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Twenty miles passed without so much as a sigh muttered. Her knuckles were white with anticipation. She had had enough. She knew in her mind, that this was going to be their last time trying to vacation together. The marriage was over months ago; she was just now coming to terms with that reality.

The longer he sat there ignoring her, the more she just wanted to jump from the speeding car and run from him forever.

“This is stupid, why are we even still together?” Her voice breaking the silence.

The look on his face was pure surprise. “What are you talking about?!”

“The way we keep trying to fool ourselves into thinking we have a good marriage.” She stared out the passenger side window, watching the scenery fly by.

“You’re more interested in your phone than me anymore. I have to almost beg you for sex or any kind of intimacy. I can’t keep doing this. A person shouldn’t be this lonely; especially if they are MARRIED.” Her voice cracked as she held back the tears.

Mark’s face filled with rage. He slammed on the brakes spilling Sonya’s purse all over the floor.

“If that’s how you feel, get out. Find your own ride home!” He angrily threw the shifter into park.

“Wow, really? Just like that?” Sonya quickly gathers her purse contents from the floor and throws open the car door. “Fine! We’ll do your way!” and slams the door.

Mark spun the tires spraying stones behind him as he pulled away.

Sonya glances around her, checks her phone and starts walking towards home.

After walking for a few minutes, a car swerves over and stops in front of her.

“Need a lift?” A man’s voice comes from the driver side. Sonya couldn’t see him but at this point, she knew she didn’t have many other options.

“Absolutely!” Sonya jogs up to the car and the door swung open for her. She glanced at the driver and was pleasantly surprised. She couldn’t have picked a better-looking guy to pick her up.

His hair was dark, piercing blue eyes with long lashes. Faded jeans, flannel shirt and cowboy boots.

“Thank you for stopping. It would’ve Maltepe Escort been along walk home.” She smiled and fastened her seat belt.

“Well, I hope you realize this isn’t a free ride.” He flirted and patted her thigh.

Sonya raised an eyebrow in disbelief that he could be so cliché, but then also found it to be kind of exciting.

“What do you suppose a ride like this will cost me?” Sonya flirted back.

“Well, where am I taking you?” The mystery man asked staring straight ahead at the road.

“You can take me to my home just up the road, my husband isn’t home, so I can pay you for the ride when we get there.” Sonya shifted her legs to reveal her thigh more.

“Ok then, it’s a deal!” He slid his hand further up her leg.

“Just turn left at the light and my house is the second one on the left.” She gave a half smile.

He slowly pulls in the drive and put the car in park. “Are you sure your husband won’t be home anytime soon?” He worried.

“Nah, he’s gone for a bit.” She grabbed his hand and lead him in the door.

Sonya closes the door and right away starts unbuttoning his shirt to pay him back for the lift home. He grabs her ass and pressed his pelvis against her, showing her just what he had in mind for her. Kissing his neck, the smell of his cologne triggered her flowing juices.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and running her fingers through his hair. He lifted her, she threw her legs around him and hungrily kissed his mouth.

“Follow me!” Sonya hops down and pulls him into the bedroom.

He lets the bulge in his jeans lead the way.

Sonya closes the bedroom door and smiles mischievously at this stranger she dangerously lead to her bed.

“Have you ever fucked a married woman?” She went straight for his jeans.

“No… I sure haven’t.” He replied proudly.

“Well, you’re about to sink your cock into the tightest pussy you’ve ever had!” Sonya shoves him backwards onto the bed.

“Mmmmm, well, let me have it baby.” He groans.

“Don’t you even want to know Kartal Escort my name?” He stopped her.

“Nope.” She grinned and continued to yank his jeans off.

Quickly, she whips his jeans across the room and shimmies from her shorts leaving just her t-shirt and panties on.

“Aren’t you going to take those off?” He nods.

“Nope. I’m going to tease you some first.” Sonya slowly crawls over him; her nipples dance inside her shirt up to his chest.

She knew what was about to happen and it excited her. She could feel the wetness soaking her panties. She reached down and pulled his ridged cock up under her pussy lips and began grind up, separating her lips inside her panties.

By now, his precum has mixed with her sweet juices, absolutely soaking the crotch of her panties.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?” She smiles and presses her pussy harder against his cock.

“You definitely know what you’re doing, that’s for sure.” He agreed.

He grabs her hips and tries to wiggle his cock in behind her panties.

“Did you hear that???” His eyes filled with fear that it was her husband.

Before she could say a word, the bedroom door slammed open. It was Mark, her husband.

“Oh my God, you said he wouldn’t be home for a bit!” He jumps up and tries to find his clothes.

“You better get the fuck out of my house before I find my gun, you white trash piece of shit!” Mark yelled with authority.

He grabbed his clothes and boots and ran out the door to his car.

“Too much calling him white trash?” Mark giggled and pulled Sonya over to him by her hips.

“I bet those panties are pretty wet, huh?” He slowly lowered himself down to her pussy. He could see the wetness soaking through.

He grabbed her hips and buried his face against the satin and inhaled as deep as he could then slipping them down her thighs and kissing her naked pussy lips.

“I love the way your beard feels on my bare skin.” Sonya confessed.

She looked down at him as held the wet panties up to his nose. She knew the look on his Kurtköy Escort face meant one thing… and that was that she was going to get fucked and fucked hard.

He scooped her up in his arms and tossed her on the bed.

Staring as her open legs; he stripped his pants off, releasing his cock from his boxers. It bounced around blindly leading the way over to her.

Sonya pulls her t-shirt off, letting her nipples stand erect. She couldn’t wait to feel his cock slip between her pussy lips.

Mark grabs her ankles and violently pulls her to the edge of the bed. Lifting her legs over his shoulders, he smiled at her; teasing her with the wait.

He slaps her pussy with the head of his cock as if to prime it, then guides it between the lips. Separating Sonya’s bare lips with his finger and thumb; opening her wide. He slaps her hole a couple more times with his cock before slamming it deep in her.

“Fuck me!” Sonya gasps and thrusts her hips back to him.

Vigorously, she rubs her clit as he pounds his cock into her dripping cunt.

His hands holding tight to her hips. Synchronized thrusting. Her excitement builds the harder he fucks her. Her perky D cups bouncing back and forth, keeping the rhythm.

“Give me that ass!” Mark demands and pulls his throbbing cock from her.

He lifts her hips just high enough to aim for her tight little rose bud asshole.

Immediately, Sonya starts fingering herself. Little by little she slips her fingers in deeper until she has all 4 fingers in her.

“Are you ready for this?” Mark teases her asshole by circling it with the head of his cock. Lubed with her wetness, he gently pushes in.

Each time he pushes, Sonya’s hand goes deeper into her cunt; fisting faster, madly stroking her clit with her other hand.

“Just do it! Fuck me!” She panted, “I’m almost there!”

Sonya is wrist deep in her own pleasure, Mark’s cock fucking her asshole; the pressure is building. Her own orgasm forced her hand from her pussy, gushing; spraying Mark’s chest and face.

“Ohhhhh myyyyy Gooooodddd!” Mark yelled with his own release.

A few minutes pass both still catching their breath.

“I’m going to add that pair of panties to my collection. That… was… amazing, but next weekend, it’s my turn to bring someone home!” Mark sat up and smirked at Sonya.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32