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With many thanks to Kumani for editing this story.


Beginning with a single kiss less than an hour earlier the dynamic between Stephanie and me, tortuously stagnant for so long, had suddenly begun to surge. In roughly the same time it took the summer storm passing over our city to release the rain and electricity charging the air, Stephanie and I had released a charge of our own, one that had been building unabated between us for the past two years.

Now we lay wrapped in each other’s embrace, kissing on an uneven and improvised bed of coarse white work towels atop an old wooden table in the Donut King’s kitchen.

“That was a nice surprise Jason,” Stephanie complemented me between quick and panted breaths. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”

“Oh, I had it in me all right,” I replied, a bit short-winded myself, “and I’m pretty sure I got most of it in you.”

She laughed but her comment had stung me slightly as she had no doubt intended it to, but I understood what Stephanie meant. Her parents owned the donut shop where we worked and she’d had a steady boyfriend until recently so I’d kept a somewhat reserved demeanor around her, at least until this morning. Although she had sensed and encouraged my desire for her clearly she’d begun to wonder if I would ever act on it.

“So does this mean you’ll go out with me?” I asked as I gave her sweet and yielding lips another light brief kiss.

“Was that your way of asking?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Stephanie’s coal dark eyes gleamed as she coyly bit one corner of her lower lip while she pretended to ponder my question.

“Sure,” she said after a requisite pause. “Now you can answer –“

She might have had more to say but having already waited two years for the chance to be with her in any way other than as a co-worker and all that time wondering what her lips would feel like pressed to mine, I kissed her again slowly and deeply, savoring her tender sweetness.

Her heated body pressed beneath mine radiated a mesmerizing mix of aromas into the cool morning air of the kitchen. Stephanie’s breath brushed feather light on my face while I reveled in every deliciously laden inhalation that I drew from across her flushed skin. It enticed me enough for me to pause here and there to breathe in deeply as I kissed my way down her neck. With a long, soft sigh she laced her fingers in my hair and held my head close to her as I kissed the hollow between her breasts.

Citrus-like scents drew me to Stephanie’s wet ebony hair still clinging in dark streaks to her glowing face and shoulders. Its coolness chilled me in a good way as I buried my face in the black tangled locks. While Stephanie purred I lightly bit the soft skin of her throat, then she gave a contented sigh as I kissed my way slowly back up her neck seeking her pliant and inviting lips again.

The sweat and rain mix of moisture coating the silver cross and chain Stephanie wore about her neck caused the metal to shine brightly under the fluorescent lights above us. Laying amidst the tangles of her jet hair the ornament seemed to direct me to the spot on her tawny skin just below her left ear where she had daubed some of the maddeningly compelling perfume she wore each day.

Then Stephanie’s warm lips brushed my ear and she whispered.

“Kiss me.”

Complying, my lips pressed once more to hers as I cradled her face in my hands. With the raw pungency of her musk still clinging to my fingers, I pulled her closer to me.

We wrapped ourselves tightly about each other and I luxuriated in the warming press of Stephanie’s body as it held the chill of the still cold kitchen off my own wet skin like the softest of blankets. Closing my eyes I kissed Stephanie again and wondered if I’d ever enjoyed a kiss more. The electric pulse of delight that ran the length of my spine when her tongue touched mine gave me the clear answer.


Who knew laying rain soaked and naked on an old wood table could ever feel so good?

It was then that the bells over the shop’s front door clanged, shattering our all too brief moment of fulfillment. The dissonance of those damn things was as jarring as if lighting had struck in the parking lot just outside.

“Oh, FUCK!” Stephanie swore and unapologetically pushed me off of her and the table at the same time.

We scrambled for our clothes and hurriedly dressed. She decided to skip putting on her underwear, opting instead to just step back into the soggy uniform that lay clumped on the floor for the sake of speed. Stephanie hadn’t taken off her tennis shoes for our feverish encounter, so once she’d snapped up her wrinkled and damp front-fastening jumper, she simply pushed the hair back out of her face and headed out front to greet the customer.

With the arrival of that first patron it occurred to me that there wasn’t much in the way of donuts to start the day with other than some of the previous day’s leftovers, something that Stephanie’s dad, Mr. Nick, would not have accepted had he been there. Chances are he wouldn’t escort feriköy have been too accepting of me doing his daughter on top of the kitchen table either, but then I’ve heard fathers can be kind of old fashioned that way.

Chuckling at the thought of him chasing me around the kitchen with a large knife, I none the less realized that without Stephanie’s parents who were back in Greece visiting family for two weeks, that we’d be hard pressed to keep up with the day’s demands, especially for the house specialty — cream filled donuts — unless I could clear my head and get a fresh batch started soon. Otherwise we’d be ill prepared for the invariable rush of customers after Sunday morning services began to let out.

“What do you put in these things that make them so good?” I’d often heard people ask Mr. Nick to which he would waggle a finger in gentle admonishment.

“It’s a secret,” he’d reply smiling proudly.

If there really was a secret ingredient to Mr. Nick’s recipe it wasn’t on the copy I had. Still people loved the damned things and were willing to line up for them, so I began gathering the bowls and ingredients for the batter mixes and got started.

Stephanie burst through the double swinging doors and strode back into the kitchen. She smiled at me, aglow in that way girls should be after good sex and began sifting through the towels we had spread on the table top until she found a dry one. Keeping one eye on her and one on my work I earnestly began mixing some batter.

When she’d found an acceptable towel, Stephanie gave a quick glance over her shoulder back towards the double doors. Satisfied that she couldn’t be seen from out front she raised the hem of her uniform waist high then pressed it to her stomach with her left hand. Looking down the length of her taut body while her full head of gloriously midnight black hair fell in shining waves over her still uniform-clad breasts, she studied her ebony thatched mound and the liquid steadily leaking from it.

My eyes feasted on Stephanie’s succulent curves once more. For the first time I took note of the tan lines traversing the silken olive swell of her hips as she pulled the uniform hem up higher and tucked it under her chin. Tan lines brought thoughts of the sun which must have come up sizzling I reasoned as it suddenly began to feel very hot in the kitchen.

Mesmerized, I watched as Stephanie pointed her toes out to the sides and bent her knees slightly like a ballet dancer starting a plié. Glistening trickles and smears of our joyously secreted fluids mingled on the soft, tawny insides of her smooth thighs. Beaded droplets of cum twinkled like wet stars in the black night of her pubic hair.

Stephanie bunched the clean white towel she held in her right hand and pressed it to the inside of her right leg just above the knee. Slowly she drew it upward. The rag, like it was a terry cloth tongue, thirstily lapped up the mixture of sweat, girl-goo and sperm that glazed the insides of her toned and lissome leg.

All thoughts of donut preparation and my control of the batter I was mixing were suddenly lost.

“Is that a new kind of donut you’re making there?” Stephanie asked without looking up.


A copious amount of batter had slopped over the edge of the bowl forming an amorphous mess on the table top. Grabbing one of the other towels from the pile I started trying to wipe up the spill.

It wasn’t easy. Aside from contending with the thick, slimy batter hopelessly smearing across the table top, my eyes kept being pulled back to Stephanie. She really didn’t need a towel, one word from her and I would have eagerly fallen to my knees and laved her skin from knee to groin with my tongue. Instead riveted I watched and felt the throbbing return to my loins as she repeated the process with her left leg.

Next she turned the towel in her hand and wrapped it over two of her slender fingers. Beads of sweat formed on my brow as she parted the burgundy and brown colored folds of her labia. Tucking her tongue in the corner of her mouth, Stephanie carefully dipped her towel wrapped finger tips into her glistening pit.

From where I stood I caught flashes of her watermelon pink and wet insides as she moved the towel in the dark, clasping furrow of her pussy. Aching to run my tongue over those tender ridges and folds once more, I tried to lick my lips instead but found my tongue uselessly dry.

Stephanie held the towel inside her a moment letting it wick up our commingled cum before she carefully pulled it back out. The now sodden cloth glistened under the bright kitchen lights.

Then the doorbell clanged once more.

“Damn it,” Stephanie fumed, annoyed by yet another intrusion. “They’re just going to have to wait a minute.”

She tossed the used towel back on the table and cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards the door then turned back towards me.

“Hand me my panties, please.”

Still damp with her secretions, I pulled them from my right pants pocket and escort gülbağ reluctantly handed them over to her. Knowing they still bore her scent, I had hoped to keep them to savor her heavenly musk over and over again. Instead I watched sorrowfully as she stepped into them and pulled them up. Letting go the hemline of her uniform from under her chin, Stephanie smoothed the drab cloth of the jumper down toward her knees.

“Can you hand me my bra?” she asked, as she unsnapped the top of the uniform and quickly peeled it from her shoulders.

Instead of complying, my eyes fastened once more to the fulsome delights before me. Tipped with chocolate colored nipples and covered with a sheen of rain and sweat, her breasts glistened under the bright kitchen lights. Just let me kiss and suck them for five minutes I mentally pleaded and as if they could read my mind, Stephanie’s nipples hardened like rock candy, seemingly anticipating how my yearning mouth would savor them.

“Bra, please” she repeated.

Handing it over to her I watched Stephanie wrap it about her waist backwards, fasten the clasp then turn it right ways and pull it up while bending forward slightly to capture those beautiful and succulent breasts. All too quickly they were enclosed and covered once more. She slipped the straps over her shoulders then stood straight and started to fasten her uniform back up while I ached at the sorrowful sound each time a snap clicked in place.

“How do I look?” Stephanie asked as she attempted to smooth the hopelessly wrinkled uniform over the curves of her ripened body.

“Not nearly as good as you do naked and sweating,” I managed to say, “but not bad.”

“I guess so,” she replied, arching a black eyebrow and tipping her head toward the bulge at the front of my pants.

Stephanie laughed and gave me a kiss, trailing her hand up my leg and giving my erection a quick squeeze through my pants.

With a smile and a wink Stephanie practically bounced out the doors to the counter out front. Well give the devil her due. Even after fucking her, Stephanie had me craving a second helping. And so I began to understand that just as with a summer storm like the one we’d been caught in this morning, relief from the heat was always just temporary.

Wiping sweat from my brow with the back of a floured hand, I knew it was going to be a long, hot day. Then I noticed the towel Stephanie had balled up and tossed carelessly onto the table. Picking it up, I unfolded it as eagerly as a pirate would a treasure map.

The dank cloth shone and sparkled in some places while it glistened in others. Bringing it close to my face until it nearly touched my nose I drew a deep breath and found the rag filled with tangy scents. A smile came to me and I buried my face in the towel, breathing in deeply and savoring each musk laden inhalation. After several long draughts of it I started to become lightheaded. When I was satisfied that I had successfully imprinted her core essence permanently on my brain, I tucked the towel in the pocket of my apron.

The sound of Stephanie rattling the coffee maker out front as she switched out pots reminded me that there was a customer and this brought me out of my aromatically induced daydream. Hearing the door bells once more, I bent forward a little so I could peer through the Plexiglas panels in the kitchen doors to the public area of the shop, waiting to see who it was this time that was breaking my private little moment.

It turned out to not be a customer but Ray, the old dishwasher who came shuffling in. I had forgotten all about him working this morning.

Ray was an old guy who made it a point to only shave once a week and judging by the thick stubble on his face, today wasn’t that day. He nodded at me as he passed by then sleepily tied his apron on and poured himself a cup of coffee. Ray always tried to steer clear of Stephanie and her sharp tongue but as he was flipping a few switches and filling the soap dispensers on the dishwashing machine, she breezed back into the kitchen past him on her way to the office.

“Goooood morning, Ray,” she greeted him, smiling and practically singing the words.

It was impressive to see the old guy’s head move so quickly as Ray whipped his head around to stare after her open mouthed then reversed direction and swiveled it back towards me. No amount of effort could suppress my grin as I felt my face redden. Ray opened his eyes wide, laughed and shook his head. Since he was missing half his teeth, his uneven smile looked like a jack-o-lantern’s a week after Halloween, but he positively beamed and gave me the thumbs up.

“I told you a good fuckin’ was all she needed,” he cackled after Stephanie had passed through the double doors again to go out front.

Maybe it was all she needed but the question forming uppermost in my mind now was, is that all she wanted?

With Ray’s arrival though, I resigned myself to the workday. There was to be no answer to my question that morning and the rest of the day just escort kağıthane became a steady, busy blur. All three of us were tired and sweaty by closing time. After Ray shuffled off to the bus stop, I offered to help Stephanie lock up, thinking we might talk.

She set the alarm and we stepped outside the shop. The sky had cleared since the storm that morning but the day was still very hot, breezeless and humid. Once outside the air conditioned shop my skin began to feel as if it were coated with a sticky glaze. My shirt collar tugged at the back of my neck with my every movement as I keyed the front door lock. It often stuck when the deadbolt jammed against the frame instead of sliding correctly into the slot if you didn’t get it aligned just right.

Wiggling the key and alternately jerking and pushing the door handle to no avail I tried to get the bolt seated as my annoyance and embarrassment grew by the second. Tired from a long day and feeling like I was being broiled in the afternoon sun, my temper quickly got the better of me.

“You worthless son of a fucking BITCH!”

“Easy, boy,” Stephanie soothed. “Here let me help you.”

She lightly placed a soft hand on top of mine and gently pushed on the door handle. The key seemed to turn on its own and the bolt clicked effortlessly into place.

“I didn’t even know you had a temper. You’re always so patient,” she commented.

“I am patient,” I answered though still hot, annoyed and somewhat flustered. “But I guess I have my limits.”

“Do you?”

Something in her tone suggested that she found this to be useful information.

“Yes, I do,” I said turning to face her full on. “I’m sorry, I guess this heat’s just getting to me.”

“It’s alright,” she reassured me with an easy smile. “The heat gets to me too sometimes.”

We talked for another minute or two but it was just too hot even for conversation, so we just made plans to go out on Wednesday night after work and said good-bye.

The next couple of days were nearly unbearable in more ways than one. First, all I could think about was Stephanie but we were always so busy we barely had the chance to talk for more than a few minutes at a time. Second the heat and humidity had steadily rebuilt since the storm Sunday morning to nearly unbearable levels.

Still, like a kid anticipating Christmas morning I practically counted down the minutes, but at last Wednesday night arrived and I eagerly drove to Stephanie’s house arriving right at six. Pulling into the driveway I could see it was a nice place, not a mansion mind you but plenty big, much bigger than the home I grew up in. The white bricks of the house made it gleam imposingly in the afternoon sun as I stood at the entry.

Even after having known Stephanie for two years and having had sex on a tabletop with her, I still felt a fluttering in my stomach and a tingling in my chest at the thought of seeing her. Ringing the bell, I stood as calmly as I could and tried not to sweat in the still hot afternoon. Thankfully she opened the door a moment later.

She was dressed simply, just a button down blue cotton blouse that showed her tanned and sleek midriff. Stephanie’s silver cross glittered at the neckline and her khaki shorts showed off her sleek legs down to her leather sandals.

“I’d tell you that you looked nice but I’d be lying if I did,” I said in a mock serious tone at which she cocked her head slightly and arched a black eyebrow. “You really look beautiful, Stephanie.”

“Thanks,” she said and smiled as she ran her hand along my jaw before kissing my cheek. “You’re sweet.”

Stephanie locked the front door to her house and we walked to my car. We went to one of those family style sports themed combo chain restaurants, one that I chose for the variety, hoping Stephanie would find something on the menu there that she’d like.

The hostess recognized Stephanie from somewhere or other and they exchanged pleasantries. Then after giving me the once over, she led us to a booth. Our waiter, who also happened to know Stephanie, brought our beverages and informed us of the specials. It was a busy place and people were frequently passing by our table. A good number of them recognized Stephanie and stopped to say hello to her, wave or stand for a few minutes tableside to chat while I worked to maintain a smile.

“I didn’t realize how popular you are,” I commented once we were alone again.

Stephanie gave a shrug as if she couldn’t understand it herself.

“It’s mostly because of the donut shop. Karen, the hostess, and I went to high school together. Our waiter, Steve, whose name I only know from his tag, is in my Algebra class the rest are all customers at the shop.”

“Still we’ve worked together for what, about two years now?” I said, setting the menu down as the thought came to me; “It really just hit me that I don’t know all that much about you.”

“What do you want to know?” she answered, and took a sip from her Dr. Pepper.

My first inclination was to ask her about school or something equally as innocuous just to get the conversation started. Instead my attention was drawn to Stephanie’s long tapered fingers stirring her drink with a white straw. She let go of it only to let her wet pink tongue catch the underside and pull the tip into her mouth while she watched me in anticipation of a question.

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