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I always look forward to Friday evenings. Not just because they are the beginnings of the weekend, but because they are “date” nights for my fiancé, Mikki and I. I put the word in quotes because we put a twist on the definition.
Most couples who feel the need to designate specific nights as date nights are trying to carve some time to be together out of otherwise hectic schedules. That, or their relationships have deteriorated from what they once were, and date nights are an attempt at salvage. So, they set aside time to go out like they used to when things were fresh, hoping to rekindle that spark.
The spark between Mikki and I is still very fresh, so our date nights have a different purpose; indulging our lust. On Friday nights, I come home to possibility. Mikki doesn’t work, and has all week to wander around town, make friends, and get to know people. Sometimes, one or two of those people will be at my house when I come home from work. Mikki may or may not be there.
When there IS someone there, it is for sex, pure and simple. It might be a couple looking to swap. Or a single man or woman. Or some other combination. Or it might just be Mikki. Sometimes, when it’s a single person, they’re there to play only with one of us. When that’s the case, the other plays the part of spectator. This is the case fairly often, since Mikki is a sexy woman, and finding play partners who are open to both sides of the fence is more difficult to do.
There ARE those evenings when zorla sex I open the door to find my lovely girl alone. On those occasions, one of three dynamics takes place:
1) She wants to be in charge, and I serve her desires.
2) She wants ME to be in charge, and she becomes my toy for the evening.
3) She’s feeling romantic, and we have a more caring, love-filled evening.
Most recently, she met me at the door, face flushed, wearing a long t-shirt that barely covers her behind, and a Cheshire Cat smile. She pressed herself against me the moment the door was closed, putting her arms around my neck and kissing me passionately. One of my arms went around her back, and the other to the naked skin of her ass. In response, she lifted one leg up, then the other, to wrap them around my waist.
Once Mikki was safely attached, I moved both hands to her ass and began working fingers toward her pussy. She moaned into my mouth as I reached her wet, hot snatch. She’d already been doing SOMETHING that got her excited. I worked fingertips from one hand, then the other, in and out of her hole. Her breathing accelerated.
It was fun, but awkward, and she soon disentangled herself, and stood on the floor. Wasting no time, she began working to remove my jeans. I stripped off my shirt, and pulled my feet out of my slip-on shoes. At about the same time, she yanked my pants to my ankles, kissed my cock, pulled the t-shirt over her head, then excitedly dragged porno indir me toward the bedroom, like a little girl dragging her father to the doll section of the department store to show him the latest Barbie. WHICH… turned out to be a decent description of what happened.
We entered the bedroom, and I was met by the sight of one of our date night partners, Julie. She’s a sweet, outwardly demure woman in her late 30’s, who is capable of releasing the Kraken in bed. Mikki has invited her over three times before.
The first two times, it was for my benefit, and I ate and fucked two sweet pussies, but there was little interaction between the two of them; Mikki has told me before that she’s not gay. But, the last time around, they gave me a blowjob together, and Mikki allowed Julie to fondle her body while I fucked her. Julie played with Mikki’s tits, sucking on them to appreciative moans. Her fingers played with Mikki’s clit, and she wrapped a hand around my cock to direct it in and out of Mikki’s pussy. And, when Mikki was nearing orgasm, Julie kissed her, sliding her tongue in and out of Mikki’s mouth. Her advances were met with enthusiasm in the moment.
So, when I found Julie in our bed, it wasn’t a huge shock. What DID shock me was when Mikki jumped into the bed and straight between Julie’s legs. For the next few minutes, I watched my future wife eat pussy like she’d been doing it all her life. My cock got super hard, and I stroked as ensest porno I watched the show.
Eventually, Julie smiled up at me and motioned toward Mikki’s ass. Taking the cue, I laid on top of her and pushed my prick between her legs. She spread them enough to allow me to find her pussy, and then closed her legs around my cock. The feeling is amazing.
I pumped slowly, Mikki ate in time with my thrusting, and Julie came on the end of Mikki’s tongue. Then it was her turn. Mikki kissed Julie’s pussy goodbye, then turned herself over, and I entered her again. I stroked long and slow, and Mikki’s tension grew. She tried to force me to fuck her hard, but I resisted. Julie played with Mikki’s nipples and Mikki’s hand squeezed disconnectedly at Julie’s butt.
I could feel the grip of her pussy getting tighter around my cock. She was going to cum, so I picked up my pace. We came together, but I could tell that Mikki was still up for more. Julie could tell, too. Now it was her turn.
She wedged her way in front of me on all fours, to get at Mikki’s now cum-dripping pussy. She dove in, trying not to let any get away, and waved her ass in the air. I looked at her wet pussy and smiled. Who has a better life than me?
The three of us spent the next couple of hours, licking, kissing, cuddling and fucking. Mikki gushed about how she had finally accepted an attraction to Julie, and decided to give in to it. Julie shared how she’d had it carefully planned from the beginning. I threatened to shoot the both of them if we didn’t repeat that night over and over again.
Today is Thursday, and I’ve been re-living last Friday all week. My cock doesn’t want to sleep, and I’m having trouble focusing at work. I ask again; who has a better life than me?
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