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It has been a while since my last story but I hope you like this one.

I had worked at the same company since leaving school, When I started I was doing photo copying etc but now I had worked my way up to commercial lending manager. This meant that I dealt with clients who wanted to borrow money to help their businesses.

The company was started by my boss just after the financial crisis. He was only a few years older than me and his was a typical rags to riches story. His parents had come to England from the West Indies in the mid 70’s and after being born and raised on a council estate he had excelled at school and after graduating Oxford he became the first black trader to walk straight onto the trading floor at the London Stock Exchange without having to first work a desk job.

Just before the financial crisis hit he used all of his previous years bonuses to bet heavily on the futures market that there would be a collapse.

He was one of the few to benefit from the crisis and came out of it aged 27 with tens of millions which he then used to start a business which was basically a private finance company.

The business made good money and although he didn’t need to come in he liked the atmosphere in the office and loved the buzz of doing a deal.

All of the lending managers were male and the office was a pool of testosterone with each competing to be employee of the month and secure prizes such as paid for nights at lap dancing clubs or the hire of a sports car for a weekend.

The only females in the office were a pool of secretaries who took calls, typed letters and none of them were over the age of 30. Tyrone (my boss) would only hire the most attractive girls and they all knew that if they dressed well that they would be more likely to get a bonus at Christmas time although there was a rumour that some of the girls secured their bonuses in other ways!

When all of the guys were out they would often make jokes about the girls and talk about which they would like to fuck. I on the other hand had other thoughts when I saw one of them walking across the office in their tight skirts and stiletto heels as I longed to be one of them and feel all of the men stare at me and hear them telling each other about how they would like to fuck me.

I wasn’t actually gay I simply loved to cross dress. I had never told anyone about my fetish as I knew everyone would just assume that I was gay, although that isn’t to say that I hadn’t thought about what it would be like to suck a cock or get fucked by a man.

We had been having a tough time at work as the companies financial year was drawing to an end and everyone was working hard to hit their targets. The year end finally came on a Friday and everyone was looking forward to the weekend as it gave everyone a chance to wind down before starting afresh on Monday.

Ty was however not looking forward to it so much as his wife was insisting that they go to the opera on the Saturday to get some culture.

His wife Tiffany had been in the same year as me at school. She was white and came from a very well to do family. She was a bit stuck up to be honest and no one at work could understand why they were together, although she was very pretty and always looked a million dollars.

It was very common for some of the guys to go into the office on a Saturday but when having a few drinks on the Friday evening Ty told everyone that they were to wind down and were forbidden from going in over the weekend.

As I headed home it dawned on me that with the office being empty the next day it would give me the opportunity to fulfil a fantasy of mine to be one of the slutty office secretaries and so when I got home I packed an outfit and went to bed excited about the next day.

I awoke on the Saturday and after showering and shaving all over I jumped into the car with my bag and drove to the office pulling in behind the building and checking that the executive spaces at the front and car park at the rear of the building were empty first.

Pulling my bag from the car I unlocked the office door and locked it again behind me.

I knew that in the ladies there was a full length mirror and wanting to take on my female persona completely I headed straight in to get ready.

After stripping to reveal the only hair on my body to be a small strip above my penis I opened my bag to reveal my outfit for the next couple of hours.

Firstly I clipped the black suspender belt around my waist before sliding black stockings up my legs and attaching the 4 garters to the lace tops. I then slid on a black mesh thong through which you could clearly see my fully erect penis.

Next I applied glue to the C cup fake breasts which I had bought online. They had been coloured to my own skin tone and had cost me all of last years bonus. They did however look very real when sat in a bra or tight fitting women’s top.

I then put on my newest purchase which was a pink leather corset which held my breasts perfectly so that they spilt over the top a little to Pendik Öğrenci Escort make my cleavage look great.

Over the top of that I fastened a tight cotton baby pink women’s shirt before stepping into a below knee length black pencil skirt which rides up high over my waist and almost to my stomach.

Now you may ask why I wore such a long skirt given that I wanted to be the office slut but when I combined this skirt with my black leather 6″ Louboutin style shoes I could only take tiny mincing steps. The shoes are so feminine and are finished with a black leather bow on the bridge of the shoe with the soles coloured baby pink meaning that they matched my shirt.

After getting dressed I took out my make-up bag and applied foundation, fake eyelashes, eye shadow, a coating of pink lip gloss and applied french manicured stick on nails.

Happy with that I then reached into my bag for a jet black wig which I fixed to my head before pulling back into a high harsh ponytail.

Turning to the mirror I looked myself up and down before putting on a pair of black rimmed glasses and removed the plain black cover from my mobile phone before replacing it with the hot pink cover which I had brought with me. The phone cover was so girly and even had a heart shaped from rhinestones on the back.

Confident that no one would be there I swung the door of the ladies toilets open and tottered towards the back of the office past all of the guys desks imagining what sort of dirty thoughts would be crossing their minds if they were sat there and I were one of the secretaries.

Putting my phone down I took a seat at Christina’s desk, as she often wore her hair like I was, and as soon as my ass hit the cushioned chair I heard something behind me which stopped my heart…..a key in the door.

Frozen I couldn’t’ turn but in a split second I heard the door as it swung open and closed again.

“Oh, hey Christina, I only went and left the opera tickets in my desk draw, but what are you doing here?” said Ty obviously thinking that I was Christina.

Not saying a word he asked again and I could hear his footsteps getting closer before he was stood behind me.

“Cat got your tongue” he said placing his hand on the middle of my back before I felt his fingers exploring the boning of my corset.

With his hand on my back he pushed and my chair turned slowly and as I looked up I saw a shocked look on my bosses face as he realised who it was.

“Well this is unexpected” said Ty.

After silence for about 30 seconds he spoke again saying “I think that we had better have a chat about this in my office” with a serious look on his face.

Standing up Ty motioned for me to go first and as I turned and started to walk Ty said “Damn baby I’ve seen strippers who don’t wear heels that high”.

Wait a minute I thought to myself…..did he just call me baby?!

Because the skirt was so tight and the heels so high I was barely able to put one foot in front of the other and so getting to Ty’s office took a little longer than it would have usually. All of the time Ty walked behind me not saying a word until I got to his office door.

Standing at 6′ without heels I had to bend slightly to reach for the door handle and as my ass stuck out a little all I heard was Ty say “My oh my.”

As I entered the office I walked to the front of his desk unsure of whether to sit or stand so I did the latter.

Walking around his desk Ty sat and as he looked up at me I could see that he was dressed very casually in baggy jeans and a t-shirt rather than the expensive suits which he usually wore in the office.

“So” he said “this is an interesting situation and I’m sure that there is a story behind it”.

He continued “to be perfectly honest though what you do in your own time is up to you and in normal circumstances if you wanted to dress like this at work then that is your decision and there are laws to protect people like you.”

“However I remember saying that no one was to come in this weekend and so what you are doing is technically trespassing which means that the law is on my side”.

“But but but” was all I could stutter in reply.

Holding his hand up to stop me Ty simply said “Ssshhhhhh” before continuing.

“As you may know some of the girls do things for me which help them when the bonuses are decided and I trust that to keep this quiet you will be willing to do the same?”

As he said the last part he had leant back in his chair and pulled apart the button fly of his jeans, reached inside and pulled out his cock which was both long and thick.

I found myself staring at Ty’s cock and wondering what the hell was happening but I knew I had to say something.

“But but but I can’t” I stuttered.

“Why not” he asked whilst holding onto and slowly stroking his cock.

“Because……your married” was all I could think of and say.

Now I don’t know why I said that. I could have said that I didn’t want to, I could have said that I wasn’t gay but all Pendik Çıtır Escort I could think of was that he was married! Perhaps it was my subconscious telling me something about myself?

“Oh yes that’s a good point” he replied letting go of his cock and reaching into his pocket for his phone.

Pressing a couple of buttons he waited and then said “Hey baby why don’t you come in for minute….there’s something you will want to see”.

It then looked like he typed a quick text message on his phone but I couldn’t be 100% sure.

For the next minute Ty sat there stroking his cock looking me up and down before I heard the door to his office behind me open.

Turning my head slightly I could see that it was Ty’s wife Tiffany who was wearing a red peplum dress and 5″ heels and looked amazing.

Walking around me and standing at Ty’s side she looked me up and down and said “Oh yes Ty, I like it I like it a lot” it barely seeming to register that her husband had his cock in his hand as he stared at his male employee dressed up like the office tart.

Addressing me she continued “I can’t believe that I have known you for so long and never realised that you were a little sissy bitch.”

“It also appears that you have had a certain effect upon my husband” she said stepping forward so that she was barely a foot away from me as she looked up to me and screamed “so get on your knees and suck his cock you fucking sissy whore.”

Taken aback I didn’t know what to say and just stood there shocked for about 10 seconds until I saw Tiffany raise her hand and in a flash felt a sting across my face as she slapped me full on to the cheek.

“I told you once slut, so get on your knees and suck my husbands big black cock” Tiffany said as I was still reeling from her slap.

“But you are his wife” was all I could say in reply.

“Yes and being his wife means that I want to see him happy and from time to time that means having a little slut taking his cum….and on this occasion it would appear that you are going to be that slut.”

“And you want to watch me do it?” I asked.

“Oh yes baby, I have known for a long time the power of the black man and seeing little white sluts, male or female, submitting to that power is something which I enjoy very much. So I will say it again – get on your knees and suck my husbands big black cock.”

Ty and Tiff had all of the power here and so I turned from Tiff and again took in the sight of Ty’s huge penis. I then felt Tiff’s hand on the small of my back pushing me forward.

As I made my way around Ty’s desk his eyes followed me, a knowing smile coming to his lips. “That’s it baby, you know your place” he said as I dropped to my knees in front of him.

It had been a fantasy of mine to become the office slut and here I was on my knees in my bosses office reaching for his cock.

It was then that I realised how little I had resisted and as I held Ty’s cock to my lips I knew why. The feeling of being so submissive both excited and felt so natural to me.

I held his penis at the base and ran my tongue up its length before engulfing the head with my mouth. My lips were stretched over the top and I slipped as much into my mouth as possible. The slurping sounds may have sounded crude and disgusting to some but to me they were music to my ears.

His cock was so big that as I licked and sucked I worked the base with my hand, my white skin and french manicured nails contrasting so sexily against his dark chocolate coloured penis.

Whilst sucking I could hear a familiar clicking sound but couldn’t quite recognise what it was.

“How is she baby?” Tiff asked Ty.

“Ooooohhh yeah she’s good” moaned Ty back to her.

“You wanna test her pussy?”

“Hell yeah”

Hearing Ty’s answer made me freeze for the second time that day and I then felt Tiff’s hand on my shoulder.

“I know it tastes good but it’s time for you to really earn your bonus”.

Getting up off the floor in the skirt and heels was difficult but Tiff helped me and then told me to strip as I saw Ty doing the same.

“But I’ve never taken a real cock before” I whispered to Tiff.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be the first white girl to lose your ass cherry to a black man” she said before smiling and winking at me.

Tiff went and sat on the arm of Ty’s chair and simply said “Strip.”

A little nervous I turned my back to them and unbuttoned my shirt and heard the two of them whoop as they caught sight of the back of my pink corset.

I then reached behind and unzipped my skirt and letting it slide down to the floor I heard the same again as they obviously saw the stockings, suspender tops and the thong disappearing between my ass cheeks.

As I began to turn I could feel my face turning red as I knew that the front of my thong was tenting out from my own erection which was clearly visible through the mesh material.

Looking me up and down I could see Ty smirking before he reached forward and opened one of his desk Pendik Elit Escort drawers. He reached in and threw something to me which upon me catching it he simply told me to get myself ready.

Looking at my hands I saw that I was holding a small bottle of lube and looking up again I could see that Tiff was now holding another and was pouring it into her hand before she began to rub it up and down Ty’s huge cock.

She looked across at me and said with a smile “I suggest you apply some of that because he is going to fuck you whether you do or don’t.”

With my hand shaking I managed to unscrew the top from the lube and squeezed some onto a couple of fingers. I then reached down and started to massage them into my asshole, all the while looking across at Ty’s huge cock.

Without realising I had began to pant and moan and so after 30 seconds or so Tiff stopped stroking her husbands cock and with a smile said that it was time.

She motioned me to come over and as I did she passed me going back in the opposite direction to where I had been standing.

“Enjoy it baby” she said as we passed.

As I got to Ty he stood and told me to bend over the desk and pull my ass cheeks apart. I did as I was told and it felt so humiliating to be leant forward in this position with my hands held back behind me….but also such a turn on.

I next thing I felt was not humiliation but Ty’s cock starting to press against my exposed opening.

“Stay relaxed” he said as he started to push, which I’m sure did the complete opposite.

To say that it was painful would be an understatement but Ty eased inch upon inch of his masculinity inside me and when he actually started to fuck me I felt the pain subside and pleasure take over.

With my face buried in the papers covering Ty’s desk I heard that clicking noise again and looking up could see that it was Tiff taking photos on a phone… phone!

Tiff saw what I was looking at and told me that Ty had sent her a message after calling her up and told her to grab my phone from the desk on the way to his office.

“I thought you might like some pictures to remind you of this” she said with the end tailing off into a question.

“Fuck yes” was all I could scream in reply as her husband nailed me against his desk.

“Are you feeling it then baby” asked Ty as he continued to pound me.

“I fucking love it” I replied.

“Then you do some work” he said as he sat back into his chair and pulled me with him.

As we fell back into his chair I felt my ass touch his crotch and realised that I was taking him balls deep. Then placing my feet onto the floor I began to bounce up and down on his cock and felt his hands on my waist as he tried to control the speed.

“You are the same as all the other white girls in this office” Ty moaned. “You just can’t wait to bend over for a black cock.”

“That’s because it feels so fucking good” I screamed back.

My calf muscles started to get sore after a few minutes and so I sat back into Ty and lifted my legs up, spread them wide and positioned myself so that the platform of my shoes were resting on the top of his desk but with the heel underneath meaning that I could push against it.

This position also meant that I could grind my ass down against Ty’s cock and he really seemed to enjoy it.

Whilst doing this my cock had worked its way free from my tiny mesh thong and was now bouncing around as I got fucked by my boss.

The feeling going through my body was one of pure pleasure and without thinking I took hold of my cock and began to work my hand up and down in time with my grinding.

I knew that I was close and I could hear Ty’s breathing quicken and his hands grip my waist harder as he held me down into his cock.

He started to buck his hips and his moans filled the office as we both came at the same time, my own cum shooting up a couple of feet in the air as my body arched back. His I could feel inside me, working its way into every corner of my freshly fucked ass.

Whenever I came whilst dressed I would then be hit with the shame of it. Did I really do that? What’s wrong with me? I need to take off these ridiculous clothes…..all of the usual feelings. This time was no different but here I was on a come down only I was sat on my bosses lap with his wife fiddling about on my phone.

Standing up I was trying to keep my ass held tightly when Tiff looked up and past me to Ty. “What do you think baby? You want her?”

“Hell yeah, she is some kind of fuck” replied Ty.

Now standing at the side of Ty looking at me Tiff then continued. “We would like you to come and work for us full time. You would be responsible for keeping the house clean, cooking – all the stuff which I don’t want to do basically. There would then be additional tasks such as what you have just done as well as giving my pussy a good going over whenever I require. You would basically be a live in maid who gives extra benefits to both the Master and Mistress of the house.”

“You remember Natasha who worked here, well she came to do the same about 6 months ago but she found after a while that she preferred pussy to cock and she fell in love with a friend of mine who happens to be a professional Mistress. They are very happy together and are going to get married soon.”

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