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Jock Tales–On the Road With Dad–Rt 66Jock Tales—Senior Year, On the Road With Dad—Route 66We finally arrived at Phoenix. Dropped the load, then headed North to Flagstaff to pick up the next load to head back east on the famous Route 66. I had begged dad to take the two lane road, mostly for the bragging rights to say I had been on it. It had been one of my favorite landmarks since my idol, James Dean was killed on it when he ran into the back of a truck in his corvette, back in the 60’s.We pulled in to a pretty big truck stop just east of town to grab some grub, and fuel up. Nothing exciting happened there, other than the awesome Southwest food—kinda Tex-Mex if you will. As we got ready to pull out, I looked over at dad with my best puppy dog eyes. He caught on quickly, and just said “what”?“Lemme drive your truck”“Ohhhhh son, I dunno—it’s a really big piece of equipment”“Ya dad, I know—but I’m used to really big pieces of equipment” mischieviously grabbing my half swollen dick. Dad grinned, shaking his head back and forth.“Come on dad—everybody gotta learn, right ? It’ll be just like driving my jeep—just more gears”. Dad still resisted, and I still kept rubbing on my now fully boned cock, slumping down in my seat. “Dad—it’s a thousand miles of straight, flat road—how easy could it be”? Finally he gave in, and I liked to have blown a nut right there. I kicked off my flip flops, and grabbed the Caterpillars. If I was gonna drive a big truck, then I had to look the part. I even put on socks, lol. I climbed into the ‘captains’ chair, and quickly clutched the truck into first gear. Very carefully easing out of the parking lot towards the road, I got lucky—no traffic coming in either direction. Seeing the wide open opportunity—I slammed it.Full throttle, quickly gearing sinop escort up to forth, I let out a cry–”Oh fuck ya ! I gotta get me one of these”! Without letting up, I continued up the highway, gearing up as fast as I could do it. Dad already had a look of terror on his face, lol. It was amazing how you could ‘feel’ the load behind you—and I was already feeling the ‘load’ in my nuts. My head was buzzing, and all my muscles were tensing up. I continued to up-shift to 7th now—reaching the speed limit. It was the most amazing thing ever. I grabbed the overhead chain, and yanked the horn for a few toots, like a little k I d at Christmas.We continued down the road for about 90 minutes before the first rest stop. It was huge, about the size of a football field. I tooted the horn as I eased into a parking slot, parked it, and hopped out. As I darted for the mens room, I noticed a few looks from other drivers checking me out, prolly wondering if that skinny, shirtless young punk was actually driving that truck. I ran for the piss trough, and quickly hauled out the monster. There were three others standing there as well, but at the moment, I didn’t give a fuck. Cause I didn’t need to piss—I had to unload a massive nut. I grab my fully boned cock in my right fist, and dropped a load of spit and snot right on to my swollen purple mushroom head. Wasting no time, I immediately started stroking in a fury. Tightening my abs and shoulders, and gritting my teeth, I yanked on my meat like I was trying to rip it off. The other drivers, finishing up their piss, just stood there in awe, and watched as I brutleized my massive jock meat. It only took a few minutes. As I felt the churning in my low hanging balls, I took about three steps back from the piss trough. Arching my back backwards, escort sinop and my head now looking up at the ceiling, I let out a banshee yell, and volleyed. Seven shots of thick, unbroken rope of heavy jock jizz go sailing through the air, hitting the wall above the trough. Five more shoot leaving a trail from the trough back to me. Everything went black, and I grabbed another driver standing close to me around the neck, and held on as I almost passed out. Finally spent, and still holding my cock in my fist, and my left arm wrapped around the truckers shoulder, I cut loose an equally impressive stream of steaming hot jock piss, also hitting the wall behind the piss trough, about 7 feet. The piss was so hot that you could actually see steam rising from the trail. Finally, completely spent, I gradually slumped down to the floor, and layed out on my back, breathing heavily like I had just run a touchdown.“Are you alright son”? A voice asked. “Ya dude—you OK”?I just grinned as my vision gradually came back to me. “Ya—Im fine—first time to drive today—it was awesome”.The other drivers, now ‘getting it’ began to chuckle, and one reached out an arm to help me up. “Maybe you should take the riders seat for a while son, and get your strength back” he said with a grin, all the while checking out my still impressive meat hanging down my right leg. “Ya—for sure”I jump up and walk over to the sinks, and splash some water on my face. It was pretty hot inside the rest room, and I just noticed the sweat pouring from my pits, which were stinkin now even worse than this morning. I raised my left arm up to take a deep whiff–”DAMM” was all I could say. I noticed a couple of other drivers, flanking me at the sinks letting out a grin, and one offered “yep—it happens—all to easy”. sinop escort bayan I gave him a grin back, but then noticed something in the mirror I hadn’t seen earlier. Crunched down on the floor, in the corner, off the edge of the piss trough, was a young dude, pulling on his meat. He looked about 17 or so, and was dirty as fuck. Looked like he been wearing the same clothes for a month. I walked back to the trough, all the way to the edge, standing now right beside him. I pull the monster back out for the ‘finish up’ piss, and just stare him down, watching as he continued to jack his dick. This b o y wasn’t shy. I squeezed off my piss flow, and just stood there, now facing him as he continued to jack his meat. He was pretty nice looking, and had a pretty impressive dick himself—I figured about 8”. His filthy white wife-beater barely even looked white anymore—even his face was dirty, and yep—he stunk. His stench rose from the floor like a cloud. It was rancid, and he was getting me boned up again. But I held it down, and just as I see him start to tense up at the shoulders, I flash him a shit-eatin grin, and cut loose. Aiming right at his face I hose down the little punk with a strong stream of yet more of my hot stinkin jock piss. It only took him moments before his whole body jerked, and exploded all over his torso. Pretty impressive in the ‘normal’ category I guess, he shot about 7 shots to his face, then trickled down to his pubes. He wiped the mess of jizz, and my piss from his face, the putting his fingers into his mouth, sucked it all off. I gave him another grin, then reached out my arm to help him up off the floor. “Goddamm dude—you fuckin stink. When’s the last time ur ass saw water”?I guess he was embarrassed, but responded :about three weeks”“Need a ride”? I asked him as my dick jumped in my jeans. I got a nod up and down. “Aight then dawg—let’s go—my dad is waiting. And oh ya—that funk ur emenating—is gonna get ur filthy ass fucked—-hard”He just grinned, and we headed back for the truck.
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