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Heather gets usedHeather walked nervously through the hotel reception, moving quickly, avoiding eye contact with any of the staff as she approached the lift. As she waited she couldn’t help but think of her boyfriend, she loved him so much. Life was perfect, maybe too perfect. With him she felt safe. Too safe. She had a desire, a yearning that made no rational sense, she couldn’t admit it to those who she knew. She couldn’t discuss it with those who she loved, the desire lived inside her. She had struggled to ignore it, but the longer she did the stronger it became. He couldn’t fulfil her needs, it wasn’t his fault, he just couldn’t, it was a simple fact. And it was a fact she couldn’t ignore any longer. She lusted, needed, fucking needed to be used.It had started as a fantasy, something only she would ever know of, a lust within that she indulged one step at a time. First allowing herself to search the internet, just for a look, just to feed her fantasy. Once she had looked she had to join, it only took a few minutes to join the site, then she started to allow herself to indulge in the pleasure of sharing her fantasy with others. Her mind became confused, was it now fantasy or reality? She was chatting to men who were all to eager to fulfil her, she had started her search unsure if anything would happen but the more she gave in the stronger her desires became. She became more desperate, more daring, more slutty. At first she would go online for just an hour every week, her boyfriend would go out to watch the football most weekends and she would chat to her new friends. Then one Saturday afternoon while she was online she met her master, as soon as she laid eyes on his thick cock and started to message him she was hooked. He pushed her to be more daring, she started to chat to him through the week too, a few minutes in an evening when her guy nipped out. Then her master persuaded Heather to chat while her boyfriend was in the very next room, she couldn’t resist, she needed him. She started to take long warm baths each evening, she would lay there, her eyes closed, the door locked, in her own little world, she lay back, her legs parted, the warm water flowing over her breasts imagining he was there, her breathing deep, trying not to let her boyfriend hear. She would make circles on her clit, then let her fingers slide inside, feeling the intensity build, the waves of pleasure filling her body, slowly turning her on more and more.Then one evening while she was online her master had ordered her to give him her phone number, then go into the bathroom. She lay there in her bath, anticipating his text. Eventually it came, ‘Phone me now…. You don’t have to say a word’ Nervously she phoned him, her heart pounding. She breathed quietly down the phone, only once murmuring a word just so that he knew she could hear. She listened to her master, she could hear him, he started to masturbate, as his breathing became heavier he told her how much he wished he was fucking her, how he wanted to use her. Tie her up like a little slut and fuck her little holes, gag her, pull her hair, abuse her. She lay in the bath, shaking as she orgasmed. He started to text more and more, every time her phone made a sound she felt her clit begin to tingle, her pussy becoming uncontrollably wet as she wished it was a text from him. He dared her more and more, deeper and deeper under his spell, she had to leave meetings early to satisfy herself, pull her car over to the side of the road so she could listen to him cum, wait till nobody was in the office so she could send him a photo of her dripping pussy, then he’d ask for one with her fingers inside, then with the head of a staple gun parting her lips. There was now nothing that she would not do for her master.She stood in front of the lift wondering how it had got this far, it had started as a fantasy, then as a story and now it was about to happen.Heather departed the lift, about to meet her master for the first time, she had his instructions via text: Room 104 let yourself in. She stood nervously at the door, about to meet him. She knocked but there was no answer, she pushed the door gently, it opened. Biting her lip timidly she moved into the room, she knew that he was about to use her. It was dimly lit, she walked further into the room, it was empty. Sitting on the edge of the bed she waited. Her body full of anticipation. It was wrong, she shouldn’t be there but that made it all the more daring, all the more exciting burdur escort and it turned her on all the more for it. Sitting, feeling her body twitch, her skin tingling, heart pounding, mouth dry, she rubbed her legs against one another feeling her excitement grow. She waited and waited, unsure if he would show up, was she even in the right room? Or the right hotel? She didn’t even know him, maybe he was just a hoax. All these thoughts filled her mind but right now it was impossible for her to leave the room, she wanted her master and would wait as long as he wanted. The door opened and he stood in the door way. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a stylish t-shirt, he didn’t look like the kind of man who would take advantage of her. She began to feel awkward, he stood there looking at her. Maybe it was a mistake, a misunderstanding, maybe he thought it was some sort of date or something. He just stood there looking, maybe even enjoying the uncomfortable silence. “Hi I’m”, Heather started to say, “get on your fucking knees you little bitch”, he interrupted firmly. Her heart pounding Heather did as she was told. He moved closer unbuttoning his jeans as he approached, Heather looked at his hard swollen cock. She had fantasised about pleasing him and now she could suck on him, let him fuck her mouth until he was satisfied. She reached up, holding his shaft as she began to move her mouth towards him. “Keep your fucking hands behind your back you little slut”, with that he grabbed her hair with both hands ramming his rock hard dick into her throat. She gagged with pain as he banged the back of her mouth, she tried to pull back but he held her hair tightly, thrusting his hips, smashing his body into her face as she knelt helpless to stop him. All she could do was moan, she wanted to move her hands, to let her fingers slide into her wet pussy as he used her mouth. She could feel her knickers becoming completely soaked and could do nothing about it. Her master pulled his cock from her swollen throat and gripped the base hard, his cum oozing onto her face, chest and clothes. Heather moved her fingers to her cheek, to feel and taste his hot load. “I told you to keep those behind you”, said her master, gripping her throat and moving his face close to hers, “Don’t you listen you little whore”. He gripped her hair twisting it till it pulled, harder and harder until she began to beg, tears filled her eyes, “Please she began to cry”. He looked into her eyes once more, his eyes cold, he really didn’t care about her, and he didn’t care if she suffered. “You’re a fucking dirty, little worthless diseased little whore, you’re a bitch, a cheating slut. You just sucked a strangers cock and now you’re just kneeling there with cum all over you like a fucking tramp, you’re worthless, fucking worthless and think of your boyfriend you little slut, kissing your lips after you sucked my cock, how are you going to let him kiss you after that?” Heather knelt, feeling truly guilty and abused but she felt alive, more alive than ever, her heart raced, eyes sparkled and her clit throbbed. Her master pulled her hair hard, dragging her into the bathroom. He forced her to the ground then bent her over so her head was hanging over the bath. He grabbed the shower head off the wall pulling her hair back so she looked up then blasted cold water into her face. “You need to be cleaned you little bitch, were you just going to walk home with cum all over you? Say thank you for making you clean”. “Thank you master”, spluttered Heather with water splashing into her mouth. “Now I think your mouth needs a wash too after having my dirty cock in there”, her master forced the shower head to her lips, “Suck it”, he commanded ramming it inside. He forced it into her mouth as he had done with his cock but the shower head hurting even more, her mouth and throat filling with water, she tried to breath and water burst into her lungs. She pulled her head back coughing as water poured from her mouth. She clung onto the side of the bath, tears rolling from her eyes, her stomach convulsing as she tried to cough up the water she had swallowed. Her master moved behind her, he reached up, gripping her knickers and sliding them from her, then he pulled her short skirt off too so she was naked from the waist down except for her shoes. As she coughed and spluttered he pressed two fingers to her wet cunt, probing her deeply as she began to push back against him. “Have you not learnt your lesson escort burdur yet you little slut”. He reached around with his left hand keeping the fingers of his right hand inside her, he reached under her top pulling her nipples hard, her body shuddered as she cried out in pain, “Please stop” she begged secretly wanting him to continue. He moved to the opposite side of the bathroom just a few feet away. “Come here”, Heather crawled towards him, ready for him to fuck her mouth once more. “Kneel” he commanded. She knelt at his knees then he put his hands on her, turning her to face the wall. Next he gripped her hands opening them out flat and placing her palms flat to the ground. She knelt without moving, wondering what was to happen next. She had fantasised about many things but had never expected what was about to happen, he took a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush from the shelf. He placed the tooth brush across the back of her left hand, then he lay the toothpaste across the back of her right hand. With this he left the room as heather knelt obediently, he returned a few seconds later with a short length of tape which he stuck firmly across the little bitches mouth. “Don’t fucking move and don’t turn around, if I see that either the toothpaste or toothbrush have moved then you’ll regret it you dirty evil slut”. Now she understood, she knelt on a cold tiled floor facing a wall, if she moved her hand from the floor then the toothpaste would fall off, if she then moved her left hand to replace the toothpaste then the toothbrush would fall off that one too. Either way if she moved he would know. She knelt looking at the wall then her master unfolded a large white towel and d****d it over her head. She knelt patiently, waiting, waiting for what would happen next. She heard his footsteps behind her, moving from room to room. Then she heard the main door of the hotel room open, his footsteps pass through it and disappear. She was alone, kneeling uncomfortably. Had he gone? She waited for her master, she heard footsteps approaching along the corridor, the hotel door still open, though no-one could see into the bathroom, two people this time but they kept walking. She knelt naked, her head bowed, covered by a single white towel and unsure who would discover her. She wasn’t shackled, she could move but she wasn’t allowed to, she did not have permission. If she was discovered she would be utterly humiliated. How would she explain her sick fantasy, her dirty secret, how could she admit how perverted she was, truly disgustedly fucking perverted. Her legs began to ache first, then her arms and back. The pain grew, lactic acid spreading through her body. She started to move her hands a little, her palms on the floor and twisting them from side to side gently so she wouldn’t let the toothbrush or toothpaste slide from her knuckles. She started to twist and move her back, lifting herself off her heals slightly and allowing her legs to move a little but the pain grew. She knelt trying to obey him but the longer she knelt the more unbearable it became, she just wanted to reach up, to stretch her legs and arms but she couldn’t. She looked at the bottom of the toilet which is all she could see from under the towel, her face beginning to strain, her teeth clenching hard, the pain growing, more and more intense, the urge to move becoming overwhelming. The towel d****d over her, tears now trickling onto the cold grey floor tiles, she deserved to suffer. She had been a dirty little bitch, a cheating little whore, a filthy unsophisticated a****l and she couldn’t even give a reason why. Why had she risked hurting her boyfriend so much? Why did she need to be fucked by her master? Why did she want to be had by stranger after stranger letting men fuck her one after the other? Why did she want to be fucked in a dark alleyway by two big men spunking inside her and over her as she tried to fight them off? She deserved every little bit of her pain!Her whole body was now convulsing, such was her need to move her limbs, they were numb but painful. She heard footsteps walk into the room. Was it her master? The footsteps moved around the main bedroom, her body twitched and shook, her tears falling to the floor as she whimpered crying out in pain. The footsteps moved behind her then stopped. She tried to talk, desperate to know what was happening but the tape over her mouth wouldn’t let her. She tried to keep still. She could hear him behind her, she looked burdur escort bayan down at the tiles now wet with her tears. She heard his deep satisfied breaths, his gentle moaning, his hand moving against him, slowly at first then a faster rhythm, his moans grew louder, the slapping sound of his cock being pounded now clear to hear. Heathers pussy began to moisten once more, her body in agony, she wanted him to fuck her hard but he kept masturbating. He let out a long deep and satisfied groan as Heather felt tiny specks and splashes of his cum fly over her exposed back. Now surely she would be allowed to move, her body yearning, her pussy soaking. Her guilt fuelling her excitement. Of all the ways her boyfriend had made love to her none, not one, not a single time, had ever turned her on as much as hearing her masters moans, hearing his excitement, hearing his cock being pounded as he came just inches from her without her even being able to see or touch him. The room was suddenly brighter, she looked up at him as he stood holding the towel he had just taken from her. His cock still swollen with a trace of cum oozing from it. He ripped the tape from her mouth, walked from the bathroom, then returned holding what looked like the lead from a kettle. Folding it in two he lashed at her, then again striking her across her lower back, “Fuck”, she screamed reaching around to protect herself. Her master gripped her hair tightly, “I thought I told you not to fucking move your hands”, he whispered into her face. “Turn around”, she did as she was told. “Put your face near the floor”, as she did this she could see his cum which he had ejaculated form behind her and allowed to spread over the floor. “Rub your clit for me”, she did as she was told. “Put two fingers inside”. “Now three”. She forced a third finger inside, her wet pussy now desperate to feel his cock. “Do you want me to fuck you”, asked her master. “Yes”. “Suck my cum from the floor”. As she tasted his now cold cum she felt dirty once more but this time she had her fingers to push back against, moving them quickly in and out of her slit she felt herself tighten around them. She was so turned on from being her masters little toy, his slave, his dirty fuck toy that she came hard. Licking at his dry cum and breathing hard as she felt her body explode. Her master looked down at her, “now you will be punished”, he said calmly. He lead her to the bedroom where a long cord was waiting, ready to tie her. She knelt obediently letting him tie her wrists to her ankles, her face pressed to the floor and her ass in the air. “Now Heather I’m going to be kind, I’m not going to hurt you”, said her master as he kissed her back tenderly. “However, I am going to make you cry”. With this he pulled a thick black pen from his pocket, then he moved his finger to her slit. “Are you still wet for me you little whore”, “Yes” she replied. “Good”, she could feel his cock harden as he began to rub it against her pussy. The tip dipping into her from behind, then he thrust his hips a little more ramming her deeper, she pushed back against him, she had yearned for his cock, desperate to feel it, desperate for him to fuck her hard. “Now you little tied up slut you listen to me”. “I’m going to make you sorry you little cheat”. “This pen is permanent, if you don’t wash it off straight away it will be on you for days”, as he spoke he kept his cock moving slowly inside her. He gripped her arm, she tried to fight against him, desperate to stop him, he smiled, biting her shoulder gently as he wrote ‘SLUT’ down her fore arm. Then he wrote, ‘WHORE’ along her calf, forcing her into the ground he wrote ‘BITCH’ across her shoulders, still fucking her as he wrote. “Now what is your boyfriend going to think when he reads this? He wrote ‘FUCK TOY’ down her back. “Now he can see for himself what a little bitch you are”. Heather now realised the seriousness of what had happened, how could she explain this to her boyfriend, what could she say? “Please stop, let me wash it off, what am I going to fucking do”, she cried. “Please” as she cried he pulled his hard throbbing cock from her pussy and pushed it deep into her ass. As much as she now hated him she couldn’t help but push back, his fat cock felt so good. The excitement, hatred, fear and lust filling her body as he came inside her ass almost as soon as he entered her, then pulling out to drip his remaining cum into her hair. He loosened her ropes then helped her to get dressed. Once she was dressed the insults that he had written on her body were still clear for all to read, his cum still glistening in her hair. He walked her to the door, pushed her into the corridor and locked the door calmly behind her.
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