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Scally-boy memories…part 2.So now we’d established we were both up for a spot of nasty raunchy sex I suggested we head back to mine & unsurprisingly I guess,he hesitated.” Mate,I know ya did a great job of gettin’ me off an’ all,& wivout ya even touchin’ me knob… but it aint like I know’s ya.Fuck,yer cud be a soddin’ psycho…know wot I mean,like?”Well ok,I’ll give him that,fair play to him.But fuck,I sooo wanted to be tongueing his shitter.I had to do something so,stupidly on reflection,I says how about I ‘loan’ him the value of his dole money,we go back to mine,kick back a bit,have a couple of lagers & maybe watch some porn.He seemed to be mulling this over then he nodded & grinned,” Yeah,sounds ok,mate.Especially the lager & fuck-flicks…wot ya got?”Now this was more like it,haha.So I told him I’d got a varied selection catering to most tastes.And that weren’t a lie,I’ll pretty much watch owt so long as it gets me spunking.I stood up & arranged me knob coz it was still making a tent in me jeans & nodded over me shoulder,”Alright then,my place aint too far,about a 10 minute walk…if ya still up for it?”The lad got to his feet & says how he’s ‘deffo up for it’ & off we went.He muttered something about how his bell-end was caught in the hairs on his leg coz of all the spunk & his balls were trapped under his crotch…& I’m thinking about how ripe he must be smelling!All being well,this was gonna be one helluva good session.Soon enough we were at mine & I had trouble getting me key in the lock,I was trembling a bit in anticipation.Finally,the key behaved & in we went,I let him lead so I could perv his arse & wasn’t disappointed.Nice & firm & each cheek was mobbing up & down as he walked.” In ‘ere mate,yeah?”I was right behind him now & I inhaled his sweat & grinned,”Yeah,just in there”.Once in me living room he had a look around & whistled…at the size of me TV screen & the surround sound speakers in each corner.” Fuckin’ ‘ell pal,yer didn’t get this offa the Social,staight up”.Laughing I assured him that no,I didn’t.Pointing to the sofa I tells him to take a pew & I’ll go get the lagers.He gave a huge grin & a thumbs up at that.Thought he would,lol.Coming back I noticed he’d turned me telly on,cheeky sod,& was chuckling at some fat lass on the screen,” Fuckin’ ‘ell wud ya look at the state of ‘er…mind you I bet she sucks cock like a pro,she got big lips.And them jugs…christ they’s massive,even bigger than me ex’ & she aint small”.I glance at his crotch & yup,he’s on the rise…just as I hoped.Setting the cans on the coffee table I nod to them & tells him to help himself.” Cheers pal,don’t mind if I do”.He flips the tab & takes a long drink,adams adam bobbing as he swallows.God,I love seeing it,a nice prominent lump in a bloke’s neck.Weird,innit,what can get you going? I flop down in the chair,don’t wanna crowd him right away,let him get comfy & relaxed.” So mate,did ya mean it when ya says ya like licking arses? I mean,d’ya do it a lot or were it a one-off,a dare,like?”.Nice one…no messing around,straight to the point.I winked at him but didn’t answer straight off…then I got to me feet & stood looking down at him for a few seconds,” Tell ya what…why don’t you get outa canlı bahis them trackies,pull that arse to the edge of the sofa,spread yer arse cheeks & I’ll show ya how fuckin’ good I am”There was a kinda electric buzz in the room while I could see him thinking this offer over & then he smiled,almost shyly,& nodded,”Yeah,ok mate,sounds cool…but…er…”Fuck,what now?So wanting to get me face buried in his scally arse I calmy asked ‘what’?” Can you put some porn on,like? I can be havin’ a letch over it while ya,well,you know…”Oh jesus…was that all,lol.The other blokes who’s arses I’d munched on usually asked the same question so it wasn’t any great surprise…so I says ‘yeah sure mate’ & dragged some videos from under the sofa which were conveniently directly under where he was sat,got a nice eyeful of a twitching knob while I was on me knees…sweet.” Help yerself,owt ya want.”He shuffled through the boxes &,fuck me,if he didn’t select one of me favourites,”Piss Whores of London”.Strange choice for him I thought but hell I weren’t complaining. I felt I should point out that the ‘whores’ weren’t all women but he just shrugged & says he don’t mind,he likes sleazy stuff.Fair enough.So I slotted the video in the machine & popped open me own can of lager & plonked meself down next to him.I could almost hear his heart pounding. I fast forwarded through the opening credits till the 1st scene started,pretty tame it was,just two big dicked studs spit roasting a lass with massive tits…but every so often they’d pull out of her stretched arsehole & mouth & spray her with heavy duty piss loads.” Ahhhh,FUCK….mate,this is WELL hot.Lookit that slag,she’s loving them huge fuckin’ knobs,aint she? BIG fuckin’ slimy uncut knobs,fuck yeah”.Ok,lol,so he’s keen on them ‘big fuckin’ uncut knobs’,hahaha.Funny,but I imagined his 1st comment would be about the size of the ‘slag’s’ tits! No matter though coz a glance at his trackies & the tent in the crotch…whatever got him going.” Yeah mate,she’s loving those rock hard big hairy uncut pissers…too fuckin’ right”.I pushed me crotch forward so he could see me own knob was on the rise…if he wanted to.And,there ya go,lol.” Looks like yer knob’s showing ‘is approval an’ all,yeah?”Oh fuck this for a lark.I looked straight at him,nodded down to his rigid boner tenting his trackies & says,” It aint her mate,it’s that BIG fucker in yer kecks wot’s bonin’ me up…so how’s about I pull it out & nosh down on it & then work down to them big bollox & then slip me tongue up yer shitter…it’s wot ya came ‘ere for,innit?”Hahaha,the poor lad’s eyes widened & he took a swig of lager & then he gave a nod,trying to appear the typical cocky scally-lad.” Yeah,alright yer dirty fucker,get me big knob out & get yer lips round it,wanna see ya filthy queer lips round me bell-end”.Now that’s more like it,lol.Talk dirty to ’em & str8 or gay,they fuckin’ love it.Needing no further telling I reached me hand in his waistband & he had the decency to lift his hips up so I could get his knob out easily.Well,he wasn’t lying.It was big,not porn star huge,that aint me type,but it was a good 8 inches I reckoned & a decent girth.His balls followed & they WERE big,the size of bets10 hens eggs & they were a good low hanging pair in a silky smooth ball bag.LUSH.But it was his knob head which had me drooling.Fuck,it was just poking out a bit from a well wrinkly veiny foreskin & it was a deep purple colour,just how I like ’em.Oh & his piss-slit was the topper.He’d got a really deep slit,like a tiny cunt,& it was bubbling with knob slime! There were bits of his earlier spunk sticking to his knob & the smell was fucking lovely,ripe & the heat coming off it,jeez.” Yeah,fuckin’ BIG uncut slimy fucker innit mate? Fuckin’ loving it aint ya? Go on then have a sniff & a lick,s’wot ya gaggin’ for innit yeah?”.Oh weren’t he just the rough’un,hahaha.Bet he thought he was a right thug,lol.But once I had me lips round that drooling knob head he’d be whimpering like a puppy.So down I went.I did what he ‘demanded’ & pressed me nose to that slimed-up bell-end & sniffed.Oh fuck,stars went off,it was ripe as fuck.As the head came out of the skin I could smell even more rank cock smell.” Yeah,ya nasty fucker,lick me bird’s cunt juices,dat’s it,dat big fucker was buried right up ‘er twat this mornin’,hahah,didn’t know DAT,did ya eh?”What a little shit.So he wasn’t single at all…he’d sussed me as a queer 1st time he’d set eyes on me & had just spun me a fucking yarn so he could fuck me over.I pulled up off his knob & looked at him.” You havin’ a laugh mate or what?”The expression on his face told me no he wasn’t having a laugh.In fact,he looked a bit sheepish & his knob was quickly deflating…damnit.” Ah mate,sorry,but me brother drinks in the pub you go in & he’s played pool wiv ya an’ he says yer a right laff…& a dirty fucker.Remember that lad ya sucked off in the lavs yeah? Well that’s me bruvver innit & he told me ya loved all the dirty verbal”.Well narrow it down ya soft twat I thought.I’ve sucked any number of knobs in the pub lavs.” Now yer finkin’ I’m a right muppet aint’chya.Look,straight up,we woz in town last week & he spotted ya & pointed you out,s’all.So when I eyes ya on that bench,well,I had to chance me arm”.Fuck me,lol,I really can pick ’em.But at least he wasn’t some psycho…phew. I shook me head & gave him me best glare,” Jeez mate…yer a bastard.A well horny one,but a bastard non the less.Ok,look,I’ll get back to noshin’ on ya knob yeah,but once I’m into it you aint stoppin’ me…right? And ya can be as verbal as ya like,whatever get’s me a decent gut fulla spunk”.He smiled at me & switched off the film,kinda like he was telling me he didn’t need it,put his arms round the back of his head & winked,” Fair dos mate sounds good to me.Well off ya go,get suckin’ on me slimy knob for starters,I’ll make sure ya gob’s flooded wiv me scally spunk,no probs”.So that’s what I did.I dipped me head & he gave a growl when I slid me lips over his purple hot stinkin’ gummed up bell-end.” Aaaah dat’s it…fuckin’ LOVELY.Taste it,all dat fuckin’ knob snot yeah…lovin’ it aint ya? Oooooooh doin’ great mate,workin’ dat bell fuckin’ like some slag……jesus yeah,slobberin’ all over dat fat fuckin’ scally pisser”.Now I don’t mind a bit of verbal,clearly…but friggin’ hell,I didn’t need a running bets10 giriş commentary! So I took him in as far as I could,almost to his wiry bush which had him just groaning & moaning instead of jawing constantly.He planted his hands on me head & was bucking a bit,which brought tears to me eyes but ever the cock hound,lol,I kept on sucking.His drool & me saliva were dribbling down me chin so I caught it in me hand & swirled it round his bollox.That seemed to work for him coz he’s squirming & panting & pushing his spongy fat knobhead against me throat.”Ahhhhhhh mate,aint gonna last much longer,gonna fuckin’ fill yer slutty ,oth soon”.Well that was just what I wanted,a quick load coz once he spurted he’d be satisfied,for the time being.See,I wanted to get some more lager down him coz I’d decided I wanted this hot fucker’s piss before getting started on his hot virgin shitter.Yeah,was gonna be spending a lot more than the average couple of hours on this’un,lol.I took his big balls in me hand & started rolling ’em round me fingers,firmly but not too rough.I pulled on his sack while he’s grunting & bucking into me mouth,” Ooooooooooooo FUCK,dat’s it,DAT’S IIIIIIIIIIT.Gonna get it,gonna pump me thick load down yer throat….ahhhhhhhhh YESSSSSS,gonna fuckin’ SPUUUUUUUUUNK”.And fuck me,that’s just what he did.I felt his knob thicken & swell,his knob head juddered against me throat and BANG,he went off like a sodding fire hose! Now I’ve swallowed me fair share of spunk in me time…been sucking cock since I was 11…but this lad beat the rest hands down.Me cheeks puffed out as he spurted chunk after chunk of thick salty ripe scally spunk.Jesus,it began pumping past me lips,even though I was chugging it down as quick as I could,& it ran down me chin.I quickly cupped me hand under & felt it pool in me palm.Christ I didn’t wanna waste any so I dipped his ball sack in it & rubbed his goo all over them…save some for later.Me jaw was starting to ache a bit now but thankfully he gave one final heave & he was done.I slowly let him ease out of me mouth & his knob plopped out,still pretty hard.There was a line of glistening sticky slime the length of his veiny shaft & as much as I wanted to slurp it up I didn’t.I wanted it to dry on his prcik,like the junk on his balls coz I’d be having way more fun with this fucker.I could hear him panting & I looked up at him.Hahaha,the look on his face was a picture,lol.”Fuckin’ HELL,mate…dat was ACE,straight up it were.Even our lass can’t suck like you do & she doesn’t take me load like that…jezz,yer fuckin’ the best”Compliments always welcome,hahaha.I licked me lips & made a big show of loving the stcky slime coating me lips & chin.His knob twitched & I thought,hey up,he’s a randy sod he’s ready to go again! But I had other ideas.I gave his bobbing knob a whack…not too hard…& winked at him,” Have another lager mate while I light us both a ciggie,get us breath back…we got plenty of time”He was cool with this & he popped open another can & I lit 2 ciggies & passed one over.Ah yes,lol,it was gonna be a LONG session & before he left he’d get to love being tongue fucked & pissing down me throat & over me hairy arse…in fact,all over me.By the time I’d done he’d be as big a piss/spunk freak as me! Girlfriend? WHAT fuckin’ girlfriend? Hahahaha.Right,me fingers are almost numb from all this typing so I’ll do the next part in a day or two.Enjoyed this? Let me know.Comments always welcome.

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