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My unexpected festival highlightFor the first 44 years of my life, I neither had, nor had considered anysexual liaisons with anyone of the same sex.This was until the following took place:Just to give you an idea of me, I am a tall slim (but not skinny) man,with short brown hair and blue eyes. I was in the car with my wifetravelling to a music festival, we were having a row. I won’t bore youwith what it was about (as it’s not particularly relevant) but it wasgetting quite heated and my wife’s driving was becoming moreerratic.Behind us, her sister was following in her Mini. We ended uppulling off at a service area where the row escalated once mysister-in-law got involved! The end result was my wife packing her thingsinto her sisters car, and heading off back home! I was certainly notgoing to miss this festival after so much anticipation for it, socontinued on.After parking up at the festival site and queuing for the best part of 4hours I was finally inside. After carrying a mules load of festivalparaphernalia I finally collapsed with my tent in the first availablespace and cracked open a beer.Once the beer had worked its magic, I proceeded to set up camp. It wasn’tlong before I was chatting to the surrounding festival goers and feelingat home. Being a dance music festival, the attendees were pretty muchhalf my age, but that has never bothered me.As is always the case I was itching to get down to the main site and seewhat was going on. It was around 7pm as I got into the main arena. As Iwas wandering along deciding which direction to take, I came face to facewith a guy selling hash truffles. He was about my height (6’2), slimathletic build with short blonde hair and green eyes. I reckon he wasearly 20’s. He had a big beaming smile and asked if I wanted to buy oneof his truffles (they were ?2 each).As I said before I had never had any gay feelings but I found an unusualfeeling in the presence of this guy.I felt the way I have always been when in the company of a woman I’vefancied, aware of it and conscious of not wanting to make it too obvious.It was weird! Anyway, as I was still feeling rebellious after my earlierrow, I decided to buy one of his truffles (my wife wouldn?t haveapproved) and chatted to him a little whilst eating it.He’d eaten one himself whilst chatting and as he walked away to continuehis sales, I saw him pop another one into his mouth. “He’s going to bemashed later if he carries on at that rate” I said to myself.After a further wander, I got the munchies, found some food and thenstarted a nights partying. I had a brilliant night.I think being as old as some of my fellow party goers parents made me abit of a novelty and I was never without someone to talk to. I’d beenchatting and dancing with a group sakarya escort of girls, and although the thought hadgone through my mind of ending up with one of them in my tent, I knew thereality of that happening to me now was probably slim! Also I had never(until later) been unfaithful in any way.At around 3am I’d pretty much had enough and decided to head back to mytent. I said goodnight to the lovely ladies and headed back.About half way up the hill ahead of me, I saw a group of lads messingaround on the ground and taking photos.As I got nearer I could see it was Truffle boy from earlier. Notsurprisingly he was wasted.That group of guys had been piling rubbish etc on top of him and takingselfies for entertainment. I cleared his rubbish pile and attempted towake him. My only success in getting any response from him was squirtingsome water in his face but he still couldn’t talk any sense. It had beena lovely hot day, but was now very humid and the forecast storm waslooming. He was lying there in his shorts, shirt tied around his waistand I couldn?t bring myself to just leave him there to lie in theimminent downpour. I tried to establish where he was camped in the hope Icould steer him back but he had no idea. I decided to lead him back tomine, where he could then crash the night, and then he’d probably go onto do exactly the same thing the following night!I hasten to add that there was no ulterior motive to take him back tomine.The unusual feeling I experienced in his company earlier had passed andhadn’t crossed my mind again.As I had had a lot to drink myself, it was a miracle that I managed toguide us both back to my tent through the gaps and guy wires but I did.We both fell into the tent and he was instantly comatose. I removed myjeans and shortly after hearing the rain start, fell asleep.I woke quite early as I normally do, despite the late night. It was thatfamiliar festival awakening with the early morning sun on the tent, andit starting to get warm. It looked like the bad weather had passed. Icould hear a few people were up and having breakfast. I was on my righthand side lying outwards, and Truffle boy was in the same position to myleft. I wasn’t initially aware of it but then noticed he had his arm overme. He was slightly lower down than me, his head was probably just abovemy waist height, and his arm was over my hip with his hand hanging justin front of my crotch.I suddenly felt very aroused and got instantly hard. I would considermyself quite a modest person, but I have to say (and have been told) thatI have a very nice cock. Not massive at around seven and a half inches,but nice and straight and in good proportion. It’s not the easiest thingto hide when erect and I was already beginning to escort sakarya panic about this(assumed straight) guy waking up and seeing me with a massive erection.My heart started to pound but the arousal did not subside.I was lying like this for what seemed like ages (and probably was). Ididn’t want to stir and wake him as he may then see my embarrassingsituation! Eventually I felt him stir behind me (in that waking up typeway). He must have been aware that he was lying there with his arm overme but he didn’t make any attempt to move it. A while after, he pulledhis arm back towards him so that his hand was then resting on my hip, Ithen felt his fingers delicately stroking my hip.His fingertips were just in the gap between the top of my boxers and myt-shirt, it felt electric, I was frozen and not wanting to move. Anotherthing about my cock is it is it’s incredibly jizzy, I produce an enormousamount of pre-cum when I’m very turned on and I could feel it oozing out.At this point I still had no real idea what his intentions may have been.He could have awoken thinking his girlfriend was next to him for all Iknew!The stroking of my hip continued until he moved his arm forward again,his hand dropping in front of, and then onto my concrete hard cock. I hadpalpitations due to the fear of what would happen next.With his realisation of what he’d met with, I felt him snuggle up closerbehind me, go “mmmmm” and very lightly run his whole hand across mybulging boxers. I still lay there frozen, as he continued to do this, sogently only just making contact as he did it but filling me with desirefor every touch.I felt like I could cum there and then, but no way did I want this to beover so soon.He put a little more pressure into his move and was following the outlineof my cock and balls through my boxers.He rubbed up and down the length of my cock, my shorts were soaked withpre-cum and his fingers just slid over it, as if on ice. I was nowlonging for actual contact, without the fabric as a barrier between hishand and my cock.It seemed like an eternity but eventually his fingers slipped through thefront of my boxers and were gliding on the pre-cum up and down my cock.He put his whole hand around it and gently squeezed it, “mmmmm” he said,”nice”.I then felt brave enough to roll off my side and onto my back, which wasno bad thing, as I already had bad cramp for being in that position solong! His hand stayed where it was but he lifted his head up and restedit on my pelvis. He pulled his hand out from the front of my shorts andlicked his fingers; again going “mmmmm”. He put his hand back but fromthe top this time, continuing his massage but using his arm to guide myshorts down as he did it.I raised my waist to allow them to fall sakarya escort bayan down to my knees.I wondered how I found myself in this blissful situation so alien to me,and yet more arousing than anything I’d experienced before in my life.I was aching for the next step, which I hoped would be his mouth, and itwas. Although very subtly at first.He had moved his head down towards my groin and whilst still stroking me,gave a number of very light caresses to my cock, he’d continue to stroke,caress, stroke, and caress. I still wanted to explode but was fighting itall the way. He put his closed lips against my shaft and moved them upand down, from the head down to my balls, it was exquisite.With any previous women I have been with, none had ever been this gentleand taken so much time over every touch, it was truly amazing. Hecontinued in the same manner, just adding something different every fewminutes, the next being running his teeth over the head with every otherreturn to the top, gently caressing my balls when down at the base. Icould feel a continuous stream of his saliva and my pre-cum running downinto my groin.He then did what he was to do only once and take me down into his throat,right down to my balls. He took it down so easily, his breathing didn’talter in the slightest and I sensed he really had the talent for it.He paused for a few seconds whilst at the base and then very graduallypulled back up.I could feel his teeth along one side while his tongue lapped across theother. Why he did this only once I don’t know, maybe he could sense howclose I was? If he’d repeated it even once more, I doubt I could havecontained myself.The end was sadly nigh. With his hand massaging my balls and his tonguerunning up and down the side of my cock I started to cum, and god did Icum. Harder than I can ever recall doing in my life. As I came, hecontinued tonguing me as my cum erupted and ran down my shaft and onto myballs, with some also landing on my belly.Once I had stopped cumming, he wrapped his mouth around the head andsucked it whilst he squeezed my cock upwards from the base. It was as ifhe was trying squeeze out any remaining cum into his mouth. Once again hesounded “mmmm” as he cleaned up the remaining cum, playing with it withhis tongue before swallowing it.Just as I thought he was totally finished he moved to my belly and beganrunning his tongue all over pushing drops of cum along with it on theway, until it too was clean.With that he moved up towards me, with a beaming smile said “Thanks forlooking after me last night”, gave me a peck on the cheek and stood up. Icould now see his erection through his shorts. This didn’t seem to botherhim because without a care in the world, he unzipped the front of thetent and walked outside with boner on full view, shouted “Cheerio” anddisappeared.I shall let the reader decide whether this is a work of fact or fiction,and am happy to receive your comments if you wish to do so [email protected], Scopey
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