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Mom and I Equal LoveGrowing up I was an only c***d living with my mom and never knowing where my so called dad had gone off to, since he left my mom as soon as he found out that mom was pregnant with me, shortly after their marrage.To hear mom tell it, he just wanted to be able to have sex without having any k**s to get in the way and the only way to have sex with her was he had to marry her and she thought she loved him and he loved her no matter what but, as soon as she got pregnant, he said he didn’t want k**s at this time and if she didn’t get rid of me, he would leave which he left, since mom didn’t want to get rid of me.Mom moved back in with her parents till after I was born and was able to get a job, to work long enough to save enough money to move out on our own and close to her job she had at the time and managed to get schooling, that helped her get a better paying job that made it easier for her to suport us and give her a little bit of more time to spend with me.I remember mom and I sleeping together in the same bed back when I was in like the first or second grades of school and we even took baths and showers together. That all seemed to change thou when I would sometimes get a hard on while we showered or bathed together and she told me we should not shower and bath together any more, since I was getting older and could wash myself without any help from her.When things changed again for us is shortly after I turned s*******n and in high school. I had two more classes left before school would be out for the day, as I stepped into the door to my class room, when the teacher called me over to her desk before I could go and sit down at my school desk.”Ray, you need to go to the principal’s office and I’ll see you tomorrow maybe.”That made me wander then by what she meant by maybe seeing me tomorrow as I walked down to the principal’s office.The principal told me to come on in and shut the door and have a seat which I did then he asked, “Do you have a way to go to the hospital from here?””Yes sir. I have a car in the parking lot.””I hope you can drive safely after I tell you this.””Yes sir, what is it you need to tell me?””Your mom is in the hospital due to being in an accident and they say she is asking for you.””What kind of accident?””They didn’t say.”I stood up, “Thank you. Is that all sir?””Yes it is, you may go, just drive carefully.””I will.” as I turned toward the door.My mom is 35 years old and stands five feet and two inches with a slender build with what looks to be a size B cup tits and a nice sexy round butt with just a little bit of flare to her hips, brown eyes and a dark brown hair down to the middle of her back, with a little bit of curl that starts at the base of her neck.At the time I just stood five feet four inches and really pretty skinny with brown eyes and red hair, which some of the k**s teased me some about my red hair all through school, which I managed to learn to just let it roll off and keep going.Walking into the hospital a nurse stopped me and told me she had been hit by a car but that she would be up and around in a short time, with the proper care and she would need some one to help her with baths and dressing, since her hands and one leg was in a cast and it would be at least six weeks if not a little longer, before she can get the casts taken off.Walking into the room that mom was in, I saw that the cast she had on her hands went up past her elbow on one arm and the other one stopped just short of her elbow, and the one on her leg went up just past half way to her knee.”Oh hi son, I’m so glad you came. Now we can go home as soon as you can help me get dressed again.””Okay. How are you feeling right now?” as I stepped over to the bed side.”They got me on some pain killers right now but other than that, I feel okay. I do hope you don’t mind helping your old mom get dressed so we can leave here.””Your not old mom. And no I do not mind helping you to get dressed. Now where are your clothes?” as I looked on the stand beside the bed and in the one chair in the room.”In that closet thing there I think is where she put them.”I turned toward a clost and opened a door to see her blouse and skirt laying on a shelf and as I picked them up, “I don’t see your under wear here.””They helped me put them back on right after my xrays.””When did this happen to you?””This morning going into work.”The nurse that I had talked to in the hall way then came into the room, “Is everything okay in here miss Jekins?””Yes it is now, that my son is here to take me home.””Good. We do have some papers for you to sign, or your son here can sign them for you.””I’ll do my best to sign it.” as she sat up on the side of the bed.I watched mom try to scribble her name down on the papers güvenilir bahis siteleri that she had to sign with a cast on both of her hands, with just her finger tips sticking out from the end of the cast.With the papers signed, the nurse picked up the papers then tore out two papers and said, “This is your instructions on how to care for your casts and this is your prescriptions for your pain killers. I’m sure you will need the pain pills before bed time tonight.”When the nurse left the room mom said, “Let’s get this gown off of me.”I reached around and untied the strings in the back of the gown and then slid it off of her shoulders and got her arms out of the arm holes then picked up her blouse and got it up over her arms and over on her shoulders, then I buttoned the front up for her.Seeing mom in her bra like that gave me a hard on since it had been so long of not seeing her in nothing at all or in just her bra and pantys and the bra she had on now, was just a plain bra with a real light blue lace over a plain white cotton layer of material.As I buttoned up the front of her blouse the backs of my hands rubbed over her bra covered tits then when I had the last button buttoned that mom usually stopped buttoning I then reached over to pick up her skirt, mom said, “Can you get my sleeves up higher off of the casts?”Laying the skirt back down, “I’ll try but it might rip it.””I guess if that is what happens then so be it cause I really don’t want the blood stains to be exposed like this.”The cuf part of the sleeves were all ready tight around the cast with out being buttoned and to get them up over her cast, meant either tearing the sleeves or cutting them, to get them up over the casts. I remembered seeing some scissors in the closet so I stepped over and reached in and picked them up and stepped back over to mom and cut up the seam of each sleave, to just where the casts started at on each arm.After getting the sleeves up and had the blood stains mostly hid from site, I then picked up the skirt again, kneeled down in front of mom and got both of her legs into the skirt and pulled it up to her knees, “Do you think you can stand on one leg long enough to get this up on you and get it zipped up?””I think I can.” as she slid off the side of the bed slowly, reasting one arm on my back as the gown slid down between us onto the floor, giving me a view of her cotton panty covered pussy, which didn’t help my hard on to go soft but help make it harder than it was already.Pulling her skirt up over her hips and butt was a bit snug causing my thumb knuckles to rub over her skin and over her cotton pantys to her waist. As I zipped up the front of her skirt I could see her pubic hair showing through the front panal of her pantys, since it has gotten thin from washing and wearing.Just as I got the skirt zipped up and the waist band of it buttoned and mom got sat down again a nurse came in with a wheel chair, “Miss Jekins are you ready to go or do you need a little more time?””No, I’m ready to go now.””Did you have a coat or a jacket?””No, it was warm enough this morning that I left it at home.”With me on one side and the nurse on the other side of mom we helped her get into the wheel chair and feet up on the foot rest that is on each side of the chair.With every thing gathered up and in mom’s lap, I opened the door as the nurse wheeled mom out into the hallway then heading toward the doors, that lead out to the entrance.As we stepped out through the doors, “Where are you parked at?””I’m parked roght over there.” pointing out to the first car in the roll of cars.Once we were at the car, I opened the passanger side door then stepped in between the door and mom and helped her up out of the wheel chair as the nurse held the chair still, then with mom leaning on me as I turned and she hopped around to get her back to the car, then she sat down in the car, then she put one foot and leg in, then with my help got her other leg into the car. When mom moved her first leg into the car, it gave me a full on view of her panty covered pussy again from under her skirt and I had that view, untill she got her second leg into the car and facing forward.As I shut the door for mom, “Have a good day.” the nurse said as she backed away with the wheel chair.”You too and thank you for helping my mom today.”*****With mom at home in her bed on top of the covers sitting up aginst the head board, “Have a seat here next to me son.”I sat down at the foot of the bed and turned with one leg up on the bed with my foot hanging off the side so that I could face her, “You sure that you don’t need anything mom?””Yes I’m sure. I just want to talk to you about all that you’ll need to do for me and see how you feel about it all.””Okay. bets10 güvenilir mi I know I’ll need to help you dress and bath and feed you, since you’re not able to hold a fork or spoon and I have no problem with doing all of that for you.””That means staying home from school and having to get school work from your teachers for you to do here, till you can go back to school and not miss out on your education for one thing.””I can do that.””The other reason you will need to be here to help me, is when I have to use the bathroom to relieve myself, which may be a bit wiered for us. Which I will not really like having to have help with everything like I will need till these casts comes off. It means that you will see more of your old mom than a son should have to see or even want to see, althou, I did see something that is bothering me a tiny bit and that is, while at the hospital, you seamed abit aroused when you helped me get dressed and helped getting me into the car. Now was that because of me or because of the nurses?””Before I answer that question mom, I have to say, you may feel old, but you are not all that old I don’t think. You look every bit of twenty five and not a day over that. Please do not get mad at me for saying this but, you look sexy and prettier, than any girl at school my age. So to answer your question now, yes you are the reason I ended up with the hard on because of how beautiful you are, in next to nothing on to cover your beauty.” I couldn’t really believe that I just told my own mom all of that but it was the truth in what I felt and believed. I thought I had just messed up in telling her the truth like that cause I saw tears start to run down her cheeks then.”You really think I am that beautiful? So beautiful that you think I’m even sexy?”I looked up at her straight in the eyes, “Yes mom I do. The few guys at school that has seen you the few times you had to come and get me from school last year, I’ve heared them say how much of a milf you are.””Milf? May I ask what that is?””The m is for mother, the i is for I, the l is for like, and I will let you figure out the meaning for the f and it is not feed or feel and the t is missing between the l and f.””Is it another word dealing with sex?””Yes it is.””Fuck. Oh wow.”Hearing mom use the word ‘fuck’ made my dick stir a little bit in my pants, which I had not heared mom say that word out loud, where I could hear it so openly like we are right now. I’ve heared her say that word when she would be masterbating and she didn’t know I was awake listening to her outside of her door jacking off and wishing, I could open the door and go in and help her out.”Is that what you think of me, a milf?””I guess in a way I do. I just know I wish I could love you the way a man and woman loves each other when they are married to each other and please you, the way you deserve to be pleased.”Holding out her arms the best that she could, “Come here Ray and give me a hug please if you are serious.”I crawled up beside mom and took her into my arms and pulled her into me as she pulled me into herself, the best she could and kissed me on the cheek, with me kissing her neck right above the collar on her blouse, “I have to make a confession to you.”Mom relaxed her arms and pulled them back away from me so I raised up to sit upright on my knees beside her on the bed and looked at her in her eyes, “What is that mom?””You made me a happy woman hearing you say those nice things about me and how the guys at your school call me a milf and all, and how you want to be with me in a loving relationship to please me and all, but you have done more than just please me, you have made me very proud in the way you have grown up to be a very good man for some lucky woman out there, to have for your wife.””I do not want another woman out there. I want you for my woman mom.””I have dreamed about you wanting me as your woman, even thou, the people out there in the world around us see’s it as being wrong for us to be together as lovers or a married couple… But, I have thought about it and was going to wait to see how you felt about it, when you turned eighteen in about a year from now. By the time you are old enough to go out on your own to make a life for yourself, you will not want me, your mother, to be your woman any more.””That is where you are wrong. I know how I feel now and what I felt when the principal told me you were at the hospital, due to an accident. I would not want to go on in this world without you and I do not want, to ever leave you or have you leave me.””Come here, I will never just up and leave you because I love you so much myself.”I leaned back into her while looking into her eyes, while she finished talking, then leaning bets10 giriş on in toward her, she turned her head and met me face to face, lip to lip, for a kiss on the mouth and feeling her tongue at my lips, I opened my mouth and met her tongue with my tongue, in a French kiss.When we broke our kiss, mom looked at me and said, “You better get me to the bathroom so I can pee.”I got up off the bed and helped mom up and over to her master bathroom and over to the toilet, with her back toward it then I reached down and pulled her skirt up and hooked my thumbs into the waist band of her pantys and pushed them down onto her thighs, all most to her knees where they just feel on down and the one side catching on the top of the cast, while making sure her skirt was up enough for her to sit down without sitting down on the skirt.”You might as well just pull my pantys on off of me and put them in the hamper there to be washed and I’ll go without any pantys on around the house here, to make it a bit easier to make sure i’m clear to sit down here, when I have to go.”As I bent down and got her pantys off her leg and off and over her cast I could hear and see her pee into the toilet and then I stood and stepped over to the hamper before returning back as mom was finishing up with her peeing.”How about you just take my clothes off from here and put them in the hamper and then, the next time we won’t have to deal with my skirt being in the way and, I’ll be ready for bed as well.””Except for the bath you usually take every night after supper.” as I started unbuttoning mom’s blouse.”Speaking of supper, you can either fix us something to eat with the hamburger meat I sat out to thaw or we can order out and have it delivered.””How about delivery tonight and I’ll fix us something tomorrow evening for supper, using the hamburger meat?””Sounds like a plan to me.”When I got her blouse off, I reached around her and unhooked her bra from the mom’s back and let it slide off of her arms to the cast, where I had to get it started over them and then off and dropped it on the floor with her blouse, “I can cut the sleeves off of your bouse there and make it a sleeveless blouse for you to wear around here in the summer time, like I do my shirts that I’ve cut the sleeves off of.””That sounds like a good idea to me, since it is still in good shape, for the most part.”I had got mom’s skirt unbuttoned and the zipper pulled down, “I either wipe you now or wait till we have your skirt off.””I can maybe hold the skirt up out of your way with this arm and then we get the skirt off when I stand up from here.”I got some toilet paper off the roll and kneeled down in front of mom, lifted her skirt up and let her bring the one arm up to hold the skirt, between the cast and her belly, then I reached down between her legs and wiped her pussy dry the best that I could, then I helped her stand up and pushed the skirt down over her hips and butt, then let it fall on down around her ankle and cast on the one leg.Mom sat back down for me to get the skirt from around the cast and her foot, “I noticed that my skirt has a tear in the side of it and some blood on it too, so it might as well just go into the trash bin.”I tossed the skirt off to the side of the blouse and bra then picked them up and put them in the hamper, then helped mom up and helped get her back to the bed.I pulled the covers back on the bed real quick like and then helped mom sit down on the edge of the bed and got her legs up on the bed, then brought the covers up to her waist, “Now is this okay or not?””It is very good son, thank you.”I went back to the master bathroom and picked up the skirt from the floor and returned back to the bedroom, “I’ll throw this away then call in an order for our supper. Is there anything special that you want me to order for you mom?””No, what ever you order for me will be good I’m sure. You know what all I like to eat. You will find some cash in my purse over there on the chair.””I’ll come back and get that after I call in the order.” then I left the room.Helping mom in the bathroom with getting her seated on the toilet and wiping her dry and getting her clothes off and into bed and her sitting there, with her cream colored tits out like they are, has got me so hard that I had to make a detour to my bathroom and jack off real quike like, using her old skirt to shoot my cum off into, before going on to the kitchen to throw the skirt away and then calling in our supper order, to be delivered.While I was jacking off all I could think about was her cream colored tits sitting up so proudly on her chest, with her pink hard eraser size nipples sticking out from the center of her pink quarter size areolas, wanting to be sucked on and played with and then her real dark brown bushy mound, that I could see she trimmed back for her panty line.When I shot my cum into the skirt I had in my hand, I didn’t think I was going to stop there for a bit, I cum so much, more than I have ever cum that I can ever remember.To be continued

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