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Gazing at the faint sunlight trying to penetrate its way into the darkness of Kevin’s flophouse through the stained shades covering every visible window, I had already accepted that Amber and I were going to miss class that day. I joined Amber on the couch after she’d passed out following being shot up with heroin and double-penetrated the previous afternoon. I held her close all night as she drifted in and out of consciousness, unable to stem the rapid thoughts racing through my mind of all the wonderful things that lie ahead of us.

I decided that we would need more guidance from Kevin before Amber ventured into the world of daily Heroin addiction alone, so staying the night would be our best bet. I began to feel Amber stir slightly and knew what was about to come next. Anticipating her needs I grabbed the pack of Newport 100’s out of her purse on the table and handed them to her, as well as the yellow bic that started it all. She took the cigarettes but not the lighter and instead placed the cork-tipped filter between her lips and then peered up at me from her place laying on my chest. She squinted at me through bloodshot eyes and pursed her lips out, obviously wanting me to light her up. I obliged and flicked the lighter to life, inching the flame towards the end of the first of what would be countless cigarettes that day. Amber pursed her lips ever tighter, guiding the tip of her full-flavored menthol into the flame, needing only one strong puff to get it lit.

She then rested her head again on my chest and with her free right hand extracted the freshly-lit Newport from her mouth after a monstrous couple of hands-free drags. I watched from my perfect angle as thick smoke poured from her mouth and nose lazily, also enjoying the feeling of her smokey breath gliding across my bare chest. Amber took another triple-pump, storing each successive drag in her lungs without exhaling, before again extracting the cigarette and making a loud ‘pop’ and resulting ‘whoosh’ of snapping the smoke down into her lungs followed by a vacuum-like inhalation. She waited a few moments, letting the tar and nicotine saturate every cell of her ever-blackening lungs before audibly dispelling the smoke into the air around us.

“Where’s Kevin?” She croaked weakly, the previous day’s deepthroating and torrid smoking clearly impacting her tenor.

“I think he’s in his room, I haven’t seen him since yesterda-“

“You guys talking about me?” Came a more-jovial-than-usual Kevin from behind the couch.

He walked around, making himself visible to us and looked down at our nestling, intertwined bodies and made a mocking face.

“You two lovebirds are soooo cute.” He exclaimed in sarcastic glee.

“I want more.” Came the direct reply from the angel laying on my chest and chaining her way through her cigarette with impressive voracity.

“Right to business, eh?” Kevin responded with what looked to be a bit of admiration.

I smiled at the thought that Kevin was being impressed by just how resilient my tiny, and only-recently-introduced-to-substances high-school girlfriend was to the life of a hard-living junkie whore.

“That’s my Amber.” I beamed while running my fingers through her hair softly.

“Ok, well sure. But now that I’ve given you a taste, I’m gonna need to see some scratch.” Was Kevin’s response.

It took me a few moments to realize he was referring to money and I reached down into the jeans that were sprawled on the floor and fished the wallet out of my back pocket. I revealed a healthy wad of $20’s and Kevin’s face seem to light-up in a way that would only look right on a drug-dealer.

“So.. you obviously came prepared.” retorted Kevin as he walked back down the hall with a bit of a hop to his step.

A loud sniffing sound caught my attention as I realized Amber had leaned out from the couch and was snorting every granule of the white powder that had been been on the mirror on the table when we’d first arrived. I watched in awe as she held one finger up to her nose and pressed one nostril closed while mashing her face against the mirror, sucking up any trace of what I could only assume was cocaine without so much as a straw to assist her. I continued watching and marveling at the tenacity with which she went after any stray powder and knew that my erection would be hard to ignore. Finally, satisfied that she had gotten it all she pulled back and wiped her nose and looked at me with a mischievous grin. I smiled back proudly, enjoying the sight of splotches of white powder covering parts of her nose, cheeks, and chin. She looked like a total fiend, and I loved it.

“That’ll escort fulya cost ya, girl.” Came a voice from behind us.

We both craned our necks awkwardly to see Kevin holding a brown paper bag and glaring at us like an annoyed parent.

“That was some really good.. and really expensive coke you just snorted.” He explained with a somewhat stern demeanor.

“I’m sorry.. why don’t you come over here and punish me then?” Was Amber’s challenge.

Kevin looked at her a bit apprehensively but seemed to come to terms quite quickly with what was about to happen. He began placing the bag down, but stopped himself, obviously getting an idea.

“I’ve fixed you a rig, you want it?” He asked playfully as I just watched and enjoyed, all the while feeling my prick start to engorge itself with an ever-increasing flow of blood to my crotch.

Amber nodded as Kevin reached into his bag of goodies and produced a syringe, already prepped and loaded with heroin.

“I want you to tell me. Tell me that you want it. Tell me that you need it, you junkie slut.” Pressed Kevin, seeming to know exactly what buttons to press to set Amber off.

“I want it. I need that heroin. I need to be doped up and fucked up. I’m a worthless junkie and I can’t exist without being filled with drugs and cock.” She cooed with genuine conviction.

With that Kevin walked the rest of the way to the couch where Amber was already reaching out her arm, baring her inner elbow. I looked down to see the tiny mark where she was shot up yesterday and imagined the bruises and scars that would eventually develop all over the body of Amber’s blemish-free and pristine young skin. I couldn’t wait.

I watched in mesmerized glee as Kevin easily inserted the needle into the same visible vein that he used yesterday and register, sending a swirling jet of red into the barrel. Then he slowly plunged the syringe and injected the second dose of heroin into the veins of my sweet Amber in as many days. I wondered what kind of reaction would take place inside her little body now that she had both copious amounts of coke and heroin in her system. I watched a smile begin on Amber’s face and enjoyed the soft moan of pleasure escape her lips, likely both from the drugs and the experience itself. Kevin wasted no time and pulled out his cock, pushing Amber back on the couch and spreading her legs as he kneeled in front of her and positioned his rather large, erect cock to enter her. Her cunt was still unwashed from the day’s previous escapades and I could plainly see dried cum caked on her inner thighs and around the lips of her pussy. This didn’t seem to effect Kevin whatsoever, and he plunged himself into my girlfriend with no hesitation.

I looked into Amber’s eyes, her pupils small but not as pinned as yesterday and saw her complete ecstasy.

“Smoke..” Was all she could say as Kevin slammed her cunt and heroin and cocaine overwhelmed her brain.

I reached down into her purse and extracted a Newport from her nearly empty pack and the yellow bic from the table. Kevin slowed his pace briefly while I handed her the cigarette and quickly lit her up. As soon as the cigarette was lit Kevin began fucking her hard again, I could hear the wet slopping noises of her juices flowing freely as she was being filled with a stranger’s cock while his cum still painted parts of her body from the day before. Amber shook me out of my bystander status and into the action by grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in for a nice, deep, smokey kiss. I enjoyed her nasty smoke-filled mouth as well as her heavy breathing and light-moaning as her pussy was used as payment for drugs. We remained there, kissing deeply, swirling tongues while she smoked her cigarette and got railed by her drug dealer. It wasn’t until Kevin’s pace intensified to a previously unmatched speed that kissing became impossible.

“I’m going to fill you up whore.” Was Kevin’s indication of an impending orgasm.

“Fill me up, shoot it deep.” Was Amber’s reply, not failing to capitalize on an opportunity to flaunt her newly found debauchery.

With that Kevin mustered up one final thrust and planted his cock as deeply in my sweet Amber’s awaiting womb as he possible could and began shooting what I assumed was an ample amount of his semen directly into her birth canal. Once again Amber grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep, tongue-swirling, smokey kiss while Kevin continued to blow his load deep inside her slit. After what seemed like minutes Kevin finally seemed to have emptied his balls and slouched back, allowing escort bebek his cock to slide out of Amber’s well-spent hole. I broke our kiss to inspect the aftermath and marveled at the ring of fresh, white cum that adorned the outside of Amber’s pussy. I watched as Amber flexed her pussy visibly and a thick glob of glistening semen oozed from her gaping cunt.

“I need another load baby.” Amber urged, motioning towards her dirty, cum filled and cum covered pussy.

I didn’t need much more than that and I stood up and dropped my boxers and kneeled in-between her open legs. I looked into her loving eyes and once more at her oozing, cum-splattered cunt before sliding my prick inside easily. It was an amazing feeling as she was not as tight as I had become accustomed to, but the overwhelming wetness felt incredible. I began plunging my dick in and out and Kevin’s cum began leaking out around my cock. There were large squelching sounds each time I thrust my way in and I could see a healthy glaze of white along the length of my shaft in-between each stroke. All the while Amber was thrusting back at me in time and clearly nearing her own orgasm as I felt mine begin to build in my balls. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kevin approach with a small glass pipe I had never seen. It was about 6 inches long, with no visible bowl on either side.

On one end was black stain and what looked to be a bit of tin foil and the other end was clear. He approached Amber’s face with the clear end, holding the pipe up to her lips with his left hand and holding a lighter near the darkened end with his right hand. At first it took Amber by surprise as she did not see him coming, but after she realized what was happening she appeared a bit confused.

“Crack, it will help with the comedown and give you a great orgasm.” Was Kevin’s brief but convincing explanation.

It was also all Amber needed to know and she leaned toward the pipe with her mouth pursed. Kevin positioned the pipe at her lips and began lighting the darkened end, tilting the pipe up ever so slightly.

“Breath in as deep and as long as you can, and then hold it until you can’t anymore.” Were Kevin’s instructions.

I slowed the pace of my fucking for a moment while I watched Amber’s chest begin to fill up with crack smoke and her cheeks hollowed with what had to be a healthy amount of suction. Kevin twisted the pipe back and forth while continuing to keep the flame on the tip. After several seconds Amber’s lungs appeared to have reached capacity and Kevin instinctually removed the pipe from her lips. I picked up my pace, slamming my cock’s full-length in and out of Amber’s used up cunt while watching her face contort and begin to turn a light shade of red while she struggled to contain the crack smoke inside her. Finally, after what seemed like 10-15 seconds she forcefully exhaled a very faint, but voluminous stream of smoke right into my face.

That was all I could handle at that point and I began shooting a sporadic but powerful series of ejaculations into Amber’s already cum-filled hole. As had become her move-of-the-day Amber again reached her hand behind my head and pulled me in for a series of deep, tongue kisses. All of the various things she’d done and smoked that day had created a new and especially toxic taste to her kiss, which I found delicious. I felt the walls of her cunt flex and convulse as it gripped and massaged my member, Amber clearly having an equally enjoyable orgasm of her own beneath me. I kept my surging phallus planted deep inside her until we had both stopped panting and our ravenous kissing had slowed to soft, slow, passionate kisses between two soulmates.

I didn’t have to look at her pussy to know she was overflowing with cum as I could feel it seeping out all over both of our crotches as we continued to kiss and remain in eachother’s arms. I had a moment of clarity as I held her gorgeous, make-up stained, stoned-out-of-her-skull little face in my hands. Regardless of how ‘bad’ she would become or how depraved, debauched, or addicted she aspired to be; She was my angel. Sent from whatever void or being or otherwise to be the exact piece that fit my puzzle in creating my perfect mate.

Without saying anything, Amber’s eyes confirmed those same thoughts about me.

The next two days, Wednesday and Thursday, went by like a blur. They both went through the same schedule as well; In the morning I’d pick up Amber about 45mins before class and we’d drive over to Kevin’s house. Once there Kevin would help Amber shoot up a small bag of heroin and then load a crack escort cihangir pipe and a bag of a few bumps of coke to get her through the day. All throughout the day Amber would use the bathroom to smoke crack and take bumps of coke to keep from nodding out during school. After school ended we’d head over to Kevin’s again where he’d assist Amber in shooting larger and larger doses of heroin that would knock her on her ass for the rest of the night. When the wee hours of the morning came I’d carry her near comatose body up to her bed and tuck her in for the night.

It was now Friday, the final day of class and I was watching the clock tick down with breathless anticipation. Finally the clock struck 2:30 and the bell sounded, it was as if a bell sounded to start the next chapter of my life. With my final summer of freedom at my doorstep before college I felt like I was at the precipice of some of the most amazing experiences of my young life. Luckily for me, those experiences would continue today, as the evening was going to be a milestone in Amber’s transformation from innocent, sweet, straight-A student who had never even tasted alcohol to wanton, junkie tramp.

Today was the day that she would get her own supply of heroin, rigs, crack and crackpipe and start on a brand new narcotic journey; methamphetamine. By this point Amber had no trouble tying her arm with a tourniquet, finding a vein, registering and hitting. She was far from a pro IV heroin user, but she was competent enough to know how to avoid missing and to get high with regularity. Additionally, she had become a complete crack fiend. Although it made her nauseous quite often, she had become both proficient and quite attached to hitting the crack pipe as often as possible. Sometimes she would smoke too much, throw up, and just keep on smoking. While I was certainly no fan of vomit, her dedication to smoking crack was impressive and sexy as hell.

While it was still extremely early in her progress, only a month in, she was also starting to show signs of her lifestyle. She was often short on sleep and very rarely ate, so dark circles around her eyes and a bit of gauntness in her face was noticeable. Aside from smoking crack multiple times throughout the day she was maintaining a pack a day smoking habit, which considering she’d been in school was impressive. Often leading to chainsmoking during lunch, before school and after. Her once perfectly white, almost sparklingly perfect teeth had begun to show the effects of all the smoking. She’d often smile at me with visibly yellowed teeth and even some darker almost brown stains on her front two, where the filter of the Newports and the end of the crackpipe would be.

And it wasn’t only her physical appearance that had changed, but also the way she smelled. I used to know Amber’s scent immediately, as it was a mixture of Herbal Essences Apple shampoo and a certain sweet perfume that I always forgot the name of. Now I knew her smell as an ashtray. There was no getting around it, she smelled like she bathed in cigarette ash. Her hair, clothes, breath, even her skin and especially her yellowing fingers reeked of cigarette smoke. I could no longer detect the shampoo or even the perfume anymore, the smell of menthol cigarettes on her completely overwhelmed any other fragrance she had on. Which were all things I loved and appreciated.

The most enjoyable part of the last few days, aside from the torrid sex I had been having with my stoned girlfriend, was seeing our friends react to her sudden transformation. Her friends, straight-A honor students who were usually deeply religious and focused on nothing else aside from bible groups and homework, had completely shunned her. I watched their faces as they shot Amber dirty looks when she walked by, completely ignoring them. My friends, on the other hand, were both confused and intrigued. Knowing me as the straight-laced good guy they could not figure out how I was dealing with dating the most notoriously slutty, smoked-out, drugged-out stoner chick in school. I just smiled to myself and enjoyed the fact that they all secretly wanted to fuck her. Maybe they’d get a chance, too.

As I walked to the parking lot for the final time I trained my eyes on Amber, leaning against my car and smoking like each drag was the last one she’d ever have. I stood there, at the edge of the lot for one last time trying to mentally capture that moment in my mind. What a wild ride it had been. This past month had forever changed our lives, both together and apart. What little had separated us, school and the realities of being high-school students dependent upon our parents, were about to evaporate. This was the real beginning of our journey together. I let this thought sink in for a few seconds more, saying good-bye to my high-school days and the last remnants of my childhood.

I stepped forward and began my way toward the car. Toward Amber. Toward the unknown.

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