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Part Time Job For Kim 2After her eye opening time with Sue Kim went home as she got out of her car her dress rode up and the wind hit her freshly fuck cunt and tingles shot up her spine she felt alive her puss throbbed her tit begged to be touched and she could still taste the pussy juice on her lips her whole life she had been told that girl to girl sex was wrong but my god how good she felt right now. On weak legs she went inside her daughter says hi mom but Kim just goes to her room lays on the bed and relives the last three hours second by lustful second. The next day Kim goes into the office and Helen’s desk as she is talking to Helen and applying for the two week vacation she remembers what Sue said ( how about your boss she’s a les ) when Helen ask why the time off Kim just says she thinks she needs it. Well OK when will this start and Kim says in two weeks.For the next two weeks Kim and Sue get things arranged at internet casino the house and all to Kim’s dislike Sue does nothing at all, when Kim ask why Sue just laughs. The time is up Kim is at her desk on the last day and Helen calls her into her office sit down we need to talk Kim I’m oking this time off and I know about you and Sue I know what happen I know how it all went down and what is going to happen this week but, what you do not know is Sue is my daughter well stepdaughter her father was my second husband and took her after we split. She does not know either and I want it that way as you know yes I’m a member a foundering member at that and yes we have had sex but I try to limit are time together. This week will be a week you will not forget ever and people will do things to you that you never dream of, but I want the first so get on your knees and crawl over here and eat my pussy bitch….. Kim slowly güvenilir casino stank down and did as she was told Helen lifted her shirt and there was a trimed black bush covering big pussy lips before Kim could see it all Helen ground her cunt in Kim’s face saying make me moan so load the whole office hears Kim tried her best her only time was the once with Sue but she made Helen cum still and as Helen released her Kim’s face covered with juices she looked up and was proud of the way Helen was moaning.Kim had things planed she sent her daughter to spent time with her grandparents and had a bag packed as she walked in the door the shock that took her over there was her boss the pres. of the school the congress woman the women from down the street all women she knew around town important women people she looked up to and they were all here for a week long lesbian orgy OMG she never imaged women these women to be LESBIAN… casino firmalari Over the week she was eaten to the breaking point fucked till she couldn’t walk and even pissed on she suck more tits asses and cunts and made to cum more then thought possible. These women trained her and at one point she had a strap-on in her ass and cunt a women on each tit and another cunt in her face all at once. In all 25-30 women and each had taken her in there own way more then once but her high lite was after the others had left Helen ground her cunt in her face as Sue pounded her cunt with that big strap-on from before.The week ended and her daughter came home they spent time together and all was great the following Monday morning Kim went into the office to find a letter on her desk COME TO MY OFFICE HELEN so she did knocked on the door and Helen yelled come in Oh Kim please have a set honey you have done a great job around here so I’m giving you a raise and a new title too you are now regional manger and by the way you have a pa too turn around and meet her as Kim turned around there was Sue in just a G-string smiling and says what can I do for you?………..

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