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My take on Anal Sex, a Girls first time’Wife fucked by sixteen men’, a twenty five minute video where nothing was left to the imagination. 25:1, what a ratio, if only the word ‘Ratio’, was understood, because I had never heard of it, or knew what it meant. I had just crossed that line, from single digits, where a zero was added, and let’s face it, in today’s modern world, you are made to feel like your mother, especially between your legs, where your vagina’s labia grow, being the only visible and physical change a girl can expect to witness on that particular organ of pleasure.For men, on the other hand, it just looks the same, an organ made for fucking and pumping sperm into, and at that particular time, when a girl is induced and reminded to take notice she has a slit that men desperately want to slip into, she practices, with her hairbrush, toothbrush, pencil or crayon, and not forgetting, an inch or so away under it lies another, her tiny pink crinkled butt hole, needs to be opened up, so she can entertain two men simultaneously, and all of this coming a year before anyone can call out the old ‘Bingo’ bilecik escort parlance, ‘Legs Eleven’. Watching a double penetration is frightening, especially when you are sitting with a crayon up your butt, trying to find the pleasure in penetrating your anus, then you realise, you don’t really enjoy it, as there are no physical pleasure receptors in there, things are meant to come out, not in, and there in lies its secret, it’s all in your head.If I told you I actually enjoy and wish to see a woman being penetrated in her ass, it’s because it frightens me, to see the head of the penis push against the powerful sphincter muscle as it pushes back in vain, and then watch the pink bullet shaped head pry the organ open, you can see it being crushed by her futile resistance, as it slides forward during those precious centimetres, of being devoured, until the glans just disappear inside her bum and her sphincter closes around him, as they pour lubricant onto his shaft.My own anus clenches as men around me cough, the camera always catches the woman’s face when she is opened up, a mixture of pain and pleasure, bilecik escort bayan beauty dominated by a b**st in an act worthy of the devil’s deed.I feel eyes on me as I sit amongst them, unperturbed by what I am witnessing, they think I am enjoying it, up for it, and they visualize my panties at my ankle, for I have lifted one leg out so my spread is not restrained, and my tiny pink butt hole is buttered, without so much as a whimper, as the pink head is brought to bear, wiping the length of my cheek spread, before settling into the small protuberance my anus makes along that silken line, one heave and my body rises onto my tip toes, and sinks back down swallowing his cock as it pushed deep into me, ‘I can feel your heart beating on my cock’, he pants into my ear, as his pubic bristles brush my bum cheeks, his cock swells as he starts to pump his cum into me.It was to much to ask him to hold back and let me get used to it, as was looking down on my fragile but willingly game body to experiment and experience those things I witness during these small video clips, I want to know for myself, I escort bilecik know it’s not right, but still, feeling a man submit to my squeezing and knowing and feeling he is getting that primeval pleasure form something I simply wipe daily.I grew up after that, knowing that if I offer my butt to a man to be fucked, that would instantly make me a special kind of girl, better still, on dark nights, bending over and guiding him inside me, and for him to realize he has been fucking my ass, does change the pleasure he now feels, and the character of who he is fucking in her asshole, his sex is rougher and more aggressive, because pain is what he wants to make her feel, make her walk funny the next day to work or school.Somehow being fucked in your ass makes you a very different girl, so the next time a girl opens her satchel and takes out her lunch-box, with heavily buttered sandwiches, check to see if she is looking at you challengingly, that unsuspecting yellow lubricant can be your back door opener, all you need to ask her is, ‘Have you seen Last Tango in Paris’?This story is made up from my own first time anal probing, the sandwiches were made by the man who lusted for my anus, as were the final words about the movie.I would not recommend using butter, as it smells awful, and he did insist I clean him with my tongue, when he finished buggering me.

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