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His Magnificent CockMy brother’s cock is big….. No, he has a Magnificent Enormous Cock.My brother was a year ahead of me and much of my reputation rested on the things that he did so I was always aware of what was going on with him. Sometimes it sucked attending the same high school together because he was a General in the Army of Nerds. Every teacher would look at my efforts and tell me how they expected more because my brother was such a good student. He was annoying; the type of student who was horrified at the prospect of earning a ‘B’. For me a ‘B’ was a good thing.Something happened at the end of my tenth grade year though. My brother — the nerd — began to work out. All summer long he was at the gym. He became like someone possessed. He went to the gym all summer long. As a matter of fact the only things he did that summer was eat and work out. By the time school started he was no Hercules but you could see that he was different. I asked him one day what happened and he looked at me and said, “Can I trust you?” “Duh, of course,” I said. “I want to change the way people look at me — the way girls look at me,” he said with all sincerity. I couldn’t help it, and laughed. “And, that is why I can’t tell you anything,” he huffed. I told him that I was sorry and that I understood. We had a good talk and it was great because it reminded me of why I loved my brother. As much of a drain as he could be on my popularity at school, at home he was the best. He was always looking out for me. We could talk for hours about anything. His secrets were my secrets and my secrets his. We were extremely close. We would cuddle in our room and just talk to each other. It really was innocent –for a while.Throughout the year he kept on working out and it seemed his efforts only intensified. By January he had packed on quite a bit of muscle – he wasn’t the same Chris at eighteen that he had been at sixteen that’s for sure -and the girls at school were noticing. The time spent cuddling with my brother became fewer and further between as he began dating more and more. By his senior year he was dating regularly and when the stories started surfacing. While occupying one of the stalls in the restroom, I would hear some girl talking about this boy with an enormous dick, which turned out to be Chris, my brother. As the months went on I would hear stories about his size and bits and pieces. I guess I should have felt embarrassed but instead I was jealous. As the stories turned more sexual my jealousy worsened. Chris stayed at home after high school because he was attending the local community college. I was very thankful because our relationship stayed basically the same. Now, having turned 18 and being a senior myself I knew that our time spent with one another would really diminish when I went off to college the following year. While cuddling with my brother one night I asked him about what was going on with him. “Chris, we used to talk about everything,” I started “why haven’t you told me about these dates that you have been going on?” I told him that I was hearing stories about him. “What kind of stories,” he asked excited. I told him that they were stories about his size and that recently there had been stories about his ability. He was silent. “How can we be so close and you not tell me when you started having sex?” I asked him. Still a long silence and then he asked me, “How could I tell you? You are my sister, am I supposed to just come home one day and tell you how I convinced some girl to give it up,” he asked “that’s not going to happen.” “Why not,” I asked –ok, snapped- “every time I am somewhere where the girls don’t know I am there I hear about your big dick. Everyone is talking about it, the girls you’ve been with talk about it non-stop and the ones that you haven’t fucked yet want to find out for themselves. All they talk about is you and that your thing, everywhere I go I hear about it anyway. Girls are lining up at your Big Dick Altar praying asking or begging to be fucked by you. You say you can’t talk about it, but I already know about it.I was agitated and I didn’t mean to say what I said — at least not that way. I didn’t edremit escort want him to hear me talk about his dick so much I didn’t want him to think that I was thinking about it, even though I was. He pulled me close to him and whispered that he was sorry. It was then that I noticed something I had never noticed before — his dick. In all of our cuddling sessions it was never a big deal before. Our current conversation must be the reason why I am so aware of it this time. Or it could have been the fact that I felt it start to creep along my butt crack to its final resting place, the small of my back. I wanted to turn around so that I could see it, grab it or something – but I was frozen. I suspect that he was too or he would have broken our embrace. I could tell he was frozen because he was hardly breathing. I could have been a bitch and done something to embarrass him but that isn’t my style. At this point it had grown so much that his boxers could no longer contain it because I could feel its warmth as it throbbed against my back. We just laid there until we fell asleep.I woke up the next morning and he was already gone to the gym. I stretched to get up and could feel the cold floor seep into my bones as I stepped down. Memories of last night flooded my mind and for the first time I had a tingling sensation below. My hand started making me feel things I never had before. Thoughts of my brother danced in my mind while my hand took me to a blissful place I was brought back to reality by the sound of the shower in our bedroom turning off. My brother must already be back from the gym. I crept over to the door because I knew what was next. He had been jerking off for a few years now; we had talked about it but that was his private thing. It was curious to me but I never intruded, never even listened. But now, things were different. I had gotten used to hearing about how big it was, but actually feeling how big it is spiked my curiosity. As I listened at the door I could hear the rhythmic, squishy slapping sound he made while jerking off. As I stood there wondering what it looked like, I heard him quietly say, “come on.” It was like he wasn’t really talking but commanding results. I could also hear his heavy breathing as his pace quickened. I realized that my hand was on me as I felt my knees weaken. I was on the floor in moments on my back with my knees spread and my hand flying away racing toward my first orgasm. Then the world fell apart and all I could feel was pleasure. I had never felt anything like it. I briefly lost track of the world caught up in the feeling. When I came back down as my senses returned I realized that my brother was grunting like an a****l behind the door. Instinctively I knew he was just about done. I gathered myself and ran back to the bed. He came out of the bathroom with a towel around him. He stopped at his bed and dropped off his stuff and then walked toward me. I noticed now the outline that I had missed all this time of his still firm cock — it was large. He stood by me looking down. I wished he would drop the towel, no I hoped he would. He looked down at me and said thank you. I knew he meant that he was thanking me for not making it worse on him the night before and causing him to die from embarrassment. “If you really want to thank me you will let me see it,” I said shocked at my boldness. The look on his face was priceless. “I-I can’t,” he stammered. “Please, I really want to see it,” I begged. He looked at me, sternly. “This is wrong,” he said undoing the towel “you have to promise to never tell anyone.” And then I saw it. It wasn’t anything like what I had seen in sex-ed class it was so big. It was bigger just laying there than the ones they had shown us erect in class. I was mesmerized. My mouth hung open literally. How could he be so large? Then it started to grow. I couldn’t believe it and I don’t think that my brother could either. If someone as Black as him could blush then he was blushing. I reached for it but he slapped my hand away. “No,” he said “that’s too far. I — I have to go take care of this.” He closed the towel and turned to leave. “Chris,” I called escort edremit “let me watch.” “Just come on. You’ll never leave me alone about it anyway,” he said.That was just the beginning.Over time my brother Chris, once the king of the nerds, had transformed into the complete opposite of that. The funny thing is that for years he couldn’t get a girl to come near him and now that his looks had changed they discovered that the nerd king was also the king of cock. His dick, as I had been hearing recently and now had seen for myself, is unnaturally long.And, it is beautiful. Magnificent really.I sat on the toilet as Chris dropped the towel. He looked at me and I could tell he was concerned. “I need to watch you,” I said.He studied my face. Then he reached for the lotion that was sitting on the sink, squirted it into his hand and began stroking. It just got bigger and bigger. It was fucking enormous.Having listened before, I could tell that he was working it faster. The slapping sound was happening much more rapidly. My body was reacting to the sight. My nipples were at full attention and I began to feel warm and moist between my legs.”Shit,” Chris said. Really grunted. He kept on grunting and huffing. Between grunts, he managed to say, “It’s gonna be a big one.”I noticed he was staring at my nipples which my nightgown did little to hide. This excited me even more because I knew what he had just said meant he was about to cum. He was about to cum! I wondered if I was exciting him.Chris’s breathing became ragged and even as naive as I was I knew it was imminent. I couldn’t help it I reached out and grabbed it. I don’t know which was first Chris yelling no or his cock erupting.”Damn Chris,” I exclaimed. He shot cum everywhere. I was at arm’s length but took about four shots to the face, my nightie had cum on it and there was a trail of cum down the arm leading to the hand that had grabbed him. Chris stumbled back away from me stopped only by the bathroom wall. He then slid down to sit on the floor.I was in a trance. I began touching his cum that landed on my arm. I wanted to know all about it. What it felt like – smelled like -tasted like. This thought took over. I had to taste it. I just had to. I brought my hand to my mouth and stuck my tongue in his cum.”Brandi, don’t!”It was too late I had tasted it. I was surprised because I had heard how bitter it was supposed to be but I didn’t think it was that bitter. It had a slightly salty taste with a hint of sweetness to it. Although I really liked the way it felt in my mouth, the texture of it, and the way it slid down my throat.I didn’t realize it but I had begun masturbating and sucking up the rest of Chris’s cum. It was Chris’s protest that snapped me out of it.”Please Brandi you can’t do that.”But his cock betrayed him. It was growing again and he had cum twice already. He must really be excited to see me do that. I looked at the monster coming back to life and spoke more to it than him, “Oh yes, I can. It’s good. What I really would want though is to get it right from your dick.”I was as shocked that I had said that as he looked to hear it.”What the hell have i done” he said.————Significant change often happens in our lives in such a way that it is often imperceptible. The passage of time allows us not to take conscious notice. Then there are events which snap us into a completely new context. Sitting on the toilet seat in the basement bathroom that my brother Chris and I shared covered in his cum I had just thrust into a new context.Twenty minutes before I was just a curious sister wondering about the rumors I had heard. Up to now, Chris was my friend, brother and confidant, but has now become the very definition of sex. “That was unbelievable,” I said.Chris was quiet. He was just staring at me. I followed his gaze and realized he was staring at my crotch. My hand was a blur as I was trying to feed my needy pussy my hand. I hadn’t realized how much I had spread my legs and put myself on display. Chris did something I know he didn’t realize he had done or he wouldn’t have let me see him do, he licked his lips.”You want me,” I accused.”No, no of course I edremit escort bayan don’t.””You don’t?” sounding sad by his rejection.”Well – I -I can’t want you. It would be wrong if we…”I looked directly into his eyes. I still don’t know where this boldness came from, “I didn’t ask you about it being right or wrong, I want to know if you want me? Don’t you want me to experience the same pleasure that the girls can’t stop talking about?”Before he answered I knew what he wanted it was evident from the way his cock was twitching. “Brandi, I just can’t. I shouldn’t have let it get this far and won’t let it go any further. The last thing I am going to do is take the kind of advantage of my sister that I should be protecting her from.”Watching Chris’s cock bouncing I had to give him credit for willpower. I knew he wanted to fuck me it was just obvious. I wanted him too and I was going to get him – just not yet.I reached up and scooped the remaining cum still on my face, placed my fingers in my mouth and sucked it down my throat and said, “OK!”His face was a pained mixture of longing and confusion.——School seemed to drag on perpetually. I didn’t hear one word any of my teachers said. The only thing on my mind was my brother’s huge cock. I guessed it was too big for me to have room to think about anything else. That thought made me laugh.”Brandi!” I heard a voice which snapped me out of my reverie. It was Lana a friend of mine and a girl who was currently dating Chris. “Brandi are you okay? Class is over and you’re still sitting here.”Had I really been that gone? I had to get a grip and figure out in short order how to deal with this situation. It’s just that Chris’s cock overwhelmed my thoughts the way I knew it had overwhelmed all of those girls’ bodies. All of those girls including -Lana?!?“ Can I ask you a question? Have you and Chris -uh, have you…” I started asking her without thinking about what I was doing, but was finding it difficult to ask.Lana dropped her gaze and her face turned beet red. Lana was a porcelain skinned redhead who my brother had lusted after since he was in his nerdy stage all those years ago. The likely hood of those two hooking up was nonexistent. Not only was Chris a nerd, he wasn’t in her circle and she had never dated a Black guy. I guess buffing up and rumors about having the biggest dick around had done the unimaginable by making the impossible – possible.”You have!” “Tell me about it!” I was practically squealing.She looked mortified. It was probably how loud I was being. “I will tell you outside if you just keep it down”I practically broke into a sprint. I was already sitting on a bench outside the school when Lana exited. She looked at me puzzled. “What the hell is going on?”“ Just answer the question. You have haven’t you?”“ Yes. Your brother can have any woman he wants. It’s not just his… you know. He is incredibly charming. For me it was all the stories I just couldn’t believe they were true.” She looked at me. “I had to know. They just kept coming. It was like he was fucking every hot girl and every one of them said how good he was and how bi – big he was””People have tried not to speak about it around me but I have heard,” I said.”I measured it you know.”“ You did what?”“ I really had to know. After the first time I asked him if I could measure it. I shouldn’t tell you this” She looked away as she continued. “It was almost eleven and a half inches. Literally almost a foot long. Just the knowledge of the number made it that much more erotic and I belonged to him after that” She dropped her head. “Even today…””Today,” I questioned.”Yes, he called this morning and said he needed to see me. He has never called like that before. It was exhilarating we took off just before my lunch period I skipped the previous class and found a secluded spot and he just was on fire””He was?”“ I can tell you although I shouldn’t that Chris is always amazing but today he was phenomenal. He just kept going. I almost didn’t make it back for my last class. I thought he was going to fuck me to death,” she said chuckling. “All that time you…” She interrupted, “yes, all that time. He had been really good before but today he was off the charts. Usually he can wait until we go out but there was an urgency I had never seen before. I don’t know what got into him but I like it.”I already knew what had gotten into him and I liked it too.
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