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“Are you sure that you’re going to be okay while I’m away, honey?”

“Laura, for Pete’s sake, I’m not a kid. Go and have yourself a good time and don’t worry about me. It’ll be good for you to have a few days on your own. Oh, and honey…. I meant what I said. If you meet somebody that appeals to you, go for it! You may never have an opportunity like this again.”

Laura’s twin sister Cathy had asked her to go on a four-day cruise to Jamaica and her husband had encouraged her to go. Steve had been encouraging Laura to sleep with other men for a long time. A couple of years ago he began to have trouble maintaining an erection, and they’d gone through some rough times. She had been lonely and frustrated and had a torrid affair with Ben Vandeman, a coworker at her office. Inevitably, Steve found out and became very angry, insisting on hearing all the details. Surprisingly, when she told him that Ben had a huge cock, Steve had become so turned on they’d enjoyed the best sex in years.

“Oh Steve, if I don’t meet anyone, I hope you wont be disappointed,” she blushed. “Besides… if I did, what would I tell Cathy? What would she think?”

“I’m sure you can come up with something sweetheart. You know, Cathy’s always thought that you’re prettier than she is, so she’s probably invited you along to attract some men. And don’t forget, she knows all about your affair with Ben so it probably wouldn’t come as a big surprise to her if you wanted to have another little fling. If you did happen to meet somebody, it would be a good excuse for her to let her hair down!”

Laura knew what he meant. After her marriage had ended Cathy became uptight and a bit of a prude. Steve said to Laura that Cathy probably missed having sex and just needed a good fuck. Laura craved excitement but she felt the chances of anyone finding a 47-year-old woman attractive would be slim, and she was hesitant about Steve. Although he said it would turn him on she still worried that he might change his mind and think of her as a slut. The sound of a car horn brought her out of her daydreams. .

“There’s your ride, honey….. I guess it’s time to say goodbye. Here, give me a hug and I’ll help get your bags out to the car!”

It was times like these when Laura realized how lucky she had been to find such a wonderful man. Although Steve had put on a little weight and gotten grayer over the years, he was still ruggedly handsome and apart from the sex, they’d had remarkably few problems. It was a bonus that now she had the freedom to sleep with other men.

“Oh, Steve, I love you and I’m really going to miss you! Thank you so much for letting me go on this trip. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, I’ve never really had a chance to spend any time with Cathy.”

“I’ll miss you too, but I’ll get by. It’s only for a few days. Off you go sweetheart…I love you….I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”

As they arrived at the dock, Laura and Cathy could hardly contain all their excitement. After they boarded the ship and found their cabin, the sisters unpacked their bags and set off to explore their new home away from home. Later that evening after they had a rest Cathy suggested they go for cocktails in one of the ship’s many lounges.

“What do you think Laura? We don’t have to go for long. It is our first night, and we’re both so excited it will probably help us get some sleep!”

“Actually, a drink does sound like a good idea! What are you thinking of wearing, Cathy?”

“I thought I might put on my new red dress. It makes me look a lot slimmer and I’ve been dying to wear it!”

After her husband had left for greener pastures, Cathy had turned to food for solace and had put on a lot of weight. Laura had always been careful with her diet and had managed to stay quite petite. As they walked around the ship, she noticed quite a few men checking her out. She didn’t know if it was Steve’s prodding or the motion of the ship, but she couldn’t believe how horny she felt. “I wasn’t going to dress up, but if that’s what you’re going to wear, maybe I’ll wear my new top with my black skirt.”

The twin sisters had gone all out, and bought themselves a number of new outfits especially for the trip. Laura went through her things and pulled out her brand new white cotton halter-top and short black pleated skirt. She slipped on her favorite silk panties then painted her nails a bright red and brushed her long auburn hair until it shined. After applying matching lip-gloss and her favorite perfume, she put on the skirt and top and struck a sexy pose.

“How do I look Cathy? What do you think of this outfit?”

“Laura, you always look good. I sure like that new lip-gloss you’ve got on…Jeez, you even did your nails to match!”

“It looks sexy, doesn’t it? Steve teases me about it. He calls it my slutty look!”

“No matter how much I dress up Laura, you always outshine me. How am I ever going to meet anyone? The men will be all over you. After all, I’m the one who’s single!”

“Well, ataşehir escort I’m not going to dress down for you, besides my husband likes it when I get lots of looks.”

“Well Steve’s not here, but if he were I’m not sure if he’d like you looking quite that nice!”

“Cathy, can I trust you to keep a secret?”

“Of course you can!”

“Steve told me to enjoy myself on this cruise and that’s exactly what I plan to do! Do you remember the year Steve and I were separated, and I had an affair with Ben Vandeman?”

“Of course I do, that really shocked me. I always thought you and Steve were so together!”

“Well, when Ben took me to bed I found out his cock was twice as big as Steve’s! The sex was just incredible. Don’t get me wrong, my husband’s a good lover but Ben took me places I never thought possible, and oh god, his cock was so thick! It filled me up so much, and Cathy, you wouldn’t believe how much he came!”

“Laura, I’m surprised at you!”

“Well I only have one life to live. I’ve missed fucking someone with a big cock. In fact, I’ve missed it so much if the right person should come along, I just might go to bed with him. Let’s be honest, I didn’t buy all these sexy new outfits for nothing. Cathy, if I do sleep with someone I hope you won’t think badly of me!”

“Well, since you’re being so honest, I have a little confession of my own. When I was married to Fred, I had an affair too. It was with a man from Jamaica I met in my yoga class. Have you ever heard the saying ‘once you go black you’ll never go back?’ Well, I found out why, the guy’s dick was huge! Poor Fred was always so drunk that he never even noticed how long my yoga sessions were getting to be! So there you are! I guess I’m hardly in a position to judge you, am I?”

“And here Steve and I were thinking you were turning into a real prude! It feels so good to get everything out in the open, doesn’t it Cathy?”

“Yes it does, but you know, I’m not sure you know just how lucky you are. I’ve always envied your relationship. I’d love to have someone just like Steve.”

“Well I guess the grass is always greener, I envy you too Cathy. I’ve always been turned on to the idea of going to bed with a black man, it seems so naughty!”

“It was pretty incredible! That’s why I picked Jamaica for this holiday. I want to find out if all the Jamaican men have dicks like that!”

“God Cathy, if you really want me to be faithful to Steve, you shouldn’t be telling me all this. It’s making me horny. Anyway, if we’re going to have that drink, we should get going. It’s getting quite late.”


“Jerome, what do you say we call it a night? I don’t think there are any decent women on this boat.”

“Jesus Clarence, give it half a chance, we’ve only been here an hour and a half and you already want to pack it in. Patience my man, patience. I’ve got a feeling were going to get lucky tonight.”

Jerome and Clarence had been close friends since they were boys. They had both beaten the odds and won scholarships to pay their way through university. Upon graduation, they were both offered positions as chemical engineers for the same company. Their job involved a lot of travel so they remained bachelors. As they’d been away in Qatar overseeing the construction of a new oil refinery, they hadn’t seen any women for the past three months. Upon their return, Jerome had come up with the idea of going on a cruise. They needed a holiday and he’d heard the cruises were usually filled with horny white women looking for a good time.

“Yeah, right! Jerome, my man, I should never have let you talk me into this holiday. C’mon, let’s get going. We’ll try again tomorrow.”

“Wait, don’t get up! I knew it! I knew if we just waited, some pussy would eventually show up. Wait till you see the two foxes that just walked in the door. They look like sisters and they’ve got ‘fuck me’ written all over them! Turn around real slow man, don’t make it look too obvious!”

“Sweet Jesus Jerome, you weren’t kidding, look at the caboose on the bigger one! She’s sure built for comfort!”

“Well, I like the one in black. She has the cutest little ass and the most suckable titties I’ve seen in a long long time. Be cool Clarence, we’ll send them over a drink, and I’ll bet we’ll have them in the sack in no time at all!”

Feeling a little nervous, the sisters entered the darkened lounge and found a nice private booth off to the side of the stage. Illuminated by candlelight, the table was private and yet felt romantic with a beautiful arrangement of white roses sitting on a red tablecloth. They’d barely sat down and got themselves comfortable when the bartender appeared and presented a chilled bottle of champagne and poured them each a glass.

“Ladies, the two gentlemen seated over by the piano sent you this champagne. They’ve asked me to thank you for gracing the lounge with your presence and say that they would be honored if they could join you.”

Laura ataşehir escort blushed and looked around the room.

“What…who ….where?”

He pointed out two tall, good-looking black men that were smiling and nodding to them from across the room.

“Oh…. Of course, please thank them for us, and tell them it would be our pleasure.”

The sisters giggled nervously as the young men approached their table. They’d barely been in the lounge for two minutes, and two sexy black hunks were already hitting on them!

“Hello ladies! I’m Jerome Miller, and this is my friend Clarence Simpson. Thank you so much for brightening up our evening!”

“Hi Jerome, Hi Clarence, I’m Laura, and this is my sister Cathy. Thank you so much for the champagne, it was very timely! We just came in to celebrate our first trip together.”

As they chatted, Laura felt herself becoming quite damp. She was tempted but wondered how Steve would feel about her going to bed with a young black stud. By the time they had emptied their second bottle of champagne Laura didn’t really care how he’d feel, nothing was going to stop her from fucking Jerome. She noticed Cathy was hitting it off with Clarence too.

Jerome drained his glass and stood up as the singer broke into an old Lionel Ritchie tune.

“Would you care to dance Laura?”

“Why, thank you Jerome I’d love to. ‘Hello’ has always been one of my favorite songs! It’s so romantic!”

“Yes it is, isn’t it? And I can’t think of a prettier lady to enjoy it with!”

As they twirled around the small dance floor, the words in the song ‘Is it me you’re looking for?’ seemed so appropriate.

“God Jerome, I can’t believe how much you’re turning me on.”

“You feel it too, don’t you sugar? Let’s not fight it baby, it feels so right!”

Jerome put his big hands under her ass and pulled her close. Laura felt his cock throbbing against her belly as they waltzed by Clarence and Cathy. Clarence had a strange look on his face. It looked like Cathy was doing something with his cock under cover of the table.

“Would you like to go out on the deck for some air Laura?”

“Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Gee, Clarence and Cathy sure look like they’re having a good time!”

“Yeah, they do seem to be hitting it off.” he chuckled. “They’d better cool it though, or somebody might throw a bucket of cold water on them!”

Jerome and Laura slipped quietly out of the lounge. He put his arm around Laura’s waist and they walked along the upper deck until they came upon a bench in a darkened corner. Laura asked him to sit down. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she kneeled in front of him, unfastened his belt and pulled down his zipper.

“I’ve been dying to see what’s been poking into me out on the dance floor!” she whispered, as she rolled down the waistband on his shorts. Twelve inches of thick black cock sprang up and waved before her face.

“Oh my god Jerome, it’s beautiful. It’s so big!”

Laura untied her halter-top and allowed her breasts to hang free. She pulled on her swollen nipples as she stretched her lips around the head of his massive cock. Laura’s sweet perfume mixed with the musky scent of her sex. Jerome’s balls ached for release.

“Oh god yeah, that’s it, oh yeah… suck that dick! Be careful baby, I haven’t had a woman in a long, long time. There’s going to be an awful lot of cum when I blow my load!”

Jerome held onto the back of her head and slowly fucked her face. As she squeezed her tits and played with her nipples, he noticed Laura’s rings sparkling on her hand. Man, the married ones are always the horniest! I wonder what hubby would think if he knew what his wife was up to! She sure can suck cock!

“Easy baby!” he cried. “I’m almost there…. Easy….easy… oh god baby, I warned you, here it comes… Oh fuck…oh fuck….oh god all fucking mighty!”

All the warm salty cum Jerome had been storing up for three months blasted into her mouth, bloating out her cheeks like a chipmunk, before it slipped on down her throat. Some of it bubbled out the sides of her mouth and dripped onto her tits. She picked the warm thick jism up with her fingers and massaged it onto her nipples. Laura had missed the sexual high she got from pleasuring a big throbbing cock. I’d love it if Steve were here to see this she thought with a smile.


Cathy felt Clarence’s hand creep up her thigh as she jerked him off. She glanced around the room to make sure no one was looking and parted her legs. His hand traveled up under her skirt into her panties, and inserted a finger into her sopping wet snatch.

“Bring me off baby,” she whispered. “It’s been such a long time for me!”

Cathy felt Clarence thick fingers teasing her pussy, slowly increasing their pace and massaging her clit in a circular motion that had her gripping his cock tightly as she felt her orgasm build. She looked around the dance floor for Laura and Jerome and anadolu yakası escort realized they’d gone… She moaned with pleasure as the pressure increased until suddenly her cunt relaxed and let go, squirting a warm stream of liquid all over his hand and her new dress.

“Oh god, Clarence, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, remembering where she was. “I’ve never done that before! Your cock is so big I guess I got overexcited! I’m so embarrassed!”

“Don’t be, sugar. I’ll take it as a compliment. I like it when my ladies squirt! I don’t often make women come that much. Here, take my napkin and clean yourself up. It looks like Jerome’s probably taken Laura off to our cabin for a bit of fun. You’ll have to change, so let’s go back to your place.”

Cathy dabbed at her pussy, doing the best she could to dry herself off, then they finished their champagne and set off for her cabin. After locking the door and drawing the curtain, she slipped off her dress and panties, took a blanket off the bed, and laid it on the floor. Clarence slipped off his trousers and lay back on the blanket with his cock sticking in the air. Cathy straddled him, reaching behind her back and unhooking her bra to release her heavy pendulant breasts. They hung like two ripe melons, their large puffy nipples pointing towards the thick bush of dark hair that covered her lower belly. With a desperate pleading look, she reached underneath herself and placed his cock in her opening, and then lowered herself down onto his massive black shaft.

“Fuck me Clarence… please baby, fuck me real good!”

“I’ll fuck you all right! I’m going to do you until you squirt all over the fucking room! Would you like that?”

Clarence gave her big ass a slap and Cathy squealed with pain.

“Answer me you fucking cunt.”

“Yes… oh god yesss! I like it when you talk dirty to me, you big black bastard! Make me your fucking slut!”

She raised herself up and down, gradually increasing her pace. Clarence could feel her engorged cunt lips clinging to him, hungry for his seed.

“Fuck Cathy, what a cockslut you are! Don’t worry baby, I’ll give you what you need.”

“Oh fuck yes! Cum for me, baby! Fill up my cunt!”

“I’ll bet right about now that slutty little sister of yours is getting boned too!” Clarence whispered in her ear. “Man, I thought Jerome was gonna fuck the horny little cunt right on the dance floor!”

Hearing Laura described as a horny little cunt had every nerve in Cathy’s cunt screaming to be relieved. After hearing her sister’s confession, she thought Clarence’s description was not too far off the mark. She could imagine what she would be doing with Jerome. Cathy started to become frantic, riding Clarence faster and faster in her desperate attempt to wring all of his cock cream up into her pussy.

“Okay baby, get ready….. It’s coming baby, you’re getting me there….Oh fuck, its gonna be a big one!”

As she listened to Clarence’s soft soothing voice uttering his dirty talk Cathy felt herself getting ready to squirt. She writhed in ecstasy, squirming to get his cock deeper into her ravenous quim.

“Oh fuck Clarence! I’m cummmingg! Oh god…Oh no…I’m fucking cummmingg!”

Suddenly, she held herself still and sprayed his cock and balls. Clarence felt the hot liquid running down his thighs and soaking the blanket. He clutched her big white ass and drained his balls into her womb

“There! Take that! Take it all baby…. holy fuck…what a great piece of ass!”

Cathy eased her cum filled cunt off his cock, and collapsed in a big heap on the floor beside him

“There, do you feel better baby? Is that what you needed?” Clarence asked.


“Man….that was fucking incredible! I can see you’ve done this before haven’t you baby?” Jerome gasped.

Laura finished cleaning him off and got up off her knees. Smiling proudly, she licked her lips clean and did up her blouse. Jerome gave a big sigh of contentment.

“Let’s go back to my cabin sugar. I’ll bet Clarence is at your place with your sister. If he is, we’ve got all night!”

“Oh god I hope so….I’d love to spend the night with you! I can hardly wait to feel that big monster up inside me! I came just from sucking it off! Jerome, would you do me a big favor before we get started? I just remembered I promised I’d phone my husband. Give me your cabin number and go on ahead, I promise I won’t be too long.”

“Okay baby, we’re in 802. I’ll see you there!”

Laura fished through her purse and found her cell phone. She dialed their number and heard her husband pick up on the second ring.

“Hello? Steve here, is that you Laura?”

“Yes honey, I’m sorry I’m so late. The time just slipped away on me. Oh Steve, you should see the ship, It’s amazing! Thanks again for letting me come on this trip. The food is wonderful and our cabin is so nice! It is nowhere near as small as I thought it was going to be. You and I have to do this some day.”

“It was getting so late I was starting to get worried. Laura, you sound different, have you been drinking?”

Laura giggled. Steve always knew when she was up to no good.

“Laura, what are you up to? I can tell by your voice that you’re up to something, what’s going on?”

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