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Hot Summer ShowersMichael was a much younger man than I was used to seeing, tall lean dark hair with a touch of curl. He often came to my house to tend to my lawn and i would watch as the sweat would trail down his torso through tufts of hair and disappear into his waisteband. More than once he caught me staring at him, more than once he would wave and i would attempt a smile, turn and walk away. Often i would masterbate thinking of him. He became such a habit that whenever I saw him I would blush.On Tuesday he came to my house late in the afternoon and appologized for being late. Quickly he got to work and I watched for several minutes. The phone rang and my friend Abby called to tell me she saw my lawn boy. Now I really wouldn’t call Michael my lawn boy, man yes. In his kütahya escort tight bluejeans, work boots and no t-shirt my friend would often do the same and watch from her kitchen window as he mowed, chopped, and tended to my bushes.I left him to do his job and went into my bedroom when i fondled myself for awhile. Finally cumming I lazily went into the bathroom where I stood under the stream of water. It flowed down my body as I reached for the soap. I then lathered up good letting the suds catch in by bush i watched the bubbles flow down the drain until i felt a draft.Looking up I saw a shadow in the door way, I thought it was Abby coming to discuss the obvious. Sliding open the door there stood Michael. He had one hand on the door and the other on his escort kütahya dick, he was naked. Not even a word he stepped into the shower. He must have been standing there for several minutes ’cause his dick was alread rock hard. He put his hands on my shoulders and lowered me to the flower where I serviced his man meat until I gagged on the water. Taking a deep breath I went in for more. He dick had my full attention. Next thing I knew he was bending down to join me.Turning me around he lifted one of my legs until it rested over his and i felt his left hand sneak around and grab a hand full of my pussy. “God your wet” he mummbled. “I like it wet.” I said.He was kissing my neck massaging my breasts, playing with my clit and i came all over his fingers. Before kütahya escort bayan i had time to react he bent me forward pushing my face into the wall he pulled my hair out of the way and started kissing me on my back.Next thing I knew his hard ass dick slid between my pussy lips and entered me while i gasped. He was so unbelievably hard, I had ached for this for so long I couldn’t believe it was really happening. But fuck me he did, he put hands on either one of my shoulders and pushed forward with so much force that i could fill his balls slap against my ass checks. I screamed his name over and over. Cumming like I’d never came before. I felt him climax inside me. He bent over and rested his head against my back. His dick limp from our fast fucking. He began to laugh.”Don’t think this is included in your monthly bill.” he said.I laughed and said….. “Don’t worry ’cause now I don’t have to worry about giving you a pay raise.”Michael finally went off to college in the summer, but he still comes back to take care of my lawn.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32