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College life 12*******************Corey and I were about the last ones to arrive down the hall to watch theSuper Bowl. It didn’t matter to me if I couldn’t see the TV. The nicesurprise was seeing how many girls had shown up to be with the variousguys. There was Kris, Colt, Bryson, Scott, Alex, Justin’s (Alex’sroommate) and even Kendall sporting a girl on their side. Liz seemed alittle nervous being her first time back with all of us around but she knewus well and what to expect. We were all enjoying the sodas, chips andtreats Kris and I had brought back. I grabbed a few things and took a seatin the floor next to Corey. Juan came and sat down right next to me.”Matt, how’s going?” Juan asked and put his hand on my pant’s leg.”Not too bad. We miss having you around,” I replied.”It’s sucks being a working guy, right Juan?” Corey said across me.”It does but there’s not much I can do about it unless I wanna be broke allthe time.””So how are things back home?” I asked.”Alright… I guess. I think it’s totally different now that Grandma isgone. Boy, do I ever miss her. She used to call at least once a week tocheck up on me. I swear we’d talk for at least thirty minutes every timeshe called.” Juan’s voice faded at the end.”Do you like your job?” Corey asked Juan.”I do. It’s not easy but it pays okay. It’s really tough juggling mystudies and work.””I know what you mean and you aren’t dating someone either,” Corey stated.”Hey, has anyone seen our asshole RA?” Colt asked the group.”No but dude, we had it coming,” Jess stated. “He’s probably tired of allof us.””Any word… on Lee?” Kris asked, stuffing his face.”Nope, we were in some much shit last night we couldn’t ask,” Corey saidand laughed.We continued to eat and drink with game time nearing. There was a buzzgoing with so many of us there and trying to talk. A sudden hush came whenwe saw Rick standing in the doorway. His face told he wasn’t in the moodfor any games.”Rick, aren’t you going to at least join us?” Jess asked.”I don’t think so this time, Jess. All I’ll say is there better not be anyliquor in here. I’m fed up with all of you!”Colt stood, “Dude, I for one apologize to you. I’m sorry about lastnight.””Me too Rick. You did what you had to do,” Corey said from the floor.”Same here b*o. We fucked up and had it coming,” Jess stated.”Yeah Rick, I don’t think any of us are mad at you. From what I heard,they got out of hand and you took action,” Kris stated.”Well… I guess I could stay. I just figured everyone was pissed at menow,” Rick said. “Alright, someone get up and let me grab a seat here.”Garrett jumped right up, “Here you go, Rick. We all need to stay on yourgood side.””Hell yeah, we do if it does involve a little ass kissing,” Colt said.”So who’s going to win here tonight? I think it’s gonna be a shootout,”Rick said and took his seat after grabbing some chips and a cookie.”Let’s see. Colt, Jess and I have five on the Colts…” Kris stated.”I wonder why Colt is picking them,” Scott joked.”Hey I have to go with my name sake. Manning is a fucking bad ass,” Coltstated.”Scott, Bryson and Alex have the Saints,” Kris continued.”Anyone wanna take the Saints? I’ll bet with ya,” Rick stated.”I’ll take the Saints straight up, dude,” Kendall stated.”You got a bet there,” Rick said.”See we aren’t pissed,” Kris stated. “So, what’s up with Lee?””I’m trying but like I told you it takes time to get things done. Maybenext week, it’ll be settled one way or the other,” Rick said.”Rick, if it’ll help, I’d move up here in a heartbeat. My roommate won’tcare one way or the other since he’s never there if they’ll move down tothe first floor,” Brennan stated. It created a buzz among us.”Dammit Brennan, how come you haven’t said that before now?” Kris asked.”No one ever asked me. It might take a day to clean all my crap upthough.””I’ll get with Lance, your RA, and see what we can work out. I’m like Krisand wish you’d said something. It has been a thorn in my ass for the pastweek. I hold my breath every day and hope nothing happens.””Sorry dude.” Brennan threw up his hands.It seemed as though we had another one about to be added to our floor. Wewere happy since Brennan was a pretty good guy. With his addition, thereweren’t many rooms left that we weren’t friends with now. Once the gamestarted, we were quiet until something happened. I just watched and didn’thave a rooting interest in the game other than I sort of wanted the teamfrom New Orleans to win after their tragedy from the awful hurricane.Halftime gave us a break to grab what was left of our treats.I found Kendall güvenilir bahis coming back, “When are you getting your ride back?””I was supposed to have it Friday but some part didn’t get there in time.Hopefully, I’ll have it Monday,” Kendall said.”Man, that sucks it takes that long to get a broken window repaired.””Tell me about it, Matt. I figured three days max.”I returned with Corey and Juan talking and sat next to Corey. The halftimegroup for entertainment was of no interest to any of us and left us allwondering why they chose them. Once the game resumed, it did getinteresting. Even though my knowledge of both NFL teams was none, it waseasy to get into the game and the excitement surrounding it. With eachcommercial break, we critiqued them and laughed at the better ones. Thegame was a thriller until the end with New Orleans coming out on top.Those who had bet the Saints were excited while those with the Colts werebummed.With the others breaking up and going about, Corey and I headed to his roomto allow Kris and Liz the opportunity to be alone if needed. In Corey’sroom, it was my night not to stay long for I wanted to study just a littlemore and remain ahead with a few test looming over the next week.Entering my room before eleven, Kris wasn’t alone with Liz with Colt andhis date joining them. I said hi and took my place at my desk. Theydidn’t get disturb me and left after ten minutes or so. For a change, Kriswas a real gentleman and walked Liz back to her dorm. He returned and satdown to crack open a book.”Matt, in case you’ve forgotten, you haven’t been on me about my studyingthis semester,” Kris stated.”Is it necessary?””Ummm… I think you need to drop a few hints. My parents were impressedwith last semester with my grade point. They said they were glad you mademe hit the books and feared the worst.””Alright then, shut up and study.”Kris laughed and started studying. Even though I was about finished, Iremained at my desk and cruised the internet along with checking email. Ilooked over Facebook to see what was happening with our friends elsewherebut it was the same old stuff. Kris slammed down his laptop and undressed.I did the same and jumped into bed.”Matt, it sucks the snow prediction was a huge false alarm this week,” Krisstated.”I had forgotten all about that but the winter is not over yet.””I know but I’m ready for the spring to get here.””Okay, now what’s up with Liz? Are you two back together or what?”Kris smiled, “Matt, we’re going to take it slow and easy to see whathappens. She said she did miss everyone here though.””That’s nice but did she miss you?””I guess she does. I would like us to get back together if nothing else tohave a girlfriend again…””And…” I joked.”Yeah, sex too would be great. Just what little she said about her datelast weekend I believe the guy pressured her to get naked. I think itscared her a little bit.””Did you mention your date?””I said I did have a date and just stated she wasn’t what I was lookingfor. Weird as hell that I wasn’t looking for a total whore,” Kris joked.”I’ll be damned but I think you’re beginning to get a few things…””Yeah, sex is nice but fucking awesome when it means something,” Krislaughed.I laughed, “Exactly.”We discussed the game a little bit with Kris shocked at how much I enjoyedit. Our last conversation bit was about Lee before I turned out the lightand called it a night.Monday the professor kicked everything into high gear, especially mybiology teacher. By the end of the day, my head was spinning with allafter a long day.I headed back to the dorm with Scott and Michael. “Scott, are things donewith Hayden?” I asked.”Maybe. Strange but he seems to like his girl,” Scott replied.”I’m so out of the loop now. I thought you and Hayden were dating againplus I thought the dude was gay,” Michael stated.Together Scott and I filled in Michael. We did ask how his love was going.He replied it was going well but no action. Scott and I headed to my roomwhile Michael headed to his. Kris was on his bed and on the phone. Hefinished and sat down his phone.”Liz said she’ll be there tonight to watch us,” Kris stated.”Kris, I was shocked to see her there last night. So you and her are backtogether like normal?” Scott asked.”We’re taking it easy for now,” Kris replied.”Dude, I don’t have to tell you but make up sex is the fucking shit!” Scottstated. “Ain’t it, Matt?”I nodded in agreement. “We’ll see,” Kris said.”The room is yours Saturday night,” I said with Valentine’s this weekend.”I’ll definitely see then. So you and Corey are still türkçe bahis getting that room?””Definitely. Corey’s going see about getting for Sunday night as well…””Damn, Corey won’t be able to walk next week,” Scott laughed.”That’s my plan,” I said with a big smile.”Scott, who is going to be your Valentine?””Well… I’m going to try for both,” Scott smiled. “Live the true bi lifeand see how that flies.””Good luck with that shit,” Kris stated.That night with a seven o’clock game, I headed over to the Rec Center totake in the game. Kris was dressed and ready to play but said only if hewas needed. Right before game time, Liz entered the gym and sat across theway with the girl Colt was seeing while I took my spot at the end. Weforewent the clipboard even though I said I’d give it a try.The game started slowly and never got better. For some odd reason, ourguys never could get things going. When the final buzzer ended, we hadtaken it on the chin by five points. No one had to say a word with theguys none too happy about the outcome. Back at the dorm, they continued tomoan and groan about the night’s performance.Wednesday, Scott, Kris, Jess and I started early to study for the nextday’s history exam. The four of us buckled down and studied over all thenotes I had taken. Kris and I were able to give a little insight on whatto expect since we had the same professor the semester before. We knew itwas a test mostly over lecture with a few questions taken from our textbooks. My organization paid off big time and had everything in nice orderso we could study that. Then we went over a few things in our books. Webroke to eat and returned to finish up our studying. By then, the four ofus had had about enough of American history. Just as we were finishing,Scott missed a call and said he could return it later. During our studytime, we stayed off our phones and did great in just studying. We didbullshit a little for a break.Jess left first while Scott stepped out the door to return his missed callhe said was from his parents. Kris and I relaxed on our bed with mewatching TV.Scott returned to our room with his head down. He walked over to me andgrabbed me. He started crying on my shoulder without saying a word. Krisquickly hit the mute button on the TV and came over.”Scott, I know something is wrong…” Kris said with his arm wrapped aroundScott.Scott lifted his head. I wiped his tears. “That was… my dad. Theythink my mom could have breast can…” Scott was holding it back with hiseyes returning full of tears.”That sucks,” Kris stated.”Matt… fuck… how can make it through our history test tomorrow then abiology test on Friday?”I took a deep breath. “Scott, I can’t imagine how worried you are. I’mworried and have never met her. Somehow someway we’ll make it. It’s goingto be hard but you need to get through them the best you can.”Kris and I were hugging Scott and comforting him. “I know one thing is forsure. I have the best friends ever,” Scott stated.”We’re all here for each other, Scott. That’s one of the advantages of usbeing as close as we are. One of us hurts like Juan did then all of ushurts. Dude, you’ll make it. The Scott I know will make it. There’ll beso really tough days ahead but we’ll be here for you.”Scott smiled at Kris and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks.” He turned andkissed me on the cheek. “Thanks.””Scott, what’s the plan for her?” I asked.”Surgery on Friday then they’ll decide what to do from there. Dad ishopeful they caught it in time. Trevor is beside himself right now. Mysister knows what’s going on but just knows Mom isn’t well.”Shortly thereafter, Corey walked in the door. Scott gave him the lowdownon the current situation. Corey embraced Scott and wished his family thebest. Soon, Alex, Colt and Jess were back in our room. We did everythingpossible to get Scott’s mind off his Mom for a while. About one, everyoneleft the room. I couldn’t just go to sleep and quietly gave a final reviewbefore calling it a night.Thursday, my first class was with Hayden. I filled him in on Scott’s momand told him we had endured a long night. After class, he and I walked toour history class together. He wanted to show his support for Scott. Thetwo still talked and saw each other some but weren’t going that strong atthe moment. The moment Scott saw Hayden, he burst into tears. Theyembraced while other students looked and wondered what was going on. Scottgathered himself before he, Kris, Jess and I entered the class to take ourtest.After I finished the test, I waited on Scott to exit the class and walkback güvenilir bahis siteleri with him to the dorm. By now, the wind was blowing hard with thetemperature dropping by the hour.”How’d you do?” I asked.”Well… I made it. Matt, I guess I did alright. I don’t even wanna askhow you did.””That’s okay. Are you making it alright?””I didn’t sleep a fucking minute last night. Juan was so great as waseveryone last night. It was really nice of Hayden to go out of his way tosee me.””He wanted to so he followed me.””I knew you were dragging him…””No, it was all his idea.””It was sweet of him. I know everyone knows in history I’m a total fag butfuck em. I don’t give a shit!””Kris filled a few of them to let them know for ya. They understood,Scott.””Matt, I really shouldn’t care what they think since my real friends hereknow me,” Scott stated. “After I grab a nap, I holler so we can study forour biology test together. I hope I’m up to the task. Why does thishappen when I have two fucking test?””No time would have been a good time, Scott.”Entering our dorm, Scott was off to his room. He did appear very tired butfor good reason. Kris, Alex, Jess and Bryson were in my room planning fortonight’s game against the first team they had played. They knew itwouldn’t be easy to beat them again. After they finished, we talked aboutScott for a few minutes before they exited the room. During my free time,I called Mom first before opening my books. Scott texted me the minute hewoke and was ready to study.I came down to find him in his boxers and ready to go. Before we started,we talked about the game a minute before diving into our studies. A fewminutes in I called Michael to see if he cared to join us. He was away andwould join us after the game. It was hard keeping Scott focused on ourtask at hand with his phone going off right and left. Most were wellwisher and to see about the game as well. He finally shut it off so wecould finish our studying.With the game late, we studied until Scott and I needed to take a break andclear our cluttered brains. Scott is really very book smart and reallygrasped the biology as well as I did.At eight or so, I headed off to the Rec Center for the game. Corey waswaiting on me when I entered as well as Hayden.”Dude, is it me or is Kris seem nervous to y’all?” Hayden asked.”Yeah, he’s pacing around…” Corey commented.”I know he really wants to win. If they win tonight, they have a good shotat making the little playoff deal at the end,” I said.The game started out differently than before. Scott hit two shots rightout of the gate. It was great to see him doing well to start. By the endof the first quarter, we were winning by six. Kris continued to pace upand down like a regular coach. At half, we were still winning by six.To start the next half, the other team caught up to us with Kris calling aquick time out. Hayden leaned over to us and commented how smart it waswhere I thought he wanted the guys to rest. Whatever the reason, it workedwith the guys regaining the lead and leading by eight to start the finalquarter. When the game ended, we were ahead by four. Our guys did show alittle emotion at the end but were good sports.We exited the gym into the lobby. I looked over and saw Kris with his armaround Liz. During the game, I didn’t even notice she was around and wasfocused on the game.”Matt, come down right when we get back. We still have a few things to goover,” Scott said with sweat running down his face and shirtless body.Corey walked with me outside. “Corey, I’m sorry but this may be all I seeyou tonight.””Matt, don’t apologize. You’ll be studying plus I have a few things I needto study as well. We have all weekend to be together.””Yes we do. After this week, I’ll be so ready for it.”Once back, I headed down to Scott’s room and was joined by Michael withJuan working. He did come in about eleven so we moved to the big room withJuan very tired looking. The three of us studied our things and finishedabout one.Friday, I made a point to walk with Corey to our class together. We talkedabout our Valentine’s weekend with it set for us to stay Sunday night aswell. After class with Corey, I headed for my biology test. As usual,there were knots in my stomach but there wasn’t anything else that I couldhave done. Once the tests were passed out, Scott looked at me, smiled andgave me a wink. The test didn’t bring any surprises but was tough with theprofessor making the multiple choice answers somewhat tricky.Scott finished before I did. Once I handed in the paper, he was waiting onme as was Michael. We discussed the test for a moment and were glad wespent the time in studying. I grabbed Scott and gave him a huge hug. Hesaid he appreciated all I had done. Michael and I wished him and hisfamily well with the surgery that day.TO BE CONTINUED…

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