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Turning as I stood, naked in my older sister Bev’s living room, after having just licked our former neighbour Gigi to orgasm, my fear level and my pulse rose at seeing Bev coming towards me with a wicked smile and Susan at her side who was carrying a tray full of coffee, cups, cookies and whatever else..

Feeling very exposed and vulnerable now, seeing how I was the only one of us who was truly naked, what with Susan dressed in a short, plain white bibbed apron giving her some cover and of course, Bev and Gigi in their matching robes, I stepped to the side as I watched Bev move in to push away the coffee table in front of the couch where Gigi was seated.

“Down you go Heather, on your hands and knees… Your pretty girl friend has made coffee for Gigi and me, that was her job – and now baby sister, your job is going to have you acting as our new, improved, living – breathing coffee table…” Telling me this, Bev had me by the arm, leading me down where she wanted me, on my hands and knees, naked and rather confused.

“There you go… Finally doing something right…” She commented as I took up my position as their naked coffee table. Humiliated indeed, but what else could I do? And besides, I knew I was in for ‘something’ this weekend – I just wasn’t sure what…

“Now Susan… Come, you can set your tray down on our lovely new table… I just hope its four legs can handle the weight…” She add then as Susan, hesitating before she gave in to Bev’s request – or order more like – slowly and gently she did as she was asked, she set the tray down on my back, just below my shoulder blades.

It wasn’t nearly as heavy as Bev may have suggested but my bigger worry was hearing everything rattling around as I tried to balance the unevenly loaded tray.

With half of it on my upper back and the other, resting just at my tailbone leaving a gap where my spine arched, which of course meant that it wasn’t stable at all -and as it felt, I was sure it was going to fall off of me at some point during whatever else I was also sure that Bev was also planning to do with me now that she had me like this… The lowest of the low… Even lower than Susan…

“Now Susan, you can pour for us but you had better not spill anything either…” Bev instructed and warned Susan as I could feel and hear her filling the two coffee cups, the tray shifting and moving as she lifted the heavy urn leaving the whole thing teetering with the weight shift.

“Very good Susan, now…” Bev began as the two women sat, each with their coffee, sipping and then telling Susan what she would like her to do next.

“In my bed room darling, I’ve left out on the bed a box, be a dear and bring it to me…” She instructed as Susan then headed towards the back of the bungalow where Bev was pointing with a finger, telling her where the bedrooms were.

In the mean time, I knelt there silent, afraid to move let alone talk as Bev then, being a bit mean, she place her stretched out leg over my lower back, resting her heavy limb on the top of my ass cheeks adding more weight as I tried to stay still with a the full coffee tray jiggling and swaying above me.

“Ah now very good Susan, I’ll take that…” Bev said to her as she returned carrying what looked like a shoe box and then handing it over as instructed. “Kneel beside me dear, right here…” She added than as I could feel but not see Susan kneeling near me but behind me where I couldn’t really see what was going on – not until I felt Bev’s hand touching me, her open palm gliding across my ass.

“Uh!” I gasped as I felt her fingers suddenly invading me, and moving down into the cleft of my ass and then feeling something cold and slippery which I could only assume was a lube and I thought “Oh-No!”…

Keeping my head down and my eyes closed I grunted again a few more times as I felt Bev’s slick fingers moving around my exposed anal ring, spreading out the lube and even dipping her finger inside of me, pushing the lube in and then feeling her finger coming back out with the sensation causing me to squint my eyes while dropping my head giving out a pained sigh.

“Now Heather, I have a little test for you, something to try your endurance that I’m sure you won’t like but still, we’re going to do it anyway…” Bev explained and of course, I didn’t like hearing what she was saying, my body tensed wondering what she was going to have me doing that would test my endurance, and thinking of being fingered and lubed, I could assumed only one thing…


Still, with the coffee tray on my back and not being able to see what was going on above me or behind me, I stayed still as I listened to what sounded like Bev opening a zip-lock baggie. I had no idea what she was doing – not until she told me…

“Ahhh!” I sighed again but this time it was because I could feel Bev pushing something into my ass that wasn’t a finger, or not even two, this was much wider feeling as it went in and then with a struggle adana escort and a push, eliciting another grunt from me… Bev had spread my tight little asshole open to accept what I was certain now was indeed a butt-plug…

Well… It was what I ‘assume’ was a butt-plug… And we all know the true meaning of the word assume don’t we? But in case it has slipped your memory, it goes like this…

To ‘Ass-u-me’ is to make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’…

But as I had assumed… I had in fact assumed wrong because although this was a butt-plug, it was however not just any kind of butt-plug… No, this was much different… Much different indeed…

“There we go! That went in rather easy, have you been playing back here Heather? Your ass is very accepting…” Bev went on commenting and teasing me saying that my ass gave up too easily but that was the least of my troubles because as the plug settled in my ass, I started to feel a heat coming from the thing – and it wasn’t going away – in fact with each seconds passing, this plug or whatever it was, it was getting hotter and hotter and soon enough I was gritting my teeth as I swayed and twisted wanting whatever she had put into my ass to vacate and stop… Immediately!

“What’s the matter dear? Is you ginger sprig starting to heat up..?” Gigi asked me in the same condescending tone Bev had started using, talking down to me as I struggled with the pain in my ass now reaching to the near unbearable with no sign of relent.

“That’s right Heather sweetie…” Gigi continued… “I used this trick to train your sister and I’m sure she knows all too well how you’re feeling right now don’t you Beverley..?” She asked my sister as I struggled in my place, with my ass feeling like a hot poker had been stabbed into me while on my back; I was still trying not to topple the heavy, unbalanced coffee tray.

“Be a dear and explain to your sister how I would do this to you and what else? What else would I do while you were so good in holding your ginger sprig for me..?” She went on, telling us that Bev too had been put in this awful position where this peeled ginger root, carved into the shape of a butt-plug had been put into her by Gigi -as either a form of punishment or as a teaching tool as she was telling Bev to explain.

“Yes I’m sure your ass feels rather hot at the moment doesn’t it Heather…?” Bev asked but went on, not waiting for me to answer.

“You see sweet little sister, I am – or used to be Gigi’s little play thing -or her ‘sex-slave’ if you want to get right down to it… And through her training, she would do this to me at least once a month, where I would be made to hold my ginger sprig for upwards of an hour and sometimes even more…” Bev began telling me as I could hear her there somewhere behind me.

“It was excruciating, as I’m sure you can attest to… Which by looking at how much you’re sweating, I’d say you’re just about ready for the second half of this training session…” Bev went on telling us how Gigi would make her keep one of these horrible things inside of her for hours on end as I struggled, sweating and doing all I could not to drop or topple the serving tray – and also hearing Bev telling me that this was only the first part?

I already felt like my ass was literally in flames, my rectum and butt-hole screaming for release. Yet as I struggled and fought to get away from the heat and the pain, my body was continually squeezing and contracting my anal muscles in an involuntary manner that as I discovered – this was not a good thing… And neither was what came next…

“Swap-Swap-Swap…” A chorus of slapping sounds rang out as then my ass feeling not only like it was lit up and on fire, just from the ginger sprig – or ‘Figging’ as this practice is known…

But now!

But now… With Bev wielding a long tasselled flogger, she began hitting my ass cheeks in a rapid and never ending succession, a steady rhythm that was both sudden and explosive, the pain erupting through me causing both my head to come up with my mouth open in an inaudible scream, while at the same time as my body once more clenched tight the peeled and weeping ginger sprig lodged firmly in my rectum… My muscles acting of their own accord, involuntary and sending me into a different world of unbearable hurt…

“Ahhh! Ohhh Oh Bev… Ohhh Pleeese..!” I bellowed and begged as my older, dominant sister swung her long, black leather flogger around like a windmill, striking my ass cheeks and upper back with each hard felt down stroke causing me to shake and move around, the tray feeling like it was shifting, coming off on my right side.

“There-there… Be a good girl now or there won’t be any ice cream for dessert…” Gigi said to me then, leaning down with her head close to mine as she sat forward in her seat, her tone and how she was saying that, telling there would be no ice cream..? What the hell was that about..?

It was like something afyon escort out of a horror story, it was creepy and brought back all of those same feelings I had of her when I was younger and terrified of this strange, tall dark woman who I thought looked like a willow tree, and now with her long, boney fingers reaching out, tickling and cupping my chin, keeping my head up and looking at her, I felt as I had back then as a frightened girl.

And now..? I didn’t think I’d even felt more terrified in my life!

That was something else, I didn’t even know why I was being punished or tested or even trained as Bev was saying. I didn’t think I’d committed any recent crimes against my sister… Or was this something else? Was it just her jealousy coming out, what with me landing such a hottie as Susan?

Or was there more?

Was she threatened of my status as being Susan’s Dominant partner? Did she think I was treading on her patch, encroaching on her realm and position as a dominant lesbian? Whereas she always just viewed me as a ‘fad-lesbian’..? Someone who didn’t take my sexuality all that seriously, and I didn’t – not as much as Bev did, that was for sure…

I had to believe it was all true because up until I had introduced Susan to her, she and I had not been ‘intimate’ for a very long time – five years at least… So why now? It could only be Susan…

And of Susan, from where I was on my hands and knees with the couch and two woman on my left and Susan, kneeling at Bev’s right, I couldn’t see her -but from her vantage point I know she was seeing everything, from Bev inserting the ginger-sprig into my ass and to her now flogging me, she was seeing it all going on and not stopping… All right before her very eyes.

Continuously at the same rate, the heavy leather tendrils were landing with a resounding ‘thud’ like a never ending drum beat, the sting now replaced with a numbness throughout, but mind you – this was still no comfort… just because the pain had moved up to another level of being, it didn’t mean it was any the lesser…

On the contrary…As this went on with seemingly no end? It felt ten times worse…

“Uhhhhhhh Bev … Ms. Wallace… Please… I can – I can’t -hold… Aaahhhh!” I called out then in my last attempts at begging when it finally happened, my elbows went first, giving out, not so much from the weight of the tray balancing on my back but from the earth-quaking tremble my body had gone into with the ginger sprig teaching me and showing an whole new degree of pain within the realm of human existence…

I felt fevered and sweating like I’d just eaten a big Ghost Pepper and now the ginger sprig in my ass, it was going to do just that… It was going to kill me and turn me into a ghost!

Dropping her flogger quickly, Bev moved with lightning speed, catching the tray as it slid off my right side, away from where they were sitting. Catching and righting everything, just at the moment I thought of my doom and expecting the next sound to be the coffee urn and cups hitting and smashing on the floor… The result of course landing me in whole different angry hornet’s nest of trouble, much more than I was already in -and for what reason? I still wasn’t sure…

Holding still and terrified to move, and also amazed that I hadn’t heard the crash as I’m sure Susan was as well, what with the shrill cry she had let out upon seeing the tray starting its fall…

I kept my head to the hardwood flooring and my ass up in the air, feeling like a volcano, burning full of molten lava as that fucking sprig in my ass refused to weaken or even ebb, it’s blindingly hot, numbing chemical reaction with the tender flesh of my anus still burning just as hot as when it was first inserted by my cruel, sadistic older sister Bev.

“Well that was close Heather… You’re lucky I have good reflexes… Here Susan, take this back to the kitchen…” Bev said from above me as I stayed where I was, my wet, tear stained face still flat on her hardwood flooring as I guess she was handing Susan the serving tray and sending her back to the kitchen.

“Now as for you…” Bev began as I felt her turning and twisting the ginger sprig-turned-butt-plug residing in my ass, awakening the thing and setting it off again, like rubbing salt in my fresh wounds my head came back up with the rest of me, back on my all fours and gasping as I once again begged for what in thought was my life…

“Ohhh Oh please Ms. Wallace… I’ll be good…” I begged, calling her the proper name she liked.

“Oh God you have to take this thing out of me…” I cried again and to my surprise, that’s just what Bev did… With a monstrous sigh of relief I felt her placing the zip-lock baggie over the end and pulling the ginger sprig- butt-plug out of me…

I guess she didn’t want to feel its burn either, what with her using the baggie like a glove to pull the thing out of me without actually having to touch the thing… alanya escort God forbid! After what I’d been through? I can’t imagine Bev burning her finger tips… My sister – the precious feminist!

“Ohhh thank you Bev…Thank you soooo much but please..? Can I go to the bathroom..? Please..? I moaned as I stood up, dancing from one foot to the other, desperate to wash my ass or flush it out somehow, hell at that point I would have stuffed ice cubs up my ass if I thought it would help get rid of this suffering that seemed to have no end, even with the sprig removed.

“Yes, sure you can go but I don’t think it will do you any good and in fact, water or anything else will just act as a sealant and keep the heat in… Like putting butter on a burn… No-no-no! That’ll only make it worse…” Bev said to me then shaking her finger and stopping me in my tracks, but I didn’t know what else to do.

“The only thing that will help you darling is time… Ginger is as natural as you are, so the only thing that will make you feel better is time… Trust me sister dear… Figging my ass was one of Gigi’s favourites wasn’t it Ma’am..?’ Bev informed me and all I could think was “How much time?”…

“Yes Heather dear, if would have come and visited with me more often once you were grown up, I might have taken you on your own trip anywhere in the world… Beverley wanted to see Europe for all of its wonder, the timeless culture – and as well, the European’s are a much more creative, refined and quite liberal a society in all manners of human understanding of sexuality…” Gigi responded as I continued to dance in my place.

Looking like I was dying for a pee as I shifted from foot to foot, still sweating profusely and nearly biting my lip clean through…

But I wasn’t… I didn’t need to let a full bladder go or anything like that… What was killing me was not only the pain but also, I was dying in wondering how much longer it was going to last…

“Europe is also where your sister learned the art darling… The art of being my very good girl, my special pet who was not afraid to cross these divides with me, try new and exciting things… Like the experience you’ve just had and will no doubt be having again…” Gigi finished saying as I shivered naked in front of them, my ass burning but now I felt chilled to the bone with my so much sweat cooling on my skin.

Surely I was humbled and with a sore red ass also there to show for my efforts of doing nothing more than being born second… Or so it was with Bev, as I always believed…

Defeated I cried as Susan, fearing neither of the women, she came up to me and led me away, holding me to her, again, being my saviour, my heroine – when I was supposed to be the dominant one… I was doubting myself again, Bev had broken me down, and I was beginning to think she was right…

First telling me that I was to be Susan’s equal and lower than she and Gigi while we were there and then, ‘testing me’ with her coffee table trick and lastly that infernal ginger sprig, that fucking fig-Newton from hell up my ass while she flogged me repeated until I collapsed under the strain of it all…

I too wondered if I was cut out for this, was I a submissive or a dominant..? I couldn’t tell anymore…


Moving away and heading off to catch my breath in the bathroom with Susan at my side, we took a few minutes to ourselves where I could calm down and at last I was beginning to feel the fire in my ass subside, moving down to more of a steady flame than the volcanic heat that tiny fig had somehow managed to provide…and if this was any relief, I at lease knew it was soon to get better.

Susan too was shaken and even asked if we shouldn’t just leave, head back to ‘our’ house but I knew we couldn’t do that, or I knew I couldn’t… I had to go through this with my sister, I had to finish what we had started in coming up here…

And so, after hearing Bev calling for the pair of us – and with a few deep inward breaths held to oxygenate my blood and to center my thinking, I smiled at Susan saying “Okay, I’m good and thank you, but let’s go see what they want now…”

Making our way back to where Bev and Gigi were still seated on the couch, side by side in their matching robes we were told to stop and stand there in front of them…

“Susan, be a dear and remove your apron, you’ll not be needing it for the type of serving we will want of you during this part of our evening together…” Bev instructed as Susan, first looking to me, she then followed her directive by reaching behind her back to pull the bow knot and then slipping the bib over her head she was left as naked as I was, with her freshly pierced nipples out and on display, both women seated below us, they couldn’t help but look.

“I do love your new look Susan, come, kneel here you haven’t met my Mistress up close…” Bev commented then ordering Susan to knee leaving me to think that she’s going to be licking either one of them at any moment.

“You too Heather, kneel here in front of us, remember, you’re no different than your girlfriend while you’re here so down you go…” Bev said to me then as sank to my knees beside Susan as she knelt in front of Gigi.

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