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Nipples And Titties by loyalsockIt all started as another typical shopping day at the supermarket. I wouldn’t mind shopping, except that Carl and I work such long hours. I usually work at least 48 hours, and sometimes as many as 75, except for November and December, when I work more still. So you can see why I don’t like spending much time on things like grocery shopping. I was mulling all of this over as I cruised the aisles, until something broke into my consciousness. A very attractive lady was coming toward me. She was wearing an extremely tight white silk top–she obviously had huge breasts and…her nipples were sticking out at least an inch! These nipples were at least half an inch in diameter. She had the biggest nipples I’d ever seen in my life, and I couldn’t help visualizing her rubbing her precious titty-tips all over my clit until I came all over them! I’m a horny bisexual woman, and I’ve certainly licked my share of cunts, sucked my share of titties, and frigged my clit and rubbed my cunt on many beautiful female breasts and nipples in my time. And like my husband, I’m really turned on by beautiful women with gorgeous big titties, and I was positively knocked out by the fact that this girl was in a public place, displaying her tits and nipples so obviously. It seemed that everybody else was knocked out too–the guys were looking at nothing else, and the gals didn’t seem to believe what they’d seen. I started following her around the store. Finally, I got up the courage to introduce myself. “Hi,” I said. “I’m Susan. I was watching you, and I was kind of wondering, er, uh, that is…” “Yeah, I know,” she said derisively. “My name is Nancy. And you want to know if my nipples are real, and if they are, you want to know how I could show them off like this. Did I guess right? Correct me in the parts I was wrong.” “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t want you to get mad. It’s just that you have such gorgeous, sexy nipples and tits, that I just had to know how you’re able to show them off like that.” Nancy leaned over and peered closely to me. “You know,” she said, “I really think you’re serious.” “Of course I am,” I said. “Did you think I was fooling?” “No, it’s just that I get so many weirdos when I go out cruising like this. So…you really like mt tit-tees?” She said “titties” with a sweet, sugary, baby-talk voice that I found very appealing. “I sure do,” I said. “I have several open-nipple bras, and I can tell that’s not what you’re wearing. And I know you’re wearing some kind of bra, but what it is, I don’t know. I’ve never seen one like it.” Now that Nancy had figured out that I knew what I was talking about, she seemed to warm up. “I don’t really do this kind of thing, just going to the market dressed like this, very much at all,” she said. “It’s just that I’m so damned mad at my roommate. She’s got her boyfriend over…I got all dressed up like this just to turn them on, but they kicked me out of the apartment.” “You mean you roommate won’t share her boyfriend with you? I think that’s the height of selfishness, and not good manners at all.” “What do you mean?” she asked. “It should be obvious what I mean. I mean that partners should be shared with friends. If her boyfriend came over for an evening of fun and games, you should have been invited to participate, especially when you took the time to get all dressed up in that incredibly sexy outfit. If you didn’t want to, that’s one thing. But you should have at least been asked, as a matter of courtesy.” “Is that what you’d do?” she asked plaintively. “It’s not what I would do, it’s what I do do. My husband and I share our bodies and our sexuality with our friends. The only restriction that we put on each other is that the other person must watch or participate.” “Does that mean you’re into group sex?” “Yes, group sex, just showing off for other people, having other people show off for us, having oral, genital, and breast sex with other people, and like that…” “What do you mean by ‘showing off?'” this gorgeous show-off asked, a bit timidly. “Well, just showing off, like…I’ll bet you’re really proud of those…what are they, 38-D breasts? I bet you’d really get off on showing them to a group of people, or even one or two strangers, so you could see them admire your boobs, and so you could hear them beg to suck on your nipples.” “Well, yeah, I guess I would. I used to do stuff like that several years ago, and it was great fun. I guess I thought I was getting too sophisticated for that. But I obviously like people to see and admire my tit-tees, or I wouldn’t be wandering around the supermarket like this at 11 o’clock at night.” “You mentioned breast sex?” she asked. “Well, yes, you know, titty games–getting them sucked on and played with ..titty-fucking your lover…you know, having him rub his cock and balls all over your tits and shoot his cum all over your nipples and tits, and rubbing it all in with his penis…you know, all that kind of fun, sexy stuff.” She started breathing heavily, and her nipples got even stiffer. She said, “That idea really turns me on, because my tit-tees are really sensitive, and I can have an orgasm from getting my tit-tees played with. And I absolutely LOVE squeezing my tit-tees around a guy’s cock, and jerking him off with them! It turns me on so much that I can always cum that way.” “Yeah, I know, it really turns me on a lot too, and my husband Carl is totally wild and crazy about it! He’d give his right nut and go out of his mind if he could get his gorgeous boner on your incredible nipples and between your beautiful breasts! He’d be so turned on that he’d be cumming his balls off all over your nipples in no time…and illegal bahis let me tell you, he really unloads a lot when he cums all over my nipples and titties!” “Susan,” she said, “you have really nice full tit-tees, too. Have you noticed that, when you’re getting naked with a guy, as soon as you take off your bra, the only thing he can think of is getting his erect penis all over your nipples and between your tit-tees, and really going out of his mind fucking them like crazy?” “Oh, absolutely, and I adore it!” I answered. “You know, I’ve found that tit-fucking seems to be a really big fantasy for most, if not all guys–certainly all the guys I’ve been naked with. There’s just something really wild about it that drives men really nuts, you know? I mean, when Carl screws my titties and I lick the head of his cock, he goes totally insane! It really drives me crazy, too, and I really get off and cum my brains out when he squirts his spooge all over my nipples and titties! And he cums so much! “Nancy, have you also noticed that, like, when a guy who’s been titty-fucking you cums between your breasts and all over your nipples, how much more cum he produces than if he cums from some other sex game, even oral sex?” “Oh, yes, absolutely!” she said excitedly. “And I really love getting my tit-tees and nipples thoroughly coated with my lover’s sperm! You know, it feels so great, and it’s also really good face and skin moisturizing cream, too.” she laughed. We both cracked up. “So anyway, Nancy, how about telling me how you get that effect with your bra? I know your bra is not regular, or it would squash your nipples down. I know it’s not an open-nipple bra, because then your pink areolae would show through that white silk top. So how do you do it?” “Well, what I do is, take a plain bra and then cut out only the area where my nipple pokes through. Then I take a soft piece of cloth of the same color and carefully sew in the hole I’ve just cut. You have to be careful to cut and sew it just right, or it’ll look really bad. I can show somebody better than I can tell them.” She was definitely looking for an invitation, since our talking had made both of us really horny. “Well, I’ve got a good idea,” I chimed in. “I’m about through shopping, and it looks like you are too. Why not come over to our house, and you can show me how to do it. I have some bras I’d love to convert, and I have a sewing machine. If you’d like, you can show off for my husband and me. If you don’t want to, you certainly don’t have to. Either way, it’s better than hanging around the supermarket half the night, since your roommate and her boyfriend don’t want to be disturbed. What do you say?” Her eyes brightened. “Would your husband like to see my tit-tees?” “No, he would LOVE to see your tit-tees. And he would go totally insane if you would let him fuck them and shoot his cum all over your nipples! In fact, if you don’t come home with me, and I tell him what we talked about, he’ll strip me naked, tie me down on the bed, and slap and whip his hard dick all over my tits until they’re all red and swollen…so, you’d better come home with me if you want to have some really hot, sexy fun tonight!” “Really? He’d whip your tit-tees with his penis? What else would he whip? Does he make you cry out and beg for him to stop penis-whipping your tit-tees? Do other people watch while he penis-whips you? Do you ever w hip him with your tit-tees?” “Let’s try one thing at a time. If you’ll follow me, we live only a couple of miles from here. If you like, you can stay all night so you won’t disturb your tight-assed roommate, okay?” “Okay!”, she said. “When I think about what my roommate and her boyfriend are doing as we speak, it makes me so horny, and I’m so jealous …I need some really hot, horny sex tonight, too!” I noticed Carl’s car in the driveway as we pulled up in front of the house. I figured he’d be naked and waiting for me, since we almost always stay nude in the house. I thought about warning Nancy, but then I thought I’d surprise her and see what happened. Carl was in the bedroom. Sure enough, he was cock and balls naked with a huge hardon, waiting for me to come home. When he saw I wasn’t alone, he jumped out of bed to greet our guest. “Carl,” I said matter-of-factly, “this is…” “Nipples!” Carl interrupted. “I have never seen such beautiful, sexy nipples in my whole life! What’s your name, gorgeous?” Nancy smiled, obviously amused and flattered by Carl’s reaction, and apparently not at all phased by his naked, erect condition. “Hi Carl. I’m Nancy and these are my tit-tees!” “They certainly are,” he said. “Do we get to see them in the flesh?” He turned to me. “Where did you find her?” Then quickly back to Nancy: “Do you like my cock? What color are your beautiful nipples?” Nancy smiled even more. She was really enjoying Carl. She looked over to see my reaction, and when I grinned back at her she knew everything was alright. Nancy then reached down and lifted her top over her head. We could then see her gorgeous, big nipples sticking out. In one motion, she stripped off her bra, exposing her gorgeous tits. The instant Carl saw her wonderful tits in their full nakedness, he let out a gasp of appreciation, and his erection throbbed and bounced. A little drop of pre-cum oozed out and started to drip towards the floor. Nancy reached out and caught it on her finger, then rubbed it into her left nipple! Oh, these jugs were mammoth and meaty–a stunning pair of absolutely natural female melons standing at attention, not sagging even a bit. They must have been 38-DD’s, tan and round, and they formed a tight cleavage (that I know Carl was dying to slip youwin his cock into!), even without any bra! And the way they swayed and jiggled gently with her movements–wow, they made my pussy gush and my clit throb! And those nipples–definitely a half inch in diameter, they pointed out pertly a full inch or more! Those glorious nipples and her three-inch wide areolae were a delicate rose color, and covered with very tiny goosebumps from her excitement. My heart raced, and my mouth watered. After a moment’s consideration, Nancy pushed down her shorts to reveal her lovely pussy. She had soft, light brown pussy hairs, somewhat darker than the blonde hair on her head. Her full nakedness was totally ravishing! Since I was the only one still wearing clothes, I stripped naked as fast as I could. I wanted to get totally naked and watch my totally naked husband fuck this gorgeous, totally naked woman’s beautiful naked titties! I just knew that’s what he wanted to do most, both from my own experience of his wanting to fuck my titties all the time, and from the look of lust in his eyes as he stared wide-eyed at her bosoms! Oh yes, this was going to be another long and wild tit-fucking night, for Nancy and for me! I couldn’t wait! As I stripped off all my clothes, revealing my 36D-24-36 body, Nancy seemed surprised by my shaved cunt, but she didn’t say anything. She and Carl both eyed my fully naked body, particularly my beautiful boobs, with total lust! “Well now,” I said, “Nancy came over to show me how to make a bra like hers. But we didn’t think we’d all be getting naked! Now that we are, what should we do so we don’t waste it?” Carl spoke out, “I think that since Nipples…er, I mean Nancy is our guest, she should decide. Just for some ideas, I could suck on her nipples for a few weeks, or rub my cock all over her nipples for a few months, or put my cock between those beautiful tits for a few years, or shoot my cum all over her nipples and titties for a few decades…” “I think I get the idea,” Nancy said, laughing. “You’re trying to say that you want to suck my nipples and fuck my beautiful tit-tees. Susan told me that you really get off tit-fucking her gorgeous bosoms, and that you’d really go wild fucking my gorgeous big tit-tees, too! Well Carl, I really LOVE it when a guy fucks my treasure chest, and I really LOVE making a guy shoot his hot cum all over my nipples and my tit-tees! So, you gorgeous hard-cocked stud, you can tit-tee-fuck me all night long if you want to–I’d LOVE for you get off on my tit-tees, and cum all over them all night long, honey! So, come on over here, you big-cocked son-of-a-bitch, and I’ll make you shoot your hot cum all over my nipples and tit-tees!” As Carl came into her waiting arms, Nancy slid down and took his hard cock between her tits. It nearly disappeared between her giant tits, with his cum-loaded balls showing at the bottom, and the head poking out at the top, right by Nancy’s waiting mouth! Nancy and Carl both went wild as she expertly jerked off his big beautiful cock between her magnificent boobs! I was masturbating like crazy watching my husband tit-fuck Nancy’s incredible titties!! All three of us were going out of our minds with sexual lust, as Nancy bent her head forward and licked and sucked Carl’s cock each time he fucked it in and out of her tits. They were both moaning and gasping in ecstacy, and Carl pulled his cock out of her cleavage, and asked her to let him rub his cock and balls all over her nipples! She squealed with delight at his request to fuck her nipples, and begged him to do it! Wow–this woman was one hot, horny tit-fucking slut, and we all loved every second of her and my husband getting it on between her gorgeous, big tits! This was so fucking wild, and it made me so horny that I felt sick! Carl went out of his mind rubbing and pressing the tip and underside of his boner and his balls all over Nancy’s gorgeous nipples and areolae–he poked and prodded her nipples with the tip of his cock, and she was able to work each of her nipples into the opening in his penis! They both went totally insane with lust as he fucked her nipples. Then, she told him to slip his gorgeous, big dick back between her boobs, and really fuck her tit-tees like a totally sex-starved, sex-mad, tit-fucking maniac until he was ready to cum–all over her nipples and tit-tees!! Carl thrust his dick into Nancy’s tits and into her mouth over and over again, and shouted out that he was going to cum all over her tits. Just as he was about to cum, she removed her mouth and let him squirt his load all over her tits and nipples, completely soaking them in his hot, creamy cum! At the sight of his cock spewing its load, I started cumming wildly, too! Screams and howls of our sexual ecstacy filled our bedroom, and I bet that if anyone had been walking outside in front of our house and, hearing our screams, peered through the window, they’d have stopped in their tracks and started masturbating like crazy on the spot! We certainly would have provided the hottest live sex show imaginable! As we all came back to earth, Nancy took Carl’s cock and used it to massage all of his cum into her boobs, taking special care to soak her incredible nipples with his cum. “Yum, yum, I love cum,” Nancy said as she took Carl’s softening bone back into her mouth so she could suck out every last drop! Thinking that Nancy hadn’t yet cum, I decided to massage her cunt. When I reached down, I found her cunt sopping wet, and she’d made a big wet spot on the sheets. When we asked her about this, she said she most definitely came by having her ‘tit-tees’ and nipples stimulated by my husband’s youwin giriş gorgeous, hard penis. Even though all three of us had just cum, we were still horny for some more fun, so I suggested that Carl titty-fuck me while I sucked his cock, and that I would rub my cunt all over Nancy’s incredible tits and nipples until I, too, came all over her magnificent mammaries! She and Carl were all for that! Nancy lay down on her back and got comfortable. I straddled her, and told her to push her sweet titties together so I could rub my cunt all over them. I told her to fuck my pussy with her nipples and tit-tees! I beckoned to Carl, who was stroking his meat, and held my 36D’s up to receive his bone between them. This was incredible–rubbing my cunt and my clit all over Nancy’s bobbing, jiggling breasts, and gorgeous, stiff nipples…Nancy moaning and gasping beneath me, trying to get as much of my pussy all over her tits as possible …and Carl fucking my gorgeous, stiff-nippled titties, with me sucking and licking the head of his cock at the same time! It was pure sexual ecstacy as we all continued going totally wild on each other until we all came again. First Nancy cried out that she was cumming …then Carl bellowed out as his hose sputtered and spurted his thick, creamy cum all over my tits…and me, cumming all over Nancy’s gorgeous tits and nipples, soaking them in my pussy cream!! Carl had to take a rest, but Nancy wanted me to rub my titties and nipples all over her body, then finish up by fucking her cunt with my tits while Carl watched! I loved using my tits so much to give both her and my husband such overwhelmingly exquisite pleasure! She and I put on a really hot ‘show’ for Carl, and he really enjoyed watching us two sex-mad women driving each other wild with pleasure! I really loved every second of rubbing my titties all over Nancy’s body, especially when I started rubbing my nipples on her clit. We both went crazy as I used my tits to fuck her luscious pussy, until she and I both came all over each other again! Then, as Nancy and I recovered, Carl suggested that I take one tit in my mouth and suck it while he sucked the other and played with her pussy. So, we started sucking her nipples and swirling our tongues all around her nipples and areolae as he fingered her luscious cunt. Her amazing nipples throbbed with passion. They felt like little cocks in my mouth, expanding even beyond the huge size they had been. God, her boobs were so delicious!! I loved the feeling of just burying my face into her cleavage. Nancy went wild. “Oh, oh, oh…uh, uh…oh, oh, oh, oh,” she whimpered, her voice becoming shrill. “Suckme, suckme, oh, oh, suckme, suckme… ohmygod, ohmygod, yesss, yesss, yesss, suckme, fuckme, fuckme, suckme, hum me, blow me, ohmygod, I can’t stand it,” she literally cried. “Squeeze my gorgeous tit-tees! Suck my gorgeous nipples! Pinch my tit-tees! Fuckme, fuckme, fuck the shit out of me!” Carl took Nancy at her delirious, ecstatic word. As I continued to suck her tits and tongue her nipples, he slid down and guided his cock into her sopping, wet cunt. He slid right up to his balls on the first stroke, then stayed still as she wildly fucked up and down on his cock, cumming and yelling and spasming all the time. I slid my pussy over her mouth so I could get off too, and she welcomed my pussy, humming warmly, and immediately commenced sucking my clit and licking my labes. In seconds her face was smeared with the same juices that glistened from my cunt. She slurped and probed and gasped, and I remembered back to the first time I ever ate a shaved cunt, and I came and came and came!! After Nancy and I both got off on each other, Carl slid his cock out of her cunt and begged both of us to finish him off with our tits. So, Nancy and I got on either side of Carl’s cock, and squeezed our voluptuous tits together around his shaft, and told him to fuck both of us between our titties until he exploded all over our nipples and titties! Carl went out of his mind, thrusting his boner in and out between our breasts, and rubbing his pussy-soaked cock all over our jiggling tits and nipples! It felt soooo fucking gooood!! All of a sudden, he cried out, “Oh God girls, I’m gonna cum again, all over your nipples and your titties, oh yeah, oh yeah, hear it cums now, all over your tits!!” And his cock started wildly shooting out all of the rest of the cum his balls could produce. Nancy and I both frigged our clits and cunts to another cum as Carl’s hot spooge spurted out, coating our nipples and sliding down into our deep cleavages, giving us both our favorite kind of lovely, sexy, pearl necklace! Nancy finally left our house at 5:30 a.m. We never got any sleep that night, but Nancy was ever so appreciative–so were we! She is looking forward to exposing her incredible nipples and “tit-tees” to our friends at one of our regular weekend-long orgies. I have already talked to some of our friends about her, describing this night’s festivities, and they all can’t wait! The guys all can’t wait to suck her incredible nipples, and sink their cocks into her cleavage. They’re so hot to screw her tit-tees until they shoot their hot cum all over her magnificent naked melons and gorgeous nipples! And the gals are just as enthusiastic as the guys! I have made a bra like Nancy’s, and I showed all of the gals how to do it, too. Of course, none of our nipples are quite as big as Nancy’s, but we’re still getting the guys ready for Nancy by wearing these bras with thin tops. And believe me, the guys love it! Their cocks are all so hard thinking about what it will be like when Nancy ‘cums’ to our next orgy, and she’s really looking forward to it, too, and she can’t wait to have all the guys fuck her between her gorgeous big tits and cream their hot cum all over her incredible naked nipples, too!! It’s going to be totally wild, and we’re going to get it all on video!  

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