kind of reward system. I can’t wait much longer my cock is killing me. I think I’m just going to show “boss lady” here who’s on the big dog…um nevermind.


OK, now’s a good time to reward him for his efforts. I can tell he’s trying to get control, so I’ll let him have it for a bit. (Here he goes, unzipping his pants to show off his manhood…oh, yes, he’s definitely NOT lacking in THAT department.) “You want me to suck it don’t you?” He’s caught off guard by this. “Yes, um, that would be great.” He stutters. “I’ll do it under one condition. You don’t cum until I tell you to. If you can do that, I’ll happily blow you mind.”


“Why would I ever say no to that lady?” If that’s her game, I’m in. I can do this no problem. (Then again I’m ready to burst as it is.) “Bring it on.”

She lowers her legs and brings my hips right up to her face with her hands. With one hand on each ass cheek she licks her plump lips and takes in ‘Junior’ with a wide open mouth. (Oh god that feels amazing, she’s doing stuff with her tongue that I can’t even figure out how she’s doing it.! If she keeps this up I’m going to blow my load right into her mouth and the deal’s off. Then again, I wouldn’t lose now would I? But I got to wonder what else she could do that would be even better than this.)


I give him just enough that his thighs are quivering and I pull out. He’s frustrated but being such a good boy. So I stand up, push him down by his shoulders and tell him eat me till I cum, then he can choose how he finishes: masturbation while I watch — cuming on my tits or my pussy, a regular fuck in any position or he can take me up the ass. (I think I shocked him with my forthrightness, but I need this too badly and right now.)


This chick is certifiable! I hope she doesn’t charge by the hour. This better not be a scam. It’s too good to be true. At least she’s keeping it interesting, which is more than I can say for some people. Guess I should enjoy it while it lasts.


He opts for masturbation. I like a man with confidence! And after giving me one of the best orgasms I ever experience — we’re talking toe curling here — I step back and watch him stroke himself as he builds up speed and does it harder and faster, I see the little veins on the side of his neck start to pulse. He’s so intently focused on it that I don’t even think he recalls I’m in the room. He’s in the zone, focused on one result only. And before I know it, he’s done. (Not the kind of pearl necklace most gals desire, but I’ll take it.)


We both sit down, spent and a mess. I look at him and we both chuckle. “Think maybe we need to cut back on the caffeine a little bit?” He shrugs and smiles. I don’t know why but I think I’ll be seeing Jim around the coffee shop again. At least I hope so, since I never told him he had to. I should have, but he is a man of free will. Only when he’s alone with me do I have power over him. That’s just the way it works. I can’t tell you how or why. After all, a magician never reveals her secrets.

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