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New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours (FirThe job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late afternoon I was wandering around the unit thinking about the placement of my furniture and belongings, due to be delivered by the removalist on Wednesday, when my first neighbourhood visitor arrived at the front door.She was dressed in a school uniform, yellow collared T-shirt, green skirt and sneakers, a school bag dumped on the veranda beside her. I introduced myself to Natalie, confirmed I was the new tenant and neighbour, and showed her over the bare unit. That done fairly quickly, given there wasn’t much to look at, I suggested she might like to go to the corner store nearby and buy each of us a coke. Without hesitation she took my money and was off with a rush.Minutes later she returned. I badly needed one of those icy cold drinks she carried. As there was no furniture I suggested we sit on the lounge room carpet. She sat against one wall, myself opposite. I couldn’t help but notice she was fairly careless in her pose, no effort made to tuck her skirt down in front of herself. Her bare thighs and white panties scrunched up in her crutch were obvious. She seemed not to notice. And I pretended not to see either. Instead I focussed on her and wondered how much of the local gossip she might want to share with me.Natalie had blond shoulder length hair cut to a fringe on her forehead, laughing blue eyes, a wide happy smile in a pretty face, and a light olive complexion. She looked fit, her overall build slim. She lived alone with her mom in the unit next door. Mom worked as a contract officer for a construction company in the city, and was in the long drawn out process of courting a new boyfriend. The other two units in the block housed working couples. Before Natalie left I gave her some more money, to buy a drink at school and two on the way home next day.The carpets were cleaned next morning but I had to leave the unit open so they could dry before the removalist arrived. In the afternoon Natalie arrived at the door with the two cokes. I suggested we sit this time on the kitchen floor so our backsides wouldn’t get damp from the drying carpets. While her offer to go to her place was considerate I didn’t want to do that not yet having met mom. I noticed this time Natalie wore a different type of shirt and shorter skirt. Tuesday was sports day she informed me. She played netball. We sat opposite each other on the kitchen tiles. Again she displayed an unconcerned immodesty, apparently not caring what I could see. She drew her feet up towards her backside. Today she wore no panties. The lower part of her backside and the vertical slash of her hairless gash were on view. Again I looked away and concentrated my attention on her face as she talked. But I drew the obvious conclusion about what she might be up to.We concluded our chitchat with me accepting her offer to help me finish unpacking after school the following day, for a small fee, providing she obtained her mother’s approval. Again she accepted money for tomorrow’s drinks.Next day was a big working day and removalists were gone by early afternoon. All the furniture was in place, beds assembled, washing machine and refrigerator connected, clothing hung but needing ironing. All I had to do was unpack many cartons; crockery, cutlery, linen, books and so forth. Natalie arrived with a welcome drink. I took a break and we sat in the lounge. Today at least she wore panties, white again! But as before she left little to the imagination in her pose. Yes, she had a good day at school. More importantly her mother had asked her to invite me over for dinner that evening. Was 7 o’clock okay? It sure was but I knew I’d have to hustle. Drinks finished Natalie agreed to unpack my books into the bookcase in the spare bedroom. I looked for my cartons of wine and put a bottle of white in the fridge. The unpacking continued. My helper worked hard too and emptied the cartons and filled the bookcase, though she had a few ribald comments to offer on my collection of nudist magazines taking time out for a quick flick through some of them, promising herself a more complete perusal at a later date.A rattle at the front door a few hours later saw the arrival and my introduction to Natalie’s mother, Claire. What a pity she has a boyfriend, I thought, as I shook her hand. She was a nice looking blond woman with an ample chest and shapely legs, a little older than I, in her mid thirties I guessed. We talked while I showed her over the place. Yes, Natalie had behaved well. No, Natalie wasn’t cheeky. Yes, Natalie was very helpful and had worked hard for her pocket money. No, I didn’t mind giving her money for a drink. And yes, dinner at seven would be excellent. It was too. Mother and daughter chatted non-stop. Both were surprised but accepted my return dinner invitation for the following evening.I was unpacked and by early afternoon I’d completed my grocery shopping. I commenced dinner preparations early, Italian I’d decided. Though I now had drinks in the fridge Natalie arrived after school with two cold cokes, bought with her hard won pocket money. I replaced that and we sat in the lounge. While this time she wore her normal uniform today was apparently another no panties day. While her assets were most interesting I felt ignoring the display of her bare pussy was the best option for all concerned. Natalie went home to do homework and get ready for my dinner.She and Claire arrived on time and seemed surprised that I could in fact cook well. We sat and talked over coffee until Claire suggested to Natalie that she güvenilir bahis şirketleri call it a night. I wondered why. I soon found out. Claire had a favour to ask. She had planned to go away with her new boyfriend for the weekend, from Friday to Sunday night. Natalie usually stayed with her grandmother, but the old lady was ill. Would it be an imposition if Natalie slept at my place, seeing we got on so well? Of course she’d go home to her own unit during the day, for meals and so forth. Claire seemed relieved when I thought it would be no problem. What about Natalie I asked? No, she liked me a lot it seemed and Claire thought she looked forward to having somewhere to stay close to home with someone with whom she was comfortable. Then I remembered I my weekly nudist swim night, a hobby I re-established after my stint in the bush. I went to the spare bedroom and came back with two nudist magazines. In one I showed Claire the swim night advertisement, in the other a short article on the group and its activities. Did she think it would be okay if Natalie accompanied me? Did she think Natalie would like to go? Claire could see a range of people, including families of youngsters and teens, attended the night. She told me Natalie might like it but she’d ask her and also tell her I’d agreed to her staying over for the weekend. She assured me that nudity was not a problem for Natalie; that she was advanced for her age. In my mind I translated that to exhibitionism based on what I’d seen. But Claire added that she caught her two previous boyfriends having sex with her daughter and given both of them their marching orders. Her latest catch had no such interest but Claire kept Natalie on the pill anyway. What one learns when one listens to neighbours!A phone call from Claire not long after she went home confirmed that Natalie would love to come to the swim night. I reminded Claire that Natalie would need a tracksuit and towel. I suggested to Claire that she should think about leaving for her weekend from work. I’d feed her daughter and make sure she had what she needed at my place. A happy relieved neighbour bid me goodnight.Next evening we arrived at the heated indoor pool complex on the other side of the city. Bob, the regular group organiser, was on the door collecting the nominal fee for the night. He seemed interested in Natalie and suggested to me I introduce her to his niece Gracie who I already met on my first couple of visits. Given their similarity in age he thought they’d have something in common. As Natalie and I made our way to the ladies change room, which all the group used, we saw there were about twenty people present ranging from a few young c***dren to more mature adults.The moment of truth arrived for both of us as we shed and hung our tracksuits. Natalie and I saw each other completely naked for the first time. I immediately fell in love with her small tight bottom. She had a smudge of light blond hair on her lower belly. And previous sneak previews had shown me her tiny pouting vulva was bare. Her breasts were small mounds tipped by tiny nipples. Unabashed she looked me over too.Together we headed for the pool. I thought she might be nervous but that didn’t seem to be the case. As we walked along the pool edge I introduced her to the people I knew. Gracie was particularly pleased to have another girl her own age present and said so. Natalie and I both went for a swim before I left her talking to Gracie.The night’s activities included the usual group games in the water mainly catering for the c***dren, but the adults always had supposed innocent fun in their water frolics too.A few hours later when people began to leave Bob asked me if Natalie and I would like to stay behind and help him and Gracie tidy up the place. Given I’d never before contributed much more than my money I readily agreed. The girls put the airbeds, balls and pool toys away in a storage room out the back. Bob and I squeegeed the pool surrounds. Work completed it was time for a shower before we went home.There were six open showers along one wall. Natalie and I took one each while Gracie and Bob shared one between them, which surprised me just a little. But I was even more surprised when they took turns at soaping and lathering each other. They weren’t just politely washing each other’s back. Bob lathered Gracie’s small breasts, belly and between her legs. She lathered his chest, cock and balls. Bob’s cock, probably just a bit shorter and slimmer than average, was erect. He and Gracie embraced each other, his cock pressed against her flat belly. Bob clutched each cheek of her small bottom with his hands. Gracie suddenly lifted herself off the floor and wrapped her long slim legs around Bob’s waist, her arms around his neck. He held her in place with his hands on her arse. His legs bent and his cock entered her cunt. I was surprised by this overt sexuality at the nudist club and I was concerned about my young neighbour. I turned my shower off and stepped behind Natalie. She was completely focussed on the other couple in the shower beside her. They were completely oblivious to us. I put my arms protectively around Natalie’s nude wet body and whispered my concern in her ear. She turned her head up to mine and, with laughing sparkling eyes, assured me she thought it was so exciting. Natalie held my arms against her belly and pressed her bum back at me. We watched the other couple. Gracie held onto Bob and energetically bounced up and down on his cock while he thrust up into her cunt. They looked so practised I concluded they had done this before. And it was excitingly erotic to stand right beside them and witness their unexpected performance. Inadvertently my cock slowly hardened against Natalie’s bare bottom. No doubt she could feel it. She pushed back against me.The other couple came. They ground into and over each other in their noisy orgasms. Gracie unwound herself from around Bob and stood under the shower. His cock slipped from her cunt. Laughingly they looked canlı bahis şirketleri at us as they washed each other clean.We all dried and dressed. As Bob locked the front door he suggested to Natalie and I that he and Gracie would look forward to our performance next Friday night. In the car on the way home an excited Natalie could only talk about the other couple’s display. The rest of the evening’s activities paled into insignificance for her. But she definitely wanted to return the following week.By the time we arrived home it was late and time for bed. I somehow wasn’t too surprised when she said she wanted to lie in my bed for a while and talk. Given our nudist activities it was pointless arguing about our lack of pyjamas. I lay on my back and listened. When she snuggled up against me with her head in the crook of my shoulder and her leg over mine I didn’t object. Without any forethought, a mistake on my part I decided later, I idly stroked her back and bottom with my free hand. Only when she commented how nice it felt did awareness of my actions hit home, but too late. Her skin was warm and soft to my touch.Natalie moved and laid on top of me, her head sideways facing me on my shoulder, looking at me in the dim light, her legs drawn up on the outside of mine against my thighs. She asked me to continue stroking her but now with two hands, please. I complied. My fingertips caressed her, down her back from her neck to her tiny firm bottom, over the outside of her thighs, and back up the inside of her legs, softly over the rear of her bare tush, through the crack of her backside, up the middle of her back; then all over again. My body responded to the eroticism of the moment; my cock thickened and lengthened.Natalie adjusted her position on me while I caressed her. Her new pose placed her pussy directly on top of my cock. Imperceptibly she began to slide back and forth along my shaft. My caress of her back, bottom and thighs continued. I felt her slit open so that the deeper groove of her gash slid over my meat. Her moisture lubricated her slide. Gradually the masturbatory movement of her gash over my cock increased in speed and intensity, until she moved in long regular slides from the base of my shaft to underside of my knob. Her breathing deepened against my face. Her slides changed to long deep grinds along the length of my hard cock. The breath sobbed in her throat. Her body shivered and she quaked in orgasm over me. Her wetness flooded over of my shaft. Gradually her movements stilled until she lay motionless on top of me. Tenderly I stroked her back.Within minutes Natalie recovered. She lifted herself over me and kissed my face. “Thanks for letting me do that,” she whispered. “Would you like to do it again?” I asked. Her answer came through her body, as her hot open wet little gash slid forward over my cock. But she went too far! Her cunt moved past my knob. She recovered, so I thought, and moved backwards, except the throat of her vagina snagged my knob just inside the entrance to her tunnel. “Whoa, whoa,” I cried, “let’s not go there.” She looked impishly and salaciously down at my face. “Tonight I saw at the pool I saw how big you are. I just want to see if it fits,” she assured me. How easy it was to believe this young miss. I capitulated.Natalie pushed her pussy downwards. Her vagina opened up around my knob and my meat engulfed by her tight hot cunt. She rocked back and forth, taking more and more of my shaft inside her. Down, down she slid over and around until she had all of me snugly inside her. She paused. “That’s enough,” I said in an attempt at masterful sternness. Natalie ignored me. She kissed me and quietly told me “I don’t care what you think, I’m going to fuck you.” And she did.She rocked her cunt up and down the thick bulging length of my tool. Gradually she built up speed. I lay there with a cheeks of her backside in each hand, feeling the movement of her muscles in her arse and legs as she fucked me. Faster she rocked. Her heat permeated her skin. Her groaning open mouth sucked air. Suddenly she was there. Her tiny body shivered and shook. She came in long deep slides over my tool. With one final long deep sigh she laid motionless on top of me, my cock imbedded in her hot seeping twat.I bent my legs behind her, resting my feet on the bed, my thighs tucked up tight against her buttocks, her legs spread around mine. Slowly I rocked my lower body while my hands gripped her lovely firm little arse and my cock slid deeper into her cunt. She held my head in her hands and kissed my face and mouth. I rocked my long thick hard prick in penetrating slides in then out of her tight twat. Gradually, as the pleasure built in my belly and balls, the pace of my fuck increased. I now returned her kisses and probed her mouth with my tongue. She undulated her slim body around my cock. Soon we were both lost in the pleasure of our fuck. The spasms shivered through her tiny torso. Her groans of delight hummed against my lips. She climaxed around me. My dam burst and my body arched under her. My cock pumped and throbbed inside her.As awareness returned Natalie still lay on top of me, my bent legs holding my cock inside her juicy pussy. Cum dribbled out of her over my balls. We seemed to lay like that for a long long time before she started to talk again, talk about how great the night was, how she loved doing this with me. Eyes closed I listened in silence until she ran out of words. I have no recollection of either of us moving or falling asleep. The sun shone brightly behind the curtains when I awakened. Natalie lay on her side away from me, my body spooned tightly into the curve of her back, bum and legs. As always I had a morning erection. It rested against the crack of her backside. Relaxed I lay there and listened to her slow breathing. No doubt I dozed. Next time my eyes opened we were still in the same position except Natalie’s breathing, and the imperceptible movements of her butt on my tool, told me she was awake.I d****d my hand canlı kaçak iddaa over her body and ran my fingers lightly over her belly, through the soft down of her sparse pubic hair, across the smooth skin of her small pouting vulva and dipped into the groove of her snatch. My fingertip found her bud. Gently I caressed her, bringing her first to arousal, then to a small shuddering climax. It was time to deflate my erection in the best way possible. I rolled her onto her back and knelt between her thighs. Her happy smiling face looked up at me, her arms went around me in welcome.Her open gash felt wonderful as I ran my cock along her groove, teasing both of us. I wedged my knob inside the throat of her cunt. With a thrust my thick cock entered her. Our mouths found each other. I slid the full length of my fat long tool in and out of her clutching cunt. It did not take long for us to become totally absorbed in our fuck. Natalie wanted it, needed it, revelled in it as she fucked my cock and I fucked her cunt. Her movements intensified. She needed the orgasmic release, and she needed it soon. With long deep firm strokes I plunged my prick into her twat until my sac slapped against her tiny backside. On each long withdrawal I sucked out of her until only my swollen knob plugged her gash. Then slid in again until I filled her completely. Her body quickly quivered in climax. My tool erupted.Eventually we got out of bed, showered together and breakfasted in the nuddy. Natalie had some household jobs to do for her mother. We agreed to meet for lunch.Over lunch we perused the paper and selected a late afternoon movie. Later I took her to a family restaurant for dinner. She went home briefly to hang her good clothes, shower and change into shorts and blouse. Once back in my unit though she quickly shed those in the spare bedroom, happy to wander around the place nude. It was all too easy to agree to be nude too.We shared the settee while we watched some nonsense television. Interest in TV was soon replaced by romantic touching, which developed into erotic mutual exploration. I knelt on the floor in front of the lounge chair, sitting Natalie forward on the seat cushion with her legs spread apart. Initially I kissed my way over her face and neck, travelled my mouth down to her small breasts, hardening her tiny pointed nipples with my tongue. My tongue wetly snail trailed down her flat tummy through the soft wisps of fair hair to her bare bald smooth cunny. Her pose, and probably some excitement too, had opened her slit into a shallow moist pink crevice framed by tiny delicate love lips surrounding the small throat of her vagina and a peeking bud. I ran my tongue down along her cleft all the way into the groove of her backside and back again. I sucked her clitty, gently grasped both of her nipples between thumb and forefinger, tongued her vagina and anus, all the while leading her on towards what turned out to be a stunning climax. She lifted her body off the chair at my face as she came. Her little cunt gushed juice over my lips and mouth. As she recovered I knelt upright between her thighs and embedded my fat knob inside the open throat of her cunt. Her wetness and my pre-cum lubricated my entry. In spite of her small build my tool slide easily into her. I fucked her slowly, steadily, but deeply. We both looked down the gap between our bodies and watched her cunt swallow my tool. Again I held each of her tiny pointed nipples between thumb and forefinger. Natalie used her feet on the seat to lift her lower body forward each time my prick penetrated her twat. Her body kept no secrets as the next climax began to roll through her. Her belly and thighs quivered. Her toes curled back. Her skin flushed with heat. Her vagina clenched and unclenched around my shaft. Her face contorted, her mouth sucked in air and she groaned in pleasure. I thrust in and out of her deeply until she passed her peak and the gush of her cum coated my prick and balls. And remained embedded inside until she returned to reality.As my cock sucked out of her clasping moist hole she looked a bit disappointed. But she was reassured when I was definite about there being no particular rush. We cuddled on the lounge until Natalie decided it was time to display some of her skills.She knelt in front of me. Her tongue felt superb as she caressed it over my balls. My cock straightened as she ran her tongue up along the underside of the shaft, down to my balls and back up again. My body shivered as she lapped over and around the knob and tongued at the slit. She sank her mouth over the knob and engulfed part of the shaft in her throat while her tongued hotly and wetly swirled over my skin. The veins along the shaft engorged and the whole meat muscle throbbed. Her laughing eyes watched me and gauged my reaction to her efforts. Her fingers massaged my balls and she sucked my shaft in and out of her throat. And while she sucked her tongue played over whatever part of my cock was in her mouth. She was good, very good, too good for me to resist.The familiar feelings coursed through my belly and balls. The throbs along my shaft became more persistent. My resistance was gone. The spunk pulsed up the core of my shaft and pumped into Natalie’s mouth. I expected her to pull away. She didn’t. She sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed. The bursts of cum gradually faded. Her fingers milked and squeezed along my shaft, milking the last drops, slurping them from the slit with her tongue. She came up for air and gave a cheeky grin of success. Incredible, just incredible!Back cuddling each other on the lounge she gave me the news in response to my question that one of her mother’s boyfriends had taught her that small skill. Some time later we decided it was time for bed. Rest came quickly and easily. We needed it. The sun was up for some time on Sunday morning before we stirred. Not knowing what time Natalie’s mother Claire would be home meant we had to return to normality now rather than later. Over coffee we were able to discuss the need for both of us to maintain the appearances and keep our heads in order. Natalie also knew she had to keep her school grades up, so distractions and stupidity had to be minimised. But she reminded me that she wanted to visit the nudist club swim night with me each Friday night.

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