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Practising photographyWhen I retired I returned to a job that I last held over 50 years ago, I became a paper boy delivering the local free paper. A bundle of papers arrives every Thursday morning and they all have to be distributed the same day. Carrying the papers used to be hard work but now it is easy as a trolley is provided. My round is two blocks of flats not far from where I live. I take the lift to the top floor and then make my way down floor by floor, if the lift breaks down I can get the trolley down the stairs. I usually start mid morning and it wasn’t long after I started delivering papers that I knew a number of the older residents in both blocks. For some of them I became the passing handyman, the most common request is for me to undo screw top jars. I’ve changed fuses and light bulbs, unblocked sinks, put up curtain rails and curtains and help hunt for lost glasses and hearing aids. Some of the residents leave their front door ajar so that neighbours can pop in which initially made it difficult to post the paper through the letter box as the door would give way as I pushed the paper. It then became common practice that I would open the door and drop the paper onto the door mat or place it somewhere in the hall. Quite often residents would hear me and suddenly appear offering tea, coffee, biscuits or cake and try to get me to stay for a chat.One of the couples I meet are Paul and Beryl, both retired and about the same age as me. In their hall is a mirror and a couple of shelves on the left opposite their bedroom door on the right, next to the bedroom is the bathroom and at the end of the hall is the living room off of which there are other rooms and a balcony. The shelves usually have open mail on them and a camera, if they don’t hear me I leave the paper on the shelf.I usually speak to Paul or Beryl and last June I mentioned that Jean and I were going away to a cottage for a week in August. The cottage is on an estuary which according to a web site is a place where owners dump their unwanted boats. Dave Price a local professional photographer runs regular ‘Intro to Photography’ courses photographing the wrecks and I booked a place on a course for the first day of our holiday. Beryl asked what type of camera I had and I told her I had a little pocket camera and she immediately offered me the use of the SLR camera on the shelf.When delivering the paper to Paul and Beryl’s a few days before we were due to go on holiday I reminded Beryl of her offer of the use of their camera. Paul wasn’t at home but she gave me the camera and charging cable saying it hadn’t been used for a while and she wasn’t sure what pictures were on it.We arrived at the cottage just after lunch on a Friday and spent the afternoon walking around the gümüşhane escort area looking at the many wrecks on the shore and calling in on the photographer’s studio to view some of his work. At 9am the next day the course started with all four students admitting we were useless with a camera and the first session on terminology and theory flew by. After the tea break we got our cameras and they were all different, Dave looked at each one in turn and compared them to the SLR he uses for demonstration which was very useful. Immediately after a session on composition we were let loose into his garden where we had to photograph wildlife. After this short practical session we returned to the studio and Dave projected the images from each camera so we could see what each of us had photographed and he gave us advice and suggestions on our work. Following a salad lunch we went to seek out the boats with instructions that we had to shoot in black and white as well as colour and that we had to find features which required shooting with a macro setting. At four o’clock we assembled in the studio for a show-and-tell of our work and what should have been an hour long session of viewing, feedback and suggestion was still going two hours later.On returning to the cottage I told jean about the course and tried to show her my pictures on the small camera screen but we could see little of the detail so decided to drive over to Ipswich the next day to look at the town and see if we could get a cable from PC World to connect the camera to the TV. On returning from our trip I plugged the camera into the TV and we went through the pictures, deleting the poor ones and keeping a dozen good photos. Looking at the pictures in playback mode I noticed that there were three directories on the camera, two were numbered and the third was titled US. Not having seen directories on a camera before I had a look at the contents. In the lowest number folder were some photos and short videos of a couple, I’m guessing somewhere between 30 and 40 in age, fucking on the balcony of their flat. From the video I could see it was in the other block I deliver to and a couple of floors below Paul and Beryl’s. The time stamp on the videos was early in the morning so I am guessing they had their romps before anybody had woken up. There were pictures of the women kneeling on the balcony floor as well as leaning over the balcony and being fucked from behind. Also there were videos and pictures of her sucking her partner’s cock. I had never noticed the couple before but would now make every effort to see them when delivering a paper to their flat. To get these shots Paul must have been up very early to take the pictures from his balcony. In the past I have tried to get escort gümüşhane Jean to watch some of the Xhamster videos but she refused as she regarded them as pornographic. On this occasion she watched the first few videos and it was she who suggested that we see if there were any more in the other folders. In the second numbered folder were several videos and still pictures. Looking at the videos we saw they were of a couple in the opposite flat in the other block, presumably being twelve floors up they thought that there was no need for window blinds. A couple of the videos were of the man tied to something above a doorway and his legs held apart with a spreader. In them she is dressed in a leather corset, high heeled boots and a mask. In one she is whipping him and in the other rubbing the inside of his thighs, then his balls and cock and finally his nipples with a green plant. Given she was wearing gloves we presume the plant was nettle. In a couple of other videos he is kneeling on the floor and in one she puts on a strap-on and fucks him There were also videos of her tied in the doorway and her legs held apart where the man slowly tears her clothes off. In one he rubs what appears to be ice over her and around her cunt and licks her until she has an orgasm and in the other it looks like he puts jam on her and licks it off her tits and cunt. The individual pictures were close ups of the couple and Jean immediately recognized the woman, telling me her name was Margaret, she worked on the tills at the local supermarket and that she and Jean often spoke.We were sitting on the sofa looking at the videos and Jean started to view them again. As she was occupied I slid my hand under the hem of her dress and worked my way up to her cunt. I could feel she was warm and moist and as I slowly rubbed her through her knickers she slid her bottom down to the edge of the sofa and opened her legs. Running my fingers up and down the gusset I found she was very wet. Instead of moving the gusset to one side and slipping my fingers inside I pushed the gusset between her lips which I knew would tease her. In a short while she had the most violent orgasm I had ever known her to have to the point that she wet her herself and warm liquid ran all over my hand. She spent a few minutes slowly recovering and then went to the bathroom to tidy herself up and I cleaned the floor. We went to bed for a cuddle and it was some time later that we thought about getting food.For the next couple of days we walked around the local area, Jean wearing a top that opened at the front and no bra so I could take pictures of her tits around the boats and while walking the local footpaths. We then decided to view my pictures and we found I had taken some really gümüşhane escort bayan good ones based on the advice I received on the course. We also looked at the folder labeled US and found three videos. All three started with a couple lying on a bed with nothing on and the man massaging the lady just above her pubic hair. Judging by the camera angle I presumed the videos were of Paul and Beryl with the camera on a shelf in the hall and aimed into their bedroom. On one video Beryl starts to masturbate after being massaged for a while and continues until she has an orgasm. The second video starts the same way but Beryl turns onto her side and Paul grasps one of Beryl’s buttocks and pushes his fingers into the crack and presumably massages around her arse hole. She can be seen pushing against his hand and finally has an orgasm. On the third video they start with a massage and then Paul gets up and leaves and Beryl moves to the foot of the bed with her legs dangling over the edge. Paul returns with a bowl, kneels on the floor at the foot of the bed and rubs ice cubes from the bowl between the lips of her cunt. This is followed by him taking a glass dildo out of the bowl and sliding it into her. This presumably didn’t have the desired effect as Paul then licked Beryl until she came.The week passed quickly and on returning home Beryl asked that I copy everything off the camera so that she could watch the videos again. A few days later it was paper round time and I returned the camera with a couple of pictures of the boats still on the camera. When I got to Paul and Beryl’s flat I found that Beryl was out and I thanked Paul for the loan of his camera. He then told me that it was Beryl’s camera, she takes all of their pictures as he is not interested in photography. I was mistaken, I thought Paul had been videoing the flats in the opposite block when in fact it was Beryl.A few days after we had returned from holiday I woke up one morning and put my hand onto Jeans’s tummy and then started to massage the area just above her pubic hair. After about half an hour I stopped as there had been no reaction from her. She immediately asked me why I had stopped as she found the massaging relaxing. Massaging Jean on waking up in the morning has now become part of our daily routine including massaging her buttocks, running my fingers through the hair around her arse and sliding a finger around her arse hole.Several weeks after the holiday when delivering their paper Paul and Beryl invited me into their flat as they had something to show me. On entering the living room they pointed to a picture on the wall and I could see that it was one of the pictures of boats I had left on their camera. Both of them liked the picture and wanted a print of it and offered to pay me as my first commission which I declined as I had already been paid by Beryl leaving the videos on the camera. I have now bought my own SLR camera but haven’t told Paul or Beryl as I am hoping that I can borrow their camera again at a future date.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32