Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

dominating to submisiveThe movies, what a great way to spend the sunday afternoon with no pressure what so ever. If life was only that simple hahaha would this story be here?Anyway nothing to do about that, so i wake up in the morning roughly around 7:30 am. i was woken up by the cold wind of the air conditioning unit, across my legs and up to my belly. The feeling felt satisfying, it was a combination of slow wind like you running towards a lake in the nude, and every bit of your body is being blown by the wind, as your dick flails around limp slapping your groin area with each motion of your body. Clearly by now you might have realised i suck at running kinda like a duck walking, but good for duck the got the cuteness to cover up the wierd walk/run.As im still feeling the airconditioning wind blowing, My hardness increases bit by bit, in a slow bubble bob motion placed on the dashboard of a car. by the time im fully erect my foreskin is still covering my dicks crown, but i can see a bit of precum juice building up at the tip, glistening in the morning sunlight passing through my studio apartments window wall. the glistening looks pronounce on my dick as if i just got the tip licked, looks like a lolly pop with a tight golden brown wrapper still on it. With water droplets developing on the top.I bring my left hand down to the base of my dick shaft and start playing with my balls whilst my dick jus flows through the motion due to my wrist pressing against it. I grab a bottle of baby oil, and pour a little bit of it on my shaft and watch it drip down to the base of the shaft. its slightly cold and the feeling jus give me that extra sensation i start playing with my balls squeezing them harder bit by bit, with my thumb and index on my shafts base massaging the oil that gets to the base and the other three finger on my balls. With each motion im making im pulling back my foreskin from the shaft towards the base, slowly revealing my dicks tip. i keep this up until the full tips crown is visible. i then move my hand to hold the shaft of my dick then keep stroking ever so slowly as my right hand moves to my ipad and opens up the browser to a video of a JOI that i had been watch a couples days before. it the video starts continues from where i left off, the scene is of two girls fucking a guy in a threesome, one of the girls straddles the dick in the video and i pull my foreskin back, and as she continues to straddle the guy in the video in a cow girl position i follow with her motion aswell. i continue this noticing the last inch of my dicks tip of the i pad i was holding horizontally on my chest, i’m moving my hips to each hard jerk i make. this continues for another 10 minutes and i finally jizz sending some of the cum on my belly and the rest, rests on my hand which is now on the crown of my dick. i lay there for a bit watching my dick limp up and return into its cocoon. the cum on my hand i jus rub it off some facial tissue by my bedside then clean up the one on my belly. i get out of bed and proceed to wash up and plan for the day.At around 11:30 i have done all my laundry and cleaned up my apartment and i browsing through the movie listing at the local cinemas around my apartment. I couldn’t figure out what to watch so i jus decided i’ll jus walk on there and wing it, and will watch whatever will be playing next. i get up to dress up in a pair of jeans a white body fit shirt, a pair of faded jeans and my a black light hoody, yeah i have literally no fashion sense i get into my branded sneakers and make my way out of the apartment to the nearest movie house.As im moving through the streets the sun is high and the humid whether jus makes it a hustle to enjoy anything. it took me a good 15 min to get to the nearest shopping mall. As i enter the mall im greeted by the malls air conditioning as the sliding doors open up as i approach the feeling of cool air is satisfying i had managed to walk slow enough not to sweat but fast enough to not seem aimless. I got some food from the malls cafeteria and ate my food. I linger around the mall a bit then make my way to the top floor where the movie house is located. as im getting on the last escalator to the movie house floor, a group of cute asian girls roughly around their early twenties to late twenties gets on before me and im standing there on slow moving stairs. not sure where to look, since the group and brushed past me and got on just 4 steps ahead of me. their asses are literally on the same level as my face and they are wearing tight booty short and trabzon escort tights inside the shorts. i take time to steal glimpse of the last two girls who had gotten on of the four, the one on the left side seemed edgy more than the rest of the crew, as the rest chatted in their local dialect whilst she was silent. she had long brown hair up to her upper back with highlights of bold on the tips. and had a small peachy ass which for some time i thought she was pushing it out so that it would seem bigger. as im looking at her ass i notice no panty line around her waist line, and here tights where kinda transparent so i could see the, her skin ever so slightly, and since i was literally ass to face with her and her friend with her booty shorts not covering the lover part of her but i was sure she had no panties on. By the time i had stopped stealing gimps of her body the escalator had gotten to the top so the friend i never really checked her out.As we they all got off she froze a bit trying to make sure she doesnt stubble whilst getting of the escalator so she took a step back and made a step. which werent well , until she left a swinging arm return back towards me, which landed on my groin area, i was slightly shocked but not in one of those make a scene way it just caught me off guard, but as it happened i felt as if she gave a light squeeze on my dick when here hand landed on it, thats when i noticed i was hard and my dick was sllightly imprinted on my jeans, i quickly made my way to the bathroom away from everyones eyes, so that i would adjust it a took me a couple seconds to re-adjust it and then i made my way out of the bathroom, towards the counter. i got in line and eventually got my ticket to watch the next movie showing in the next five to ten minutes. I made my way to get some caramel popcorn, soda and some sweats for the movie. As i moved to find my way to the theatre assigned for my movie i noticed it had a 16 rating so was glad about winging it. my seat was located at the 1/4 mark from the top to the left and since i had gotten both seats i wasnt that bummed, till i noticed it was a local movie but in english, well i hadnt seen any local movies in the country i had moved to for work so yeah forgive my skepticism. I set down and set myself up for the movie. One ear piece to my ear incase my phone rang, my popcorn and sweats on the seat next to me and my soda in the cup holder. Checked my phone for any msgs and stashed it in my hoodie pocket so that it wouldnt distract me by vibrating on my leg if a msg came in. The movie started and the story started of slow like well this story but it was interesting enough to keep me from dozing off.In the middle of the movie a dark figure moved from the back aisle seats to the one seat away from mine in the same aisle. i just looked over and then just gave a smile and continued to watch the movie. a couple minutes late the person asked if it was ok if i would mind moving my stuff, at this point of the movie it was just my bucket of popcorn. the only thing i could make out at this point was the person had a girls voice, which was soft and sweet. So i agreed and grabbed my popcorn and moved it on my lap. When she moved to the seat next to me another two figures filled up the other empty seats on my aisle and well i just assume maybe it was a boyfriend and third-wheel to the girl sitting next to me, and i assumed the other two are guys and at any moment one of them would switch seats with the girl and I would be stuck between a guy and a wall, one of which i had gotten accustomed to, the other one well i didnt know. I kept calm and watched the movie and as the movie continued i rarely paid much attention to it i was more checking out the girl sitting beside me whilst she was still there, she was wearing booty shorts but couldnt see if she wore tights or anything, she hard small breasts and had short hair down to her neck which seemed to be black when flashes from the screen occurred. I kept trying to check out her more as the movie continued till i gave up and just tried to catch up with the movie. As i reached for my soda i then noticed it wasnt there anymore since the cup holder i had placed it was the one to my left between the now occupied seat. when she noticed this she then quickly apologised coz she had been drinking my soda, i just brushed it off and said its ok she could have it, but she insisted i take it back or atleast we share. So i just agreed to share knowing that i was going to ask for it, i would just let her drink it then escort trabzon maybe grab something on the way back home after the movie. She placed the soda back in the cup holder a couple times before she noticed i never drank it and she told me i had agreed to share so to just get it over with i grabbed the soda and held it by my mouth and pretended to drink from the straw thats when i noticed the straw was glossy and it smelled like cherries or something, as im still figuring out what the flavour of the lip gloss she was wearing i had let my guard down to my popcorn which she attacked, at this point i was just helpless so i let the popcorn go. i then returned th soda to the cup holder and shifted the popcorn to her hand but she would return it to my lap as she claimed she didnt want a lot.This continued to the popcorn finished and when i noticed it i was hard so i told her the popcorn is done and placed the empty container on the floor, just to make sure she wouldnt reach over and try grabbing my junk. after this the movie proceed fairly okay i found interest in it again then i felt a hand grabbing my groin. it squeezed and released then squeezed and again with each squeeze my dick would respond with an increasing in size until i realised what was happening then i come from my trans and looked at her and she didnt seem phased at all. maybe she was but then i took it as a mistake, so i just set up inmy seat and continued with the movie, then she did it again this time she let her hand rest on my dick i wasnt sure wat to do coz i did like it there but then wasnt sure how to react and anyway she wasnt doing anything so i let it be, maybe at some point she would realise then remove it. this state continued for a while till she started grabbing for my dick again, i then thought okay to not look like a perv i should say something.As i turned my head to face her she grabbed it hard and i just sat back in my seat she looked at me and signalled me to be silent. she unzipped my pants and drew my dick out. thats when i noticed the other two seats had been filled with another two girls one of which looked familiar but the lighting just wasnt letting me get a good enough view of her, the friends eyes where looking at my dick in her hand and then they just returned to watchin the movie like it was normal. she then started stroking my dick slowly at first up and down my shaft her hand holding the middle of my dick with at least and inch or two over her and about half an inch still in my jeans. She kept this up repeatedly licking her hand and rubbing me revealing my tip before she started playing with the tip with her palm rubbing the precum all over it, before i head popped up between my feet and tried to swallow me whole this resulted in a slight gag from her, she came of it and smiled, then tried again. before she gave up and just focused on the head, as the girl continued i started to move my hands to the girl on the side who was just watching her friend blow me, i made my way to her shorts and undid the button with her not protesting, then i started feeling her out, rubbing her clit softly and slowly progressing to her warmth, she felt wet and the more i played with her clit the more she would cringe and then she grabbed my hand and pulled it out of her pants, at this time the friend blowing me dove in full voice to swallow me i jerked back to the surprise and that when my hands were pulled behind me and tied with a cloth. i was shocked, so im looking behind to figure out wats going on and then i remembered the face that was staring at me, the girl from the escalator stood above my she just signalled me to be silent. she stood there for a bit thats when the movie was over and i felt my dick get covered the girl between my legs stood up and took her position between my legs and the one sitting by myside knelt on her seat as another one took space infront of her. i was boxed in and covered, i ws thinking wow this shit just escalated quickly, and what do they want, well at first i though money maybe rob me, but they could have done this early in the movie. why stay this long to do this? as the movie theatre emptied we stayed there till the last person cleared im still tied up dick hard and then one of them ran down the stairs to the exit door and shut it whilst another ran to the entrance and said something in the local dialect and the theatre lights went dead leaving only enough light to see the figure in the place, as i was thinking why am i silent i should scream for help or something i was told to trabzon escort bayan sit up, i did so and as i learned back to make a load scream my mouth was sat on, i would have protested but then it was a nice soft ass with on my eye my nose pretty much sniffing her ass hole and her pussy on my mouth the more i protested the more she wiggled and then i felt it, on my dick a hard sit, and it felt warm all of a sudden, i sat there motion less for a bit trying to figure out what was on my dick since i know what was on my face, then i realised i was being ridden the less i protested the easier the face sitting would go and the faster the one riding me went so i kept this up for some time till i felt them untie me. with that my hands rush the the girl face sitting on my and i brought her down in front in a doggy style position and i started eating her ass spreading her cheeks wide as i could, then i felt a hand grab my throat and another set grab my balls hard and a whisper came to my ear so soft, and sweet i would have never thought it would be a threat, she said we are in control not u, try to take control we hurt u. then a sharp cold metal brushed the lower bit of my balls grazing ever so slightly, and gave in to their whims and they shifted me to the side the one i was eating her ass now was straddling me and a new face fuck contestant came to my face this continued for a while each face siting juicier than the on before and each one moving to my dick soon after, till i they just started fucking me and licking my balls, whilst the other two played with each other my hands moved to hold the one riding me’s ass and she looked back and smiled and increased the humping harder and harder and as she did this i got stiffer and stiffer and her pussy got wetter and wetter till she gushed on my dick, i thought maybe she was pissing but she was shaking like she was having a seizure or something but her friend liking my balls jus kept rubbing her and placed her mouth by her pussy and tried drink her juices splashing, then i realised she was squeting when she finished shaking the girl drinking when to sucking my dick with the juice in her mouth and she seemed to like throat fucking me and gagging. At this point she was so hard and rough i didnt care anymore i just grabbed her face and pumped it two times felt something gush from her nose, before she could properly choke i had my mouth on hers and my other hand on her ass with a finger inside it she jus gave a little squeal as my finger slipped inside her and she directed my dick to her pussy and slowly placed the tip to the entrance, we locked in embrace as we shared the friends juices in her mouth kissing tongues wrestling juice flowing between each mouth and her trying to match the rhythm of my finger in her ass and my dick in her pussy, after we swallowed the juices she seemed out of breath and as her ass was tight i could risk entering her, i looked over to the friends and the the other two had been eating and face sitting on the third one i just left the one on the seat lying there and grabbed the first ass i saw, it did protest and she stood up and as i grabbed her tits and squeezed them she arched her back to my ear and her breather just made me go crazy i wanted her ass i opened her ass cheeks to enter and there was something already there, i tried again before i used my hand to check and i felt a plug, which i just pulled out and replaced with my dick, i stood over her and bent her over the seats she was know kneeling on and pumped her ass till i came with a hard grunt in her ass, i fell backwards and bounced of the seats to land on the floor where i met the popcorn container which started this all, whilst i was trying to get my breath back i felt feet on my chest and a hand on my dick and again it was being sucked this time more sucking than anything this went on until i was soft and i got up from the ground. the girl who was sucking me ran somewhere and a few lights in the theatre came alit and i saw the aftermath of it all. the girl who was stepping on my chest had done so to eat my cum in her friends ass and when i went to see whose ass i had fucked it was the girl with the neck long black hair, the one i had stuck my finger before her was the one from the escalator and the other two well i just assumed it was the gang. i started to clean myself up, and help them aswel get dressed, i apologised for being rough, and they just giggled.Then the one from the escalator came and said we attacked u and ur sorry for being rough whats wrong with u? thats when i just shrugged it off and we left the theatre and wen we got outside we bacame strangers and each one went thier on way.(Sorry for the slow build up,, this is my first story, comment criticise i hope its constructive and hope u enjoyed)

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32