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Yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful. In the midwest the weather changes daily and we have learned when it is a great day you have to take advantage of it. So I ditched out of work about an hour early so that me and the wife could play a round of golf. We played a quick 9 holes and decided to stop in the bar for a few drinks and then head home to grill out and build a fire.

My job is to always build the fire and she starts by working and prepping the food for the grill. After about 10 minutes I had a great fire going and she had the food already set up on the grill. We sat by the fire, listened to some music and started pounding back some beer. My wife knows that whenever I have a dirty idea I text it to her as I never know who is in earshot. Since my main fetish is outside the realm of “normal” I don’t need my neighbors knowing that I am a full-fledged piss addict.

So I started typing on my phone and I must have been grinning or something because my wife knew instantly what I was doing. The message that I sent her said “once it is dark tonight no more pissing inside. When you need to go you should climb on my lap and just soak me!!” I figured what the hell, it won’t happen but it is always worth a shot. She looked over at me and just said “really, that is something that you would like?” I just smiled and left it at that.

Well the evening was going great. The fire was roaring, we were listening to some great music, the food was finished cooking and we had a fantastic meal and I was really getting a great buzz. It was around 9:30-9:45 and my wife got out of her chair and headed indoors. I asked what she was doing. She replied, “I gotta go potty.” I gave an exasperated sigh and said all right so she went inside.

In the next 15 or 20 minutes it got really dark. All the neighbors appeared to be in bed and no one around us had their lights on. We were just chit chatting about something or other, I really don’t remember and then she got out of her chair again.

“You going potty again?” I asked. “I really gotta go, I’m bursting,” the wife replied. With a wicked grin I said “well do you wanna just sit on my lap and go?”

She walked next to me stripped off her jeans and panties and beylikdüzü escort climbed on my lap. “Are you sure you want this?” she said. “

“Fuck yeah” was my reply. And then she grunted and just let loose a torrent. I was wearing boxers and Nike shorts and instantly my crotch started to get wet. She must have been storing it up because it was like a warm and wet geyser shooting from her pussy. It was hitting my stomach and my crotch and piss was flying everywhere. There was no slowing down her flow and I decided to pull my cock out and have her piss directly onto the tip of my cock. Wow it was absolutely amazing.

I can’t describe the thrill of sitting in my back yard, my wife naked from the waist down and sitting on my lap and just releasing all her pent up piss. It was fucking glorious. Finally her waterfall died off and she climbed off my lap. I was soaked and in heaven. My ass, legs, balls and cock was just saturated sitting in a pool of her piss. And the patio below me was soaked also.

I lit a cig and just basked in my wet and wonderful glory. We went back to talking as if nothing had happened. After a few more minutes of just hanging out she said “so how was it?” “Do you feel weird?”

I replied “well I am fucking soaked and I am hard as a rock. You tell me, do you think I liked it?” She just giggled a schoolgirl laugh and we went back to discussing our grocery list for the following week. If anyone was around it would seem as if we were just normal folks hanging outside and discussing our life. There was no indication that I was sitting in a pool of her piss and that my wife had just relieved herself on my lap.

As we continued drinking the need to piss increased more quickly. After only about 10 minutes or so she got off her seat again. This time she didn’t even go through the theatrics, she just pulled her jeans and panties down and sat on my lap. She had barely even spread her legs when she unleashed another torrent on my body. She was noisily hissing a huge piss on my lap. My already soaked shorts and boxers couldn’t contain too much liquid and it was raining all over the patio again. When my wife has to go she really has to go. And this time was no exception. bolu escort There was a river forming below me as she just emptied herself on me. By now the piss was not only pooling in my lap but had started to soak the bottom part of my t-shirt. I could tell she was getting close to finishing so I stuck my hands into her piss shower. I stroked her clit a couple of times and then resoaked my fingers. Just as she was finishing up I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted her divine piss.

Again she just put her clothes back on and sat as if nothing had happened. We didn’t say a word and starting grooving to a great song on the radio. At this point I was bursting and since I was already soaked below the waist just figured I would piss myself. Under my chair was a fucking river of piss and my pants were still dripping from her so I just let go. I’ve never been huge into wetting myself, I always had visions of women soaking me. So it was a strange feeling to just unload in my pants. But it was incredible. I smoked another cig and slowly but steadily pissed my pants. On my back porch and next to my wife. What a dreamy scenario.

The fire was done and I figured that my wet evening was over. We packed up all the miscellaneous shit and went into the house. My wife started the shower, she always showers at night, and I loaded up the dishwasher and put the extra food away. She was bouncing around a bit and made a motion to the bathroom. I zipped into the bathroom and stripped on the way. I was on the floor in about 5 seconds. Without a word my wife squatted over me and released another gushing piss. This time it was great because I got to see it shoot out of her pussy. As you may recall from my other stories, her pussy is absolutely glorious. I could spend hours just looking at it and slowly licking it. If I thought she was gushing before, this was a monster. She seemed to have stored up a gallon of piss. She was shooting it all over my cock and onto my stomach. After I was completely soaked she readjusted and let the flow hit my chest. I really like it when she does that as it soaks me up top but most of the time her warm piss ends up trailing down to my balls. Just before she ran out she sat down on bursa escort my face and gave me a drink of her piss into my mouth. I greedily sucked it all down and when she was done I quickly licked her pussy clean. Just as she was getting up, I swirled my tongue around her asshole. She lingered for a moment and gave me a taste of her shitter.

At that point she asked me to join her in the shower. Which was no problem for me. I love showering with her as it is an excuse for me to grope her body and stick my hands and fingers all over her. We soaped each up other and washed ourselves from head to toe. As she was washing the conditioner out of my hair I realized how bad I had to piss. I nestled my cock in between her pussy lips and let go. There is something really sexy about being naked in the shower and just giving her a shower of my piss aimed directly at her pussy. I took my time and thoroughly soaked her. I made sure my strongest stream hit her in the clit which she seemed to enjoy. I then finger fucked her for a bit and really got her turned on. Honestly it was hard to tell how excited she was. I mean she was dripping wet but was it because of the shower, my piss, her early piss or arousal? I would soon find out.

When we were all cleaned up she lead me to the living room. We have a sectional couch and she loves for me to fuck her in the corner of the couch. It provides different angles and I can stand up and she can hold onto the back of the couch. That way I can get really fucking deep. Her ass was in the air ready for doggy style. As soon as I was inside her she went fucking nuts. I guess that wet pussy was really her being so turned on. I was only fucking her for about 30 seconds and she was already cumming. I didn’t even notice how hard she was stroking her clit. I slowed down to allow her to enjoy the orgasm and to catch her breath. She then flipped over and we did a modified missionary position. After I was inside her for about a minute, I heard her fart. Then she farted once or twice more and I realized that she was pushing really hard. And then she took me over the edge. As I was fucking her she had started pissing on me. That was all I could stand. With her pissing on me, I blew a huge load inside her. She stopped her pee as I came. After my world stopped spinning for my big O, I got between her legs and licked her pussy and ass clean. She had a bit more left and gave me a couple of sips. After that we got dressed and headed to bed. What an amazing fucking night!

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32