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Long hairfucking of my maidit was my home town whr the whole environmnt turned me on to oil hair fetish. 95% of the women thr, they keep longhair n uses oil heavily its our lands tradition. hindu religious womens r vry much available wid their oily longhair glory in thr. n i grow up in habit of combing n playing wid oily longhair frm the vry beggining of my life. wid granmothers frns, n sisters frns, neighbour aunts, i uses to playwid it b4 i felt about sex. but i felt later dat i used to get aroused in c***dhood wenevr i played with oily longhair. wat evr its a story of wen i was 27 yrs sexually experienced single. finding out for an oily longhair sex partner to get a normal sexual life. though i m a pervert guy, so i was atleast suppose to fuck sm1 or i cud b turn to mental patient fr dat. so, 1 day i just habitualy peeped through my window.caus its beside the road whr any time u keep eye for 2 minutes u will surely see 2 oily longhair bun atleast. n saw frm 1st floor a neatly combed heavily oiled huge bun on top a head of a hindu bua(aunt/servant) women.,she was tall. wearing very soft n thin sari which was unable to hide her appealing sexy features.. her tight boobs n destroying ass.seeing her on 1st glance i turned fully on..mostly the oily bun was not tolerable at all to let go off widout staring still the last view of it.i was shaking while just following it frm my window. i rushed out widout t-shirt. only wid shorts to follow dat bursty longhair bunned lady n i need to buy my cigarets frm shop. i went out vry fast but i did not c dat oily bunned bitch on da road. i was surprised whr she went so fast dat i missed. is my cell phn n slipper took too long so i missed dat beautiful oily bun? thinking i went to the store for cigarette. keeping eye on da road n wen i just looked at the store i cannot c anything widoutdat thick greasy musky deelpy oily neatly combed huge tight bun. n i didnt expect any 1 thr n i was in action to order my fags n i went too close to dat lady she was shorter den me but her thick bunch of oily greasy hair bun was on my nose n her ass smashed my shorts it was a bang n i came behind a litle caus she was unable to go more forwrd her tight heavyboobs r already smashed against the showcase of the shop. i asked sry to her immediately n started shivering litle inside. she was not embarrassed at all of my accident. she was asking dat shopkeeper for a pay phn. but shopkeeper says no phn service. in the meantym she was shaking her head to ask for phn..nd was staring both left right as helpless. i came wid wearing a shorts only n her musky oily hair smell n neat huge oily bun wid voluptuous ass made me hard n i was shakin a beat wid high heart beat of this incident. i nvr expected this much momnt n i was only wid shorts.. if she turns around she will c my hardon caus she need to look down for the only step of da shop. so i immediately put hand in pocket n grabbed my dick inside dat shorts it look like hand.. she turned to me now n tried to arrange a litle space for me on that narrow platform of the shop. she was thinkin smthing else caus she was tensed bout it. i ordered for cigarette n did not took the place she she turned on my side on the stair her huge boobs now is just bursting in frnt of my head. she was not looking at me.. theshopkeeper gave my fags n she turned back n picked my packet n i was staring at her bun.not dat i wanted to stickly staring at it. butcant sense to miss for a pulse. n she gave my packet to my hand. so i took wid right hand. n now i offered her bout her worry.. u can call frm my phn.. but u hav to just come infrnt my gate caus i left it wide open.. she said ok n i showed her 20 steps ahead my home compound frm behind i was directing her n was staring on dat beautiful sexy oily bunned hair.. appling this much oil even cant makeher hair full dark.. it was crazily reddish allover her whole bunch of mane.. her sexy extra big n fat ass curved out unnaturaly but her bun and ass togethr only matches.. 2features, her beautiful huge hair bun neatly combed n sleek.. nd her huge ass.. in frnt she got big throbbing soft tits. wen i ofered to let her in i showed her way ahead so she passed through my door in nd i naturally attached to her bun so my hands accidently get rubbed against her boobs n i felt soft very soft tits wid tight lite bra(..) she was not aware of this. i went in pushed the door off. staring at me she gave me a piece of paper whr the numbris written she wana talk wid. i dialed n gave her cell phn, wen the other side received she turned back n was talking wid her master,sunlight glimpse her redsheded deeply oiled big neat bun like gold. the glory n beauti was just heavenly to staring at. she has habbit of shaking head while she talks.. her thick oilyhair bun was just loosen slowly.. n the sunlight.. i cant hide my hardon so i pressed it tight wid my hand in poket. while talking over phn she put her left hand fingers in her head to scraching in side hair.. her finger dragged through beside her bun n she scratched while her bun shaking n loosen a lot more. but the tight bun was so neatly combed n deeply oiled dat it still holded itself tugged to her head.aftr scratching she pressed her bun to returnit again in previous shape but it got loose so pressing her bun made it more erotic n loose to make a oily hairbun blast.. n she finished talkin on cell n returning my phn she offered me money. i laughed so much. my aunt came to c wats wrong. asking me i just said no i helped this bua(aunt/helper) to call n she wanted pay me for dat. n my aunt said well she is honest.. is she free to work for us ask her, so we can talk. i said i don think she but iasked n she said dat whe she called madam went out so she is free.. so i came near to her n said to get the deal wid my family watevr they offrs. she stared in my eyes wickedly.. n ansrd ok. n she joined. i stay alone in myfloor. so she finishing aunts work she came tomy floor.. güvenilir bahis siteleri wid the tired half loose neat massive bun. she entered my room walking n in every move she made the oily thick hairbun slowly showed off its full glory wid sexy musky fragrance of oil. n i strted dripping inside shorts. by this time she was working to my aunts house i started rubbing my big dick wid coconut oil in my room. i got the biggest dick among my friend circle. n then it was dripping more. now i let my hardon explored in my shorts which her eye cant deny to avoid. nd dripping made the dick top wet,which was visible frm outside of my shorts.. i said her u got so beautiful hair.. oh my god! n its oily.. which i like most. she gave a lustful sexy smile turning around me. n said so u asked me to get the job at any deal!? huh? i smiled. didnt answer. i just said her ur hairs r very special. she turned around her backside in frnt of me nd pulled her oily hair bun hard to let it open. it was not evn opened 1/3rd she started doin a huge tight bun again so why imissed to c its whole length. but her bun making style has got smthing which turned my shaft full hard. n i was just nervous seeing dat.. while making that sexy bitchy bun she asked me to get a towel for her caus she is tired n need to take a shower. i went inside n firstly messaged my dick wid coconut oil.. n pressed my hardon to let my dripping pass thru my cock head n bring towel for her. wen i went to her to offer her towel i find her playing wid her oily bun.. nd frm side i saw her sexy curves of boobs n ass along wid oily sexy thick bun. she took the towel frm me n turned her head back towards me n walked thru the washroom. shaking her bun ass wildly. which made her bun let loose n the thickness was enourmous to the hair mass. oh g.. i was just loosing control n was full throttled hard. in a glimpse she went inside washroom. n i started peeping her thru the ventilator of the washroom shagging my oily hard huge cock masterbating. i think she saw me peeping thru the vantilation in the mirror of washroom. n was appealing so sexily dat i feel it in my veins of my dick. it was a great sexy sight. seeing oily longhair sexy bitch naked playing wid her hair n body parts. n she started shower, her huge sexy ass was coverd wid her gorgeous oily hair. n her boobs was high n exposed caus she was trying to let water fet in inside her thick hair.. ow it was a heavenly sight.. i m oaned unmindfully.. n shelaughed at it. i immediately moved frm thr. nstarted seeing tv in my room. but i was totallyattracted to see wat she was doin.. aftr 5 minsi heard footsteps of her approaching my room.i missed my heartbeat she entered i looked ather. she asked me for coconut oil. wid hersexy hair open infrnt of me. she nvr shapoodher hair, wet oily hair was providing muskysexy smell frm thr. n the whole room of mywas covered wid dat sexy fragrance. whileasking me she saw the coconut oil bottle onmy bed side table. n lifted it in her hand ndstarted oiling those enormous beatiful eroticsexy hairs of her.. which i was gettin ready tofuck. i started shivering a little though i m anoily longhair freak. i was missing longhairsex,which was a regular part of my life. seeing thisextremely hot auntmaid, oiling her wetlonghair. the smell the sight the sex apeal nher attitude towards showing me off her sexyhair n body was too much already. her hair isjust a gift of god.. the whole length of herlonghair is just same thick. which was wet nheavy laying thru past her huge ass.. i put onlights of my room more to have clear view ofher gorgeuos sexy healthier thick long hair.ow.. i felt of loosing n oosing my precum frmcockhead under my shorts. she saw my hugehardon in the mirror of my dressing table. ihav 4 mirror in my room.. so she was unableto miss it though i lightened my room. i sawdat her eyes were just staring at my cock.. ithink she tried to guess the size of my hardon.she started to talk to me, she asked medirectly.. ur sex lays to longhair.. its calledlonghair fetish i was thundered hearing thosefrm her.. i asked how u knw.. she repliedturning n looking at my cock ‘look at ur dick’its trying bursting out thick yellow cums n loadmy hair. evn coconut oils smell is erecting ueverymomnt.. now i was getting mad at howshe knows it. nd she started coiling her wetheavily oiled hair showing off her ass n titsside profile. nd i just cant believe myself itshappening like dis to me. sat on my bedagainst the 100 watt light n her oily mane wasjust a clear view to me. i automatically puthands inside my shorts nd got shocked to feelthe warmth n hardness of my dick. she said ithink u r dripping frm 3 hours in side urshorts.. she took the water bottle nd pouredfew drops in her hand came infrnt of me wida half do oily coiled bun behind her head,thru the mirror i was seeing her gifted hairsnow. she followed it too. said don stair like disor u will come out widout having any othrpleasure. n wid those water in her hand shedirectly rubber my cockhed wid her wet sexyhands.. i shivered n shaked n moaned at hermove towards my hardon.. she pressed mycockhead wid the water in her hand n.widanother hand she showed her expertise onballs, pressing my balls very hard towards theground she controlled me frm cumming outcaus her touch on my hardon was explodedme almost. she said again i saw u dripped inur shorts n it has spoiling ur shorts so i did itto u.. it was surprising dat she’s so caring. n irealized this bitch is an experienced whoreabout sex. she again replied u got the biggestcock i hav seen ever.. n its a 10 incher dirtyferocious veinfull hard thick iron rod i can feel.her oily loose bun was hanging on her ass, nfor her hairs massive thickness the bun on herass was a huge 1 i saw thru mirrors, it was soerectional dat in a blink i thought of fuckingher ass hole immediately wid my hardon thruinside her oily ass top bun. she can guess mypervertion i think. she released my cock bets10 güvenilir mi nballs frm her hands turned around did a tophead bun very quick n smashed against mynose.. ow i missed heartbeat my hard cock ifelt in her soft ass crack. i felt like i injected nmade smfew body parts numb wid anastasia.the smell made my face cold, heart wasbeating so fast brain was not working evn icant evn took a step forward. then she againopened her bun wildly which is my sensitivepart n againg slowly started to coil bun. n saton my bed corner. n stared at me thru mirror.she did a little tighter thick bun this time.. whra oily thick hair created a hole in the center ofthe hair mass.. it was just made to fuck thewhole. it was looking like more attractive nbeautiful then a vagina. i put my toung in datbun hole n started sucking like vagina. myhands hold her huge boobs frm behind, myboth hands wer able to play just wid her 1 titproperly, but wid full force i was pressing herboobs n try pull her nipples out.. now shegasps wid a lite moan in pain n plesure. myhardons now hav no patients left to bcummed.. n aftr six mnths i m getting sex so ialmost went virgin i felt. she put her hand toset her bun while in a action of curving outher sexy boobs and ass frm her body.. iimmediately felt she made this sexy oilylonghair coil to get fucked wid my monstercock.. n got on top of her head frm behind nstarted to push my hardon shove in to hersexy oily hair bun hole. she was trying tomake it esier for me to fuck dat tremendoussexy mane. she was stretching out her bunjust like a vagina wid both her hands. n i sawmy whole dick getting more n more in sideevery was a tight nd oily wet bunhole which made it go on n fuck huge oilythick hairbun smoothly wid my 10 incher.. butaftr 10 secs i hammered hard n felf her skullpart on my cock head, immediately bun fellopen but my cock was inside so it just circledmy cock with its huge mass.. : cant belive mycock was lost in her thick oily hair mass. n ifelt my cumm has no more possibilities toholding on anymore. she felt it so,. n grabbedher bun very tightly around my cock.. owh…..i screamed n slanged towards her n i shot ahalf liter cum in her masshair bun .. yellowwhitish cum was oosing out of her thick hairmassive bun. ow i just felt heavenly nblessed.. nd was totally uncontrolled. herhands wer wet wid oil n sperm. she was stillpressing my cock over her hair bun 10 minswent i stopped cumming cmpletly, but still fullhard. she understand n free my cock frm heroily thick bun. she turned n started sucking myhuge dick.. she was an excellent cock sucker..she licked n was trying deep throat to get myfull length shove inside her mouth. but its toobig even she gagged few times trying dat halfcock of mine was able to go thru her throat. ibended over her opend her blouse n bra nstarted pressing boobs i took saliva of herthroat n pinching her nipples while making itwet wid my expert finger play.. she wasmoaning cant make it loud caus my thick while keep sucking she gathered her bstassets her oily long hair she brushed it veryneat n sleek n made a huge sexy very tightbun. it was so tight dat i pulled it hard it didntopend just got a vry little loose n her headwas turning around widout opening bun wen itried pull it hard she screamed n said it willnot open caus its her special knot.. but wasneat.. n sexy n oh i was loosing senses ofmanner.. i sat on bed n she continued tryingdeepthroat n was failing, sitting down i put myright leg pointer finger to her vagina. now sheshivered n shook her body. n her vagina wasopen n too much wet my footfinger wasexperienced to let a female having orgasm.she got it to knw wid in 30 secs i worked her right hand she was pulling down myballs n trying hard to get my cock deeper. shechoked a several times.. but wen evr i washolding her tight hair bun n trying force itdeep her throat she was denying wid hands ntricks n i nvr try forcing her. caus she isalready given me more den i expected. shedstarted shivering faster n moan louder , wid inmins i let her cum by my feet finger npinching nipples. she put out my cock of herthroat. n said uff.. i was not done yet, shesaid ok u can cum in my mouth let me help ulil saying she left my balls n directly point herboth hand n fingers too my nipples. saying datcommonly every hair fetishes hav sex in dernipples, she took her saliva n made it wet evni didnt was prepared for dat n tried to stopher, i said don do it to me pls, she ignoredmy words but she didnt knw dat my nippples rabnormally sensitive.. i violated a good numbrof girls while having sex wen they try play widmy nipples. n she did it so dirty i went out ofsense of normal state to a brutal pervert, itried lastly to control n she pinched mynipples hard n was playing like hell wid it. ijust hold her sexy oily tight thick bun wid fullforce.. she was still enjoying n violating nipplesbut she was unable to knw bout it wat iscoming thru her. n in a blink i changed to ana****l.. i gripped her bun so strongly shestarted screaming but cock in her mouth didntlet sound, her head was total in my control.evn i yanked 2/3 times wen she cried out inpathitic pain to get relief. she slapped o mynipples but now it wont work slap made memore rude. i pulled her hair so hard in paintears in eyes she opened her mouth widestopen to scream to easy the pain n she evnwas unable to make force to get relief causher sexy hairs in my domination. while shetrying scream n opened her mouth like a madwomen i took the whole advantage n reallydat was my only plan to shove my 10 incher toher throat deep. crying n trying to get savedbut i m now the only 1 n i will not let her gooff now widout taking the whole length of my10 incher. ow some weird unkwn sound wascoming out of her throat. i think forcibly tryingget cock inside wit brutallity makes thosenoise. she was unable to shoke evn.. wen itrying shove she vomited several times but ididnt let out bets10 giriş my cock i took the advantage ofdat vomit. i was so sick i was trying to get slidinto deeep throat while vomit making throat abit slippery.. she lost every strength to fightback. i pressed her head tore her throat nfinally aftr half an hour brutal force i made ahole to let my 10 incher down to her throat.she lost her sense almost while i wasexploding but i didnt let her sense less bypulling sexy oily longhair of her.. longhair bunmade her to get so much violated. nd it was abiggining of this series. she choked but forcedto take every drop of my 10 incher.. sexy tighthuge neat oily hair bun in my grip.. i let herface violate so brutally she was just moaninglike a dead ****d bitch.. i gotn erection causits a longtym gone i nvr fucked. n i just got ontop n started fucking her brutally wid hugecock. it was unable for her to take the lengthfirstly but it was totally wet her pussy wid hercum n my dick wid her saliva my cum n hervomit so the second shot just did a tearingnoise of newspaper which really was her tightholes destruction. n she just cud cry silently.. nher body was shivering in pain. her oily thickbun was smashed between her head n bed nit was working like a pillow but out of mysight. i didnt move aftr hammering inside hermy whole 10 incher. i put my hands under herhead yanked her head heard wid right handher head turned left side n the tight sexy oilybun exposed its erectional glory. i startedsniffing her oily huge hairbun wid all mypassion, n my emotion was driving me n wascrying like her the same way but sexualy.. shewas surprised at my attitude n grabbed myhair in 1 hand n slided her other hand in mybody n started poking my nipples. i moanedloud n cryied out in sex.. she was feeling me nmy pervertion she felt sympathetic towardsme n my sex pervertion. n i started fuckingher. i let the whole length dick out of hersticky tight whole.. smelling n sniffing her oilybun hard i shoved my full 10 incher straight inher womb widout mercy n so hard dat herwhole body shaked shiverd n she gripped mydick wid her pussy n started stimulating datinside. oh! i cant hold n yanked her bun sohard she went bound to let my nipples n headleft n grip bed cover. she was biting her lips tobleed to heal n take the painful passionatehard fuck in its full brutality. ow.. i startedfuck her wildly n fast like a machine gun.. owshe soud so sexy.. uff! n aftr 5 mins i gave hera long last shot in her pussy n tried to shovemy balls in her pussy.. now she hold me tightn started shivering wid her whole body iunderstnd her cumming moment n i startedpoking her pussy womb wid my dick to takeher sansation in highest end.. aftr five minsshe left me frm her grip.. but i was in stillthen, n again slowly i started fucking herpussy holding her bun now wid left hand iasked her to come on top, she replied she isnow unable to do caus she is feeling no sensen strength in legs n pussy is just paining somuch she cant move it. so i left her n turnedher widout grip loose her oily thickreddish sexy hair bun.. she was unable evento put her knee on bed, it was disturbing myerection so i let her get laid facing me herbutt. i gripped her hair bun wid 2 hands jyanked like coconut shell tearing.. shescremed but her bun cudnt take its force nget opened, imediately her hairs sexy muskyoily smell fully covered the room n my instinctsof sex again aroused wid new courage, ow itopened but it stopped just upon her asscrack,. how i cud define the beauty of thissight an oily musky half opened bun just onher curved huge sexu ass crack to just get anass fuck. i just eent o top her ass n holdingher ass crack n bun together i let my dick slidin her pussy hole frm behind n took the oilbolltle in hand.. she asked weakly to put somein her hair. but i took it for sm other plan. sheshaked her body a litl wen i slid my cock. shewas went dry for cumming last tym. i dintfucked but poured oil on her bun whichdropped n messed her ass crack oily n slipery,i put oil in her hair n started messaging, shewas relaxing i put my dick n fucking her oilyreddish bun wich is layin o her ass crack.. shefelt so but let it go, now trying hard imanaged let my dick pass thru her oilyslippery sexy bun. n was pulling her hair, shewas enjoying n relaxing at this touch, her asswhole was full oily, i pressed it to c her asshole, it was a small tight n virgin ass whole iobsevedi looked at my dick fucking thru theoily bun still it is 7 incher thick black huge oilydick n its not gonna slid inside dat small ntight ass hole. i started bun fucking wid thecock on her soft huge ass crack wid its fulllength, i messaged her oily hair n let her fallasleep. she was tired n i hav massageexperience to impress longhair gals. she wntasleep her oily sexy bun stuck in my cock widboth hands i press her ass hole out, wid mymouth pressed oil bottle to pour more oil tothe ass hole to get more slippery i put som onmy 10 incher set it on her crack hole wasreally thinking is it possible to enter this smallanus. wid all courage force n passion wid anoily bun fucking dick i just thrust it against herass crack hole wid all stength, i just hearedsome tearing noise of cloths which was herholes tearing sound which was lost in a secondof her loudest cry n screaming like deathscream, i pressed her mouth shut putting myhand inside her mouth like deep throat otherhand gripped her head top hair brutally totake control of her, i saw her ass bleeding,just 2 inch of the length is in n she is dying, ilaughed n said her its nothing inside as yet..she was trying to beg me to not do so.. ilaughed n againg shoved it forcibily in side herass,, she was screaming but i let it control.. itwas so oily dat i cud make it.. i stared at themost beautiful view uff, it was an oily thicksexy bun stuck on dat huge cock which trysmashing a sexy asshole to get tore n bleed.oh i cudnt control n lastly i put all the force nher ass ow.. it was heaven. smashing oily hairbun in between my balls n her ass fucking hervirgin asshole brutally i started cumming shewas dying shivering shaking like death fighter.ow. i was enjoying oily sexy bun and asholefucking togethr for the first tym.. n thinkingwat else i can do further…
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