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The BAHUDisclaimer” This is a Long Story. it consist of a full family experiences and it is TABOO .80% of this story is just made-up, but i must promise u that if u read it properly u will get the same flavor like u are watching a movie or U are a REAL part of this Im posting this in parts so enjoy it and let me know how u fell about it and keep this in mind this is my first Post and im new as a Writer————————————————————————————She was married to Ravindra when she was only 18 years old. Ravindra was living in a remote village and was a labourer, living with his father and younger brother Pravindra. Their mother was no more. Ravindra’s father got him married although he was only 19 years old because he needed a woman in the house to do the house chores etc. Ravindra was a reserved type of person and had a sort of neurologic problem. When he faced difficult situations his hands and fingers started shaking along with his head and he blushed andperspired. He herited this from his late mother. His wife’s(the bahu) name was Neha. She was more intelligent and developped than Ravindra. She was educated. Her father accepted to get her married because Ravindra’s father had lots of lands under sugar cane cultivation and he had a 4×4 and had lots of money though they were labourers family.The first day after their wedding, the relatives of Pravindra asked women relatives to check the bedsheet as it was a custom to verify either the bride is a virgin or not. If she was a virgin blood stain would be found on the bed sheet. This is the way people were undergoing the next morning of their first night.Ravindra’s father was in doubt either he would succeed to have sexual intercourse or not as he could not face difficult circumstances. Even the day they went to see the girl he was trembling when Neha came to serve tea. His father knew his problem and all relatives believed, once that he will get married all his shaking problems will be cured.The ladies came from his bedroom the next morning and announced that there was no blood stain found on their bed.Later, after enquiries it was known that he had no sexual intercourse with Neha but he turned his back with her and slept.The women talked to Neha that she should seduce him etc so that he could approach her that way……Well, days went on yet nothing was happening….. Ravindra’s father himself was going to check the bedsheet when she was going to have her morning bath…… And Pravindra knew all that was happening…he knew his elder brother was not having sexual intercourse, and he was fantasizing he could replace him on the bed at night… He was 18 yeasr old, same as his sister-in-law.Neha was a very beautiful girl, sexy, svelte body, lovely smile and perfect look any man would love to find in a woman. She had very nice attractive manners as well. She was seductive and looked sensual. Her lips and eyes were inviting… Her breasts had very nice proportion which any male would get attracted to even they were under clothes…..Pravindra got friendly with her and they started teasing each other openly in the house, in presence of his father and Ravindra. They even tapped each other and had physical contacts with hands like, hitting each other and playing with the hands, pulling her hair and she doing same to him….. Ravindra considered that as brother sister plays and love and the father also looked at it that way…..Ravindra’s father had a worry about their not having sexual relations…and one day after a month she talked to Neha himself. He told her to seduce his son and approach him sexually and caress him etc…. Neha blushed when he said all that but she understood that they had a problem and it had to be solved.Days, weeks, months went by and Pravindra started looking at her viciously and wished to have her on his bed…. Everytime she was going to have her bath he went to try his chance to eavesdrop. He waited for his father to move out and he seized every opportunity to be in her company… and one day he plucked courage and enlaced her from behind when she was drying her wet hair after bath. She was shocked and pushed him asking him to behave, but he persisted and pulled her by her hand to him and she was in his arms, and tried to struggle out of them, he started to run his tongue over her neck and cheeks and she was struggling to get free…. Pravindra caught hold of her mouth in his hand and was forcing her to be kissed, but she shut her mouth and he sucked her lips and said, ” you are too hot bhabhi and I desire you since the first day you came in this house, Bhaiya can’t please you so I will do it, what say sweet bhabhi?” Neha said “I will tell Pitaji about what you did and said” He left her and smiled “You can’t do that and I know you will not do that, gradually you will come to me my darling, sweet bhabhi, I will get you someday, and I bet you will enjoy it.”nding to pierce a wet cloth to get dried, and he found her beautiful, envious breats, they were so inviting that he wished to hold them, lick them and give them a suck….. and in fact he had on that day told her openly how far he desired to get those boobs in his hands and mouth. he held her, and struggled hard to succeed to put his mouth at the begining of the soft parts of her breasts, and ran his tongue over them…. thats all he was able to do and she freed herself from his grip.Days went by fast and 5 months elapsed that way.And one night, Pravind had to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. his room was on the left and Ravindra’s in the right and their father’s room was just behind Ravindra’s room. A corridor separated the rooms of the two brothers. That corridor led to their kitchen on one side and to the lounge on the other side. Then to reach the toilet which was outside the house he had to pass through the kitchen and open it’s door to go out. but before doing this he got to pass near Ravindra’s room.So he was going to open the Kitchen’s door when he heard voices in his father’s room. He smiled saying ‘ Dad is talking all alone in his sleep!’…. but then he heard murmurs and whispers too…. he approached his dad’s bedroom and heard Neha’s voice saying : ” I have to go now pitaji.” He was amazed and started thinking what was she doing in dad’s room at this time of the night. he told himself may be dad was sick and she had come to give him water, or massage his legs or something like that…… but he was intrigued and wished to see her getting out. He hide himself behind the refregirator as the kitchen was dark at that time, and waited for her to get out.And when the door opened, the father looked out first then said to Neha: ” you may come out” And Neha came out. Pravindra was astounded on seeing her in a very flimsy nighty, with sexy straps, her boobs visible through it and she was wearing no bra, her hair flung open…..she walked sexily and went to her room and turned back to look at the father- in- law in a sexy smile and whispered ‘ok, you sleep well now Pitaji.’Pravind was all hard errect and thought- ‘Oh my God!! Dad is fucking her?? And I am struggling since such a long time? no, no, no, that can’t be!! I am mistaken and thinking bad because I have such filthy thoughts in my mind. There must be something else…. that cant be…….Pravind went to his room after toilet and could not sleep after what he saw. He was thinking if his dad and bhabhi are having an affair since when is that going on? How could it have started? Did his father also approach her they way he did? Did she refuse him at first then accepted? Was she in his room for sex? Or was he having such thoughts because he was like that? But why was she in her nighty? Why she was not wearing her bra? Why was she in such a very sexy nighty with thin straps? The nighty reached her upper thighs only and parts of her beautiful, sexy envious thighs were seen. Pravind was getting restless and kept on thinking till morning. He did not close his eyes at all, and he masturbated twice visualising his dad with Neha.In the morning usually, his dad and his elder b*o left home very early around 6 o’clock. At that time he usually is asleep and he wakes up by 10 of the morning as he stays at home always idle. He heard the 4×4 of his dad starting and he knew that they were leaving for the fields.In the Sugar cane fields which they have many persons worked. The dad of pravind was a boss and owner and so they worked for him and he helped along with Ravindra. Deapite his sort of handicap Ravindra was active as a labourer and assistant boss. He knew the job very well and his dad often left him to occupy some fields with workers and he went to other of his several fields that he had. And once a while Neha was bringing food for them not eveyday. And the few days that she had been introduced to the fields, it was her father-in -law who had gone to take her from home in his 4×4 as she had wished to visit the fields sites, meanwhile she prepared food and brought for them. On that day Pravindra had been to the town to buy pesticides for the crops. He was not aware that Neha had been to the fields.Now, when they left that early morning Pravind, was in a hurry to see Neha and talk to her about last nights events which he witnessed.He got up and went in the kitchen and found Neha waving to them outside. He went to brush his teeth, and so on. His sister-in-law on seeing him up so early remarked: ” Wow, the sun has risen from the west today it seems! you are up at this hour??” He did not reply and went to his room , changed himself and had tea. While having tea his eyes were devouring her whole body from tip to toe and she was aware. She said: ” You stop looking at me like that or else I will give you a good slap!”- Really? Will you slap me Bhabhi? you won’t feel sorry afterwards? said Pravind.- No I will not feel sorry to slap a bad boy that you are.- And you bhabhi? Are you a good girl?-Of course I am, You have any doubts?On hearing this Pravind was more in doubts of what he was thinking about what he saw last night. He thought that means that Neha had nothing to do with her dad but it was his thoughts only. He thought he will feel ashamed if he questioned her and the result would come out to be NO. So he thought not to talk about that with her but deep inside himself he planned something. He thought he will be awake at night and keep a watch for some nights and if there are something between them, he will find out.He moved towards her and lightly passed his hand over her butt. She moved to hit him but he escaped it. She was dressed in a two-piece. she was standing near the sink washing vessels, and she threw water over him from the tap. Pravind started playing with her, he was coming to touch her every time and running away before she could throw water on him or hit him. And when she was drying the vessels he quietly reached behind her and firmly enlaced her, his hard errect organ thrusting over her butt, and his mouth brushing on her neck and cheek. She was pushing him and struggling but he was stronger physically so he held her still and when she felt his sex rubbing on her she managed to change position and his sex started rubbing over her right thigh, and with one hand Pravind was moving up her skirt to touch her thighs but she sat down so as to prevent him doing that. He got her mouth once and ran all his tongur over and he tried to kiss her but she did not respond at all. He got tired and gave up…..Before leaving her he said ” Bhabhi I love you a lot and you know that. I will not repeat this everytime please. And Neha only smiled on his words.When Neha was busy in her house chores, Praving went into his father’s room to look for a place from where he could see inside at night. Apart from the window in that room there was a very thin space near the air conditionner was installed. He went outside and was not able to reach that height. He took a chair from inside, put it under the AC fromoutside and got on the chair to peep inside and he was very happy to be able to see the whole room of his dad.Now at night they watched TV and everybody went to their bedrooms.Ravindra seldom watched TV. He usually went to sleep at 9 o’clock every night. He was an early sleeper since c***dhood.Pavindra went to his room and waited and waited. He tried to hear if he will hear any noise of room’s door opening or closing. He prayed that he succeeds to see something….Now he was still not sure either it was his doubts or there was really anything like that.He went outside twice in the night after one hour that he was back from watching TV but he saw nothing….. won’t they meet tonight? he thought? was that my imagination? nothing will happen? These thoughts were torturing him.In the sketch I have drawn, readers will see a red spot outside the house. That is where he stands on a chair to look inside his father’s room.He did it four times till 1 AM but he found nothing! He was restless and by 2.30 of the early morning from his bed he heard a door being closed in the corridor. ( watch the sketch)He hurried to go out. He opened his room’s door very quietly, walked in the corridor without switching any light and got outside from the kitchen’s door and went to stand on a chair he had placed earlier, near the AC from outside his father’s room.And his eyes stayed wide open peeping inside!! Neha, his bhabhi was almost nude over his father’s bed by his side!! Her nighty was over the drawer, and she was all nude and was sucking her father-in-law. She was in a kneeling position over the bed, and the father-in-law was lying flat over his back, he was nude too, and neha was holding his huge dick in her hand and licking and sucking it vigourously. The old man was moving his waist giving light blows in her mouth as though fucking her…..Pavindra felt hot and cold together!! He thought all those days he was longing for her and she was playing the saint-like woman and here she was doing that?….. since when is that going on he thought? when was the first time? How did his father get her? And RAVINDRA? Does he know? What if he suddenly wakes up?She has taken a big risk! She dares do that that way?He soon found she was lying over the bed now and his father was licking her pussy…she was twisting over the bed holding the old man’s head in her hand…. her beautiful svelte body was at the mercy of her father-in-law…., gradually he moved to her beautiful envious breasts and was crushing them in his strong hands and his tongue was licking the errect nipple of the 18 years old bahu….And Pavindra, felt rage within him and he wished to go to knock violently on his father’s bedroom’s door and get inside and make a scene! But he held himself and was blank at the brain at that moment…. he even felt he was shivering, his throat was dry and he then felt hot as though he had fever!when he looked in again his dad was penetrating Neha, her legs spread apart, she received her father-in-laws organ with much pleasure, meanwhile she was bitting his shoulder and licking his neck, her arms had surrounded him from under his arms up above his neck. The movements of the old man’s hip gradually bacame faster and faster and she started giving moans interupted by deep sighs….. and soon she reached the climax by getting her orgasm and the dad of Pavindra ejaculated outside taking out his dick thrusting it over her belly, his sperm spreading all over the belly and breasts of Neha, who tenderly rubbed them, and took the dick in her mouth smiling at him, they, then kissed each other passionately, and lay over the bed peacefully.Pavindra, felt heartbroken as he believed that he loved Neha. He slowly got inside and hide himself behind the refrigerator like the other day to see her getting out. And she did, just like the other night, she got out, and this time she hugged her father-in -law before walking to her room. Readers can watch the sketch to see where from she walked and how Pavindra watched them.After she closed her door, Pavindra slowly went to his room and was red with rage. He wished to get into her room immediately and kick her! She is a bitch he told himself. She pretends to be very clean lady! And he thought of all those days that he held her in his arms how she refused and pushed him, how she never responded when he kissed her and how when he rubbed his dick over her she escaped him and all that….Now he thought the day she was saying that she will relate everything to his dad, did she already had starting having an affair with him? Since when are they fucking? He was going crazy thinking all that…. He did not sleep at all again and soon it was day! And he felt asleep when the sun rose up.Neha came to his room to wake him up by noon. He had headache and did not wish to wake up….. Any how when he was done with his bath etc he called Neha in the lounge and said he had to talk to her.He started:- So you won’t give me a chance to sleep with you bhabhi?- No, never.- Why bhabhi? We can have an affair secretly, I love you so much, you are 18 me too and we can understand ourselves so much easily isn’t it bhabhi?- No that’s not fair Pavindra, you are like a brother to me and it will be dirty relationship.- Oh! Dirty you say? So you Bhabhi, are you clean? Or am I too young for you and you prefer old, experienced men?- What are you talking? are you going mad?Neha showed anger and blushed.Pavindra neared her and gave her a hard slap. She was shocked and looked at him surprised, and he hit her once more on the face. She sat and started crying and he lifted her up and gave her another hard slap on her pinky cheek. And Pavindra said: ” Stop playing the saint bhabhi, I saw you fucking my father two last nights consecutively! you bloody bitch! you are a whore!! you are a damn whore you bitch!! And you dare talk clean to me you bitch? I loved you damn it! I really loved you. If my brother can’t satisfy you I had thought I will marry you. I wanted to live with you for ever. But you turned out to be a great whore! I am saved. So what do you have to say now lady bitch??” Neha was sitting on the floor crying like a k**. She did not know what to say. she was all quiet by weeping.Pavindra in hot anger said: ” You won’t talk? ok, very good, I am leaving this house, I will never come here again, if my father asks for me tell him I left because I know all about you and him, I am sorry for my b*o, but I won’t live with you anymore.”He started stepping out and Neha ran to catch hold of him still crying and said: ” For God sake don’t go Pravindra, at least listen to my version of truth at least now. Let me explain how and why it all happened. There is a big story behind all this which will get you dumb after learning. So listen to me and then you decide either you will go or will support me. And you say you love me? huh! Is that your love which is running away when I am in troubles? …Let me now tell you that I love you too. I really do love you Pavindra, but circumstances became such that I got to control my emotion and showed hatred so that you do not come closer to me.”Tell me bhabhi, tell me, I am eager to know what is all this, I was sure there is something not going normal, please tell me all. Tell me from the start. when did this begin. After how many days that you came in this house. Start from the beginning and I promise you if I justify in your favour I will never leave you.And Neha, wiped her tears and asked him to sit close to her and she started relating.”I was nervous as your elder brother was not having any sexual relations with me. Your dad talked to me several times asking if we made love or not………”So Neha started relating to Pavindra how it all started and since when.She said, she one day had been to the field with the father-in-law in his 4×4. She had prepared food to leave for them and he had said he will come to take her by noon and he came. That day Pavindra was not in the village. It was the third month after wedding. He had already once or twice talked about her relationship with Ravindra. So on that day in the car, he stopped it in a remote place near the fields and talked to her. He said: ” Bahu, how long will it go like this? You still have not had sexual relations with my son? We need to grow our family dear and I wish to see my kins, you see all this business must have owners….”Neha replied: ” What can I do pitaji? Ravindra is so shy and he never touches me. He sleeps turning his back with me and never dares to come near me. He says he respects me and can’t harm me…. I tried to approach him like you told me the last time but still to no avail Pitaji.”And her father-in-law had an idea. He told Neha, ” Well I think I will have to come to your bedroom at night to talk to Ravindra why he is not going ahead, why he is not consuming his marriage. What do you say Neha bahu?”She replied “As you wish pitaji.”And the father-in-law added, ” I think he needs a push and I will need your cooperation to make him do it. Will you mind if I will get to be physical to show him some approaches? It will be important dear.”Neha replied, “I will do anything to make him consume our marriage pitaji, I will do as you say. As I also feel he needs a push and I am unsuccessful to push him, I feel you can help him , he may listen to you as he always does all that you say.”So that night after watching TV, Neha was going to her room when the father-in-law called her. Pavindra was continuing watching TV then, as at that time he had not discovered anything. And Ravindra was sleeping already. Daughter-in-law and father talked in the kitchen slowly. He said “You please get yourself dressed in your sexiest nighty to seduce him, and I will come inside soon to talk to him, do awake him meanwhile, i am coming.” She said ” ok but will not Pavindra hear us if he comes by this side? he is still watching TV.” So he said: “Good then I will wait for Pavindra return and when he gets in his room I will wait about half an hour for him to be asleep then I will come to your room.”Neha accepted and went in her room to change herself. She took out her dress she was wearing and put on her nighty, usually she never wore her bra at night but this night as her father-in-law was to come she did not take out her bra. She was thinking he will look at her in that nighty, it was very sexy and had thin straps, was pink coloured and flimsy. Her body could be seen through it. She was a virgin of 18 years old and it was the father-in-law who was to come to assist or help her first sexual encounter! She felt a chill in her spine thinking of this. But she was eager to make love to her husband as it was to be the first time. Her also had told her not to mind if he wil need to be physical…. she thought how will he be physical? what did he mean by that? Anyhow, it was around midnight when she heard him getting in. She was lying by the side of Ravindra who was deep asleep, her nighty reached above her thighs and her sexy, desirable thighs were seen. She immediately sat over the bed when he got in. She blushed and was looking at him in his face blushing. The dimlight was on and the father-in law could not move his eyes from that beautiful sexy body in front of him. Her bare arms, part of her underarm, the sexy straps of the nighty and her bra were all seen and the old man felt things within himself….. she felt unease the way he was staring at her and she spoke to break the heavy atmosphere: ” He is not awaking pitaji, I tried hard to wake him up!” She said that in whisper. He loved the way she talked to him as though she was his accomplice. He tried to wake his son up. He moved him vigorously and Ravindra hardly opened his eyes and was taken aback to see his dad in his bedroom. He sat over the bed rubbing his eyes and with a yawn he asked “What happened dad” And the dad said ” How long will this go on beta? You have not touched your wife till now? why? what’s your problem?” He felt shy and bent his head down. The father talked again and again but he was not replying but looking at the floor.The dad said ” Look if you are feeling shy and don’t know how to start I am showing you, look at me, and do as i do.” He ran his hand over Neha’s bare arm and touched her neck and told him to do the same. Neha felt a current like all over her body when the father-in -law did that. She was tensed and all her body was stiff. Ravindra did as his dad taught but his hands did shake all along the action. He started sweating and blushed. Then the old man asked Neha to come very close to him over the bed, she did and he brushed his mouth over her neck and told Ravindra to do that. Ravindra did it bit lightly.Then the dad took Neha in his arms and kissed her cheek, neck, slightly run his tongue behind her ear and told Ravindra to do same. Neha felt like to surrender herself to her father-in-law. But she held stiff and murmured “Pitaji, no!” He replied ” Please cooperate Neha I am doing it for your good. He will learn and make love to you soon you will see.”Ravindra tried to hold Neha the same way but was shaking a lot and sweating too much. After that his father asked, “How did you feel beta? Are you feeling good? you have a hard on?”Ravindra did not reply, his dad was looking over his short near his sex either there was a rise, but found nothing. then he moved Neha’s nighty upper over her thighs and asked ” don’t you find her sexy? look at her beautiful sexy thighs beta, she is a sexy girl your wife.” And the dad himself had a hard on and Neha saw his short inflating and the dad first time saw the fairer parts of her beautiful thighs, and felt his mouth watered. He put his hand over her thighs and slightly ran the palm over reaching upper and upper under her nighty….. Neha stretched her body and held his hand to prevent him going further……Then the dad asked her “Why you have not removed your bra? please do it to excite him, its important beti.”Neha was feeling weird to obey to that request… she shivered and looked in her’s face. Ravindra bent down his head looking on the bed. The dad gently said: ” Look Neha beti, he is shy and nervous, you told me you will cooperate so please go ahead, just make as if I am not here and only your husband is here, remove it sweetheart, Ravindra will love it, isn’t it beta?”Neha gave a deep sigh and turned her back to them and removed her bra. while doing it, the dad’s eyes was over her bare back and he was having an erection….. And after removing her bra Neha, looked in his face and asked, “now, what pitaji?” He brought her very close to him, and brought Ravindra too closer, and he took Ravindra’s hand in his and put it over Neha’s breasts, still over her dress, and made him rub them, Ravindra felt shy and pulled back his hand. The father moved closer to Neha, his leg was touching her thighs and he was full erect and was unable to control himself to see such a young, sexy lady in such a sexy outfit so close to him.He put his hand over the right strap of her nighty and moved it down to let partial appearance of her young firm breast visible and lifted up Ravindra’s chin to make him look at that, and meanwhile he, ran his hand over Neha’s shoulder and very gently and slowly moved downwards to her breast, and asked his son to keep looking.Neha by then was getting envious and trembled and felt desirable and did not know how to face that situation….. and the father touched the soft breast of Neha in his rough hand, and caressed it, Neha twisted over the bed and bent to hide her breast, and Ravindra moved his face away.Not knowing how to proceed, the dad boldly asked with Ravindra: ” You are not feeling anything my son?” Ravindra kept silent and was shaking more and more and sweating a lot. Neha said ,” Pitaji, let it go, he will not respond, he is like that, there is no hope i see.” But the dad was not to give up. He asked Neha to lie over the bed and he would try a last chance to awake the desires of his son. Neha was envious but could not speak.She lay over the bed by her father-in-law’s side and he bent over her to kiss her neck and moved his mouth towards her breasts, and asked Ravindra to watch and asked him to do it same way. When he was doing that Neha was getting stiff and she was hardly able to control her emotions. When the dad’s lips touched her skin of the shoulder and ran to her breasts she shivered and twisted over the bed and caught hold of the bed sheet in her both hands stretching her body, she was feeling getting wet down there….. The dad at the same time with one hand moved up her dress to her hips and her pantie was seen and she was moving back the dress down to cover her hips, the father’s hard on thrusted to Neha’s belly and she almost gasped!…..And the dad moved out and waited for Ravindra to do that….. he was shivering, shaking, blushing and sweating yet he tried hard, and on getting in contact with Neha’s skin he fell flat and moved under the bed to hide himself.Tears rolled over Neha’s cheeks and she hide her face in the pillow. The father talked to Ravindra in anger this time and asked ” what the bloody hell of a son are you? I am about to fuck your wife and you are hiding under the bed?? Ravindra replied: Dad take Neha for you, she is yours, do it yourself on my behalf, I cant do that I am impotent, I have never been erect all my life!!”Both Neha and THE FATHER WERE SHOCKED AND looked at each other aghast!!Neha cried and, the father-in-law consolled her by caressing her, he hugged her and she buried her face over his bare chest….. And little by little, he lay her over the bed continued caressing her, kissed away her tears. then kissed her cheeks and reached her mouth and she opened her mouth to receive and respond her father-in-law’s kiss passionately. She enlaced him tightly and started biting his shoulder and he removed her nighty, she gave way to get rid of it, and things went very very fast and soon they were both all nude, and they were fucking!!She was a virgin and the father-in-law got to consume this young 18 years old virgin in his son’s bedroom on his bed.Neha started panting with pain and pleasure she had long awaited, and felt very pleased on reaching her first real orgasm. They heard Ravindra snoring under the bed!They took each other in their arms and lay still over the bed and the father felt a sort of pride within himself to please a young virgin at his age!After relating all the event of her first encounter with her father-in-law, to Pavindra, Neha cried and sat down feeling tired. Pavindra listened to the whole narration quietly and he despite such difficult situation her sister-in-law went through, he felt excited and had a hard on during the narration from Neha.When she was crying, he sat down with his head in his hand and there was a heavy, quiet and boring atmosphere in the room.They stayed like that for more than fifteen minutes without any words. Pavindra was thinking and visualising all that Neha told him and he could see his father making love to her and he thought, then she must have given herself to him every night and that’s why she goes to his room to please each other. He was in an embarrassing situation and did not know how to undergo that moment. Still he desired her and may be more and more. But why she did refuse her all along since so many days? This question was tormenting him. Will she give herself to him too now? How shall he now approach since she just related such an event which had its painful parts?He broke the silence prevailing in the room and talked, when he found her finished with her tears. ” Well tell me bhabhi, so, since the last four months you are going to please dad, and Ravindra is aware of that is it? She gave a long sigh, both her hands clutched in each other, and talked: ” Your brother sleeps like a log, you should known it better than me. He has never known every time that I got out of the bed to go to your dad’s. Yes your father, asked me almost every night to come to him after that night. And to be frank with you I started enjoying it, as I am also a human and have desires and to be honest, your dad is very good at it. He is the first man who penetrated me and made me feel a woman and I feel giving myself completely to him, rather since then I considered him as my man.”Pavindra listened to her attentively and was speechless. He stood up and started thinking about his dad. He left the room and while he was walking out of the room Neha walked fast behind him , held his hand from behind and said with a pleading voice, “Please don’t go. Do I deserve that you leave because of my actions Pavindra? It was the situation which turned out to be like that , I was helpless, please understand.” He felt sorry for her and smiled saying, ” No bhabhi, don’t worry, I am not leaving, and will not leave, I was just going out to breath some fresh air.” Saying this he took her in his arms and she enlaced him firmly and breathed out heavily. They were holding each other standing, feeling the warmth of each others body and he kissed her forehead, then her cheeks and her lips. She did not push him, and let him do. And when he found her not objecting, he proceeded by, kissing her neck, and he gradually moved to her soft part of the beginning of her b**st, she tightened him and clutched his shirt in her hands and whispered, ” Please leave me, I won’t be able to control myself, leave me Pravindra, but he was going on kissing her and his hands started running over her back, moved down to her butt and he lifted her up, her heels was not touching the soil and her whole body was clutched against his, he carried her to his room and put her over his bed.She was breathing fast at that moment and, she got out of the bed and told him,”No, its not good, its bad, that’s not right Pavindra.” And she ran out of the room. He sat over the bed burying his head in his hands and then lay over the bed with a deep sigh and a hard on.After half an hour he went to the kitchen where she was washing dishes, dressed in a two piece, her waist seen, her hair flung open, the wind swaying them from left to right making her waist visible at times at the left then at the right. He was standing behind her and he wished to hold her again. She felt his presence and turned back, found him, smiled and asked him to sit.The tense moment had faded away and they started talking. They talked a lot, for more than an hour, escaping the sexual words. They were friendly again and he even joked and made her laugh.He asked ” How many times have you been to the fields with dad?” The conversation at last came back to it.She said about five times. He asked either he made love to her in the fields? She said ” Yes, once he did and it was wonderful” ” Nobody saw you two? Can you be sure? “She replied ” I was continuously telling that to your dad, but he said he knows his fields better and knew that nobody would ever come at that place at that time of the day.”And she added ” Since you talked of the fields, I have things to add but I won’t tell you now, I will tell you about that at the appropriate time and right moment.”And she added ” Since you talked of the fields, I have things to add but I won’t tell you now, I will tell you about that at the appropriate time and right moment.”Days went by and they both had mutual talks and k**ding etc…. many a time Pavindra did hold her in his arms kiss her passionately which she responded but had not had sexual encounter. As soon as he tried to head further than the kisses she broke free from his clutches and ran away……The father was getting her on his bed almost every night and often Pavindra was going to watch and he masturbated visualising her. He noticed that she is very sensual and enjoyed doing all with his father. He was only wondering why she was not giving in to him.Well, he gathered patience and hoped one day she will let him penetrate her.One day he had to go to town and was to be back the next day. When he was returning from town the next day, on reaching their gate his uncle, father’s brother was getting out from his place. He greeted him and the uncle asked where he had been. He replied with respect. And Pavindra asked him how come he was there as he lived near their fields, his house was there. The uncle said he had come to return a tool he had borrowed with Pavidra’s father.He got inside and Neha smiled with him asking if he was tired and she could serve him a drink. He said yes and asked why uncle had come. Neha said ” He wanted to see your dad. Pavindra frowned and asked: ” To see dad? And for nothing else?” She sweetly smiling said , ” No he was asking either your dad will delay to return.” Pavindra thought there was something fishy, as the uncle said he came to return a tool and she said he came looking for his dad. He worked his brain out and decided to ask seriously.He said, “Bhabhi you are hiding something I feel. Uncle just told me at the gate that he came to return a tool he had borrowed and you are saying he came to see dad. Tell me which is which?” She blushed and kept quiet and stopped looking in his face. Pavindra amazed stood up, neared her and looked in her face and exclaimed: ” What? wwhhat? He also?? is it? he too?? how? tell me…since when? oh my God! Bhabhi? whats all this? he came to fuck you? did he fuck you??”He was red with anger and wanted to shout. But Neha, put her hand to his mouth pleasantly and slowly said,” You remember when you talked of the fields I had told you that I have things to tell you but will say it at the right time? So this is the right time and listen””I was by then used to have sex with your dad, the day he took me to the fields only to have sex. Ravindra was in a far away field from there and no workers were present in that field as work had been done there. I was half nude and your dad was sucking my boobs at that moment when suddenly your UNCLE APPEARED at that spot! I sweated and did not know what to do, your dad changed position fast and covered me with my veil but uncle said, ‘carry on, i won’t interfere b*o, you are a very lucky guy to have your young and very sexy and beautiful daughter-in -law to enjoy! If only I had such a daughter-in-law!!’ On hearing this your dad whispered in my ears ‘ Let him do it or else he will gossip in the whole village and my reputation will be smashed’ I was sitting and your dad invited him to join. He sat near me and lifted up my veil, kissed my boobs and asked your dad to take the other one, both men were going on sucking and licking my boobs and i was on fire, and all wet and wished to get penetrated. And your dad gradually undressed me, helped by your uncle and both men fucked me and to say it, I enjoyed it a lot. Then I learnt that your uncle had not come there by chance but your dad had planned it that way and had given him invitation to come there and catch us so that he could share me with his brother. After that your uncle often joins us in the fucking party. Many times he is there in his brother’s room at night, and they fuck me together.”And Pavindra was all hot and horny and dragged Neha to his room, she was not giving in but he forced her and undid her dress by force, put her all nude over the bed, bite her all over her body, slapped her butt and fucked and fucked her in rage!! Neha was moaning and twisting her whole body all over the bed turning from this side to the other, being fucked in the front, at the back, in the ass, in the mouth,Pavindar was like a mad bull, fucking brutally, and eating her mouth, shoulders, neck, and all parts which came to his mouth during the fucking session. All her body was covered with dark red love bites, her neck, her breasts, her belly, her butt, her thighs, her cheeks, all covered with dark snaps. At places, traces of Pavindra’s teeth mark were visible. He downloaded his sperm on her mouth and forced opened her mouth to make part of it get inside her throat.And he laughed and throw his whole body over her and she started laughing too saying” you are so WILD! SO WILD!After that wild encounter in rage and lust with his Bhabhi, Pavindra was satisfied that he was able to penetrate her. Yet he felt that should not have been that way. He preferred the romantic, love type to make love to her. It was like r****g her he felt but he noticed that Neha, despite her reluctance gave her to him and the way she laughed and told him ‘you are so wild.’ Pavindra had found lust and desire in her eyes when she had said that.She was sexually experienced now and Pavindra felt she is a girl who will need sex everyday, say, thrice or more a day.That’s why he thought she was letting, and receiving both his father and uncle at once as she said.She had no regrets in her eyes when she related how his uncle got her and how they shared her, those two old brothers!Now concerning the father of Pavindra, he is not that old in looks but in age only.Physically well built, he gave the forties in look yet he was 55 years old. Nobody believed that he was 55.His looks, his walking style, straight, strong,stern. Even his hair had only a light gray colour as most of his hair were still black,very less reached the white colour which makes them look partly gray and black together. He was tall, 6 feet!He had very gallant manners and ladies always liked him since he was a youngster. He was a greedy sex minded man the days of his youth and had affairs with his friend’s wives. He even has intercourse with his brother’s wife.There had been a scandal the days Pavindra was about 7 years old.At that time he was having a relationship with his sister-in-law and the brother had come to know and hey had fights yet his brother did not leave his wife.Then he stopped seeing her as he did not wish to face troubles with his b*o. For 4 years he had an affair with her. He completely stopped going there after the scandal, and for 5 years both brother did not talk to each other.Then it was during the funeral of their sister that both got along once again and became friendly once more after all they had same blood running in their veins and they had love for each other. I have never mentioned their names? Well Pavindra’s father’s name is Gyansing, called Gyan.And his brother’s name is Shyamlall called Shyam.The age difference between the two is just like Pavindra and Ravindra, one year. Shyam was younger so, 54.And the day he planned to get Neha fucked by him was in a way rendering the relations he had with his b*o’s wife. He had told him some days before that he was fucking his bahu and if he would like to taste her. Shyam was not shocked as they shared almost the same tastes and even Shyam had fantasised his bahu’s but was not in real contact ever. So Shyam told him “your bahu is my bahu too, so I will feel doing it with my own bahu and a dream will be realised, why not?” Both brothers had become more friendly since they started with Neha.And every time that Shyam had to come at his place at night, he was telling in the day when Gyan was in the fields as his fields were near Shyam’s house hope you all remember.Gyan always had had a fantasy, that was to fuck a woman by two.He dreamed of trilogy since his tender age. So he got the opportunity to realise it at the age of 55 with Neha and his own brother,which was intense and more hot for him as that was pure i****t and Neha was shared as daughter-in-law by two father-in-laws. This excited Gyan a lot. Many people have different type of fantasies, like Shyam he always wished to assist two women making love then he joins the party. That was his fantasy. His dream. But the one he was living with Neha and his brother was not less thrilling too.Now let’s see what is the fantasy of Pavindra.Since he was aware of all of Neha’s encounters sex-wise, he developed a fantasy which was never born within him before.It was that he wished to see Neha being fucked by his uncle and father then join them together being the third and he wanted Neha to enjoy three men together. But that seemed impossible as he would never be able to convince his dad or even uncle for that. But he thought he could talk to Neha and tell Neha to tell them!!He in fact talked to Neha once when he got her to fuck.Neha was washing clothes on the stone outside. She was in the washing position and he caught her by her waist from behind,his hands ran straight to her pussy over her skirt, and his dick was thrusting against her butt. Neha felt his hard organ rubbing over her butt and she tried to push him but to no avail as by then he had turned her head to him and her mouth was in his,he enjoyed the juices of her tongue drinking every drop. Neha started getting horny as his hands by that time he was exploring her breasts under her blouse…. She whispered coyly,” hey not here, we are outside, somebody may pass by on the road and see!”But Pavindra did not listen and went on continuing.she was by then without her blouse and bra which he had gently removed, and she was turned to face him, his mouth explored her breasts licking and sucking them,meanwhile his hand, lifted up her skirt to let her thighs and fleshy part of her butt crushed in his hands, and his fingers went into the panty and felt the wet pussy ready to receive his hard dick inside. He took her hand and directed it to his sex and she caressed it and quickly opened his zip and started moving his trouser down. She was now and then looking on the road to see if anybody passed. And she pulled him a bit behind the stone she was washing from where it was not accessible from the road to view. They were both in standing position, and holding each other at times her arms across his shoulder, then, around his waist, soon, over his butt, and his arms doing same movements….. ” Bhabhi you are too hot and sensual, I desire you the most in the world…,” He murmured in her ears while his fingers were wet in her pussy and her mouth was sucking his neck leaving a love bite dark red in colour. He then pushed her to sit down to get his dick in her mouth, she did it with no objections….. She was then down, kneeling on the soil,her left arm around his waist, and one hand holding Pavindra’s dick delicately, and she ran her hot tongue to start, and she lifted up her eyes to look at her little b*o-in-law’s expressions and felt amused seeing him stretching in a cute moan closing his eyes saying ‘Oh Bhabhi, yesssss, go on take it inside your mouth…” She smiled and ran her tongue around the tip of his hard cock, and Pavindra, took her head,he still standing, and pushed his sex inside her mouth and he with closed eyes, head pushed back gave sensational moans of pleasure like ” hmmmm, yeaaaaah!! Bhabhi, ohhhhhhhh my sweeeeeet bhabhi go ahead, suck, suck, suck more and more…” Neha was very amused on seeing him in that state and she gave a superb blow job to him….Pavindra was not enough yet she stood up after about 5 minutes of sucking and told him,” its your turn now sweetheart…” And he went down sitting on the soil, she pushed back her head, eyes closed and felt Pavindra’s hands holding her waist and his mouth over her wet pussy…… he licked the upper part first then opened the clit and put his tongue inside and made round movements feeling the salty taste and he started sucking it vigorously… Neha was stretching her whole body backward and twisting like a snake, giving all the position she could to feel the hot exploring tongue of his little brother-in-law. She started leaving the juices and Pavindra enjoyed the taste and savoured it like an oyster…… after a while, he got up, held her by her waist making her belly get the caress of his dick and took her tongue in his mouth to drop some of her own juices into her mouth which she swallowed happily…. And she enlaced him tightly and started biting his earlobe and sucking it, and his mouth was eating her neck….. Meanwhile she took his cock and directed it to her pussy, still in standing position and Pavindra started giving blows in it started by little ones gradually increased the acceleration, held her both thighs in his hands, she brought both her legs around his waist and there she was being fucked hardly by him….. In that standing position he went on fucking holding her as though she was sitting on a motorcycle with both legs on one side…She had enlaced his shoulder firmly and his mouth was meanwhile sucking her tits and drinking the juice it offered…….. Neha started soon giving moans louder and louder in gasps and she was reaching her orgasm and started biting his shoulder leaving marks of her teeth over there….. and she relaxed her head over his chest….. her pussy became too wet and Pavindra was going in and out too easy so he took it out and turned her face to the wall, and gently pushed it in her anus by rubbing it gently over the opening….she gave a sound of “ufffff, gently please, gently….. aaaaah!!! oh!! myyy!!!!! and he was inside her butt…. he gave gradual blows and as it was tight there he soon started cumming and he loaded all his stuff inside her butt and moaned again” Oh bhabhi!! you are the best woman i have known!! woooooowwwww!! superb!!! and he kissed her cheeks from behind……..That evening after that wonderful encounter at the washing stone, Pavindra and Neha were like a loving couple in the house. They seemed to be husband and wife. They were k**ding, laughing, playing with hands, tapping each other, and when they were in presence of the others at home they were stealing looks of each other without being noticed.Once in the kitchen when Neha was near the stove, Pavindra brushed his hand over her but when passing by. She smiled and looked around if anybody noticed, and when she found the dad, reading a note and Ravindra looking outside, she looked at Pavindra with mischievous eyes and gestured as to why he did that when they were there. And Pavindra walked ahead giving her a lusty smile.And they were in the lounge watching TV and as usual Ravindra was not there as he never used to be, then the father-in-law and Pavindra with Neha were sitting on the couch, a three seat sofa. Neha was in the middle and on both sides were her f.i.l and Now the dad usually touched her while watching TV and that’s why she sits near him as it was asked by him since the first time of their affair. Before this day Pavindra had never sat together on the same sofa, it was the first time that he was doing so. And in the past he never noticed anything in the lounge as he never dared to look where his dad used to sit. And then they used to watch TV with lights off in the lounge and only the TV projection light was present.So Neha was already anticipating that today, both of them will touch her! She was in a gown which reached her knees, with a deep v-cut, and was sleeveless. When she sat down the gown moved a bit above her knees and the fairer part of her upper knee, beginning of the thighs were visible. Pavindra was on her right and the f.i.l on the left. Still there was full space for two persons on the couch. Pavindra’s fantasy aroused and he visualised undressing Neha together with his father’s help and going ahead…. Just thinking of it his erection made his trouser inflate which Neha noticed and slightly tapped over it! She was amused and bit her lips after hitting him there.And after some minutes the father put his hand over her lap, she remained quiet and wanted to see if Pavindra saw that. He used to caress her while watching TV at night as every time only they two sat together and Pavindra always sat on another sofa in front of them so he had to turn to see them and then he never paid heed before. The old man moved her gown a little bit up her thighs and admired her beautiful sexy, envious, white thighs…. he pushed his hand inside and fumbled over her panty…..She put her hand over his, to prevent the movements of his fingers be noticed by Pavidra. But the dad continued and he had a hard on and tried to pull her hand over his organ, but she was reluctant and looking at Pavindra every now and then……. And after a while Pavindra noticed that. He was excited as that was his pleasure now to see her being fucked or caressed….. He loved to see elder people doing that to her….. He wished to see other elderly people doing that to her….. His fantasies had no bound and were growing more day after day. He intentionally left the lounge to let his father get free occasion. Now he did not know where from to watch the scene.There was only one way he thought, that was from outside. So he went out, but the curtains were drawn and he saw nothing. So he went in again but did not sit there, but on another seat, which was near the window and he very slowly, moved the curtains to leave a very thin space to view from outside. He told them he was going to have a short nap.Then the youngster went outside and stood on the porch to view his father enjoying his sexy bhabhi. And the space he made to watch was exact for the view. There, since they thought he went to his room, the father, had already put his mouth under her gown licking her thighs and enjoying her warm heat and soft touch of her thighs. Pavindra no doubt found his dick taking shape and his hand went to it to play with it. The dad moved Neha’s legs apart to feel her panty which were starting being wet already at the hot point; he moved it out and when it was out up to her knees, Neha asked her not to take it out completely as Pavindra could come anytime. So it remained there near her knees and the dad was licking her pussy while Neha’s hand was masturbating his hard cock…….. the more that the old man’s tongue was touching her sensitive part the more she was moving her hand over his dick……Pavindra was full erect and wished to jerk off….. Neha bent her head over her father-in-law’s neck and licked it and bite it, her got lot of pleasure when she did that….. After a while he made her sit over his lap, lifted her gown up, and introduced his dick inside her, she has to move up and down to make him pleased…… he held her by her waist and moved down her V-neck to get her breasts which were not in a bra, but left loose. His mouth explored her breasts and his cock was in her, she moving up and down over him and he, sucking her breasts. The old man started moving his hips in sitting position itself with the rhythm of Neha’s movements over his sex. Neha started feeling the need of being held and she fiercely threw her arms over his neck and took his mouth and their tongue melted in each others mouth drinking each others juices. Pavindra was masturbating outside watching her in such delirious state. Neha went on bouncing over her father-in-laws lap with his organ in her and coming to and fro with her movements….. she gave gasps and moans and was panting and felt like she was missing breath, till she shouted ‘yyyeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss….cuummmmmmmiiiiiiinnng…and she found the oldie also groaning ‘aghhhhhhh….ghmmmmmm, aghhhhhhh, yes my sweet baby,’ with a rough panting voice and he took out his dick to make Neha hold it in her hand and it pissed his white stuff over his own belly as he was sitting and she was on him…… then he pushed it in her mouth by making her sit over the floor, and he drained the remaining part in her throat…… Neha kept licking it till it became like a dead bit of a snake….. she felt amused and continued playing with it, caressing it and licking it…. she giggled and said ’how funny it looks when it is not erect Pitaji’ He grinned and said ‘this is what created you beti’…’hmmmm! yes pitaji, you made me think of my papa.’ When she said that her father-in-law surprised asked “What? My dick made you think of your dad? Have you ever seen his dick?” “Oh no pitaji, I did not mean that, I mean when you said it created me, I thought my pitaji created me by doing this with my mother” Pavindra was able to hear all their words as well. He did not believe of what she said she meant of her pitaji. He knew her too well, there was fish under stone he thought. And things went on quite normal for some days at Neha’s place. It was now routine for her to be in her father-in-law’s bed almost every night and having the i****tuous relation with her younger brother-in-law.She was becoming more and more sensual and envious sex wise and any man, I repeat any man could desire her the way she looked sexy, and the way she played with her eyes, smile while looking at a man. Her body was day by day growing enchanting and sexier and she had learnt the art of seducing by pleasing the three men she actually had affair with. And one day a message reached her that her mother is seriously sick and has been taken to the hospital in the village she lived. She prepared to go to her native village to spend a week. Her father-in-law at first wanted to go together but later thought they will think odd in her village so she told Ravindra to go to leave her and return. At that moment Pavindra wished to go together. But his father told him he will have to stay and accompany him to the fields replacing his elder brother. Pravindra was very restless and he started thinking things about Neha. He was sure she will get fucked by men of her village now….. he was feeling unease and secretly asked his elder brother to stay and let him go with Neha. The elder b*o naive as he was accepted. But the dad objected saying what will the people of Neha’s native say? The husband must accompany her. He scolded both sons. So it was decided that Ravindra would go, stay some hours then return back home and will go to take her back after one week.Pravindra was frustrated and thought of the night Neha had said “you made me think of my papa” He had forgotten that but it flashed back suddenly in his mind and he told himself, ‘she will now stay with her father as her mom is in hospital… what will happen?’ He was very eager to assist if anybody would be fucking her…that has become an obsession for him now… he was very restless and all sorts of thoughts were torturing him. But he was incapable to change things……Ravindra and Neha left their home in the early morning for Neha’s home. It was 400 kms distance from their village. They went by train. Pravindra accompanied them to the station. In the train Ravindra as usual wrapped in his shell sat quietly. Other men were looking at Neha with lusty eyes. See was dressed in a beautiful sari, which was flimsy and the blouse had a beautiful cut to let her breast be seen although covered with the flimsy sari. Ravindra never paid heed to any men looking at her, but Neha was aware and she enjoyed it as she is now used to men and sex. She knew all the men desired her and they had only one thing in mind, and that was to fuck her. One among the men, once winked at her when Ravindra was asleep. She smiled with that man but there had been no progress.Neha lay her head over Ravindra’s shoulder and she was lost in thoughts. She thought of her father now. She remembered how her dad longed for her when she was still living with them. She was then much younger and she remembered how the first time she was sleeping and her dad who used to get drunk every night had come into her room and ran his hand over her gown. She was surprised and had abruptly sat up on the bed. He then had laughed and caressed her cheeks saying ‘sleeping my baby?’ and she had asked ‘papa what were you doing?’ ‘Nothing I was covering you beta.’ He had replied. But Neha knew he ran his hand over her thighs under her gown. Another day he was drunk in the day and her mother had been to the shop and he had hugged Neha, she thought it was a paternal hug but he had made her sit over his lap and caressed her over her breasts and her thighs and was kissing her neck. She had freed herself from his grip and had ran away.Neha remembered of those nights when almost every night her dad was coming in her room when her mother was asleep to touch her intimate parts. He had once mounted over her and thrust his sex still in his trouser over her sex and had enjoyed her that was till he had ejaculated over her dress….. she remembered how he had once removed her panty and she had pretended be sleeping and he had enjoyed her ejaculating over her belly.Then in flash back it came to Neha the day, some weeks before her wedding her father had given her a passionate kiss and had told her that he has not taken her virginity and he hoped that once she will get married he will get a chance to enjoy her to the full, and she had remained quiet looking downward….. Now that she was going to his place the first time after her wedding she was thinking her dad will let no chance escape at all….. Only thinking of all that she was all wet, and wished her father-in-law or Pravindra was with her right then…..And soon they reached her village. She greeted many persons who came across her while walking to her home. Some of the men of her village talked among themselves ‘she has become a wonderful sexy lady this Neha!’ some said ‘She is being fucked now dear, she knows the pleasure of sex now!’ Many men and youngsters admired her and got erect and did caress their dicks on seeing her passing by.Anyhow they reached her home, and her father came at the threshold to hug her. She hugged her, and he was erect just at her touch….. he greeted his son-in-law and asked them in. It was programmed that they will go to the hospital then from there Pavindra would return back home.And in the evening after visiting her mother at the hospital, she accompanied her husband at the station with her dad and she returned home with him.She had two brothers who were married and lived some kilometres away from her dad’s house. When they reached home one among them had come to enquire about his mother’s health as he did not get time to go to see her. He was surprised to see Neha and brother and sister hugged each other and were very happy to see each other after more than 8 months…….And after a chat with the sister the brother left. Neha went inside her old room and started looking at her belongings which she had left there…. a feeling of nostalgia wrapped her and she left some tears drop slide along her cheeks. Her father got in her room and enlaced her saying, “you have become even more beautiful than you were before you left this house sweetheart” She responded with a smile hugging him back. At this moment there were no sexual intentions but an emotional touch of fatherly love to her daughter. But since he continued holding her in his arms for some minutes he felt his dick growing to feel her thighs down. She broke away from his arms and gently said ‘Papa, will mom be fine soon is it?” He got back to himself and shrugged saying God only knows, beta, she is in a critical state as her diabetes, blood pressure and asthma have all erupted together.” And he started leaving the room telling her “I am going to the shop and will be back after an hour or so. Look what you will wish to cook for dinner; all are same in the kitchen as it was when you left 8 months ago.” She neared him and said, “you are going to drink isn’t it papa?” he answered “Yes, but I won’t delay too much. Will take a few pegs and return” She smiled at him saying, ”You same old dad of mine, will never change” and she kissed his cheek c***dishly. And she added, ordering like a mother, “Don’t drink much and I hope I will not see you stammering around after a while, reach home standing not on four feet!She went in the kitchen and got busy cooking. On the other hand her father while having his drink was only thinking of her, her beauty and he was had a hard on by only thinking……. he started visualising how he will proceed when he will be back home to her….. He thought now she is not a virgin and he will have free chance to do what he wished long time ago. He thought what an opportunity he was having as his wife is not there and he will be alone with her all night for a whole week! He was feeling very happy and planned to have great fucking sessions with her a whole week. He thought of the days he was touching her sexually and how she was reluctant but never objected. And how some days before her wedding he had told her that once he will get her after wedding he will fuck her….. He thought she must be aware that he wished to sleep with her, he hoped she will not refuse and she has not changed. Yet he was worrying what if she will refuse saying she won’t betray her husband and all that! But he thought although she will refuse he thought he will force her and fuck her..In his mind only Neha was present and he was seeing her in her sexy sari, he was seeing her belly and white waist, her butt, her breasts…. he was longing to suck them…he was hard erect and was ready to get her on his bed.He hurried back home after his drink with a hard on and when opened the door he was amazed to see his son and daughter-in-law talking with Neha in the lounge. After meeting her, her brother went home to bring his wife to meet Neha….. The father was restless now and he found his plan ruined! He met them and went to his room and started thinking what if they will plan to stay? He did not want that to happen. He was waiting for them to leave the quickest possible. He felt they were intruders! He was nervous and wanted only to stay with his darling daughter.And after an hour his son Anil came to tell him that they wanted to take Neha to stay the night at their place. He thought if he will object they will think things…. so he asked with his son, “ Does Neha want to go?” Anil replied “ no she has not yet answered that’s why we want to ask you” he replied “ Lets go to ask herself if she will go or stay in her house.”They came in the lounge and the father asked “ Beta will you go to your brother’s place or would like to stay here?” Neha answered “But I have already prepared dinner, have to serve dad, and will you join for dinner b*o and bhabhi?” But Anil and his wife answered that they have also cooked already at their place and they have to go now. Neha said sorry to his b*o and bhabhi and told them she will come a next time. The father felt relieved and happy and winked at Neha who left a coy smile. The brother left, dad and daughter were on the terrace waving them goodbye and the father thought what if his other son and daughter in law comes in now? He prayed that nobody else comes in!When they were gone, Neha walked a step before her dad who admired her walk and her butt moving to her step’s rhythms. She was dressed in a beautiful traditional two piece, long skirt which reached her calf, and her short sleeveless blouse with a deep v cut. Her breasts, round, inflated, like a balloon containing water moved when she walked. The father felt his dick wanted to get out of his trouser it was that much hard! Neha turned back to look in her father’s eyes with a smile and pretended as normal as she could yet she knew his intentions. When he reached her, he put his hand over her shoulder, slightly caressing it and said ‘you are my sexy beautiful baby.’ She got inside biting her lips and asked him, “You are drunk no?” He then held her bare waist, pressing his fingers over her flesh and talked, “Hmmm you are so deliciously dressed and I wish to put you straight over the bed, let’s go sweetheart. I am longing to taste you! It has been a long time darling!”She said “No come to have your dinner first papa.” But he said he did not want to eat but only eat her. Saying this he pulled her to his room by her hand, and Neha got to run some steps by the pull. As soon she was in his room, he enlaced her firmly in his strong arms and started kissing her vigorously like a man who had touched a woman for years. She responded to the kiss wholeheartedly. And his hands ran all over her back feeling her clothes, her blouse, her partly bare back and shoulders, his hard on pressing over her thighs and soft part of her entry…… he talked while holding her and caressing her at the same time “You enjoy it now with your husband? You love it? You understand it now how it is wonderful Sweety? Did you ever think of me when he fucked you?” Neha was like a toy in her arms stretching her neck backward and feeling her dad’s body stuck to her body she was losing herself in ecstasy and could not talk back…. gradually he moved out her blouse, threw it with rage over the floor, it went out near the door, he fondled her breasts over her sexy bra, then removed the bra to throw it away likewise, Neha was at his mercy standing in his arms topless, in the long skirt…. and her body was like an elastic piece of material in her papa’s hands, and it was moved in any direction he wished…. he slowly put her over his bed, and knelt down, started lifting up the skirt to let her white legs, thighs, appearing little by little and he ran his tongue very slowly from her calf up to and up little by little up to her fleshy thighs, till he reached her white panty…. Neha was lying over the bed, her eyes closed and was enjoying every touch of her dad, she was visualising the days she was unmarried and her dad was doing same when she was sleeping…deep in her Neha became that young girl and felt her dad like that. The father was like a hungry lion who got meat to eat after a long time, when he reached her panty, he sucked the panty itself, which was wet and drank her daughter’s juice over the panty…. then with his teeth he started removing the underwear…Neha twisted over the bed holding the bed sheets and pulling them, she then opened her eyes to look at her dad whose pleasure was immense on getting his daughter over his bed after so long. She knew how he was hungry for her, and she believed she has the right to please him since she was pleasing her father-in-law there. She moaned when the papa parted the lips of her sex and pushed his hot tongue into it, and licking her juices, swallowing all her juice and sucking her sexy, rosy vagina. Soon the father removed all his clothes was all nude and made Neha all nude too and he mounted over the bed, he was still like the hungry lion and was roaring over her female mate…. she sat up and held his organ without being asked and he moaned as though he felt a pain, when she careesed it. It was pain of pleasure…. he had never been sucked by any woman the father…he enjoyed it so much that he felt ejaculating in her mouth… she took the tip of her dad’s dick in her mouth, licked it, rolling her tongue over it, then took it whole in her mouth and started going to and fro with her head moving in and out… he moaned ‘aaaaghghgh, I, I ,I am coming beta…aaaaahhhhh!!!’ and he did not get time to take it out and the first cum went into her throat, then she spat the remaining parts, and licked her dad’s tip of the cock, who straightened his whole body feeling like a voltage of current within his whole body…….he stood over his toes while dripping his last drops in her mouth. He was so much pleased that he felt it was the first time he was having sex…He lay over the bed by her side, holding her firmly over his chest, both were all nude and he spoke, “Beti you gave papa an immense pleasure, I am 57 years old and never a woman ever took my organ in her mouth, it was such a pleasure my sweetheart! I don’t know how to thank you my loving baby, you pleased papa so, so much.”Neha smiled, playing with the hairs over his chest, and asked ‘mama never did that to you papa?” He replied “No dear, she is an old accustomed woman, you know her well, even a good kiss with tongue is difficult with her… I only fantasized women sucking me, it’s a dream of mine that you realised my love.” Neha c***dishly kissed her father’s chest, run her tongue over it up to his neck, mounted over his body as he was laying flat on his back, and she put her mouth to his and their tongue melted in each other’s mouth for more than 5 minutes….. By then her father got erect again, and he ran his hand over her butt, parted her both legs apart, directed his dick inside her very wet pussy, and as she was over him she started moving herself by pressing over her toes on the bed, she moved up and down over whole of his body with his dick inside her, which was sliding in and out by her movements, and he was caressing her nude back, and he held her firm breasts in both his hands, put them to his mouth, licked the erect nipples, sucked them one after another…… she lifted her neck up stretching along, pulling her head backward, her hair all open thrown back by one movement of her head, her breasts hanging, now as she had lifted her head up, it balanced to the rhythms of her movements and her dad held both crushing them in his strong palms, then he also lifted his head to get hold of the breasts which he sucked again while she was going on with her movements of her hips over the hard cock of her father…. the dad also started moving his hips together with Neha’s movements….. and he sat up, she also, both her legs parted over the legs of her dad, his cock still deep in her both continued giving the blows moving harder and harder, and his hand around her waist, her arms around her father’s shoulder, her breasts collated to his hest rubbing against the hairs of his nude chest which made her feel a pleasure apart…. and the old man started moaning “ aaghgh….aaaah I am to come baby, a..a…i WILL COME…. “ She shshshed him saying “come in me papa, come in me” he asked “are you sue sweetheart?” “yes papa don’t worry come in me…. go ahead she whispered while she also started moaning and her orgasm was on the peak too…and he ejaculated deep in her, she felt the hot liquid touching her womb deep inside and both were clutched to each other panting, longing for breath….. Both took a deep breath and their mouth were stuck in one another for a longue while eating each other’s tongue, and drinking the mouth’s produced juice…….They slept together father and daughter for the first time.The next morning, still on bed he caressed her as she was al nude by her side, he too was nude, as they slept after making love last night….. The dad wished to fuck again but Neha told her to reserve the session for the night, she kissed him and went out of bed.On the other side, Ravindra was missing her and wished to see her, talk to her and feel her company. The father-in-law too was missing his lovely daughter-in-law. Only a day had elapsed and that family was longing for her. Pavindra was only visualising her fucking with someone else in her village….He was sure she will have to say things when she returns. But wil she tell things on her own? She had not related him till he had not discovered about her relationship with his own dad. In his mind her words ‘ you made me think of my papa” which she had said to his father was now and again buzzing in his ears, and he felt strongly that she will have something to do with her dad.In Neha’s village, she was all free in the day and her father had gone out. She was alone in the house and she also thought of Ravindra as she was used to stay with him all day long at her in law’s place. She knew he must be missing her and the love making sessions. But here she was satisfied by her dad and she knew Ravindra has nobody to satisfy him, and something disturbed her thoughts…. She thoughts what if Ravindra would go to another girl? She felt jealous and did not wish him to be with another woman. Then she consoled herself by telling that in that village he wont ever get any woman like her to have sex with him.Now Neha’s brother who visited her last night, passed the news of her arrival to the other elder brother who lived in same village but about 5 kms away. Her two elder brothers were aged 42 and 38 respectively. The one who came was Anil 38 years old, and the eldest one is Sunil 42 years old. Sunil had a daughter aged 12. Anil had no c***dren. So Sunil, the eldest came to see her as he got the news that she had come. They embraced each other on meeting. Had a chat with her and he told her, “You have become very beautiful Neha after wedding? How do all girls become so lovely after they leave their father’s house?” Neha replied, “That’s may be because the girls get much more love at their in-law’s place” and Sunil asked her to come to his place. She had to tell her dad that she was going to her b*o’s place. And Sunil took her in his car and drove to her place and on the way met her father and announced him that she was taking Neha and will return her back In the evening. Sunil reached his house, nobody was there as his wife is a teacher and his daughter had been to school. Once inside He hugged Neha and told her “My sweet little sister, I never thought you will turn out into such a lovely woman. You are looking very sexy you know, Neha dear?” and Neha felt his dick hard down over her thighs. She thought to herself, ‘Oh no! Bhaiya too? He never had any such thought about me!!’ She tried to get out of his arms saying ‘Bhai, what are you doing? I am your little sister is it?” And Sunil replied: “Look Neha, you are a woman now and you know what it is to have sex, as soon as I saw you in papa’s house I thought in my mind to make love to you as I know now you are a woman who know what it means to have a man in your bed, so that’s why I took you here, you are too sexy and you look like longing for making love, give your big b*o this chance to taste you sweety. May be I will never get this chance ever.” On hearing her elder brother’s words Neha felt a shiver in her and thought of herself to be an i****t doll. Her whole body got a sort of ecstasy and sexual desire aroused within her only by the words of her brother…. she now started looking at her brother’s pant near his dick and found the pant inflated there, she knew he was erect. And asked him, “ You ever had such thought about me bhaiya?” He replied “Yes Neha , yes. You were too small; I was taking you in my lap and making you do things you won’t remember. Since I got married and moved here, I did not get the chance to see you growing, its when Anil told me how you are looking gorgeous that I thought yesterday if I get the chance I will take you to my bed.” And it’s the perfect opportunity Neha, let me make love to you baby, I will never get this chance anymore, for once only please your brother.” Neha asked, “Anil bhaiya told you I am looking gorgeous? He spoke like that of me to you?” “Neha, we used to talk of you in dirty way since you were still living with us before our wedding dear. You were a doll in our house and you were the only girl we mixed up with. So we had talks about you both brothers long time ago.” Neha was not shocked but horny on hearing that. And she smiled thinking to herself ‘both brothers, father, father-in-law, father-in-law’s brother, güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri brother-in-law! Hmmm I am a sex machine for these men it seems,’ and she felt hot and horny thinking of so many men longing for her.She let her brother hold her in his arms and caress her. She was in a two piece, the blouse was small and all her waist was bare, her cleavage was all seen and she was in his arms, his one hand running on her bare waist and her tongue was explored by his in his mouth. They were soon over the bed, her blouse out, her boobs in his mouth which he was sucking like a thirsty baby sucking his mother’s breast, his hands moving her skirt upper and upper to let her sexy, desirable thighs get the air out. She had her arms around her brother’s neck and she crossed one of her leg upon his.Her father in his mind thought Sunil must be alone at home and he took Neha to his place, he had wild thoughts as he fucked Neha last night, he thought what if Sunil also would be longing to do that to her? He decided to go there. And he asked a taxi to leave him at Sunil’s home.Once in Sunil’s yard, the father walked slowly with the intention to se things…. The door was open, he walked in very slowly and on nearing a room he heard murmurs…….. he knew what was going on and he carefully, stood by the side of the door, and found Neha all nude at the mercy of his nude brother over her, his dick doing to and fro in the pussy of his sister, Neha’s arms around his shoulder, he could clearly see the buttock of his son, his balls, and the pussy of Neha receiving her brother’s dick in and out her……He kept watching in great excitement and was hard erect, and wished to join them…. but he thought what will Sunil think…. so he held himself and went on watching them…. Sunil and Neha were so much lost in love-lust that they were unaware of their father’s presence in the house. Soon they changed position and Neha went over her brother and the view which the father had now, was, Neha’s whole butt to his eye sight and his son’s dick in her, he wished to go and penetrate his cock in Neha’s butt…. she was giving movement by moving over her b*o and enjoying his dick in her, meanwhile kissing him, Sunil’s hand was holding her waist, making it move to his pleasure. They continued till they reached orgasm and Neha lay over his brother going on kissing him.The father very slowly left the house and went out. He returned home and jerked off visualising Neha. He was too excited on seeing brother and sister fucking. He started thinking either they were having an affair before her marriage? Then he thought either Anil too would be fucking her? He will ask Neha he thought when she will be back.Neha was dropped back by Sunil after some hours. As soon as she got inside her father took her in his arms like holding a baby and took her to his bed. Without wasting time he hurriedly undressed her and started licking her body all around. Neha was laughing asking, “Why this hurry papa? Take your time.” But he was like a hungry dog…. Anyhow he fucked her and made her suck his cum, draining it in her mouth…… Then they talked. He asked her about her brothers. She was reluctant to reply ten he told her that he had been at Sunil’s place and saw them fucking. Neha was stunned and told him she could not refuse him as he was too pleading….. And he asked either Anil also? She said ‘No Anil bhaiya has never done it but Sunil bhaiya told me they both used to talk of me in that way and Sunil will surely tell him that he succeeded in fucking me, then Anil too will want to do it.”Well this way everyday and night, the father enjoyed his daughter sexually. Anil did not get any chance though really Sunil told him that he got her. Anil tried his luck but the father was at home everyday looking on her and keeping her all for him. Anil went to tell Sunil to look for a chance for him. Sunil also wanted to enjoy Neha more but when he came to take her the father refused to let her go. He told Sunil ‘if you want to see her, come with your wife and daughter here and spend the time with your sister.’ Sunil had no point to discuss and got to leave alone. Then both brothers decided that when she returns to her husband they will someday go there to get her.One week elapsed. Neha’s mother, recovered and she got discharge from the hospital and was back home, yet still very weak, and Neha got to return back to her husband. Her father went to leave her at the station lest the brothers will come to take her. Neha was back.Now, for the moment let us forget Neha for sometime and follow what goes here with her father. We will get back to Neha after following the story here. There is a twist friends which I hope all readers will enjoy.Neha’s dad, since he got the taste of a young female and enjoyed it so much now wished to have same kind of pleasure. He masturbated for quite some nights by feeling her Neha in his arms, by visualising all he did with her…. but he wanted and longed for sexual intercourse that way more and more….. He got an idea in his dirty mind and thought of someone young he could try to get for a fuck. Who was she?Anil’s wife. She was young, modern, was always dressed like the new Bolywood heroines. When she wore sari, it was always backless, sleeveless, deep cuts letting her cleavage visible always. Or she often got dressed in tight jeans, and sexy t-shirts. She wore shorts at home letting all her big, beautiful thighs for the pleasure of viewers. As Anil was 38, his wife Aarti was only 26. They had no c***dren I hope you all remember. She was a housewife. So all day she was at home. Now since Neha’s father had sex with his young daughter, and the way Neha pleased him sexually, he believed this generation of the young made love so well and so he thought Aarti will be likewise as she use to be dressed those sexy ways always. He thought the blowjob Neha gave him, and thought Aarti too must be doing it as she is in the new generation, for his wife never did that to him. He believed that the new generation made love better than those of his time. He was excited only by thinking of Aarti now and he jerked off at night visualising her.The next day he went at Anil’s house. He went at a time when he knew Anil had been to work and Aarti was alone. He knocked at the door, it was still morning, around 9.30 and Aarti came to open and was surprised to see her father-in law. She was still in her nighty, had not yet changed! On seeing him Aarti thought her mother-in-law was serious, and was waiting for him to speak, but he was stunned on seeing her beauty in that nighty, the cleavage was astounding, she had a little bit rounder body than Neha, had perfect looks and was fair like Neha, had a pleasant smile and a beautiful voice…………… She asked him in, when he told her that he was just passing like this.She went in the kitchen and he followed. She offered him a seat in the kitchen itself. Well he was used to her but in a normal daughter-in-law and father-in-law like relationship. She used to talk to him even earlier than this day……. The old man did not know how to approach her in that way… he kept watching her when she was at the same time doing the house chores and talking to him casually. He looked at her from tip to toe and arranged his organ inside his trouser as it was growing on seeing her body……. once she was taking the glass from his hand, and her breasts rubbed to his hand accidentally and he felt shivers…….Aarti noticed him to be queer….. And asked “Are you sure there is nothing wrong daddy? She had always called her ‘daddy’ as she is a girl from the city. He stammered ‘No its fine….’The old man was getting excited and was restless too…he was feeling like a young lad who was to propose a girl for sex for the first time. He did not know how to proceed. Aarti felt it that he was abnormal the way he was behaving. Then she asked, “Have you already taken a peg daddy?” He replied, “No but I think I should have taken a peg because I have things to tell you which I can’t at this moment!”Aarti looked in his face surprised and asked, “You have things to tell me daddy? And you can’t say you say? I find it very strange, what’s the matter? Anything serious?” She left a short smile on her sensual lips and continued looking in his face interrogatively. Her eyes were trying to search clues in the old man’s face. But Aarti could not read anything and was standing amazed close to him. He looked on her cleavage again and quickly moved away his eyes lest she would notice that. Then he stood up and said, “Wait I will be back in a few minutes dear.” “Hmm you are really going to have a peg isn’t it daddy?” Aarti remarked, and added, “But tell me before you go!” He said slowly in her ears before leaving, “Keep guessing what I have to say meanwhile, it’s personal, I will be back to you within half an hour.” While he did that his hand was over her shoulder, his mouth very close to her ear, and he smelled her, and wished to kiss her hot. So, he left for the shop to have his drink. Aarti kept thinking what he wanted to say but was not making it out. The moment he had put his hands on her shoulder, she had felt his hot breath over her skin and thought either he longed for her, but she could not think of such things about him, she believed her mind was becoming dirty. So she did not think of such things.So it was time for her to have her bath and she went in the bathroom for a shower and thinking the father-in-law may come back anytime, she let the front door of the house unlock so that he could get in without having to wait outside. She had taken a skirt and a sleeveless t-shirt to wear. It was the modern type skirt the city girls wore and the t-shirt too. Normally when she takes her shower she never takes clothes with her as she comes out wrapped in the towel tied around her body covering her from her breasts to her thighs, and she used to get dressed in her room. But since she was expecting the father-in-law back that’s why she thought to be dressed inside the bathroom before coming out.She took all her time in the shower, humming and lazily massaging her hot body all over. The old man came, when she was in the bathroom. He had taken drinks and had now dared to talk! He heard her humming inside and loudly said standing near the bathroom, “I am back dear Aarti.” She also got to reply loudly”Yes daddy I am having a shower and will be out soon. Be seated please. I hope you are not too drunk and will not fall down!” He grinned and said,”Nah, I am okay. Will wait for you baby.” He pronounced the word baby slowly not to let her hear.Aarti hurried to get out and she was so much used to come out wrapped in towel that she completely forgot she had taken her clothes with her and she opened the bathroom’s door wrapped in a towel! The father-in-law seeing her like that felt his dick exploding out! The water dripping from her wet hair over the towel, her thighs all white skin visible, her upper breasts seen, the silhouette of her whole body to his eye’s pleasure! Aarti looked at him still not thinking of her dress and smiled at him and walked towards her bedroom saying, “I will be back in a minute daddy.” When she passed close to him and walked ahead the old man’s eyes devoured her nude back and her lovely butt moving over her walking rhythm…..He arranged his dick in his pant with his hand as it was by then disturbing him. He stood up when she got in her room to follow her, but immediately then Aarti got out walking fast to the bathroom as she remembered that her clothes were there.She had now to pass across the old man who was standing in her way in the corridor… As soon as she came by him, and walked a step ahead saying, with a shy smile, “I forgot my dress inside.” He held her hand and pulled her to him and with a gasp, blushing she was in his arms, her whole body enlaced in his, her breasts over the towel clutched on his stomach, her heartbeat fastened and she was all red as if her whole body would spit out blood. She did not know what to say and was trying to free her when his mouth found hers and he planted a vigorous kiss. Her hands were trying to protect the towel from falling and she was moving with force to get out of his grips but he continued exploring her mouth with his tongue, his hands roaming over her back trying to move out the towel…..She felt upset and said seriously, “Daddy leave me! You don’t know what you are doing, you are drunk!” She was still in his arms and he spoke, “Sweetheart, this is what I had come to ask you, but was not able…and now it’s the right time isn’t it baby?” She felt hot like in hot summer on hearing his words, and amazed started looking in his eyes trying to see either he was really that drunk or not, by that time the daddy was removing the towel over her breasts where it was cross-tied, and she put her hand over his to stop him from undoing it. He then, moved his hands down behind her back to feel her butt and ran his hands under the towel from her thighs and moved it up over her nude butt!! There was no panty, and the old man groaned, “Oh! Oh!oh! Yeah! Give it to daddy, give it to daddy Sweety.” At that moment she was still around his arms as he had put his hands from, around her to her back. He tried to introduce his fingers to her pussy but Aarti started pleading, “Please daddy leave me, it’s not right, it’s bad, leave me, let me go please…” He was not listening but like a hungry lion, started running his tongue over her bare neck, chin, cheeks, mouth, which she closed not to kiss him, but he tried to get her mouth open with his hand pressing both her cheeks, and she opened it and he penetrated his tongue into her mouth and explored the whole of it sucking her tongue…. by that time Aarti started feeling a sort of weakness, in fact that was the urge to get fucked, but she thought she was being weakened, by the physical struggle with him. The towel was still wrapped on her and during the passionate, sensual kiss, the daddy little by little got it loosened. And he took her arms and directed it over his shoulders and Aarti like a wild a****l being tamed obeyed by letting her arms around his shoulders. The towel dropped down, he lifted Aarti in his arms all nude and walked towards her bedroom, sucking her nipples while she enlaced him firmly stretching her whole body against his chest.He lay her over the bed and undressed himself completely. And he directed his hard cock to her mouth, she looked in his eyes, took the dick in her hand and said, “The front door is not locked daddy!” She was now at his mercy and was like his pet. She seemed not having any objections to be fucked by him….. He replied, “Do you think anyone will come?” she was caressing the dick, and asked, “What if Anil comes anyhow?” So he went to lock the front door.When he returned, she had closed and locked the bedroom’s door. He was standing there all nude and asked, “Stop playing sweetheart. Open the door!”She did not reply him. He was now feeling hot despite being nude. He knocked, saying, ”Hey Aarti baby, my clothes are inside, I am standing nude here and you are playing pranks, that’s not fair, come on open the door.”Still no answer and he started sweating in worry…… he walked to another room, then to the kitchen to find for an issue if there was any to reach that bedroom of hers, but to no avail. He did not know what to do…. his dick was by then softened as he was in worry. He was thinking what if she will not open at all and has the intention of making a scandal. He waited half an hour in the corridor talking, pleading to her.And the door opened, and she was laughing at him….. “You are sweating? Your intoxication has vanished daddy?” He laughed back and said, “Oh my God, you really got me frightened sweety!” “Thousands of thoughts were torturing my mind,” he told her.She was still nude the way he had left her, she was just teasing him to see what would be his reactions….. And he felt his dick taking form again on seeing her giggles and manners of seducing, so he gently caressed her cheek and pushed her softly over the bed. She lay there looking into his eyes and asked, “Tell me one thing daddy, how come you got interested in me in this way? I was shocked when you held me there in the corridor; I was not expecting that at all.” Meanwhile he had placed his hard dick to her head, she was holding the organ in her soft hand and gently, caressing it and he touched it to her lips which made her opened the mouth to lick it first then gently, let it slide in her mouth. She was at the same time looking in his face to observe his expressions as she wanted to see him groan and getting pleased. As soon as he felt her hot tongue meeting his dick he stretched, his legs and body and gave a moan ‘Aaaghgh…. yes! Go on, suck it my love, suck daddy.’ She felt amused on seeing him in that state and seductively took his dick well in her mouth and started sucking it like having an ice cream, she was savouring it.” The old man, went on groaning, and passed his hand over her soft breasts with an erection in her nipples and he crushed the nipples making her excited and going on with the suck….. She was kneeling on the bed and he was standing on the floor, pushing his cock in her mouth by movements of his hips and caressing her body all around, her back, her neck, her breasts, her butt, and he slowly reached her pussy, and he felt the wet liquid moistening his fingers, he gently, slide his finger inside which made her give a moan his dick still in her mouth. She gave a ‘hmmmmm,hmmmm…’ and he started pushing his fingers to and fro in her wet pussy.They stayed in that position for quite a while, when at last he mounted on the bed enlacing her in his arms and both mouths were stuck to each other and they were sucking each others tongues. They were at that moment both kneeling on the bed, and he laid her, parted both her legs to get the pussy at his view and ran his tongue all along it….. he opened the lips of the pussy and licked it like a dog licks, and then gradually, his tongue was penetrating, or at least was trying to penetrate in it, she was twisting over the bed holding his head in both hands and pulling the little hair which were on. She clutched both legs firmly together and his head was crushed between her thighs, his hands pressing both her thighs in his firm fingers….After some time he moved up continuing the licks, from her pussy to her lower belly, then to her navel which made her stretch and twist more, then he gradually reached her breast inviting him to have a suck, which he did with much pleasure… Then they were both enlaced in each others arms, kissing passionately, he was over her, both nude bodies collated, his hard dick was over her pussy and he was rubbing over it very gently enjoying the kiss and the feel of her warm body under his….. She then run her tongue over his face holding his head, and with one hand she took his dick, parted her legs and she, herself introduced it inside her and gave a piercing moan moving her body sideways…. the daddy started moving his hips with his dick in her pussy giving little blows at first which gradually became fast and he went on, by holding her around his arms, and she was pushing her head backward enjoying each and every moment of his dick being pushed in and out her.She crossed her arms around his shoulders and started moving her hips under hi and whispered with gasps, “Yes daddy, yes go on, hmmmm, I want you ….aaahhh, its so good, you do it well, I like you cock, its wonderful…go on , go on..aaaahhhh, I am cumming daddy…oohhh…”…… he went on giving blows over blows the one faster than the other and he too groaned over her with all his body weight and moaned, “aaghgh…yeah…io am to come yesssssss…..” and he took his load out, tapped his dick over her pussy, unloaded his cum, there and brought his dick to her mouth again which she took in her mouth with pleasure smiling at him. She sucked the remaining cum from his dick, passing her tongue over the tip of the dick which made him press up over his toes, and he shivered…..Then they both lay flat over the bed lost in another kiss. She caressed his chest and said,” You were just wonderful daddy. You have experience, hmm?” He smiled at her and said, “A next time sweetheart, we will do it isn’t it? “She replied, “Anytime you wish daddy. You are superb!” And she asked again, ”Tell me, how did you wish to do that with me? I was very disturbed and afraid in the beginning.”He replied with a smile, “Just wanted to taste you darling. You are too hot, and I just wanted to taste your young body. You are very sensual and hot!Well Neha reached her village. She was soon home, I will not write the details of how she was picked up at the station however.It was around 1 PM when she reached there and the father-in-law left her to return back to the field after a tight hug and a passionate kiss. At that time Pravindra was waiting for his dad to go, as he was dying to fuck her!As soon as the dad left, he joined Neha and enlaced her in his arms kissing her brutally saying, “Missed you so much bhabhi, missed you like hell, I was dying to hold you, to see your pretty face, to feel you, to touch you, to smell you…oh bhabhi, I can’t live without you…” Neha was smiling and kissing him back gently and she slowly, easily replied only to please him, “I missed you too my darling brother-in-law!”….. Neha was not that keen at that moment to have sex as she had enjoyed a lot with her father and brother all week staying there. But Pravindra was longing like hell to fuck her. But Neha, thought if she will refuse him, he will doubt and will become aggressive so she complied to his demands, bur told him she was going to have a shower as she just is back from a long trip.On her words Pravindra got an idea. He proposed to come with her in the bathroom and they will have a bath together and will enjoy there itself. Neha was a bit reluctant but she accepted.So they were soon in the bathroom, after closing all doors of the house so that anybody if, came they would hear. And then he would go out to open and tell them Neha is in having a shower.Neha was in a sari, and was sweating after the trip, under her armpit; the blouse was wet with traces of her perspiration. Pravindra was holding her in his arms and smelling her all along her body till he reached under her armpit, and he sniffed and said, “Bhabhi I love your odour, I was missing this smell.” She gave freedom to him to do as he wished. They were both standing and she was in his arms, her hand over his shoulder lazily enlacing him. He was arduously licking and kissing her even over her clothes. And his hard dick was pressing over her thighs and giving hard strokes. He little by little undid her sari, very slowly sat down to remove her underwear, slightly removed her blouse, and all that time Neha was gradually starting feeling the need and urge despite her tiredness, and deep in her heart she had special feelings for Pravindra so she started giving herself the pleasure to be enjoyed by him and she was appreciating the way he was undressing her.When he undressed her completely, she said,” wait let me undress you now.” She took out his t-shirt, and sat down to undo his pant. She delicately untied his waistband, and unzipped his trouser, and very slowly removed his pant. She was kneeling down on the floor, and then she gracefully started moving down his slip, to let his hard dick explode out of it like a spiral clinging out…. Pravindra quickly pulled her head to his organ and there she was with a suck! While she was sucking him, Pravindra was sort of massaging her head letting her hair run into his fingers, and running the fingers over her scalp….when she stopped and stood up to take the juices of his tongue, he whispered with a gasping voice, ‘let me sit near your pussy now bhabhi’….. and he sat down with Neha’s waist in around his arms, he, pressed his cheeks to her breasts then descended slowly to her belly, navel till he reached her downer parts of the belly, to see her pussy clean shaved, where he ran his tongue and asked, “ when did you shave bhabhi? It looks being shaved yesterday? At your father’s place you got this opportunity to take care of this valuable sweet pussy?” She was stretching her body, pulling her head backward on his caress, touch and licks, and whispered,” I did that so that you will get it sweet and clean here baby, I knew you will be the first to take me!” Pravindra was happy and tongued her shaven pussy from the top and went downer and downer to find the wet liquid oozing out, and he sipped and licked and penetrated his tongue, to lat Neha give a sweet moan. After a while of sucking, licking he stood up and made her lean against the cold marbled wall of the bathroom, lifted up one of her legs and stood up over his toes to penetrate his dick inside her. She was by then standing on one foot as the other one was lifted by him, and he started the required movements to meet the pleasure of his urge. She started pulling his hair clutched in her fingers and her body was rubbing to his and she was turning her eyes upside down like being intoxicated by some d**gs. Pravindra, surrounded her waist, letting part of his hand pressing her butt and he was going on forcing his dick in and out her pussy. He started giving rapid blows and gradually the blows got accelerated when she moaned loudly with piercing sounds like, “aaah…aaaaaah…hmmmm. yesssssssssss, go on!! Continue, faster, faster sweetheart….aahhhh…aaaah….”And she got her orgasm yet she had thought she won’t get pleased as she had received it a whole week several times a night by her dad! – On the other hand Pravindra lifted his whole body standing on his tip of toes while reaching his pleasure discharging his sperms by quicly taking the dick out and rubbing it to her belly making it all sticky over her….She then leaned her whole body over his, when Pravindra exclaimed, “But bhabhi, we did not even open the shower, I had thought to do it while getting wet!!” And she told him to get out as she was going to bath now. But he insisted that they will bath together, but she did not accept that. She pushed him out of the bathroom and told him kindly, “We will do it a next time, and then we will bath each other before making love, right sweetheart” Now there are things to say here which happened the days Neha was at her father’s place.As Pavindra was longing to make love to her by trio, (readers will remember that, when, he was eavesdropping his father and uncle together on bed loving her he got the fantasy to be the third person to join)….. So he had prepared things for her about that. In her absence he had been to another village, very far, to seek for men who long for lust. He had been in places to enquire about that type of persons. He was sent to a tavern where he came across two men one by one and he convinced them that there is a very young hot woman who loves to be fucked by elderly guys and will accept to be fucked by three at once as she has never experienced that. He had taken the risk, but did not give his address nor asked them to come to see him; he told them he will bring the lady to them. He had drinks with them in that dirty, filthy tavern only to be amongst them.So all three met and discussed how to proceed. The two other men were, Sheikh, 58 years old, a real vagabond who was a big flirt despite his age and have fucked many women in his life. And the other was Roopchand. Roopchand himself was having i****tuous relations with his widowed sister and her daughter too!! He was 59 years old. Sheikh and Roopchand were friends and had shared many women together. Recently they had fucked Roopchand’s widow sister together!! So Pavindra got the right candidate for his adventure, and was happy and horny!They planned to bring Neha at Sheikh’s house as he lived alone. And when asked about the day Ravindra will bring the hot lady he replied them soon. They were not believing him thinking he was just having fun and they did not take his words into that consideration. But Pavindra promised them to make them have great time with a 19 years old lady! (Neha was almost reaching her 19th birthday by then)Now Pavindra was thinking how he will get the subject started with Neha. He was thinking what if she will refuse to participate in his adventure and fantasy? Some days went by since she was back, and almost every night the father-in-law was sleeping with her, and Pavindra was every time going to eavesdrop from the AC place from outside. And the nights his uncle too was coming he was masturbating hard and was wishing to get in to join them. After a few days he tried to start to talk about the matter with her as they often were alone at home. They were at that time having some romantic moments together on his bed, not sexual, though he was getting erect by every of her touch. He was lying over the bed; she was in her arms with her head over his chest. He was caressing her head, running his hand gently over her cheeks and he asked, “Bhabhi how will I do to join you when father and uncle will be with you?” She answered, “That’s not possible baby, unless you talk to pitaji by letting him know about us.” -He: No I will not ever be able to talk to papa of this bhabhi.-she: so that can’t ever be!-he: But bhabhi You could talk about it to papa, can’t you?-she: are you mad? How can I tell him that we have an affair?-He: you could tell him that you don’t love Bhaiya as he is not doing anything with you and so you want me now.-she: you are talking like a small k**! Shut up. This must remain secret for ever!And he kissed her to bring her mood back as she seemed to be annoyed. And he started with the real subject.“Well bhabhi, we can have it by three, with two other outsiders who don’t know you or me!” He began. She replied after a moment of thought,” Well in that case yes it can be, but who will be the two strangers? After hearing this, he felt very excited, thinking she is on the way, and told her, “They can be anybody, whom I will contact to have some adventures.” She then asked, “And you will bring them here those strangers you will contact?” He jumped, “Of course not bhabhi! We will arrange things outside!” She looked reluctant, but replied, “Well we will see if that will be so.” Then Pavindra said, after kissing her which she responded gracefully, “Bhabhi, I have already contacted two men when you had been out, I have prepared everything and we only have to go to them to enjoy!” She was stunned and with a gasp asked, “What? You have seen two men already? I can’t believe that! I thought it’s only a fantasy and you want to realise that for true?” She looked disturbed and got out of the bed, dressing her sari and making her hair. Pavindra, gave a sigh, and pleaded, “Look bhabhi you know it very well that its my greatest fantasy and please make it become true for me.” He stood up from the bed and enlaced her from behind, rubbing his cheeks to hers. She smiled and k**ded,” Nop, I won’t accept that!” Then she added, “And who are the two men?” he bite his lips and said, “They live very very far from here and do not know our identity. They are aged like father both, even older.” She laughed and said looking in his face,” You dirty brat, you like seeing me fucked by those old guys? Is that your fantasy too?” He replied, “I think it’s because I use to see you enjoying with papa and uncle, so I kept it that way bhabhi.” She answered, “In fact your dad was the first man to do that to me, no men had touched me, I was still a virgin when he had sex with me, and to tell you honestly I enjoy him a lot… may be I will accept your proposal, as I wish to see if other old guys have same drive as your dad, and my……” she was going to say ‘and my papa’ And Pavindra continued, “….and your what bhabhi?” she laughed,” ..and my fate!!”Pavindra was thrilled and very happy on hearing her accepting the proposal…..and thought she is a damn hot woman his bhabhi……So Neha had almost said “my papa” and thought that one day she may forget and mention her adventures with her father to him.He on his side was thrilled to get her by three soon and started visualising her with the other 2 old guys….. he thought those two men are lucky to be getting the chance to fuck his lovely bhabhi Neha.So he arranged for the rendez-vous with those guys after 2 days. He got to go there to tell them he is coming with Neha and they both must be stand by at Sheikh’s house as he will come directly there. Before going there he talked to Neha that he was going to fix a meeting with 2 old men and the next day they will go there. Neha was quite reluctant but she loved him and wanted to please him as he is pleading since long time ago. She thought instead of having him on bed with his father and uncle it would be better to go elsewhere. And then deep in her she wished to try other old men to see if they are like the present ones she knew. Since she had had sex with old persons for her first encounter she had a sort of preference for them. And Pavindra too was having such needs to see her that way because it had psychological effect on him as he had seen Neha with his father and uncle. Deep in him he thought and had the feeling that Neha is a woman who will always have preferences for elderly guys as he when fucking her ejaculates too quick and he thought Neha would never get pleased by him like she got satisfied with old persons.Now Neha too had those kind of psychological effect which made her feel that sex with old men satisfied her more than anybody else, she felt her sex drive more towards older person than young’s. That is because it was her father-in-law who had sex with her for the first, and then the uncle, then her dad, elder b*o….it was only Pavindra who was the young man among them. So she also had that feeling or rather she fed that thought in her that old guys and she made better accomplice during sexual intercourse.The D-day arrived. Pavindra stopped with a taxi, in front of their house, early at about 10.30 and got in to ask Neha out for that distant village. Neha was asking him how she should be dressed. They were both arguing between a sari and a gown and finally she wore a gown with a deep v cut and it reached just up her knees. It was while with some motifs over it, and was sleeveless.She told Pavindra, what if his father will come anytime in the day and won’t find them at home. He told her he knows that his dada will never come before 5 PM as the works in the field were very important as it was harvest there and they had to be to the sugar mill every time. So they left the house. Pavindra sat near the driver and the sister-in-law was at the back seat. The driver did not know the as Pavindra hired him from a long way out of the village. When Neha sat, her cleavage was all visible and the driver was now and then watching her in the mirror. Pavindra noticed that and was amused looking at that, but he pretended not seeing anything.Neha’s upper knees and part of the beginning of her white, fleshy thighs were also seen and the driver was enjoying, pleasing his eyes. He arranged the positioned the mirror to view her legs, and Neha had at that time sat with the legs parted and the driver had a view of the in-between of both her legs, and he, arranged his dick in his pant, and Parvindra giggled on seeing that. Neha from behind, patted him asking what was the matter. He told her that he will tell her later why he was laughing.At last they reached the desired place and Pavindra asked the driver to stop near Sheikh’s house. He paid him and asked him to come to pick them up by 3 PM. The driver asked “Any relative is sick brother? Bhabhi ji’s parents?” Pavindra smiled at him and said, “Yes Bhai, her father is serious.” The driver lifted his hands to the sky, meaning to say all is in God’s hands. They waited for the taxi to go at a distant only then they started getting into Sheikh’s yard. Sheikh and Roopchand were looking at them from his house and they told each other the woman was a sex bomb!! Sheikh said “Wow, it’s a very long time I have not fucked a young woman as this one dear! Look she has a wonderful body! Superb boobs my friend, look at her ass! It’s ready to receive our dicks Roopchand! And Roopchand to reply him, “Hey we must have done some very good deeds in the last birth to get such a girl to fuck! She is an angel Sheikh! Why do you think that man is sharing her with us?” Sheikh replied “they must be from the city and those people like swinging and sharing, they like to see their woman being fucked by others, and the women too love to be fucked by other men in front of their husband. The world has changed Roopchand, it has changed my dear, well let us change also, let’s go to fuck our daughter now!”When Pravind and Neha reached the threshold, before they knocked Roopchand opened the door. Neha lifted her head up to look in their face with a disturbed smile. Pavindra shook hands with them and was introducing Neha to them meanwhile Neha was studying both old guys from tip to toe, without missing to let her eye go over the part where their dicks were hidden!They started moving inside and both men kissed Neha on the cheeks while introduction and returned the kiss same way to them…….. Roopchand, brushed his hand over her ass while she was kissing him…. and Sheikh saw that, and Neha did as if she knew nothing……At last they were in the bedroom without losing time. Both men were hard erect and Parvindra too.So they were all in the bedroom. Neha and Pravindra had already arranged that he will call her Beb ahs will call him as sweetheart in the presence of the two men.So the tow old guys asked her to have a seat over the bed. She sat, and her gown moved upper over her knees giving the view of her white sexy thighs, the beginning of the fairer parts, which attracts…. The two oldies looked at each other and Sheikh spoke up first, “You are too beautiful a young lady sweety, we are so lucky to have you in our company to enjoy a bit.” So saying he sat close to her and put one of his hands over her shoulder and the other on her lap and caressed her thighs gently. She gave a smile and just looked down, and at Pravindra. He winked at her, and she smiled with Roopchand who was at that time studying her expressions. Roopchand asked, addressing to both of the couple, “Tell me dears, how come you both love such a relation?” Neha replied, “I am doing this only to please him, he is my boyfriend and he longs to see me with others, and wanted to accomplish this desire of his.” Then Sheikh asked her, “and who decided it to be with olds? It’s your preference or his, “Neha bent her head and shyly smiling said, “It’s my choice!” as soon as she said that he lifted up her face by her chin and placed his mouth over hers and pushed his tongue in her mouth which she sucked and they explored each others mouth. Neha was by then holding his shirt’s sleeve in her hands, and Sheikh’s hands was lifting up her gown, and it was gradually moved up to her waist, showing her, full things, hips and her white panty with small motifs. Pravindra pulled a chair and sat down to watch, dressing his dick in his pant. Slowly Sheikh pushed Neha over the bed, she lay gently, her arms were now across Sheikh’s shoulders, and her lips kissing his neck, and Sheikh’s lips brushing her neck going towards her breasts. Pravindra, signalled Roopchand to join in. So the old went to the bed and pressed Neha’s breasts which were still in her dress. The nipples were clearly seen erect, and the tip was as if wishing to get out free…. And at that time Sheikh’s mouth had reached her panty which he was pulling slowly with his teeth, and Roopchand helped him to move it out. Neha had a glance at Pravindra when the two oldies were taking out her panty, and Pravindra winked at her and took out his tongue to his lips to mock her. The two old, seeing her shaven pussy, and envious thighs, with the needed amount of flesh to please any man, they could not wait but both started licking and sucking a thigh each leaving dark red snaps over it. They afterwards turned her on her belly to undo the zip on her back dress, and slowly removed it, she lifted up her arms to let go the dress, the they undid the bra, and there she was all nude in between two old men, older than her father-in-law and her father. The two old dudes were by then very thrilled and their mouth watered. They looked at each other and smiled, then they each took a breast in their moth and started sucking to which Neha gave a light moan and stretched her head backward, and her eyes passed over Pravindra in that movement.Pravindra watched, excited, and adored looking at her so kindly, quietly accepting to receive two old strangers.A little time after sucking her breasts, Sheikh sat, to take off his clothes, but Pravindra said, “Uncle, let her take it out for you, for both of you.” And the old, turned towards Neha, who looked at Pravindra smiling and biting her lips. And started removing te shirt of Sheikh, then that of Roopchand, then she started, undoing the zip fastener of Sheikh’s trouser, and gently pulled his trouser, to see his hard dick in his underwear, which she gradually pulled little by little, to let a huge organ coming out of it! Her eyes were wide open and she said in a very stunned voice, “Oh my God! I have never seen such a huge cock!! So big?!” and she turned to look at Pravindra showing him the old man’s cock! It was long and thick! It was abnormally huge. She took it in her hands and touched the tip and asked “Why is it different to the others? Why is this tip not like others?” She asked that looking at Sheikh, then interrogatively at Pravindra. Sheikh replied, “It’s because it is circumcised my dear baby.”She was not understanding, then Sheikh asked her to undo Roopchand’s underwear then he will explain it to her. When Roopchand’s dick was out, of an average size, Sheikh told him to hold his sex in a way to show the foreskin. And Sheikh explained her, that the foreskin which is on Roopchand’s cock is removed from his cock. And she asked for the reason of that removal, to which Sheikh answered, “Well that is because of hygiene reason and as part of a religious rituals.”She was amused and was going on admiring Sheikh’s cock. And Roopchand put his cock to her mouth which she took without hesitation, meanwhile holding Sheikh’s dick in the other hand. She knelt on the bed, to get both dicks in both hands placing the two men by both sides of her and she started sucking both man respectively. When she was having Sheikh’s dick, she was getting to open her mouth larger as the dick was thicker and she complained that her mouth pains when she sucked Sheikh. But despite that she gave a good suck to both men who were glad under her pleasure. Pravindra continued watching with his hard dick in his hand by then, and he was going on rubbing it as though he was masturbating. Neha was now and then looking at him with a mischievous smile, during her sucking session. Sheikh was caressing Neha’s ass, which she was letting and enjoying too. Roopchand’s fingers were wetting her pussy, and another of his hand crushing her breasts, and pinching the nipples which at times made her give sharp moans.She said her mouth ached and she stopped the suck and lay flat over the bed. And both men started licking and sucking her clit, then her pussy. She started twisting over the bed during that session. Both men’s mouth was eating and savouring her pussy, and their hands were crushing her breasts and nipples. Pravindra with his eyes wide open continued watching….. And soon it was time for penetrations….. Sheikh started first, by gently putting the tip of his enormous dick to her pussy, and she got to spread her legs all wide to receive that huge cock. Pravindra got to stand up and come closer to the bed to have a better view. Sheikh, first rubbed his dick to her pussy to wet it with her discharged liquid, then slowly put the tip in the opening, Neha was lifting her head up to watch it getting in her, and she was giving a sigh with a gasp together, and when it got in little by little by the experienced pushes of Sheikh, Neha have a very long sigh and moaned out with a ‘aaaaaahhhhhh’……. Roopchand by that time was rubbing his dick over the side of her breasts…… Sheikh started moving in and out her and she was holding the bed sheet in her hands crushing them, stretching her body all over and letting the erect nipples pointing up high at the roof. Sheikh’s movements of the hips went on more and more rapid and she twisted more and more over the bed disordering the bed’s state….and suddenly Pravind whispered something in Roopchand’s and Sheikh’s ears, then Neha panting asked, ”What is it now? It was going so nice?! Huh?”Then Sheik turned flat over the bed and turned Neha upon her, his dick still in her and as Neha was over him now, Roopchand, licked her ass, wetted it with some of his saliva, and put his tip of the cock, to it, Neha shouted, “No! Don’t do that!” But Pravindra, told him to go ahead. So Roopchand, pushed it in little by little….Neha shouted moaning ‘aaaahhh…aaghghaagh ssssss…shshshshs…Oh my God!! Aaah!! Yessssss…yessss yes…slowly, gently please…..’ there she was with two dicks inside her! She had to part both legs apart as if tearing them, and she was moving in between the two men moaning with both pain and pleasure. From under her Sheikh was pushing in her pussy and over her Roopchand was pushing in and out her ass….. she was caught in between two oldies who were fucking like two youngsters….. But soon after some time, Sheikh wanted to penetrate her ass, and asked Roopchand to come down and change…Roopchand agreed. But neha objected, that it will pain to re-introduce at the back…. both man caressed and cajoled her, even Pavindra joined in caressing her, talking sweetly to her to please him and go on with the show. She got to give way to their lusty thoughts and actions and Roopchand lay flat she went over him with his dick in her pussy and when Sheikh’s cock tried to get in her ass she gave a sharp cry with moan and shouted, “No! It’s too big, it will hurt me, it won’t get it. No please don’t put that in me! It’s a monster of a cock…don’t do it there Mister.” But Sheikh was too eager to penetrate her there and he very cunningly, caressing, rubbing, cajoling, put the tip by moistening it well with saliva, she gave a sharp moan, the he pushed a little more, she moaned more with louder voice, and Sheikh pushed a bit more, meanwhile Roopchand was doing to and fro in her pussy, and finally Sheikh pushed his big dick al in a sudden deep in her ass and Neha shouted loudly, ‘AAAAAAAHHHHH, AAGHGHAAAGHGHG, SSSSSSSS….OH MY GOD, YOU ARE TEARING ME APART! I AM SURE IT WILL BLEED THERE YOU OLD BASTARD!!’…… And Sheikh was getting much pleasure when she was moaning like that, and he continued giving blows over blows as he felt the ass very tight and was getting much pleasure. Neha was gasping, panting and twisting from back to front, she bit Sheikh’s cheeks and her teeth’s marks implanted there…she was like in a state of euphoria…… and she felt getting her orgasm, her pussy all wet, the dick of Roopchand was having an easy go as it was too wet, but Sheikh was having a tight go as it was tight there….She encircled Roopchand sucking his shoulders and neck as she was in her orgasm state, and Roopchand started ejaculating by taking out his cock, but Sheikh ejaculated inside her, leaving his loads deep in her hole……Pravindra joined then, he mounted over her back like a dog and pushed his dick in her ass itself, and she cried with moans again when he penetrated, and very quickly Pravindra discharged his liquid inside her by holding her surrounding her belly, his fingers fingering her very wet pussy…..and he bit her shoulder and traced his dark red snap over back.Pravindra enjoyed the scenes a lot, and he became so horny after seeing her in that state that he did not take time to get pleased. He lay over her, his dick still inside her, his whole body all along hers, both lay flat and were feeling sleepy, when the two old went to have a shower.The two old guys after the shower talked and thought to have more of her. Roopchand had the idea to make Pavindra get his daughter so that he could make them have more of Neha. So they planned to talk to him.When they got back in the room, Neha and Parvindra were asleep. Both were naked yet asleep. Sheikh caressed Neha’s nude body on some parts like her thinghs, ass and back….she yawned and stood up moving Parvindra to wake up.Neha went to bath. And Sheikh and Ropchand talked to Parvindra. They told him Roopchand’s sister is a widow of only 35 years old and her daughter is 18 and hot and he will surely like to enjoy with her or both of them at once! When they related him how both of them fuck Roopchand’s sister, Parvind got erect again and found it very exciting that an old brother fucks his sister and niece! He thought it’s the same like Neha’s he was like obsessed by i****t’s relations, and it was a great pleasure for him to know Roopchand’s sister and niece. But in return they told him only if Neha came to fuck with them that they will give him that opportunity. He asked the two oldies about the niece, about her physical looks etc. Sheikh replied for Roopchand, “She is fantastic, even better than your Girlfriend. Even her mother is superb; you will want to fuck both dear!” Pavindra felt the urge need to see both ladies. And he asked if they could make him see them. And Roopchand asked him to come with him he will introduce him to them.He had to go about 200 metres walking to Roopchand’s place. But Neha was having her bath, and she could not be brought there. So he went near the bathroom and told her that he is going to look for someone and will be back within minutes.When they two were gone, Neha got out of the shower after some minutes. Sheikh was admiring her. The water flowing down her bare back, running to her waist, and she was rubbing her head, she smiled looking at him and he winked at her. She moved her eyes sideways and asked “Where are the other 2” Sheikh replied, “They have given me another opportunity with you darling!” Neha looked back in his face and seriously said, “No. I don’t want to do it again.” Sheikh stood up approaching her, she stepped back but he was too near and enlaced her by the waist to make his organ still in his pant rub to her belly and pussy. She was pushing him, but his mouth started looking for her lips, and he whispered in her ears, “Come on baby, I am hard again, we are alone, they won’t come so fast, we get the time to do it once more.” Neha c***dishly complained by hitting her feet on the floor, “hmmm!! I am tired, can’t take it more uncle, you are too naughty you!” And Sheikh took her in his arms like holding a baby and put her on the bed. There she was again, only wrapped in a towel, all her nudity open to Sheikh’s view. Sheikh admired her white skin, with the beautiful fleshy parts of her thighs, hips and butt. He then violently snatched out the towel to make her all naked over the bed and he mounted over her after taking off all his clothes. He started by kissing, licking her toes, calf, thighs and mounted rigorously up to her breasts by passing over her belly and navel. She started whining with mischievous moans in her voice as though she wanted it but was pretending. Sheikh held her breast firmly in his strong hands and crushed them into, then put his mouth over the nipple and sucked the juices…it still had droplets of water there as she was out of the shower….he ran his hot tongue all over and she quivered under his touch and gradually gave up to him. She was at his mercy soon.Sheikh arduously kissed and sucked both breasts and nipples to his pleasure at the same time his hard rod thrusting over her pussy and Neha started twisting under his body, then she surrounded his shoulder with her soft arms and placed her mouth over his and their tongue started melting in each others mouth once again. He slowly introduced his cock in her pussy which made her lift up her hips to gain his contact to her body and when he started giving the blows one after another she held him firmly with her arms around his back passing under his arms. Sheikh felt the pleasure of her submission and groaned fucking her rapidly moving his hips faster. They were meanwhile kissing each other and his hands ran to the erogenous parts of her body to make her stretch more and more giving him much pleasure. And soon he felt his loads coming and he took his cock out to press it quickly to her mouth and asked her to wipe it with her tongue which she did in ecstasy by holding the huge organ in both her hands.They were both pleased and she k**ded, “You are very naughty, I just cleaned myself and see you spoiled me all over once more!” And he grinned kissing her on the mouth, saying “You are so hot sweetheart that I could not stand it anymore!” Roopcahand and Pavindra came in after half an hour. And the taxi soon horned outside for them to leave. Pavindra did not tell her anything about Roopchand’s next program, and Neha did not tell him that Sheikh fucked her again when he was out.When they were returning home, in the car Pavindra was thinking how he will tell her about the next meeting with them…..Well they were back home before her father-in-law was back from the field. Pavindra had well planned all so that they don’t get caught. Neha went to have her bath and Pavindra sat down thinking about the future meeting with the oldies. He was striken by the beauty of Roopchand’s daughter, even the mother was superb. He wanted to have them both now, but the condition was that Neha must be given to them. And he was wondering what will Neha say or do on learning that he wants her to go there again.Well the night elapsed well. He slept like a log, not interested to know either his father will fuck her or not. He was too tired.The next day he tried to approach her with the talk. He started by asking if she enjoyed it the day before. She smiled a bit with timidity and only nodded. Pavindra said, “Timidity and you does not work fine Bhabhi.” She smiled and k**ded, “Why? You want me to behave like those hot, sexy, bitch type ladies?” He answered, “No, but the way you are hesitating to answer about yesterday’s adventure, it’s like the woman who wants it but conceals the desire.” She laughed saying, “Of course I liked it much baby, but why must I tell and announce about it? Well, in fact yes I loved it and enjoyed it very much, happy now?” And Pavindra felt excited and neared her asking, “Bhabhi, this is what excites me with you. I want to know how you feel about it, relate me, it thrills me deep inside and I feel my spine arouse with desire. Where you are concerned and sex, it’s a pair for me bhabhi. I want you and only you where sex is concerned and you know it that you are my first woman, so please me by relating me your inner feelings, please.”Neha knew his feelings and she understood what he was trying to point out. So she gave a sigh and asked him, “Now you tell me, how did you feel when you saw another man doing that with me? How did you take it when two strangers were undressing me, when you saw me holding their dicks and licking and sucking them? I want to know your feelings too. Tell me.” Pavindra was a bit surprised by her interrogations. But even though he talked, “Bhabhi, you knew it since the beginning that I was interested to see you with two at once, like dad and uncle did at night, so I also had told you that I had many time fantasised that I will be the third person to be together. So for me that was a moment of dream come true. It was very exciting, electrifying, exhilarating. I was like being drowsy living that moment bhabhi.”And Neha replied him, “So my dear young brother-in-law, it was the same feeling for me as well. I was too delighted; stimulated to see those two men and you looking at me at the same time… more exciting were each time when I was looking in your eyes to see your pleasure and your appalled look gazing at me. That man’s dick was amazing! So huge?! All that added to the body pleasure. So in the whole I loved it a lot and my orgasm had no bound. I loved it dear.”Happy on learning all that from Neha he started the main point. He asked, “So tell me bhabhi, how will you like it for a next same adventure?” She looked at him with one eye, half smiling and said,” I was sure this question was to come from you!” Pavindra, held her by her waist, pulled her to feel her warmth, his hip collated to her womb, said gently, “Bhabhi darling, it was the happiest moment of my life those hours spent in company of those two men. You were so hot and loving, you seemed to enjoy every moment of that love making, and you looked like a professional lover of sex. And I want to live those moments again and again with you and the others. Neha said, “Well not for so early. I will let you know when I feel like doing it again baby.” Pavindra was glad and wished that day comes sooner. Two days passed and they had light loving sessions among themselves. Nothing worth relating. One day they slept together in the day till the head of family made noise outside in the yard, when she ran to her room before he could see her.And then came this day! A car stopped in front of their house around 10 of the morning and Parvind went to look outside to see Neha’s brothers, Sunil and Anil getting inside the yard!Parvind greeted them and asked them in when he went inside to call Neha. When Neha came to meet her brothers, she was very surprised and happy too. Her face turned red and tears dropped along her cheeks. First she hugged Sunil the elder, and he held her tightly in his arms and slightly caressed her bare back as her blouse of the sari had a deep cut there. His other hand ran over her waist to land on her ass. Parvindra was watching all that a bit surprised. He asked himself, ‘what? Her brothers too do it with her? Or is it my dirty mind which makes me think like that? It must be brotherly love…no no no I am thinking ill in vain!” The brothers and sisters then kissed on the cheeks making noise and when Anil kissed her, Pavindra noticed his tongue touched her lips. Again he told himself it must be his dirty thoughts which made him see such things.After half an hour of talks, the brothers told Pavindra that they have come to take Neha to the town as they had to buy her some stuff they wanted to gift her.Readers will remember here that the last time that Neha had been to her father’s place the elder b*o had got her but Anil was unsuccessful and Sunil had told him he will bring Anil here and they will enjoy her together. So this was the plan.Pavindra felt very disturbed when he found Neha got dressed in a very beautiful silk sari, flimsy, blouse very deep cut, letting all her cleavage visible, going with her brothers. He wished to go together with them, he even proposed too, but Sunil told him that his father may come to look for him and may get angry, so he must stay to tell him about there presence….His eyes was on Neha’s ass when she walked out of the house with a splendid smile, her hips moving to the rhythm of her steps and her scent perfuming the atmosphere around…..she got in the car and it started, the brothers sat in the front and Neha at the back, she waved smiling at Parvindra…..Sunil, the elder among the two brothers, had already booked a room in the closest town before coming to fetch Neha. Anil too was aware but not Neha. She thought they were taking her somewhere else.On reaching the hotel, he parked the car and all three got out then Neha asked about the whereabouts of that place. Sunil explained her. She gave a sigh and said,” Hmm!! You b*o!?” They walked toward the reception and Sunil asked the room’s key he had reserved. The receptionist, a beautiful girl, handed the room’s keys to Sunil and stared at Neha as she knew, she was going to be fucked by two men!! But she did not know they were two brothers with a sister!! An attendant neared the receptionist and she whispered in his ear, “Look at that! Two in one!!” The attendant looked with lusty eyes at Neha as she was walking in the corridor to the room. When they were gone the attendant said to the receptionist, “She is so young! The two men are elders, who is she by the way a new client?” He thought her to be one among the prostitutes who are is usually hired by the hotel for their customers. But the receptionist told him that the customers brought her themselves.The attendant got the idea to get that lovely young lady for the customers of the hotel. He talked about it to the manager. The manager wanted to see Neha now as he also believed her to be a prostitute. So both the attendant and the manager went to knock at their room.Anil opened the door and the manager got in and asked to talk to the woman with them. Sunil objected by saying he would not allow him to talk to her. The manager was angry and told him, that he was aware that he has hired a whore from outside so why he could not hire her for his hotel! Neha was astounded by hearing that, and Sunil and Anil looked at each other mouth open, dumb!Then Sunil pulled the manager apart by his hand and tried to explain him that she is a married lady and they just got her to enjoy a bit as her husband is abroad!! The attendant put his ears to listen what he was talking.So, convinced, the manager left. But the attendant who dealt with commissions with such women, thought to try his best to contact the woman (Neha) even she is married and he decided to tell her that she can earn good sum of bucks and entertain rich clients of the hotel. Even she is married and had a husband, the attendant used to manage meetings of rich business men who loved to fuck married ladies who left their husbands and came to the hotel for a fucking session against payment. They were named ‘The social whores’ Well, in the room, Sunil explained Neha that since Anil had not been able to enjoy her the last time she had come, they both arranged for this day to have great moments with her. Neha smiled and said, “So you told all to Anil bhaiya, about what you did when I had been to your place!” Anil replied, “But had I not come to take you but dad had refused you to come with us? Look little s*s, since you were very young, we were unmarried and we were enjoying with you in a way or another, but you were too small so you won’t remember. We three were often together, in the forest, in the river, nude, in the fields, on the roofs, everywhere we were staying together, and we had great opportunities to do many things with you that’s why we are together and we never hide anything with each other we two brothers.” Neha told herself, ‘you elder brothers think that I don’t remember, but the fact is that I remember all that we three had been doing, I remember how you were pulling out my panty to rub your cocks over it…how you had first ejaculated and I had asked what it was, etc…’ But she smiled inside herself thinking of the days she was too young.Neha was sitting in between the two brothers over the bed and Sunil started moving the sari around her shoulder. She gave way for it to be removed, he untwisted it several times, helped by Anil, and her cleavage were all visible and she was laughing looking at both one by one by seeing their expression of hunger in their eyes. She got to stand up for Sunil to undo the sari around her body till it was all out. Anil enlaced her in that standing position and started kissing her face, cheeks, neck, rubbing his dick still in his pant over her dress near her hips. Sunil, opened her blouse and she was in bra and little by little they removed all and got themselves undressed and all three were nude over the bed again. Neha was smiling looking at them and she burst into a laugh by seeing how they were devouring her naked body. She was going on laughing and the two brothers also started laughing. Then Neha spoke, “Is this what for you took me here my dear brothers? To laugh and play?” then Anil, knelt over the bed, held his erect dick in his hand and brought it to his sister’s mouth. And he added,” I have heard that you are specialised in sucking a cock, so show me your talent little s*s.” Neha was still laughing a little bit, took the cock in her hand delicately and asked, “Why? Bhabhi does not do this oral exercise for you b*o? She is young and modern I suppose she does it isn’t it?” Anil answered, “A wife’s suck and a sister’s suck can’t be same sweetheart, here it’s i****t sucking, and there it is legal sucking, in i****t there is much more pleasure since its taboo, you see!” By then, Neha had already started running her tongue all along the length of her brother’s dick to the pleasant view of the eldest brother. Sunil also neared his hard cock holding it in his fingers to her mouth and she left Anil’s dick to take that of Sunil, she sucked him then changed and took the other one then again changed…..she sucked each by turn and both men were losing in a bliss….. And soon they were lying over the bed, Neha’s legs spread apart Anil’s mouth was in between her thighs, his tongue exploring her pussy taking out the juices, while Sunil was drinking the nectar produced from her tongue which was sucked by Neha. Gradually, her breasts were explored, licked and sucked by the brothers, both her breasts were in each mouth of her brothers and she was quivering in a sort of elation and was as if in a trance. One hand of each brother was on her pussy, their fingers doing to and fro meanwhile they were going on sucking her breasts, her body vibrated in their arms and she shuddered. Now Anil was under Neha, his dick in her pussy doing to and fro, Neha was in the position as if sitting on a motorcycle, with both legs on one side, and she was moving her hips too….Sunil had the view of her ass, the hole was as though opening and shutting, he could not hold anymore and gently pushed his cock in anal action. There she was again with two dicks in her body. She gave a moan and moved more and more felt a spasm enveloping her, she trembled moaned, whined, wailed but continued receiving both brothers cocks in her till she started feeling the delight of pleasure and frenzy state of getting into orgasm and she cried with moans and pleasure, “Aaaahhhhh….iisssshshshshshsh….woooooooo….yessssssssssssss, give me more bhai, more, yesssssssssss its soooooooooo goooooooooood, I loveeeeeeee it…aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!! yes yes yes….” and she lay her body as if with no life over Anil who ejaculated taking out his dick under her, and Sunil groaned, growled with a grunt, leaving all his sperm inside her ass moving his hip and his vocal sound was, “ gghghghmmmmmm, agghghghgaaaaaghghghg hhaaaaaaa” his mouth went over the back of her neck and he kissed and bite her there leaving a dark red oval shaped snap. Neha was so fair that a simple kiss left marks over her complexion.When they were leaving the Hotel, the attendant went to talk to Neha. Sunil objected. The attendant insisted. And Anil told Sunil to let him have a word if he so much was insisting. So he took Neha aside and talked to her in low voice. Sunil went to wait for her in the car, Anil was waiting for her in the reception room, but Neha asked him to join Sunil and wait for her there. So Anil also went in the car and they waited for her. There the attendant dared to say this to Neha, “ Maa’m, I am responsible here to get beautiful girls for businessmen, officers who often come here looking for sweet girls and I wish you to be one among them.” Neha was not that surprised as he heard what he had told with his brothers in the room. She knew that he was thinking her to be a whore. So she kindly told him, “I am not that type of woman dear.”He – Look madam, you come here with two men in a room and it is understood what you are. Please don’t feel bad, I understand.She- Look I am a married woman, they are my husband’s friends and I like them….He- That’s it madam, you are so young and beautiful, any man would like to have you on his bed, so just like you cane with your husband’s friends, please do it for my customers, you will get good rewards.Neha, felt at that time something urging deep in her and felt like wanting to experience that kind of adventure also. She answered:She- How can you be sure your customers would accept me? They have never seen me so?He- You know madam, all my customers accept whatever I bring with their eyes closed because I have the knowledge to chose for them. Never have I chosen any stuff which has displeased them. And I know their tastes. You will earn about Rs.2000 in some hours only madam, just think about it and have a try.She- you are taking me for a whore isn’t it?He- No madam, no whore are accepted by my customers. No street women at all. They love to have women who cheat on their husbands or those who escapes from their house to come for pleasure in hidings. There are many ladies who do this business and their husbands have never known. I keep full confidentiality.Neha was getting thrilled and a sort of envy wrapped her whole body hearing all that. She was asking herself did she give it a try. She was wishing to try, but was not able to decide.She- And if I accept your proposal, how would I get in touch with you?He- I know you will never accept me to know about your whereabouts nor give me any contact number, though many ladies contact me by phone, so I am giving you my phone number. Do call me whenever you decide for it.She – No I won’t ever call you. I will come here when I want to. Are you always here anytime?He- yes madam, anytime you come here, if I am not around, just tell the receptionist that you want to see Babulall. She will call me on the spot.She- Okay, Babulall. Let me go. I will come to see you for sure. But mind it. I will never be available at night; it’s only during the day that I am free.The receptionist smiled at Neha as she heard all and she welcomed her, with a head signal. She left and joined her brothers in the car. They wanted to know what the man was telling her but she just changed subject by talking of another matter.Anil was driving and Sunil and Neha sat on the back seat and on their way home, he took Neha in his arms, kissed her, sucked her breast and fondled her a lot. Anil was getting amused looking at them in the mirror.They stopped to buy some bangles, ear rings and other stuffs for her, and at last reached her home and dropped her.Parvindra was eagerly waiting and was feeling like she has gone to get fucked by her own brothers. But he was every time telling himself that his filthy mind was thinking dirty. Hethen suddenly remembered the day she had mentioned her papa with the father-in-law….. And he thought he must try to talk about it to her….. He thought he will approach that subject while talking to her.As soon as the brothers drove away he followed Neha in the house, up to her bedroom, enlaced her from behind and murmured brushing her cheeks and ears, “Oh you are looking so hot in this suit bhabhi, oh! I missed you so, so much my darling bhabhi.” She smiled at him and said, “ you liar!” Parvindra continued with the movements of smooches, and he asked, “Bhabhi tell me one thing, you got dressed in this way, so sexy, so hot, your breasts are visible, your brothers did not say anything?” She looked in his eyes and asked, “Why such a question? They are my brothers only; do you think they are like YOU?” And during the smooch, her hair from her back moved aside and Parvind found the dark red snap of kiss and sucks left over the back of her neck. He knew her body very well and as he often have intimate relations with her he knows when there is a mark on her body and when not, so he knew immediately that she has been fucked by the brothers. He felt angry as she lied to him and loudly said, “You are a damn bitch bhabhi! You get yourself FUCKED by your brothers? By not only one, but two brothers!!” She was shocked and looked at him taken aback. He continued, “Don’t look like that at me! What is it at the back of your neck? Which among the brother fucked your ass? You had a threesome with your own brothers? Huh?” Neha thought of the deep kiss and suck of Sunil when he was getting pleased and remembered it must have left a snap…… She sat on the bed feeling worn out and gazed in Parvindra’s eyes guiltily and bent down her head.Parvindra was expecting a reply from her and asked, “So? Bhabhi? Any answer? Where had they taken you? To be fucked? When you were leaving itself I felt something was fishy…… I had that intuition, but then I thought that was my dirty mind’s ideas. But now I want you to reply me tell me!!” Neha felt bad and shouted to him, “YES! YES I WENT TO GET FUCKED BY MY brotherS! WHERE IS YOUR PROBLEM IN THAT? IT’S NOT OF YOUR BUSINESS. WHEN YOUR FATHER WHO IS MY FATHER-IN-LAW FUCKED ME, WHEN YOU, MY brother-IN-LAW FUCKS ME, WHEN YOU CAN TAKE ME TO GET FUCKED BY OLD STRANGERS, SO WHAT THE bloodY HELL OUT OF IT WHEN MY brotherS FUCK ME? YOU DAMN HYPOCRITE! SELFISH ,BASTARD!” After saying that she sat on the bed and started crying with her face buried in her hands.Parvindra was dumbfounded on hearing her words and seeing her in that state of despair. He felt within seconds that all his dreams coming to an end. His vision of taking her to Sheikh and groups, his getting Roopchand’s daughter and wife, he felt all getting in water. And so, he hurried to her, took her in his arms, and started comforting her with gentle caress over her head, face and cheeks with these words, “I am sorry, sorry Bhabhi. Please forgive me, Shshshsh, please stop crying, I love you. I will never ask you again. You go with your brothers or whoever you wish I won’t ever ask, please do forgive me. I am so, sorry Bhabhi.” She took and deep breath and wiping her cheek said, “No it’s I, who am sorry dear. You forgive me; I should not have talked that way with you. Sorry.”And they held each other tightly in each others arms and were lost in a passionate kiss……They looked liked a couple in love the way they both were lying over the bed in each other’s arms and kissing and turning up and down over each other. They stayed that way for about half an hour and Pravind was successful in moulding her to his way by his sweet words and kisses and caresses.They started talking. She asked, “What made you so jealous by seeing the snaps on my neck?” He answered, “Bhabhi I can’t explain my feeling towards you. I love so much, we are like two real lovers yet we both share same sexual feelings, you accept to share what I ask and despite you were with dad and uncle I accepted you like that so I feel like you only had to tell me about your brothers then I would have felt comfortable.”And Neha related him all about her and her dad and brothers. Parvindra was amazed and asked, “Your dad? Your own dad? That’s very exciting bhabhi!” And Neha told him,”My dad was always caressing me after getting drunk when I was much younger, he used to lick my thighs and fondle my breasts and I always pretended to be sleeping when he did that so I knew that one day or another he will get me after my marriage. So that was it.”And then Neha told her about the attendant at the hotel. Parvindra said, “I do not agree about that Bhabhi. You don’t do that.” Neha answered,” if you don’t agree then it’s alright I will never got to see that man.”But soon after Parvindra said, “But bhabhi it’s in fact a very good idea! Why not you accept that? You must go but I go together with you to that hotel. I will be your husband and you will be my wife and we introduce ourselves to that attendant and ask him to make you get the client but the condition will be that I will be together with you during the action!!” Neha refused aborting the issue. So they were two accomplices in whatever they were to do as they planned. It was then that Pravindra told her about Roopchand and his daughter and sister. Neha then said, “So that’s where you had been leaving me alone with that Sheikh? You know, I did not tell you but sheikh did it again when you were out! He enjoyed me once more when I got out of the bath room.” “Pravindra was amused saying, ” wow!! He did it again? Bhabhi he is terrible isn’t it? You like him much isn’t it bhabhi?” Neha acquiesced. She said, “I had never seen such a huge dick as his!” and for his age that man is so robust! I really enjoyed him.” Pravind was staring in her eyes and loving her lost expression in the thoughts of Sheikh’s dick! Neha then talked again, “Just like you love to watch me with old men I would love to see you with another woman, older than you? Is that possible? ” Immediately Pravind replied, “Of course bhabhi, we only have to be together with Ropchand and family and you can see me with his sister! She is around 35 years old. And her daughter is as old as you!”And it was decided that he will take another appointment with Roopchand and group. Neha, then told him that she was going to have a bath. And Pravindra said, so today I will get the opportunity to bath you bhabi. It’s the right occasion.”Neha refused by telling him that she is tired as she just had it with her brothers, but Pravindra was adamant and he followed her to the bathroom.Once inside, he started undoing his bhabhi’s sari, unwrapping it little by little around her body making her swirl around…. then he held her and slowly opened the blouse which was already very low-cut. He enlaced her while moving it out and his mouth was over her breasts and his tongue started licking them…. Neha was motionless; she was not in that mood at all at that moment. Pravindra. opened the shower and let her get drenched when the blouse and petty coat was still on her…the water dripping from her head, passing through her long black hair wetting all and reaching her breasts and going towards her belly, and legs… He left her and stood there watching the game of the water…. then he very gently put his hand to her wet waist and caressed it, moving his hands towards her butt, and thighs….She was at that moment feeling a little bit excited, but yet needed more actions to get aroused. So Pravindra knelt down his eyes still fixed on her face, he lifted the wet petty coat which seemed to be heavier as it was wet and he started lifting it up very slowly….. little by little her white sexy thighs started appearing, and they looked so stimulating, electrifying, that Parvindra felt his dick wishing to get perabet güvenilir mi out of his trouser… and when it was lifted up to her hips, her white panty soaked in the running water, Pravindra put his mouth there to drink the running water and licked the panty, piercing his tongue as if to make a hole in it…. it was the that Neha was completely aroused and need to be loved by him…. she pressed his head against her pussy and pulled his hair into her fingers, while Pravindra was removing her panty with his mouth …..Gradually they were both naked, and were both wet with all the water dripping from the shower….. They were holding each other in their arms and kissing while swallowing the water coming form the shower as well….. Neha gave him her shampoo to pass over her body…. and she took some in her hand to pass over Pravind’s body…. there they were each of them rubbing the body of the next with shampoo….Pravindra rech her pussy and washed it with the shampoo, and Neha was twisting like a snake standing upward…. Pravindra then started sucking her pussy enlacing her waist and pressing her ass with his fingers which were getting deep in the flesh…. After a good suck which turned Neha on, and her juices had a flow mixed with the water…. it was her turn to wash her young brother-in-law…she knelt down and stared rubbing the shampoo over his hard dick, and she moved her fingers delicately, then gradually her movements went on quicker and Pravindra was quivering on every stroke from her sister-in-law…….And at last it was the time for the climax as both needed it badly by then…. Pravindra stood up, and got her the same way he had when she was washing clothes on the stone…. he held one of her legs in his hand, still standing and pulled her to him, she was leaning against the cold marble of the bathroom wall, and he gently penetrated his hard dick into her which made Neha stand up on her toes to give him way to continue further…. so Pravindra was losing himself when his dick started doing to and fro the one blow more fast than the other, his mouth over her wet neck and son licking her breasts, he went on faster and faster and Neha went on with firm twists crushed beside him…till she started the moaning murmurs…. he voice increased volume and it was heard…”hmmmm…aaahhahahahah….yeesssss go on…I love you baby…yesssss faster, faster,,,,do it…yes you can…aahhhhh …….. “And Neha reached her orgasm, holding Pravindra with more stronger grip, while Pravindra got to pull out his cock to discharge the loads over her belly and left the rest in her mouth by pushing her to sit down on her legs and by closing the shower……..Both got very pleased and embraced each other opening the shower again having their bath together brother-in-law and sister-in-law……That night Neha had no mood to have anymore sex so she kept in her room sleeping. But the old father-in-law wanted that night. He waited for her till 1.30 of the early morning and on seeing her coming he went to her room. She was deep asleep when he moved her. She got awake in shocked and c***dishly said that she did not wish to do it for this night, but the father-in-law was very eager and told her that he can’t wait. He lifted her in his arms like a c***d and walked to his room carrying her. She was yawning, in her flimsy nighty, without bra, her panty was clearly visible in the very flimsy dress.He laid her over his bed and made love to her. He was very wild this night and Neha moaned loudly. She was so tired of receiving 4 men within 24 hours, her two brothers, Pravindra and now the old that she slept on his bed till next morning.Her husband Ravindra woke up by 6AM, went to the toilet, had his bath, brushed his teeth, but did not look for her. He knew she must be in her father’s room sleeping. Now how was the behaviour of Neha towards him? She talked to him very sweetly, served him his tea every morning, served him water any time he needed, served him, and every one dinner, massaged his legs and body when he returns from the fields, talks to him at night before he gets asleep. So she did all her duties of a wife towards him. He never complained of her.But he was aware about her and his father’s relationship as he allowed it himself the night his dad had gone to arouse him. When Neha woke up she was dazed and shaken to see it was day and she was still on her father-in-law’s bed. She was all nude; she was stunned that she slept naked with him all along the night. She picked up her clothes and ran to her room, but Ravindra was having tea in the kitchen which he made himself and he just looked at her as if nothing happened. Neha felt disturbed and quickened her steps.Well once that Ravindra and his father left for the field, like Neha did everyday, she went to Pravindra’s room with a cup of tea and teased him to wake up…. he was like a small k** being awoken by his mother, with lots of mischievous actions. He was at last out of bed and asked Neha to come to the bathroom again like yesterday and they will bath together. But Neha laughed at him telling him that she had already had her bath.Exceptionally on that day Pravind’s father came home at noon. Fortunately they were not having sexual intercourse. Neha was red with fear when the old man got in the house. He called for Pravind and told him that his friend, who is a famous engineer, is in the nearby village for the construction of a dam and he needs an assistant and he had recommended his name. So he had to go to meet that man. Pravind had got the habit of staying at home like a prince, and was not at all ready to work after all now that Neha was there. He looked at his father with a disturbed look and interrogatively. Neha looked in his face sad and amazed. Will they now be separated?Pravind told his dad that he is not at all interested in that kind of work. His father turning to Neha said, “Bahu, tell this idiot to stop roaming in the village like a rowdy and stop eating on his father’s earnings. Tell him to do something, ask him to be responsible and earn something at least. People are queuing there at Mr. Sharma’s to get that job. I am his friend that’s why he has accepted to give him that job.”Neha blushed and did not know what to say. Pravind was thinking of the future programs he had with Neha, how he will activate them and all that. He was too much used to her now and did not wish to be away from her. And then he was jealous too, lest someone else starts getting her in his absence. He was worried and did not know what to say.His father obliged him to come with him to meet Mr. Sharma. He had no option and got to go. He looked at Neha sadly, as if he was about to cry. Neha too felt very sad, but only looked in his face sympathetically. She could not do anything as his father who was ordering and was too serious.As soon as they left, after exactly 5 minutes someone knocked at the door. Neha was in the kitchen washing the plates they used for lunch. ‘Who could it be at this time? Nobody ever comes here’ she told herself. She thought they had returned having forgotten something.She went to open the front door and was taken aback to see her father standing at the threshold with a huge baggage. Since she was married it was his first visit. Neha looked very happy and threw herself in his arms. He enlaced her and kissed her cheeks, her neck and caressed her ass. She exclaimed, “Papa you came just 5 minutes late, my father-in-law just left the house. Pravindra went too, he had come to take him.” Her father murmured in her ears, “Who wants to meet your father-in-law or Pravind sweetheart? It’s my luck that they went away, I was praying for that and my prayer has been answered!” he said happily, while stepping inside the house. Neha was dressed in a two-piece, that was her favourite, she loved to be dressed in two-pieces when at home. Her cleavage was visible as usual and the skirt reached just above her knees and letting part of her thighs, just above the knees be seen. The beginning of the fairer colour; above the knees, which looked very exciting and attracted men. She was dressed that way for Pravindra but alas!Her father after putting the baggage down held Neha firmly in his arms and started running his tongue around her neck and at the beginnings of her breasts. Neha smiled and naughtily asked, “Why papa dear, you are hungry as if??” He replied “Oh my baby, I missed you so much, so, so much…come to papa, come to papa darling , papa wants to eat you!! Hey” Neha laughed and taunted, “Hmm as if you did not get any other woman since I left your place? Hmmm?” The father was too eager to fuck her, he was roaming his hands under her skirt fondling over her thighs and her ass, passing his palm over her panty over the ass while his mouth was looking for her mouth…..He at last got her mouth, and Neha opened her mouth to her father’s and both their tongues started exploring each other’s mouth. At same hand he was pulling her panty with one hand. They were both still standing and Neha, pointed her bedroom to him still caught in the kiss.They reached her bedroom and Neha herself, took out her panty, removed her blouse and the father came close pressed her boobs over the bra and tenderly removed it, and hungrily started licking, kissing and eating the breasts of her daughter. Then still kissing the boobs he took away his shirt and his pant, then pulled her skirt out, when still occupied with her boobs….. then Neha threw her whole body over the bed and gave herself completely to her papa. The old dad, then knelt over the floor, kissed, smelled, and sucked her panty, Neha spread her legs apart to let her father admire her open cunt. The old man, grunted, rumbled, grumbled and pulled out the panty violently, and started eating the pussy like he eating a ripen mango…. he took out all the juices and Neha started to spin, like a rotating instrument over the bed giving sharp moans…. she was very excited too, as she loved doing that with her dad, it was her c***dhood play and fantasy, she felt herself again being that young girl that she was before marriage and felt her dad wanting her at that time and she was giving herself to him…. in such thoughts she felt being aroused tremendously…. it was an intense feeling of thrill that she could not bear and was pulling the little hair which remained on her father’s scalp…… after a good sucking, he moved up taking his big erect dick in his hand and placed it to her mouth…. he loved it so much as he never had it before in his life…. Neha very delicately, stroked her father’s cock, moved the foreskin, and ran her tongue lightly over the red tip, on the opening of the urine passage, which made the old man shudder, he pleaded, “yes my love, my baby, make papa happy, suck papa sweetheart, take it whole in your mouth, make it reach your throat,” he groaned.And Neha, who was now experienced or rather specialised in sucking, gave her old papa a wonderful sucking session. The old man was gasping, panting, trembling with pleasure….he was about to discharge and moaned, “Neha, my baby, I will come, please stop, wait I want to fuck…..”She stopped with a mischievous, smile looking at her dad with eyes as if she had taken d**gs. The father held his cock in his hand pressed it not to get discharged….. And waited some time…. then he mounted on his daughter….And it did not take time as his cock entered her wet pussy, she moaned with a loud, “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!” And he moved only about 7 times and he got to take it out as he was cumming….. Neha quickly got up and without being asked she took her father’s cock in her soft hands and directed it to her mouth, part of the sperm fell over her breasts and part went in her mouth…. she sucked the last drops coming out and the old man shivered on her daughter’s action, with moans like, “Aaaaghghgh, ooooooooaaaaah, yesssssssssss, oh my God! Its superb beta…I love it…you are superb my love…sorry I could not please you…I was so excited baby…”Her father stayed till late evening when the three men of the house returned from outside.Neha’s father-in-law and her father met each other and sat for a drink when she went to prepare food. Pravindra went to join her in the kitchen and enquired about her father and asked if he did anything to her? She told him frankly that it cannot be that nothing would happen since he came for that and the opportunity was in his favour. Pravindra felf jealous and said, “That’s amazing bhabhi! He came as soon as we left, as though he knew that we were to go! It seems as if you had contacted him and told him to come as you were alone!” Neha Smiled and said, “Fortunately we do not have a phone here or else many others would have been contacting me from my native village, you know it!” Pravindra was feeling unease and he went to stare at Neha’s father in the lounge where she was sitting with his dad. But he could not do anything, although he was not happy about his relation with her daughter. He understood that Neha loves her dad and she must have enjoyed his presence and sexual intercourse with him. He tried to visualise where they would have made love and how Neha would have enjoyed him and vice versa. He suddenly had a wish to see her father fucking her…. his passion of seeing others fucking her aroused and he wanted to ask Neha to give him an opportunity to let him watch. He went back to the kitchen and asked Neha to ask his papa to stay tonight and she give him the chance to fuck her this night, and he would watch. But Neha told him even her papa would stay, he won’t do it at night in that house as the three men will be in the house, he will not ever take such a risk. But Pravind told Neha to explain him that she will come to meet him in the guestroom late at night when all will be asleep. Yet Neha told him what if the father-in-law wakes up or hear anything? It will be too risky and dangerous; she said she will not do that even if her father stayed!Pravindra wanted to make that happen and planned something. He went to join his father and Neha’s dad in the lounge and had a chat. He then told his father, “Pitaji, ask uncle to stay and he can leave tomorrow morning as it quite late.” His father said, “Yes my friend, its late, do stay and tomorrow you leave early.” Neha’s father accepted and Pravindra said, “Okay, I am going to arrange the guestroom for uncle’s stay. Now if you, my dear readers have followed my writings from the beginning you must have all gone through the page where I have drawn a sketch showing the room of Pravindra and the guestroom. They are annexed to each other. Right, So this is what Pravindra planned in his head to be able to see all from his room as he had drilled a hole in the beginning when he was going to eavesdrop from the AC in his father’s room, he had thought one night who knows his father will take Neha into the guestroom and so he drilled that hole to be able to see in that room.He placed a photo frame on both sides that is one in his room and one in the guestroom to hide the drilled hole. Now that he went to arrange the room he removed the photo frame and placed a towel there, so that from his room with a small wire he will succeed to move the towel to watch inside. The bed in that room was just opposite the hole he had drilled and he could get all the view very clearly. He had done all that to see his dad with Neha, but he had never thought one day he will get to watch his bhabhi with her own papa. He went in the kitchen and announced to Neha that her father is staying the night. And he added that he will have to fuck her at night as he will arrange all. Neha was not accepting but Pravindra told her not to worry, everything will go fine and nobody will ever know anything except him. Neha was reluctant and worried because it’s her father-in-law who takes her almost every night.Now what was the plan of Pravindra? How will he make that happen? Let us see that together friends.He went to sit together with his dad and Neha’s dad, and started pouring whisky one after another to his father’s glass and diminishing to that of Neha’s father’s glass. He got his father all drunk within an hour of sitting with them. In between, Neha came to serve them now and then. Pravindra had only two or three sips of the whisky. And Neha’s father was not that drunk either. But Pravind’s father had to be carried to his bedroom and was K.O. The night started and Ravindra, Neha’s husband had some words with his father-in-law when he bed him goodnight and went to sleep. Were left in the lounge Pravindra, Neha and her father. Pravindra was watching every looks of Neha’s father without being noticed and he was getting excited when the father was touching her every now and then while talking with her. Pravindra was acting as though he was not paying attention to them so as to give them freedom to go ahead. But Neha was aware of his intentions and she had to participate only to let him watch.Once the father went to the loo, then Pravind whispered to Neha, “I will soon pretend to go to sleep, you go and change yourself and join him in the guest room okay?” He did not get more time to talk and the father was back. Neha was dressed in a two-piece with deep cuts over her breasts and her skirt was just on her knees. Her father sat on the couch close to her and his hands were every now and then going over her knees and moving upper towards her thighs, but she was holding his hands with smiles and laughs changing subjects each time, looking in Pravind’s face. ……And Pravind was getting excited and had a hard on seeing that stimulated sexual desire in him. He felt provoked to lusty imaginations. He at last stood up saying good night to them and went to his room expecting that they will soon move away. He waited for a long time in his room but heard no noise at all. When they return from the lounge, they would normally pass near his room and he would have heard, but all were silent.There, in the lounge, Neha was in her father’s arms and he was going on kissing her, her skirt was moved up to her hips, his hands roaming over her panty and he was sucking her tongue which left the nectar in her father’s mouth…..And Pravind thought about it. What if he will want to get her in the lounge itself? He slowly opened his room’s door and bare foot walked towards the lounge and found them in that action….. At that moment her father’s hands moved to her breasts and were fondling them…… But to the joy of Pravind, Neha broke from the kiss and said, “Papa, lets go now, it’s not safe here, people from the road may come to peep in….” And Pavindra hurried his steps back to his room. He waited. And he heard the guestroom opening and he knew they were getting in. It was great time for him and he mounted on a chair he had placed to the hole he had drilled and looked in the guestroom. But only Neha’s father was there….. he was disappointed and thought Neha must have gone to change in her nighty, so he waited…..He waited for almost an hour, but Neha did not come, he went to peep several times and at last found the old man sleeping! He was disheartened. He decided to go to see Neha himself. But he thought, could it be that his father had taken her to his room? No. It can’t be he told himself as he was all drunk. So he stepped to Neha’s room.Yes, she was there, but not asleep, but sitting over the bed by her husband’s side who was snoring loudly! She was in a flimsy pink nighty without bra. Her thin panty was seen through it and she was looking so hot and desirable. Pravind wished to fuck her on the spot, but he had other dreams…..He talked to her asking why she was not going to the guestroom. She said she is feeling afraid lest his father wakes up or walks in or hear things?! He reassured her that nothing as such will happen and pleaded her to go to her father. He was thirsty to see her father fucking her. He took her hand, pulled her out of the room and left her near the guestroom quietly and went to his room quickly.He went to peep and found Neha standing near the bed of her father who was sleeping. Pravindra had a pervert like desire in him to see a father fucking a daughter. He wanted to see Neha’s expression. He wanted to see either Neha will love it, or the father will force her, he wanted to see if Neha will enjoy her father or the father will dominate her…. he wanted to know and witness all that.So he found Neha standing and looking at her dad. She had a pleasant smile on her lips. She very slowly sat over the bed close to him and put her hand to his trouser. He was still undressed and got asleep as he lay there. She delicately started undoing the waist band, and slowly undid the zip fastener, and was trying to remove the trouser. She murmured, “You did not even take your clothes off papa, will you sleep like this? Come on move it.” The old man did not move a bit, and Neha struggled with the trouser to get it out his waist. She then pulled standing up and half of her father’s body came out of the bed during her pull. But the trouser was out. The dad was there lying in his underwear and shirt. Neha then leant over his body by managing it well over the bed, and started unbuttoning the shirt one by one…, while doing so, her breasts were rubbing against her father’s chest, and she kissed the chest, and licked part of it….. Pravindra was getting more and more excited and had a fucking hard on, his hand went over his dick and he took it out and caressed it in a masturbating way, he continued looking at Neha…..There Neha had already removed all her father’s dress except the underwear and was licking his cheeks and asking him to wake up. The old was not moving and Neha naughtily said, “Hmmm papa! Wake up! You had not pleased me in the day, do it now, I want you…hmmm wake up please papa!” And her father groaned opening his eyes and mischievously looked at her and pulled her to him by her head. Neha ran her tongue over his chin and reached his mouth and her tongue was soon exploring her father’s mouth….. Her breasts clutched against his hairy chest, she was rubbing it to feel the pleasure on her tits. The father enlaced her and his hands went to her butt and moved up her flimsy nighty and fingered her…Soon, she was licking her father’s belly and biting his downer parts till she reached his underwear and removed it to hold the hard cock of her dad in her soft hands and after caressing them she took it in her mouth, and started sucking him…..He groaned and quivered and pushed his dick more and more deeper in her throat, Neha was getting difficulty to hold it in her mouth so was taking it out every now and then.Pravind from his room was thrilled on seeing Neha so nicely accepting her own father in a big suck!! He thought she loved sex that bhabhi of his!Neha’s father after a while made her sit over his naked lap and he removed the nighty which she made easy to go by lifting up her both arms…. and as there was no bra he started licking and eating the breasts savagely…. Neha pushed back her neck, her long, thick black hair open fell over the father’s legs and she started moving her hips over her papa’s thighs….Then the father asked her to stand up on the bed itself, she did and he licked and kissed her panty , it got wet by his sucks and her juices oozing from it…he removed the panty, his hands enlacing her wait, his mouth all plunged on her pussy he started piercing his tongue in the openings and she started shuddering and pushed her head back and stood on her toes with the excitement procured from the licks and sucks of her father……And after a moment they were both over the bed, the father lying on his back, Neha over him with her legs parted and his Dick was deep in her pussy and Neha herself was moving in and out to reach her orgasm over her father’s cock…..She was at last pleased before the dad, who in turn reached his pleasure too and she asked him again to leave his cums in her like the last time he did at his place….Pravindra watched all that from the hole in his room and was hard. When he found Neha kissing goodbye to her dada, he hurried out and waited for her in the corridor. Neha’s room door was before Pravindra’s room So Pravindra went to wait at the corner of the corridoe and as soon as she stepped out of the guestroom, he held her in his arms and carried her to his room. Neha gave a little cry when she was caught by him. She whispered, “Hey what are you doing, someone can hear us, leave me! Put me down!!” But Pravind put her on his bed in his room! He was naked standing in the corridor, it was dark everywhere, only a beam of light from his room was lighting the space when he was standing there.And he was so hard erect, he put his cock straight to her mouth while she was still dressing her nighty from under her while sitting over the bed. She had no choice so took his dick in her mouth but before she mumbled some words looking with big eyes in his face c***dishly. Anf it happened again…she was fucked by Pravindra again. He slept over her body after the discharge of his sperm over her belly, and his belly got stuck with the cum over her belly. He lay there for quite some while, and she was speaking in his ears softly, caressing his head, playing with his hair, running her fingers amongst. At last, she pulled up, saying, “I must go now, you have to wake up early tomorrow morning, you also as you are going to work at Mr. Sharma’s!” On hearing this Pravindra felt a heavy burden on his stomach, and threw his body over the bad lazily. Neha laughed and biting her lips, send a flying kiss to him from the doorstep, and he caught it. And she was gone.The next morning, Neha was in a rush, running from room to room waking up everyone. At times she was in the kitchen preparing the breakfast. She had more to do this day as there was to prepare the breakfast for 5 persons. Normally, Pravind woke up at 10 to 11 in the day so she never got to prepare for him at that early hour of the morning. Everyday she had to prepare for her husband and father-in-law only and this day for all the 4 men and herself.Soon the three men were at the table except Pravindra.His father told Neha, “Go to awake that lazy chap beta” Neha went to his room for the fourth time, moved him and told him that his father was getting irritated. He encircled Neha in his arms and said sadly. “But bhabhi, I will miss you a lot, I will not see you the whole day, and now how shall we make love?” She pulled him out of the bed with both her hands and using all her physical effort. He was out, and she placed her mouth to his ears and said, “We will love at night now. No more kissings and hugging in the day now. You have had enough since the last several months!!” But Pravindra interrupted, “Bhabhi, at night its dad who will takes you!! How will I?” She sighed, “I will arrange all with him, you don’t have to worry. He will have to respect my time table of night shifts now!” and she laughed!All the men left the house soon. Neha hugged her father in presence of all other three men at the threshold of the house. Pravind, watched her father’s movements. The father-in-law also was watching them. Neha kissed her father on both his cheeks and he also did same and his lip brushed over lips when the second kiss finished. The father-in-law noticed that and also the hand of her father was over her bare waist, and his fingers roamed a bit over there. The father-in-law himself felt the erection in his pant after watching the father/daughter love and affection play. Even he doubted and asked himself, “Does not he also fuck this nymph?” They were gone at last and for the first time Neha found herself ALONE in the house, in that early morning. Anyhow, she got herself engrossed in the house chores.Pravindra was surrounded by heavy motor vehicles, engine noises, the tractors, concrete mixers, drillers, all noise making machines all around him Hundreds of workers working on the site. He was at that time assisting the surveyor measuring the distances…. He felt very unease and wished to run away. He wanted to b back in the arms of his lovely bhabhi. He was only thinking of her. He thought he won’t be able to see Roopchand’s sister and daughter anymore. He was feeling sick. He felt suffocated. He thought he will not be able to work. His mind was not at rest. He suffered in a way. He was love sick.But he knew there was no way out and he had to bear that stone on his stomach……Days went by. Pravindra slowly got used to the work he was assigned to do. He was responsible of a group of workers who had to report to him and he conducted the worker plus the works done by them. He got used to Mr. Sharma the engineer/contractor. He was someone from the city and got to travel very long distance from his place to come to this village to assist the works proceedings. So in another way Pravindra was his assistant and all workers reported matters with him in absence of Mr.Sharma.Often at night he got Neha to enjoy and erase his day’s tiredness. She had started being more affectionate towards him. She missed him too during the day and so she did her best to be at his disposition at night. He was feeling very happy although he was not with her in the day. But often during the day his mind ran towards his home and he feared other person could seduce Neha or could be seduced by her. He thought of her father and her brothers. Whenever he thought of all that he felt agitated and disturbed and longed to return home immediately. Nevertheless he strengthened himself and got involved in the work. But he still had the envy of seeing Roopchand’s sister and daughter and share Neha with them. So he was planning a day off to realise that passion. One day Mr. Sharma talked with him about girls. And Pravindra thought of Neha and told him that he had a girlfriend. Mr.Sharma was amused and told him that he knows these days almost all youngsters do have a girlfriend. But Mr. Sharma was asking something else which he did not understand. Mr. Sharma asked him again, “And what about the girls of this village? Don’t you get any for time pass here?” Pravindra then thought what he was trying to ask. He was a man in the late fifties. He was a city man and highly educated and very intelligent and looked a real big boss with his suit, his big car, his high stature. Pravindra never thought he will ever feel keen of the village girls. Pravind asked him either he was keen for the village girls. He replied that was what he was asking and asked either Pravind knew any such whom he knew for time pass, as he said he had heard in the villages there are many such cute lovely girls who like to go out for time pass.Pravindra thought where from such news got spread because the village people always heard that the city girls who are like that and here Mr. Sharma got the news that it’s the village girls who are like that. Who spreads such news God alone knows he told himself!So he asked Mr. Sharma either he personally wanted to get a girl to enjoy from the village. “Yes” was the answer. Pravindra told him he will drive him when he feels like going there. He thought of talking him to see Neha. It was his passion to see her fucked by other man, specially this was an aged one like he loved. But then he thought of Roopchand’s sister and daughter…. he thought same time he will get the chance to get the hot chick that was Roopchand’s niece….. He asked his boss to drive to the other village.The big, high class car stopped in front of Roopchand’s house, and he went in to face the sister and daughter alone at home. Mr Sharma was waiting in the car till he made the deal. Pravindra explained them that Mr.Sharma is a rich person and they can earn lots with him so accept to receive him generously. He told Roopchand’s sister that the boss will pay for his part too, as he will take her daughter and Mr. Sharma will come with her. He asked the daughter to get inside the room, not to show herself when Mr. Sharma gets in, let her mother alone meet him.He went out and called the boss to come in. Roopchand’s sister, named Aarti, was a voluptuous woman with sexy looks and fabulous figure. She never gave her age. She looked like a 20 years old woman. She was in fact around 36/38. Mr Sharma liked her and went inside the room with her. And Pravind was happy to take the young daughter.They had a lovely hour spent in the house. The girl of Aarti, Pooja, asked him about his girlfriend about whom her uncle had talked, and said she wished to see her together in company, for a gang bang. Pravindra told her that he will soon arrange for a party for all of them…….Now opposite the house of Pravindra there was shop which was closed since two years. By its side there was a waste land, which gave on the side where Neha washed clothes, the place once Pravindra fucked her. Since a week, a garage owner has rented that shop plus the waste land to keep the vehicles to be repaired. The owner was in his late forties, big, fat, with a belly. Three persons worked with him. He opened at 9.30 and closed at 4 PM. So Pravindra never came across them, neither his father nor husband. As it was a closed shop, there was neither electricity, nor water supply connected there. So that owner, came to knock at Neha’s house the first day he came and asked the service to be provided with water from Neha’s tap for some days till he got the water supply established once again. Neha did not refuse and told them to come to fill water whenever they needed.Every time that Neha washed clothes outside, the man looked at her continuously. Neha looked there now and then but did not pay heed to him. Now one day one among the three other workers came to fill a bottle of water when Neha was putting clothes to be dried on the string in her yard. The tap was just there itself. That man, a young one aged around 25, stared at Neha after greeting her with a head sign. Every time that Neha was bending to take a washed cloth from the tub, that man had a peek at her cleavage, and Neha felt it but pretended not noticing anything. Parts of Neha’s clothes were wet while washing and they were stuck to her body, over her, thighs thus giving a clear view of her silhouette and the shape of her body and butt…..The man went back and spoke to all others, and Neha then found all four men looking at her from that waste land where about 5 vehicles were parked.This went on several days. They stared, watched, looked for her, they waited for her to come to wash clothes only then they went to fill their bottles one after the other thus having a peek at her and her body……..Then one day, in the morning when the garage owner came, he was standing on the road just opposite Neha’s house. Neha, from inside saw him. She kept standing for a while to see what he will do, she was still in her nighty and it had only thin straps over her shoulders and her boobs were very much seen. She felt that the man was wishing to get in their yard but was hesitating. Neha wished to help him thinking that he was may be wishing to come to take water but was hesitating, so she opened a window which faced the road and looked at him, the man did a sign with his head to Neha and Neha did same with a casual smile just to be polite. The moment Neha opened the window, she had to lean with her left hand on one side and with one hand opened the window and while doing so, all her underarms were seen from the road, plus her cleavage too, the white parts of her bare arm and armpit were all to the view of that man. The man felt being invited by Neha.But when after opening the window Neha disappeared inside the house, that man went inside his garage to carry on with his works. The three other men came and they were working but their eyes were only on Neha’s yard, especially to the part she washed clothes where the tap was situated.Among those three one who was 27 years old was very keen of Neha and he was the one who looked at her the most with lusty eyes and he desired her that was clear. He talked about her with the other men. Once he talked to the other two saying, “she is a damn hot young woman dear! She is sexy and she lives all alone, she does not have any c***d or anyone around. She is a very good prey of all of us you see dudes!” It was then that their boss, the owner heard them talking and added, “Stop talking a lot, do get her first then you talk. Will you be able to conquer her in the first place?” The young man proud of his prowess said yes he will do it. Then the boss told him, “okay then if you succeed let me know I will go too then. She is really superb!” The other workers then laughed.The fact was that the boss himself longed to get her for his own since the day he heard them talking of her and since that day that he also started looking at Neha.Now the young man, named Subhash saw Neha coming out to wash clothes and he took his bottle and went in. Neha was bending over the washing stone, was in a skirt and T-shirt in which the form of her beautiful round breasts were so appealing, and Subhash got to see her by the back when he got in. Her ass was looking very well preserved as the skirt was so well collated to her hips and ass, displaying her figure so with exactitude. Subhash’s organ inflated inside his pant and he go to use his hands to put it in not disturbing position. When he almost reached the tap which was near Neha, she turned back to see him coming and she left a smile looking at him, only to show being courteous. And Subhash neared her to fill his bottle; he had brought three in all to fill. And he gathered some guts to talk to her. He – It’s so nice of you to give us water everyday bhabhi ji.She – never mind, it’s just nothing.He- nearing his elbow to her ass, “We feel too thirsty, here, when we will get water there then I am sure we will no longer use this much water! While he spoke that, his elbow touched Neha’s ass to the full. He was delaying to fill the bottles so that he could stay for longer time. Now Neha was washing the clothes and every time had to bend completely down to rinse the soaped cloth in a tub containing water. Each time she did that, her t-shirt moved fast and her arousing boobs could clearly be seen with parts of her black bra and its straps. The white boobs in the black bra, and the motifs on the side of the bra, gave a very sensuous look to her body and any man would get a hard on. Subhash too had a very hard erection and he got to manage it with his hands which Neha found him doing. She just smiled to herself stealing a look at him, and she re-stood up in the washing position on the stone.Subhash left the place and hurried to the garage to relate the episode to his boss and friends. And from her place Neha was watching him go still holding her laugh, and she laughed loudly when he was gone thinking the poor chap got an erection watching her boobs! She tried to watch the men as she was sure Subhash will go to relate all to his friends, and in fact she found him gathered around them, including the boss and he was explaining with the movements of his hands pointing to his chest and moving down like Neha did when rinsing the clothes.Neha understood that he went to relate how he got a hard on while watching her that way. There the boss and the other friends were looking at Neha’s direction on hearing the events related by Subhash. The boss told Subhash, “If despite your presence there she bent down to rinse the clothes means she knows it very well that you were watching her breasts and bra. And the way you are saying she smiled after seeing you dressing your dick in your pant means that she understood all and she did not mind that. So my friend you are getting that young lady. Carry on with your flirts with her you will soon be on her bed with her.” On hearing that Subhash emptied the water on the soil and said he is going again there. They encouraged him to go.Neha also was expecting that he will soon return. And yes he did. Neha asked, “What happened?” he replied, “The bottle fell down and the water got split so I need another fill.” Neha knew all his roles and just smiled and watched him filling the water but intentionally this time she did not bend down but stood up watching him with a mischievous smile on her face. When Subhash found that she was standing he felt disappointed and the bottle was filled already and he looked in her face and asked, “You will not wash bhabhi ji?” Neha gave a grin and said, “I will” And Subhash did not know what to do now as per his plan it was a flop, so he got an idea. He said, “May I sit down a bit, and smoke a cigarette before I leave bhabhi ji?” she told him, he can. So appreciating her hospitality he placed himself in front of her and sat on the floor over his legs and lit a cigarette and started watching her with a grin, and Neha continued washing and had a chat. She asked, “Where do you live?” He replied, “In the city 50 kms from here.” Neha then asked, “Are you married?” And he had a smile and replied, “Oh no, my girlfriend betrayed me and eloped with another older man!” Neha Laughed and looking in his face said, “Oh my God, why did she prefer an older man than you? You had surely not been fair to her!” This encouraged Subhash to talk more intimately to her as he found her laughing like an old friend with him, he said, “I don’t understand, why she did that, tell me bhabhi, being a girl, would you prefer an older man than a young, handsome man like me?” Neha then bent down to rinse with a pleasant smile, to let her cleavage be visible to him, and replied, “Well it depends! If the old man is gentle and caring plus affectionate so it can be!”Subhash, was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too…. and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra…..Subhash, was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too…. and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra….. And Subhash was erect again and still staring inside her T-shirt he asked, “And you bhabhi, have you been married since long?” She redressed her waist by standing to transfer the rinsed clothe to another tub and replied, “It’s the ninth month that I am married here, why did you ask?” Subhash answered, “Oh, just like this. So you live only with your husband here?” Neha by then was rubbing another cloth over the stone and by that movement, Subhash watched her boobs moving to and fro inside her T-shirt and he wished if only he could see those breasts dangling without a bra and he could have a watch. His cigarette finished, he neared her to rinse his hands under the running tap, and his body rubbed against her while he intentionally stood to the same position to feel her and talked, “You did not tell me bhabhi, only you two live here?” She tried to move a bit away from his body touch, but could not as there was no space and she answered him, “No my father-in-law and a brother-in-law too live together.” And Subhash dared to ask her, “Can I dry my hands on your skirt bhabhi please?” Neha did not reply this but only looked at him, and he rubbed his hands on her thighs as if drying them, and he felt her thighs, and he quietly moved his hands a bit inner towards her softer intimate parts, and caressed it. To that Neha moved and said, “It’s dried already now!” And Subhash plucked courage to say, “Bhabhi you are a very beautiful woman, I feel attracted to you. Please allow me to give you a little kiss.” Neha was not that surprised when he said that as she was very well understanding what he was up to, but she pretended to be astonished and stood straight and said, “You have guts you, young man! We do not even know each other and you ask to give me a kiss?” By then Subhash was very close to her and took her hand delicately in his and moved his face very close to her cheeks and was about to kiss her cheeks when Neha moved to look back at the garage direction if the other persons were watching, and Subhash missed the cheek. And Neha pulled her hands from his saying, “Your friends must be looking for you there, you go now.” But Subhash at that time placed his hands on both side of her thighs and was nearing his face to her neck, sniffing her hair and said, “You smell so good bhabhi, please let me kiss your soft cheeks for once only.” Neha, with her hands, pushed back her hair which was coming to her face as she was bending over the washing stone, by that time Subhash’s hands had moved up to almost her breast, in a caressing way, and Neha,shivered and said, “Okay only one kiss and you go away.” Subhash then very softly put his lips to her ckeek, meanwhile his hands fingers touched her boobs over the T-shirt, and he kissed the cheek, and pressed the boobs hard which made Neha say,”Ouch, you naughty! Go away now. Happy??” And Subhash proud on his success, bit his lips with a large smile looking in her face, brushed his hands on her ass and started moving his steps to leave saying “ Very happy bhabhi, thank you for the sweet kiss, but it would have been even better if you kissed me back!” Neha replied, naughtily “No, I do not kiss naughty persons like you who do not listen, and who touches a woman everywhere on her body like this!” And on this Subhash like a spoiled c***d, put his hand fully over her breasts and squeezed them before running away from there, turning back to look at her with a mischievous smile. When he did that Neha threw her hand to hit him, but she missed and he, jerked away and which made Neha blush and laugh. Neha found in him all the naughtiness of Pravind. He was behaving exactly like him. And she continued thinking of Pravind and comparing this Subhash to the other ways of approach to a woman. Back in the garage, Subhash was encircled by the others including the boss and he was relating his exploits. Neha from her washing stone looked there once or twice and saw him being encircled and she knew he must be telling them how he is a successful gallant! But then Neha thought, then the other men also will want to try her the same way?! Then she thought he will not give all the details to the others…. After about half an hour Neha started to hang the washed clothes on the strings in the yard and from there she was closer to the garage and they were looking at each other every now and then and Subhash was signalling her with his hands and fingers in gallant ways, and Neha was only smiling at him. When she was bending to pick the clothes from the tub which was on the soil, all the four men were staring at her boobs in the black bra and the straps….. Neha carelessly continued the job, still looking at the garage’s side and she found all 4 men watching at her, but she did not care…….Now in the afternoon before those men had to go back home they came to wash themselves at Neha’s near that same tap. And they all come together, and make a lot of noise, talking and joking…. and this day they were talking contrary on Subhash and Neha. She was listening to their words from the kitchen and smiling. One among them said loudly, “Subhash, you have got a girlfriend in this village, in the town you have zero. You will have to start living in the garage itself then you will get lots of opportunities to be with your beautiful lady.” The boss said, “Then I will not have to come early to open, by the time we come here you will have already opened the garage and started the works.”Neha was listening to their commentaries and laughing inside. Another friend amongst said, “But, Hey Subhash, you call your girlfriend ‘BHABHI’ is her name ‘BHABHI’?” And Subhash said, “Hey man, I did not ask her name! Shit. I should have done it yeah!” The boss added, “Yeah! The bid Mister Flirt does not even know the name of his girlfriend! That’s great!” And Neha suddenly opened the back kitchen door which opened directly on them, and facing them with a laugh she said, “Gentlemen, I am Neha, pleased to know you all!” They were all taken aback and looked in each other’s face and they started laughing, when Neha closed back the door on them. Then they all murmured and whispered, “She was listening to all that we were talking. She was here. Hey she told you her name Subhash.”But the boss, the man in the late forties, with the big belly and fat guy, was silent and was thinking of all that happened and felt that he should get that beautiful lady to fuck before any other of his man!They went home. On his way back home, the boss continued thinking of all the happenings and remembered how in the morning when he was standing on the road she was in her nighty and had opened the window and smiled with him,and he thought of all which Subhash related how he had touched her boobs, how he had kissed her and all that, he said to himself that is a woman who will let be fucked easily. He told himself that the next day he will fuck her before his workers come to work.There at Neha’s place, when all the three men of the house came. Tired from work, Neha served them al and did her usual chores, but she did not mention at all about the garage workers to anybody. Not even to Pravind or to the husband or father-in-law. At night she did not go to meet any of the two men of the house who fuck her. They also did not come to look for her as they were all tired and fell asleep.The next morning arrived. The rush in the morning in Neha’s house, she ran from the kitchen to each man’s room awaking them, preparing their breakfasts and lunch they will bring with them and all that. And soon all men left the house for the fields.Neha was still in her nighty like she used to stay every morning. She never wears a bra when she is in her nighty. The nipples of her breasts rubs against the flimsy dress which makes her often get a sweet sensation. She was combing her hair in front of the mirror and heard the garage shutters being lifted up. It was too early, at that time it never got open. Normally it’s at 9 o’clock that they come to work all of them. But at that time it was only 7. So walked to the front from where she saw the rod and the garage, and she found the boss, the man in the late forties, with a big belly and quite a fat man he was.Soon she found him again like last morning standing close to her gate and looking in the house’s direction. Neha wondered why he stood like that there. She wished to ask him if he needed anything, but hesitated as she was not used to him. She thought if Subhash was there she would have opened the door to ask him what was the matter….but she continued looking at him with her comb in her hand, and meanwhile she was passing the comb in her long black, beautiful silky hair…..And the boss, named Gyan was asking himself either the men of the house were still inside or already should have left for work as it was only 7 o’clock of the morning. He wished to get in to knock at the door, but he was reluctant. What would he say if the men opened? And he then thought if Neha opened, he would have a chat….and in his mind he had already planned what to ask so that he could get the chance to get inside the house….but only he was sure the men were not there…..The sun had just started rising in the blue sky, the weather was splendid and some chirpings of the bird were heard here and there. The fresh air was blowing and Gyan felt cold as he was not used to the cool air of the village but the hot polluted atmosphere of the city only suited his body. He waited for about 15 minutes then took courage to move in the yard. Neha by then was back in her room, in front of the mirror was applying some make ups, and making herself look beautiful. She was as if getting ready to receive a suitor. She wore some sweet perfumes and walked to the front to have a look on the road. And she found Gyan walking in the yard towards her door. She thought he was coming to ask for something. So she opened the door even before he had reached it.Gyan, on seeing her at the doorstep, was a bit astonished as he was not expecting, he had thought he would knock then she would come, but there she was first to open the door. They looked in each other’s face and with a pleasant smile Neha, asked, “You need something Mister? I saw you since quite a time looking at this side, I hesitated to ask, and when I saw you getting in I dared to open and ask if you need anything please, can I be of any help?” Gyan lost all his words on seeing her kind hospitality and stammered, “Hmmmm, no, I well…. huh…. i… was….ju…ju…just….” His eyes went on Neha’s sexy, envious, desirable nighty, the straps over her shoulder, he noticed it at one go that she was not wearing a bra, her nipples points were hitting the flimsy dress………..” His eyes went on Neha’s sexy, envious, desirable nighty, the straps over her shoulder, he noticed it at one go that she was not wearing a bra, her nipples points were hitting the flimsy dress……. her bare white beautiful arms and soft parts of her cleavage……Gyan got an erection in his pant and Neha on seeing him looking with lusty eyes, put one hand over her chest and kindly re-asked, ‘you need something’ in a soft voice bending her head down. It was then that Neha realised that she was in her nighty in front of a stranger and her body was arousing the man. She tried to be kind and generous in the sense of helping as the man was a newcomer in her village, but at that moment after seeing the looks of the man she felt disturbed and shame invaded her self. She did not come in front of him with any thoughts like that. She very kindly, only wished to help and tried to be helpful to someone who is a complete stranger to that place….. But she felt things were going in the wrong way and she pulled the door closed.By then Gyan understood that there were no men in the house or else they would have come to see who was at the door. So he talked back, while Neha pulled the curtain to cover her bare parts which were visible and listened to him. And Now Gyan was confident, he no longer stammered and thinking of the way yesterday she had received Subhash, he talked, “You see, I left home too early and have not had tea, so if I could get a cup of tea please.”On hearing that Neha felt sorry and thought she was imagining things in vain and the man was only wishing to have tea, she opened back the door and generously asked him in, and said, ”Oh! Yes, why nor, just a minute, I will serve you tea, its still hot as I just served my husband and family members. Please be seated.”She walked in the corridor towards the kitchen while Gyan sat on the couch in the lounge, and he watched her back, the triangular form of her panty was visible through the flimsy nighty she had worn. Neha on her part showed innocence as she thought the man only needed a cup of tea and had no bad intentions. From the kitchen she heard Gyan asking, “Your family members have already left for work, they leave very early?” She answered sweetly trying to be casual and friendly to a stranger whom she was pitying and serving tea replied, “Hmm, yes they go to the fields, so by before 6 they leave the house everyday, someday even before that.” Gyan was arranging his erect cock in his pant when Neha walked in with the cup of tea in her hand which she submitted to him putting a hand over her chest to prevent the nighty hang to let her boobs be seen. Gyan started sipping the tea and his eyes were on her body staring from tip to toe. Neha stood there expecting him to return the cup after finishing the tea. She tried to talk so as to break the silence which was disturbing when she noticed his eyes lingering her body. She asked, “How come you came so early today?” Gyan was in no mood to talk worldly matters but only wished to hold her in his arms. But though he replied, “Oh I was not able to sleep well last night I had a nightmare and so woke up quite early.” He finished the tea gave her the cup which she took and walked towards the kitchen, and in the corridor she heard steps coming behind her….. She did not turn but quickened her steps and when she reached the sink where she kept the cup she was held from behind by the strong arms of Gyan. She shivered and her heartbeats fastened, and she angrily said, “What’s wrong with you Mister? Leave me or else I will scream!” Gyan’s dick was rubbing on her butt and his mouth was roaming over her cheeks and neck, moving the nighty’s straps his tongue licking her bare arms she was struggling in his enlaced in his strong dark arms…… Neha was becoming furious and loudly ordered. “Will you leave me or do I shout?” Gyan answered forcing his dick to her butt, “Who on earth will hear you here darling? Such a sensual woman like you needs a cock like mine to enter you, I am longing for you since the first day I saw you here sweetheart, let me enjoy a bit baby…you will love it, just give it a chance my love!” And by then his both hands started brutally fondling her round firm breasts over her flimsy nighty, his cock still in his jeans continued savagely rubbing to her butt, she was trying to sit but he was too strong and lifting her up each time that she was trying that movement… it was going very very fast all these happenings… after that Neha started in a pleading voice, “Please leave me, I am not that type of woman, I am married and my husband is a nice person, look I have been kind to serve you tea, I give you all water everyday, please don’t do that to me…”Gyan did not listen at all and continued in his doings and he was at that time lifting her nighty and his dark big hand was roaming over the white soft skin of her thighs, till it reached her panty which he was trying to pull down, but Neha moved hard to prevent him removing it, by then one strap of her nighty had fallen to her arm and Gyan was licking the soft part near her armpit, and he sucked that part to leave a red snap, he drank the juice provided by the suck of her soft skin… They were still in the standing position and Neha was moving hard in his grip to get out but she was unsuccessful as Gyan was too big and strong….Gyan said, “Why al these dramas baby? You are a married woman and you know what it is to receive a cock in your pussy, you do enjoy it with your husband hmmm? So lets do it with me too, you will enjoy it I bet sweety, come on, stop struggling like this, come on, lets go to your bedroom,” and he lifted her up in his arms like a small c***d and started walking in the corridor….. Neha got tired by struggling and found that he will not let go without fucking her and she surrendered……. while he was carrying her still in the corridor, he did not know which room to open and Neha herself from his arms opened her room’s door….Gyan felt amused and understood he was now accepted because she opened the bedroom’s door herself……Once in the room, Gyan put Neha on the bed, she sat, and he started taking out his clothes very quickly. Neha sat there watching him, moving up the fallen strap of her nighty from her shoulder…… The on seeing his big round belly she giggled and said, “I have never seen such a big belly in my life!” and laughed. Gyan was removing his underwear and said, wait and tell me if you have seen this one, and he held his big dark, long erect cock in his hand and pointed it towards her…Neha put a hand to her face looking at the cock and gasped, “oh! Its biiiiig!” And happily Gyan, on seeing her in a nice mood, brought his dark cock near her mouth as she was sitting. Neha looked in his eyes, twisted her nose, mocked him and holding that cock in her white tender hand said, ”You naughty man! You would have ****d me if I would not have given up isn’t it?” He smiled gladly and said with a hiss, “ take it baby, take it in your sweet mouth it is eager to feel your warm touch there…..” Neha caressed it all along till his balls and bent her head to lightly run her tongue over the tips first, got it moistened, then slowly slide it in her mouth….Gyan hissed and stood up over his toes excited and groaned, “aaghghg!! Yessss, yes baby, take it full in your mouth, suck it, sssssshshshshsh…suck it well baby….”Neha started moving her head giving a good suck and felt wetting down her panty…. she was going on sucking and twisting her body as she was becoming horny by then, and Gyan moved up her nighty over her hips at the same time that she was continuing sucking, he pierced his finger in her wet sticky panty to make her give a moan with the continuation of the suck……..And after a while of getting sucked, Gyan sat down on the floor, parted the legs of Neha, put his head in between and started licking her wet pussy…she was flowing her liquid on his touch…. and Gyan with apetit drank her juices, which made Neha giving moans and sharp hisses……She held his head in both her hands, opened her legs well apart and enjoyed his sucking…. then gradually, Gyan removed her panty and pulled out her nighty to make her nude, she was still sitting naked in front of him, and Gyan admired that white and partly pink flesh of Neha…. then he mounted over the bed, he also all naked and took Neha in his arms tenderly, and his tongue opened way in her mouth and they both started drinking juices of each other’s tongues…… their arms were around each other’s shoulders, and Neha’s fingers were caressing his dark skinned back, which made a big contrast of black and white colour….And soon they were both lying over the bed and Gyan was over her, her legs parted apart and he was penetrating his cock into her wet pussy, and as it entered Neha gave a moan with a hiss and stretched her whole body twisting like a moving snake… Gyan also was hissing while enjoying the fuck and her delicate body which he was only yesterday admiring from the garage……The fuck continued and neha was moaning louder and louder with sharp voice while Gyan accelerated the blows one after the other, he was sweating and Neha was kissing his sweat, and licking his skin…and suddenly she clutched him strongly and moaned loudly saying,” Yes, yes…aaaaahhh I am reaching my orgasm, fuck harder, harder, don’t dtop…. ssshshshshshsh….. oH my God! Its superb, I like it…why was I refusing you? Its so goooooooooooooooood…aaaaaaaahahahah….”And she rested her head over his shoulder biting him and sucking his skin. Gyan also started groaning while he was about to ejaculate, “A a shh aghaghagh, shshshshshs yesssssssssss,” and he took out his dick fast from the pussy andbrought it to her mouth, and shot the thick liquid over her breasts and cheek, part of it went over her forehead, which she wiped off….. And he put his cock to her mouth and she wiped the rest of the cum with her tongue, looking him in his eyes with a mischievous smile……………………..Gyan, after feeling pleased by discharging, over Neha, and very happy by the way she sucked the last drop of his shots, then bent over her to take her mouth in his and kissed her lovingly. It all happened within only 15 minutes…… He then took his underwear put it on him and sat on the bed by her side while she was pulling her nighty to wear. He asked her, “You never wear your Bra at night? She smiled at him replying, “No, it should not be worn at night to ease the breasts to be free and then husband also gets it free!” Gyan, sat close to her and said, why are you wearing the dress, let me appreciate your nude body more. She said, “Why, all this time did not you appreciate it?” then Gyan after glancing at his watch said, “But it’s still too early! Only 15 minutes we did all this! What to do now?”Neha while pulling the strap over her shoulder found the red mark made by his suck, exclaimed, “Look, my father-in-law and brother-in-law will notice this, what have you done!” she immediately realised that she mentioned the wrong names and blushed, correcting, “I mean my husband will ask questions!” Gyan thought for a moment then asked staring in her face, “You just said ‘your father-in-law and brother-in-law’!! hmmm! What’s up? They will look there under your armpits almost? They also get access there to view? They are lucky men!!”Neha got out of the bed saying she was going to pee, and added, “I just missed it by saying so. And by the way when I am in my nighty in the early morning to prepare their food, won’t they find this dark red spot? It is visible on my fair skin! This is what I meant” she then walked to the toilet. Gyan felt that she was hiding things and deep in him he thought she is a horny girl and who knows, it could be that her father-in-law and brother-in-law fuck her! Thinking this Gyan felt his erection growing again and visualised her with an old man fucking her!! He thought how an old man would be happy to enjoy that young, hot body of Neha. He got very excited and was hard more and thought he can fuck her more as he had lots of time in front of him.Neha on her side in the toilet she was thinking how she wronged by mentioning the names of the persons she should never have spoken! She thought Gyan must be thinking over it and will doubt her having i****t relation ship with her in laws. She was feeling hot on thinking how she mentioned her in laws name to him, she thought she is so much used to the in laws that their names come first when sexual relationship is concerned.When she was back from the toilet she was expecting Gyan to be already dressed to leave, but was surprised to see him still sitting on the bed and she noticed his underwear inflated and knew he was erect again. As soon as she was passing by near the bed, he pulled her by her hand over him and murmured, “So you give it to your old father-in-law too….he is a lucky old man, tell me baby, you enjoy old cocks? Hmmm?” Neha struggled in his arms objecting that it’s false and he is making accusations. Gyan, started kissing her neck again and bite her again like earlier, this time on the back of her neck, which will be covered by her long, thick hair, and Gyan continued fondling her and passing his hand all over her body and licking her all over again while trying to pull out her nighty once again.He had soon pushed her lying over the bed again and was over her licking her neck with the straps moved down up to her breasts. His big belly was almost up over the belly of Neha and she laughed, “Look at your big belly, it is pressing over mine and it’s tough! How could you have such a big belly! And then you are so fat! Never a fat man like you had slept with me! And never had I slept with a dark, black skinned man like you!”Gyan asked her, “Tell me sweetheart, how many fair men have you slept with then? I feel it hard that you have slept with many men you cunning young woman! Have not you? You know cocks very well you, you suck so well. You are horny, you love it isn’t it?” Neha pushed him with all her force saying, “Stop it, I don’t like such vulgar way of talks. Why should I tell you if I have ever slept with other men? Should i? It’s my personal matter, mind you, you dark dog!” Gyan, was amused by her way of replying and laughing held her again and asked, ”You like to be fucked by any man? Any other man, will you give your pussy to any man?” “ Shut up” Neha scolded.By then, Gyan had already moved her straps down to her belly and was kissing her swollen breast, passing his tongue making circles on her nipples, and she was twisting with little cute moans in an angry way as if pushing him….Gyan was enjoying the moments and said, looking in her beautiful eyes, “Look, let’s play a game.” “What game?” Neha asked. He replied, “Let me be your father-in-law and you are my son’s wife and I am wishing to fuck you but you are objecting but I force you to be fucked!” she said, “No! I won’t do that.” He was very excited again and hissed in a lustful way said, “Come on please participate. You will see it will be wonderful and you will enjoy it.” She asked, “What’s the difference anyhow you will do it” He answered, there will be a big difference if you play my daughter-in-law, I want you to be natural, act like a natural daughter in law in the house and I will be the old father-in-law whom you will come to serve tea in this room and I will hold you on the bed…” Neha was reluctant, but he took her out of the bed and, put on her dress again and asked her to go out and come in again by calling him ‘father’. Neha annoyed asked, “what’s all this man?” he said with great excitement in his voice, “ do it just do it. I will be lying on the bed in this underwear only and you will get in with a cup of tea dressed in your nighty and I will want to fuck you and you will refuse but I will force you, you must go on struggling by refusing but I will succeed to fuck, you will surrender only at the last moment when you will be nearing your orgasm….come on, go back and you come in again, and come with a real cup of tea, I want to make it feel real.” Despite not willing to do that Neha obeyed. She tried to put her in the role of a good, daughter-in-law who has never been touched by any other man except her husband and went to bring tea for her father-in-law. She tried to put herself in the shoes of those personae. Gyan took a paper in his hand as if he was reading on the bed.She knocked and asked, ”Father, may I come in?” Gyan had not told her to do that, and was happy that she was improvising. He answered, “Yes, beti, please come in.”And as soon as she got in with the tea, he stared in her face and looked at her body from tip to toe, and glanced through her flimsy dress. Neha was feeling like laughing as she was acting. And she placed the cup of tea near him. And said, “here is your tea father” Gyan said “Look at my underwear and feel ashamed, then look in my eyes with shame.” Neha did same. She deep in her felt it was true, that she was the BAHU of this man and was seeing him on the bed with his underwear and his dick erect in it. And she really blushed and looked away. When she did that, Gyan took her hand and pulled her over him. Neha deep in the role play said, “Father what is this ugly manner! Leave my hands!” Gyan was pleased and put his arms around her saying, “Oh my lovely, sexy hot. Beti, today this father-in-law wants you. Come, please to this old father of yours.” Neha hit him and struggled to get out of his grip, and Gyan got to stand up to hold her as she was becoming violent….. a big struggle took place and Neha was going on struggling and hiting him, and Gyan started moving up her nighty running his hands over her legs and things, kissing her shoulder, running his tongue over her cheeks, her hair flung open, s**ttered all over her body. It was looking a real fight like scene and Neha sat down on the floor to prevent him from lifting up her dress, while Gyan was still holding her firm in his arms, continuing caressing her and he groaned these words, “You come to serve your father-in-law tea in this flimsy nighty, without a bra, showing me your tits and you want me not to do this? You are inviting me to see your sexy hot, body and breasts….so here you are sexy beti….” and he pulled out her nighty with force that the straps got broken and was torn at some parts. Gyan was now doing it violently and Neha was participating very well like being really attacked by her father-in-law.They were both living the roles. Gyan then lifted her in his strong arms and threw her over the bed. Neha covered her breast with her hands and turned over her belly to hide them. She was with only her panty and all her back was naked…Gyan kissed her back, run his tongue all over her spine, she moved and returned to hit him on his face, Gyan held both her hands, and forced them at the back and put his mouth over her breasts and savagely kissed and licked them, and neha shouted, “Father, shame on you! What are you doing, I am your daughter-in-law, I am like your own daughter, what devil is in you?” “I want to fuck this daughter in law, now shut up and get fucked!” said Gyan and pulled her panty out, and removed his underwear and rubbed his dark, black hard cock over her pussy while she was still struggling and, he moved the dick over her breasts and massaged them with the dick, then at last forced the cock in her pussy…. she was yet still struggling with the cock in her pussy … Gyan pushed her head pressed over the bed and started giving blows harder and harder in her pussy, while Neha was still trying her best to get that cock out of her by moving her hips sideways…… THEN SHE STARTED PANTING SAYING,”Oh, I am tired now. And sighed…. Gyan was going on with the blows enjoying her pussy and kissing her neck then her breasts….Neha stood still for a while then moved hard once more and his cock was out… Neha tried to stand up, but Gyan pulled her by the back and she lay flat over her back on the bed, and Gyan facing her ass…wished to fuck her ass…. and he parted both her legs with force sideways and put his cock on the beginning of the opening of her ass, she looked back at him and shouted, “No!! Not there, but Gyan, spat on the hole and introduced his big cock in it and violently started giving blows…. NEHA MOANED AND MOANED WITH HISSES AND WHINES AND SOBS…. but Gyan was feeling so good with his cock doing to and fro in her tight ass…the more she was moaning the more Gyan was feeling good and enjoying it…. and at last Neha lay flat under him exhausted, when Gyan groaned loudly like a lion, “OH!! MY SEXY DAUGHTER-IN-LAW…..I FUCKED YOUR TIGHT ASS!! I AM DISCHARGING DEEP INSIDE YOU MY HOT BETI…..AAAAAGHGHGHGHG…SSSSHHHSHSHSHSHSHS…YEAAAAHHHH… ITS SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOD…..And Neha complaining, “Father, it’s very bad, you should not have done this. Very bad of you, what face shall I show your son now father??”And after a while both laughed, and Neha said she really enjoyed that…….Well Gyan stayed in Neha’s company for more 15 minutes and left before the other workers came. Neha reminded her not to speak any word to the others especially not to Subhash.The men came nearly at 9 AM and they started working. Neha went to have a good shower, cleaning herself to let Pravind get her body clean when he will come, or at least the father-in-law, but her body will not be a left over for them she thought.Subhash was waiting for Neha to come outside near the tap to go to fill water in the bottles. Normally she comes by ten o’clock but it was almost 11 and she was not there…. They were talking among themselves that may be she was not here and had gone out. Gyan was listening but kept quiet. H e deep inside himself felt amused that he had enjoyed her twice and Subhash does not know and he believes to be the great gallant and womaniser.Subhas was thinking the way yesterday he kissed her cheeks and fondled her breasts he was almost near to get her to fuck and had thought to get her on her bed today….but he was very disappointed on not seeing her at all.And Neha from inside the house was looking at the garage and knew that Subhash was looking for her, if Gyan had not fucked her may be today she would have fucked subhash she thought to herself. She felt sorry for him she liked him as he reminded Pravindra to her….. She thought may be someday he will get a chance with her.The whole day Subhash did not see Neha, he went to fill the bottles without seeing her and Neha watched him from inside. It was only in the afternoon when they went to wash themselves before going home that Neha appeared near the doorstep to say hi. Subhash went close to her and kissed her on the cheek in front of his friends, Neha let him do it and accepted it as a greeting. When Subhash enquired why she did not get out at all Neha simply replied that she did not have clothes to wash and then she had a head ache. Gyan was stealing a look at Neha and she was also looking at him now and then while talking to Subhash.When they finished their wash and went to the garage to get dress, Gyan stayed to be the last to wash himself and talked to Neha slowly. He said, “I will not go home with them, I will let them go and come inside when they are gone, want to have some more time with you honey.” Neha said, “You can’t as my family members will be back.” But Gyan said, “They come by 5/5.30 you said, so now its only 4PM, we have more than an hour, same time I will come to know your men of the house!” Neha replied, 2No sometimes they return by 4.30 also, and what if today they come at that time?” Gyan said, “We will hear the vehicle getting inside and I will get out of the back door and get out.” Neha was standing near the door, at the threshold, and Gyan approached her, put his arm around her waist, and pulled her over his body and took her mouth in his and kissed her hard. Meanwhile he thrust his hard dick over her thighs and said, “Look how I am hard again, I am longing to put it in you sweetheart.” Neha kissed him back and let him thrust and looked in the direction of the garage to see if nobody was watching, but she said, “No don’t come at this hour, I don’t want to take the risk, okay come tomorrow morning like today you did!” Gyan felt very happy that she voluntarily invited him for the next morning, but he wished to fuck her at this time, but since she was reluctant, he accepted it for the next morning again. So all garage people went back to the city and Neha waited for her family men. They came by 6 PM. She thought, ‘They come so late, Gyan, the dark big belly could have very well stayed!’……..Well , back in the family….Pravindra was eager to get her…he was not leaving her at all, he was on every opportunity shoving his dick on her butt when she was in the kitchen….he was at times holding her, soon kissing her then on another occasion caressing her…. Neha was understanding that two nights he did not do it, so he needs it…. but she had a worry, the father-in-law also had not done it two last nights, so he also will expect her in his bedroom at night!! She was in a dilemma!The father-in –law was watching serials on TV when Pravindra was annoying her in the kitchen. Once, the old man came in the kitchen to fetch some water, and almost missed coming face to face with them lost in a kiss. Neha was in Pravindra’s arm and both were having a very passionate kiss. When the father got in the kitchen he did not look on their side, but had the back turned to them as he only took a glass and was facing the table when they saw him and broke off! Neha’s heart pounded in her stomach. Pravindra himself shivered! They were saved by far. Well night reached them at last. It was 9 PM when all three except Ravindra, were in the lounge watching TV. Neha intentionally did not sit close to the old man so as not to arouse him. Pravindra was sitting tipobet near her and without being noticed was putting his hand under her skirt and was squeezing her pussy….. He was wetting her panty, and took out the finger to lick it…. And after about half an hour they heard a snore! They both looked at the father he was asleep and snoring on the couch! Neha and Pravindra looked in each other’s face and laughed.Then Pravindra went to move him and ask him to go to bed as he was snoring. The oldie got up and walked to his room missed some steps as if he was drunk. Then after a while that he was gone, Pravindra took Neha in his arms after switching the TV and carried her to her bedroom. They were looking like husband and wife in their home….. Neha had pleasantly surrounded his shoulders, and was kissing him while he walked her on his bed closing the door very slowly.And Pravindra delicately undressed her little by little, bit by bit to explore her whole body from tip to toe….. He undressed himself, and were both naked to the bones, and he started kissing her from her toes and gradually mounted up and up, reaching her calf, then knees, then her sexy, desirable thighs, and planted a hot kiss over both thighs….. Neha had started quivering by then and was holding his hair and pulling them……. when Pravindra reached her pussy, she was already wet there and Pravindra drank the juice…then licked her belly, her navel and reached her breasts….. He was like a hungry wolf he crushed the breasts in his hands, ran his hot, wet tongue over both glands, kissed, licked and started sucking the nipples which got erect by his touch……. Neha was giving moans and twisting over the bed unconditioning the bed sheet…… At the same time Pravindra’s hard cock was pressing against his bhabhi’s thighs, he was wet too, and Neha felt his first liquid over her thighs….. And Pravindra too moaned when Neha put her hand over his cock, and stroked it…. But nobody had thought that the old man could wake up and walk to get Neha from her room like he have done in the past various time!! Yes he felt like going to pee. So he went to the toilet and when he was returning, he went to Neha’s room to find her not there…So he thought she was still watching TV, and when he was about to go towards the lounge that he heard moans in Pravindra’s room!! There they were both on the verge of reaching orgasm, and Neha cried with joy and pleasure reaching her orgasm and Pravindra too tool the liberty to groan with all his force as if only they two were in the house……. The old man was no fool not to understand what was going on….. He sweated, felt hot, and felt sick…. his heartbeats increased and felt dizzy… he found dark in front of him…and he walked slowly towards his room, leaning over the walls…… he got outside to breath fresh air…. he felt he was going to get a stroke…… He did not know what to do! He felt ashamed of himself. He felt disgust towards himself. He thought if he would not have been like that may be his Pravindra would not have been doing such a shameful act. He was fucking his sister-in-law!! The father felt very sorry for his poor Ravindra…. he thought both father and son were cheating him including his wife…. the oldie wanted to kill himself, guilt invaded his whole self… he wanted to shout. His mental torture was increasing thinking of all that he witnessed…. he sat down on his feet and held his head in both his hands and cried. He cried for his sin he committed………But he is old so had such guilt feelings, but not the youngs who want to enjoy to the maximum of life’s pleasure who are going to think over such matters……Anyhow the old father was now aware about the relationship of Neha and Pravindra…….. The old man slowly went to his bed and felt he will never again feel erect seeing Neha… he will never wish to fuck her anymore he thought…..The next morning the old man woke up very early, had bath as if he was purifying himself. He then had special prayers loudly which awoke all others in the house, he was burning incense sticks and walking all around the house, pronouncing holy scriptures wordings loudly, he went to the deities and prayed and prayed.Neha got up, made the tea and did all the chores before all the men got ready to leave the house. The two sons got out first, sat in the 2by 4 and waited for the old man to come, as it was he who has always driven his vehicle. And the father-in-law approached Neha, she thought he was going to hold her and kiss her or will pull her nighty to suck her tits…… but Neha was stunned when the old man told her, “Beti please forgive me. Forgive for all I have done to you. Forgive me for I have taken you i*****lly. Say you forgive me, say it please it’s important for me, say it Neha beti.” Neha replied, “No need to ask for forgiveness with me pitaji, I enjoyed all that happened, you showed me many good things, you taught me to make love…” But he insisted, “No it was very bad. Very very bad. It was wrong. It should not have happened. Tell me you forgive me or else God will not forgive me.” And Neha said, “okay okay I do forgive you pitaji.” And the old man left the house with tears filled in his eyes, he looked in Neha’s face and kissed her forehead, and said goodbye to her.The 2×4 left their yard, and Neha waved goodbye, and went to the kitchen thinking why the old man said all that….. well she just ignored it and started waiting for Gyan….she felt horny thinking of his dark skin and big belly…..Just some minutes later she heard knocking at the front door, she gladly went to open thinking Gyan was there, she even moved one strap of the nighty down her shoulder to seduce him, when she moved the curtain of the door, she was shocked to see more than 5/6 persons standing at her doorstep. She got afraid, thinking they might have come to attack her or to steal they were thieves she thought, so she opened a window and asked what they wanted. The men said, “Your father-in-law’s car had a very serious accident, and all three men have been transported to the hospital by police services. A big truck coming from the opposite side crashed plenty against it. The 4×2 is completely damaged; we got much problem to get them out amongst torn steel.”Neha felt dizzy and fell down on the floor………………..Everybody of the surrounding of Pravind’s neighbours was at the hospital including Neha. Her husband Ravindra was sitting at the front with his father and Pavindra was at the back seat when the accident occurred.The father-in-law was in an intensive care unit ward and was asking for Neha inside. Doctors came outside to ask who was Neha. People gathered there told Neha to go inside. She got in and found the father-in-law in very critical condition as if he was to breathe his last breath. He announced, “you are a widow now beta” Neha started crying and said people outside told her but she was not sure that Ravindra expired. The old man said, “He died in front of me when we were still in the vehicle, I was trying to talk to him and he expired in front of my eyes, his throat was transpierced with a metal” The father-in-law, looked for Neha’s hands, took them in his palm and said, “Beta Neha, I will not hold on longer, I am seriously injured in the abdomen and chest, its bleeding and my lungs have been touched with the metals, listen to me well, and promise me that you will do what I am going to ask.” He was uttering the words one by one with lots of pain and difficulty. Neha was going on crying and holding his hands in her hands and caressing his cheeks very affectionately. She promised to do what he will ask. So he said, “Beta do me a great favour, please marry Pravindra. I know you love each other and, I came to know your relationship last night when you were in his room. I was going to look for you, and on not seeing you in your room and hearing your moans in Pravindra’s room, I knew all. So please marry him as Ravindra is no more now. And look after him and extend my family. Bring along many c***dren and look after Pravindra and the whole family you will bring up….. Love all, I have too many lands, hundreds of people will survive with them, there is space for many…. Tell Pravindra to give to the poor and help them always and you too, give generously.” Neha sobbed and promised to do all that he said. But Neha added, “But pitaji, please get well, I have many things to tell you more and to clear. I am confused as what to do with certain things which I don’t want to mention here. Please get well, I need you by my side too.” The old said with a light smile, “You will no longer be confused ever again. You are mature, and will know how to take decisions. Life will teach you all. Just take care of Pravindra, he is still a bit c***dish and have the habit of having all in hand, from food to wealth. He even got you easily!”A panel of doctors invaded the room and asked Neha to go out and they took the old in the operation theatre.Neha enquired about Pravindra with the doctors, and they told her he was just examined at the operation theatre and has been shifted to a ward and is doing fine with light injuries on the arms and legs plus the forehead only. He got syncope as he was hit on the head, or else he is fine.Neha ran to the ward where Pravindra was. They held each other and cried on the hospital bed. He also learnt that his elder brother died.The next day the old man too died!Pravindra was discharged from the hospital only after 3 days as he was not serious at all. He was walking normal, and had only a bandage on the right arm. According to the traditions, the wearing of white sari being a widow, and all that was followed by Neha. But Pravindra was against all those customs and told her to stop being dressed that way as he did not believe in all those traditions…..Gyan was coming in the garage everyday and Subhash too and were aware of all the turns of events there. They both were thinking now Neha is completely free without a man in her life and she will long for a cock more than ever!! But they were not aware that the brother-in-law was there for her! Though Gyan at times thought what if the brother–in-law will try to fuck her as they two are alone in the house…. he was feeling upset thinking of all that….Neha was mourning for the two deaths occurred in the family wearing the white sari and undergoing the religious practices…. a priest (pundit) was coming everyday in the house for prayers. Some day Pravindra was assisting and some days Neha alone as Pravindra started going to look after the fields alone leaving Mr. Sharma’s job. He was learning the process of the field’s works by the workers who have served his father for several years…….The priest told Neha for the next forty days he will continue with the ceremony of the prayers etc. Gyan, some days saw Neha in her white sari, and she only had a look at them but did not talk and she got back in……..About 25 days elapsed. And one day Neha wa washing clothes on the stone, still dressed in the white sari when both Gyan and Subhash went to talk to her. She was not smiling at all but talked to them. They told her, its life, we have got to accept the facts though it’s painful and gradually she will be fine …… She thanked them for their concern and kindly smiled at them. Even in that white mourning sari she was looking gorgeous! Her white skin of the waist, her breasts in the blouse, her long hair open all over her back…. she was like a sex symbol……The priest who officed the prayers when Neha had to sit close to him, often had an eye over her silhouette….. She got very much used to him as he was coming everyday for the 25 days…. he had to continue till the 40th day…. He came in the morning everyday, early as soon as Pravindra left for the fields. So he was always alone with her………..So now Neha was very much used to the Priest and she talked anything with him. She was considering him as an elderly person to whom she can confide and she had a burden she wanted to share or rather she wished to confess. But she was reluctant and waited for the appropriate opportunity to talk.Now since the accident took place and after the funerals, Pravindra was affected in a sort being fatherless in a sudden, and all those heavy responsibilities over his shoulders, then Neha had told him his father had told them to get married. Pravindra had told Neha that his father told that to him also while they were being driven to the hospital after the accident and he also had told him that he knew about their relationship. And he had no objections and wanted Neha to be his wife. Between them it was decided that they would get married once the mourning ended. But they had not yet spoken about it to their parents and relatives.So Pravindra was as if tormented with such burdens on him and, was not feeling physically fit at times. He was feeling worn out at the end of the day. It was the 35th day after the funeral and he had not had sex with Neha as she was mourning and she was sleeping alone in her room and Pravindra in his. A hot woman like Neha sleeping without sex was abnormal, but she was trying her best as she was carrying mourns of two persons. She was having wet dreams many nights…. she dreamt her father fucking her….one night she woke up in sweats as she dreamt the dead father-in-law fucking her and was sleeping by her side on her husband’s place…. some nights she dreamt Gyan fucking her….. She did not know either she was missing a cock or it was her dreams only….. Many a time she stole looks of Gyan and Subhash in the garage from her house hiding behind the curtains. When her father came to visit her and when he hugged her she felt shivers in her… but the father or even brothers did not approach her that way as the all thought she was mourning for her husband so they did not find that fair to go sex with her, they were all waiting for the 40 days to end.For Neha it was a 40 days fast for sex!! In the beginning 10 days she was very strong and did not think of sex at all, but gradually she started having those dreams and wet dreams…. often in the middle of the night she got to wake up and change wet panties……Now, on the 35th day when the priest was going on with the rites and rituals, she was sitting just opposite him, she was in her white sari, the veil over her head, despite that her waist was uncovered and her blouse was stuck to her breasts which gave the form of her swollen breasts. The priests despite him since the beginning was having looks at her when she was not looking at him…. once, days before, when she served something to the priest, her veil had fallen down and the priest had a peek at her cleavage and had not moved his eyes from there and Neha had seen that.On this 35th day, the priest dressed in his ‘dhoti’ had crossed his legs like in yoga position and Neha who was opposite, her head bent down, and her eyes went on the priest’s thighs, which was white and hairs all over it….. Neha felt something in her whole body, her spine got a quiver and she moved her eyes a bit further to see the dick of the priest inflating his ‘dhoti’ material. On seeing that Neha, looked up in his face to see his eyes staring Neha’s body. She asked herself, “Is he erect by looking at me or is that natural in him?” she was not sure.She was almost 19 years now and was a woman who knew men very well and had great experience, despite that she was confused about the priest. And now she had to talk an important matter to him, so she was more confused either to talk or not. She had placed her trust in him since the beginning but now that she saw that she was reluctant.Every day when the priest finished the prayers, she served him food. He lunched there everyday then left. And all those days while she served him food, he sat down on a sheet and she got to bend down to serve and the priest admired her whole silhouette and often her veil fell down to let her blouse and the cleavage visible and the priest waited for that view. And Neha sitting there was thinking of all the past 34 days in his company alone with him…… she took a deep breath which made the priest stop the prayers to ask her, “You are not well bitia?” She stammered, “Hmm n.. no, I … I…” The priest told her to go to rest if she was unwell. But she said she was fine and stayed there. The priest then said, “Don’t worry, you have had patience all these day but now only 5 days are left and we will do the last Rituals, then you will be free bitia.”Then after another deep breath Neha spoke:- Pundit ji, I have to talk to you. I have very important things to tell you and have to ask for guidance.- Yes bitia, go on, I am here to help you and guide you.- But pundit ji, I’ts a family matter and I want a solemn promise from you that you will never divulge it to anybody at all.- Don’t worry my girl, we, priests know many people’s secrets and we never tell anybody. God looks at us and we cannot divulge things which are personal.Neha blushed, felt hot and transpired. She took another deep breath and was about to talk when the priest said, “Don’t worry bitia, if you want to take time you tell it to me another day. But Neha said, “No I want to speak now, itself, finish with the prayer then I will tell you.”The priest continued with the prayers and after 10 minutes finished and after a while spoke to Neha, “Okay my girl now tell me your problem, I will do all my best to help you out.”Neha felt her throat dry before she talked. She arranged her veil over her head which was falling and she managed it over her blouse as well, for her white blouse could not conceal her inner black bra she was wearing. The priest was observing all that plus her beautiful waist which were inviting…… He was waiting for Neha to talk and looking in her face, while Neha swallowed her own saliva which made her throat move and the priest understood there was something serious.He asked her to talk without hesitation once again. Neha’s eyes went over his ‘dhoti’ once again and she saw his dick almost hard there…. But she had to talk….. she hesitated and started:-Pundit Ji, I am pregnant.-That’s not a problem bitia. It’s good. You have the right.-But Pundit Ji, the c***d is not for my husband.-Oh! So who is the father?-I am hesitating to say it to you.-No, don’t worry, it will remain a secret. We will tell the whole world that you are pregnant for your husband, only you alone will know that it is not your c***d. No problem in that. For how long are you pregnant? You do not look pregnant at all your belly looks normal, it is not big at all… is it the beginning bitia?-It’s 2 months already pundit ji.-Two months only, that’s why it is not visible. So tell me who is the father?The priest got a fierce hard on thinking that she has been fucked by someone else, so he could try her now, his cock seemed to get out of his ‘dhoti’. Neha also was looking at him there every now and then and she was also feeling that when he will learn the person who made her pregnant he will want his piece of cake too….The pundit repeated comforting her that it was not a big deal just tell who was the father of the c***d in her womb……And neha said:- Pundit ji you will not be angry if that’s a sin?- Oh no why could that be a sin? It’s God who is giving that new life in your womb so it cannot be a sin. Tell me who is he?- He is my father-in-law. And she related she is only 2 months pregnant. Her belly did not have any abnormal form. She was looking perfectly normal. Nobody would know she was pregnant. Readers will remember when she had gone to her village when her mother was sick and she had told her father to come inside her, that is because then she was already aware that she had conceived for her father-in-law. That was 2 months ago.The Priest had doubts that there was something to with the family members, but did not think of that old late father-in-law of hers! Deep inside him the priest felt happy as he thought if she had fucked her old father-in-law means that he will get her too. He was thinking why he did not learn it earlier as only 5 days were left for him now to be with this young hot lady of 19 years old. He had a smile and gently asked by holding her hands in his, patting them, “Okay don’t worry bitia, I will not talk about this to anybody, now explain me how it all happened.” He sat closer to her, both were sitting down on the floor over a sheet, and his legs started touching Neha’s while he was talking by then. He was hard erect.Neha explained that her husband was not someone who could make love so it was the father-in-law who was making love to her and she got used to him and let him do that as he wanted to have heirs for his family. Neha did not relate that she really liked it and her brother-in-law and others too had sex with her. She gave an image that by compulsion that she let that happen.And she added that now her father-in-law’s last wish was that she got married to Pravind and look after him and bring up his heirs. During the conversation the priest was longing to hold her and kiss her and fuck her on the spot….but he was a 62 years old man, who was a widower since the last 11 years who had not had any woman all those days and now having a young woman aged 19 and who had sex with her father-in-law, he was experiencing a delicate situation. So being an experienced man he knew how to play his game using diplomacy.Gradually during the talk he had brought Neha’s hands over his lap and her hands were over his ‘dhoti’ near his dick. Neha did not notice it when she was absorbed in the talks. When she finished talking that she found her hands very close to his cock, and was willing to pull it back but the priest had held them tight in his and he talked:-Well, concerning your marriage with your younger brother-in-law, it’s not a problem. I will get you married to him myself. But please relate me my girl, were you sleeping with your father-in-law everyday and was your husband aware that his father was sharing your bed?-Yes he knew it. Almost every night I was going in my father-in-law’s room and was staying with him all night on his bed till morning.-And you loved it when he was doing that to you? Or did he force you to do that?-In the beginning I was reluctant then I got used to it and liked it gradually. He was like my real husband in the house.By then the Priest had taken her hands and put it full over his hard cock and Neha felt his hard dick under her palms and pulled her hands out of his saying, “Pundit ji what are you doing?” but the priest then said smiling, “I am also like your father-in-law bitia, I am a human too and have feelings, since the first day I am coming and am alone in your company, I find you terribly exciting and now that you have told me all this I find in you a person who can quench my thirst of 11 years. Look girl, I am a widower since the last 11 years and have not touched a woman since, so God today has given me such a beauty, then how can I let this go Bitia, please me also my girl, oh my sweet darling.”Neha blushed and stood up breaking her hands from his grip. The priest hurried his steps behind her when Neha walked towards her room. He caught her from behind and this time her ass was thrusting over his hard cock, and he was moving his hips in a fucking way while still standing, and Neha did not know what to do…… 35 days she has not been fucked and she was horny too, but out of respect for the priest she had a sort of fear and the feelings of religious faith all mingled in her, she was very confused….at the same time her body hunger was there, and the touch of a man, as she was used to old men, now another old holding her that way willing to fuck her…..she was really in a mess. She was not pushing him but only with words, with respect she was trying her best to avoid the situation being sour. She kindly said, “Pundit ji, you are a religious person and this does not give your status the right image.” But the priest by then had pulled her veil down, her blouse was inflated by her hard swollen breasts and the priest was devouring her cleavage from behind her and his cock was still pressing hard over her butt….. He said, “my girl, forget that I am a priest at this moment, at present I am a hungry man looking for food and you have that food, do serve me that food of which I am hungry darling, forget all. I am sure you also have that hunger in your whole body, as you are fasting all these days, so it’s not good for your health as well, spiritually you are dominating your body.” Neha turned her body to him completely and so, now his cock, was touching her below her belly, very close to her pussy, and she had a little smile.The priest seeing the slight smile on her face said to himself, ‘yes, she will give me, she is a horny girl, she will now let…I just have to use more powerful words to convince her to the full’ He put his head over her stomach and rubbed his face murmuring, “You are such a beautiful, young lady like an angel sent by God to quench my thirst, why did not I propose you in the beginning!” on hearing this Neha asked, “You were looking at me in that way since the beginning, before I told you all this?” The priest replied, pulling her waist to his, getting her stuck to his downer parts, “no doubt that I was looking that way at you my girl, you are such a sexy, hot looking girl that any man in the world will look at you with those kind of thoughts.” Neha had by then almost surrendered, and she was letting herself being moulded in his words and touches. The priest was seizing the opportunity, to rub his cock to her pussy still inside the wrapped sari and petty coat, he bent his knees to feel the hollow part and pressed his dick still inside his ‘dhoti’ to her pussy and moved his hips. Neha gave him position to do that and was quiet. And he knew she is ready then….. So he walked her to her bed where he slightly pulled her over.Neha was on over her bed, lying with her legs hanging down. The priest quickly removed his vest and undid his ‘dhoti’ and Neha was taking a stretch over the bed looking at him with vicious eyes…..He parted both her legs which were still in the sari, he moved up the wrapped material and appreciated the white skin from her calf to her thighs little by little, touching them, caressing them, very tenderly and taking all his time to enjoy that beauty which had fallen to him from the sky like a gift. Neha was also looking in his eyes to see the thirst they showed and she felt how much that old human needed to make love to her sensual body. And she also believed that God had created that moment for both of them as she needed it more than him may be. And she also told herself that may be in her destiny she had to please old persons…she thought she enjoyed old persons so well that she took it as a part of the love making game.And the priest like a hungry wolf, started licking her fleshy thighs, reached her panty and sucked the panty which was all wet…. she was leaving her juices since he did not know when…. the fact was when she was talking on the floor, and her hands had touched his dick over his ‘dhoti’ then itself Neha had started dripping down there…then by his touch and thrusts of his dick over her butts she continued leaving the flow of her juices….The priest licked, kissed, sucked her panty, taking her juices and slowly removed the wet panty, and put his mouth there again licking the pussy by opening the lip and piercing his tongue in between…..Neha was twisting over the bed and moaning with loud voice as if she was being sucked for the first time…she was having the sensations as though she was making love for the first time, she was getting all those feelings she got when she was fucked for the first time by her father-in-law. This was because of the fast of the 35 days. Her body had turned out to be that of a virgin once again she felt….. She was going on giving moans one louder than the others, “shshshshshsh…aaaahhhh…ah…ah….uuuffff, yesssss, go ahead pundit ji, you are doing well…yes yes yes go on go on…i like it…i want it….i needed it badly pundit ji…ishshshshshshshsh…..” These were the words she was going on repeating all along the priest’s actions.And she started unwrapping her sari, she took out her blouse and bra too, put herself all naked at the service of the pundit. She then took his head and brought him over to his longing breasts and pressed his mouth over them…the priest on seeing those beautiful well shaped, round firm breasts he felt like discharging his semen…. he fondled them and took them in his mouth and started sucking them to the pleasure of Neha who went on moaning over and over again stretching all her body pushing her chest to his mouth to get the touch of his hot tongue close to her swollen erect nipples…. Then after a while without being asked she herself, removed the underwear of the pundit to take his long, thick cock in her mouth…. The pundit gave a rough groan and said he had never being sucked in his life! He groaned and groaned and his body shake while being sucked by Neha. Neha enjoyed the dick holding it in her hands and eating it all along taking it to her throat as if she was hungry for years to eat that piece of her favourite meat.Soon after the priest moaned, “Stop, stop or else I will come in your mouth…” Neha stopped and pleaded, “No, no please, don’t come I need you to penetrate me….I need it too…hold it, please control and hold it pundit ji!”And he held it….and Neha asked him to lie on the bed, and it was she who mounted on him….. She parted her legs, took his cock in her hands and directed it to her hole and sat over it letting it slide into her…and she sat like sitting over a horse and started moving her hips with the pundit’s cock inside her……Very fast, so quick she started getting her orgasm because of the 35 days of fasting….. and she moaned loudly, “AAAAAAH, AH AH AH…YESSSSS…YES MY LOVELY PUNDIT JI….YOU FUCKED ME…YOU FUCKED A WIDOW….YOU FUCKED THIS YOUNG WIDOW YOU VICIOUS PUNDIT…..AH!! I AM PLEASED……”And the pundit was about to cum and she said “you can depose your cum inside as it will not affect anything as I am pregnant…..” And the priest forced his cock in her holding her waist and bringing his mouth to her’s eating her tongue while he discharged his sperm inside her womb……….And the priest felt very happy. He had one regret that the last 35 days he did nothing. But thought to himself that now the door is being open and he can continue the 5 last days and later also he can come to enjoy….So he lay there on the bed by her side after fucking and Neha got up to envelope her sari on her, she did not wear the blouse but only wrapped the sari and the old man was viciously looking at her breasts collated to the sari and thought her father-in-law was right to bang her…she deserved to be in company of man he thought, she is made to please men race. She said, she was not wearing the blouse as she had to go to bath soon.And the pundit talked a bit with her. He questioned about her future marriage with Pravindra etc… Neha told the priest that she has not yet told Pravindra about the pregnancy. The priest asked if she will tell him that it was his father’s c***d…. Neha did not want the priest to know that she had an affair with Pravindra, so she told him she won’t tell him. And the priest said, “Yes let the whole world believe that you are pregnant for your late husband. Everything will be fine then. And then I will be the witness to prove that I was aware that you were pregnant for your husband. I will say you and your husband had come to tell me about it long before he died.” Neha liked it and thanked him.In fact Neha had to tell the truth to Pravind. She was waiting for the appropriate opportunity.The priest left her place after some talks giving her a good kiss and asking her to be ready for the next day. Neha went to have her bath.Opposite her house the garage people were every now and then keeping looks in her house direction only to have a glimpse of her. Gyan told himself he was a very unlucky fellow as once that he was successful to get her, and was about to reach her place the next morning for a good session as Neha herself had asked he for the next morning that day, that the unexpected brutal fate’s part was played by getting her father-in-law’s car be smashed. Gyan was eager to be in her company on her bed and enjoy her. But the 35 days he had also being punished by fate’s hit. After quite some days at last the garage people found her dressed in a T-shirt and a skirt nearing her washing stone with a tub of clothes. Her hair was wet and water dripping from them, moistening the T-shirt at her back as she just had a bath. Subhash was the first to feel pleased and showed her to Gyan. Gyan stood up to have a look at Neha who glanced at them with a lovely smile.After a while Subhash went to see her near the Tap. She was expecting him. Again like the last time she was bending to wash the clothes on the stone thus providing great views of her cleavage to Subash who could not hold and today he pass his hands over her but she did not tell him anything but only smiled and looked at him mischievously. The last time that Subash had those moments with her, he could have got her himself first, but it was Gyan who played the cunning and came too early the next morning to get her. She has just had her bath and her hair was wet, she smelled good and Subhash was standing close to her and having her odour which made his cock inflate in his trouser. He brushed his lips to her neck, when she turned back to see if Gyan was not having a look at them….. And Subhash said, “Bhabhi, the last day I kept thinking of you when I left you here, I adore looking at you when you wash clothes like this and when you bent down to pick the clothes from the tub…its very exciting dear…”Neha was laughing at him and said, “Look don’t relate stories to me, I know very well what you are looking at and what you want with me…”Subhash let his front part touch her butt and put his hands around her belly from behind and ran his tongue over her neck moving the wet hair and murmured, ”You are smelling so good Neha Bhabhi!” Neha was still too horny and the absence of the 35 days were playing against her will…and she looked on the road again and aked. “Your boss Gyan will not see us here? From there can you see me here?” Subhash said, “No he can’t see, let us move a bit further, to that side no one can see us then.” And Neha held his hand and moved to the place where once Pravindra had fucked her standing when she was washing. They had to hurry as anybody from the garage could come….. And Subhash did not delay, he surrounded her in his arms and very quickly his tongue was exploring Neha’s mouth, meanwhile his hands were on her but from behind, lifting up her soft skirt, feeling her panty covering her butt…. Neha needed it much as she was still too horny after the encounter with the priest, she needed more and more…. she was hot and wanted to be fucked more, she got wet again and when Subhash put his fingers there by moving part of her panty, he felt her dripping…. they went on very very fast because they were outside…. very quickly Subhash lifted up her arms and moved out her T-shirt and plunged his head in between the hollow of her breast and started licking and sucking like a greedy….. he continued unhooking the bra letting it fall down, Neha tried to look outside once to check…. then Subhash knelt down, Neha was standing leaning against the wall of the house, he pulled out her panty and quickly his mouth went over her shaven pussy and he started licking from top to down till he reached her wet parts and Subhash got the salty liquid on his tongue and he felt a quiver in his body yet continued for good… Neha started giving small moans which gradually increased in volume till Subhash stopped and stood up undoing his zip fastener of his trouser, and rubbing his dick over Neha’s womb, but Neha sat down to take his cock in her mouth which she sucked without being asked….. Subhash smiled, giggled and started fucking in her mouth…. Neha, holding his dick in one hand, the other hand around his waist, or rather on his butt, was receiving his cock doing to and fro in her mouth…. As they were going fast, she had to stop and stand again when Subhash was eagerly waiting to penetrate her, he lifted one of her leg up by holding it by her thighs and she stood on one leg only and Subhash pushed his dick in her which easily slid deep in her…..Then Subhas lifted her up by holding her by her butt and she crossed both her legs over his waist with his cock still in her and she surrounded him by her arms around his shoulder, and her mouth was eating his tongue while her pussy was eating his cock…. and very soon Subhash started coming and she told him not to take it out at all….. She softly murmured in moans in his ears while he was blowing his cock deep in her, “Discharge it inside, don’t worry nothing will happen, cum deep in me Subhash..oh, yeah…yesss…aaaaahhhh…ishshshshshs!! yeahhhhhhhhh” And on his turn Subhash moaned in little groans and hisses, “yessssss, yes, yes, ohhhhhhhh…its soooooooooooooo goooooooooooooood….oh my God…its great…you are superb Neha bhabhi….haaaaaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!”And it was done!! Very quickly Neha put on her T-shirt, and her panty, she put it in the tub, and went to the washing stone looking out if anybody was looking…and yes she saw two of the young teens working in the garage as apprentice looking on her side…… Subhash then moved to return back and kissed her. Neha kissed him back and told him, “Please tell your boss I want to see him for a matter of rental which the owner of the land told me to tell me.”Now Subhash went to the garage and told Gyan that Neha wanted to see her for some matters…. And why Neha had to see him, this is understood….Sge was still horny after 35 days of fast and was feeling like doing it the whole day…. she was not having enough….After sometime when Neha started putting the clothes to be dried on the string Gyan got in the yard to see her. He was very happy to see her in the blouse and skirt instead of that white gloomy mourning sari… All the days when she was wearing that white sari there was a sort of respect shown towards her but now in the two-piece which looked so sexy and made her looks hot so no respect but the envy of fucking gets born….Gyan looked at her sensually and approached her, she smiled and looked at him biting her lips and looked on the road if someone was looking, in fact the two apprentice teenagers were looking at her non stop…. Gyan asked, “The 40 days are over?” “No she said” So he asked, “Then how come you are not in the white sari?” she asked, “Why do you want to see me in that more?” “No” said Gyan.Then Neha walked to the back so that no one can see her and called Gyan. He went near her and she smiling invitingly said, “The last time you remember you wanted to stay in the afternoon? So, do it today, let the workers go then you may come after they are gone.” Gyan was so pleased that he held her and kissed her passionately his big belly pressing over hers. She giggled and said, “Your belly is very funny and I like it!” Gyan said, “You know how much I have been longing for you all these days? I masturbate thinking of you almost every night…. wow! How did you decide for it so suddenly! It’s my lucky day!!” saying this he pushed her to the wall and put his hands under her skirt to see that there was no panty…. And surprised he asked, ”Wow, you are ready for it now itself?” The fact is that when Subhash finished fucking her she put the panty in the tub to wash, but Gyan did not know that Subhash just fucked her…. Gyan was wishing to fuck her then itself but she was refusing telling him to come in the afternoon as they will be at ease on bed then….. by then the two apprentice were coming to fill water in the tap, and Gyan and Neha were behind the house against the wall and Neha’s skirt was lifted up and Gyan’s hands were running over her white sexy thighs, and his mouth was sucking her breasts….and the two teenagers watched all that and slowly ran back to the garage…. They were two young boys of xxxyears old…..They were both erect and like all teenagers on seeing Neha beautiful boobs in Gyan’s mouth and viewing her sexy thighs, they went to the loo to masturbate thinking of Neha and of what they saw!! They also started developing interests for Neha since that day….Well, in the afternoon, Gyan waited for the workers to be back home and he knocked at Neha’s door. She was waiting for him inside. She was in another skirt and t-shirt. The skirt was very small which was above her knees and all her thighs were seen and the t-shit had a very deep v-cut and her cleavage were all visible..She was not wearing any bra and her nipples were seen erect on the T-shirt which were like to dots over it.Gyan did not lose time and enveloped her in his large arms and carried her to her bedroom and laid her over her bed. As she lay the small skirt moved a bit upper and even her panty was seen along with her beautiful rounded white thighs… he sat beside the bed on the floor and opened her legs and put his head in between her legs to lick her knees and gently and slowly mounted up and up over her thighs till he reached her panty, and yes again it was all wet!!Gyan understood that she was horny and needed to be fucked, he savagely went up pulled out her T-shirt and started eating her boobs biting the fleshy parts and Neha started moaning with pleasure and desire… Gyan went on hungrily with the acts and Neha, whined, whimpered, wailed twisted, shivered under him…. And that encouraged Gyan to continue with ease seeing that she was like in a trance and needed it that much…… He gradually, took out her skirt and panty, laid her all nude on the undressed himself to get him naked and mounted on the bed to put his dick to her mouth…..Neha was as if hungry to eat that long, black piece of hard meat…she caressed it, looked at it with passion and lust and passed her tongue from its tip and continued to run her tongue up to his balls…she played with her tongue over his balls, holding the hard cock in her hands lifting it upwards. Gyan stood up on his knees and the more Neha rounded her tongue over his balls the more Gyan moaned and groaned and hissed…. Neha then pressed the ball gently in such a way to make the grain inside get in her mouth and as if wanted to swallow it…Gyan groaned loudly…..”Aaaaah ah ah. Shsshhshshshshshsh…..” and Neha lifted up her eyes to look at his expressions and moaning…she was amused seeing him in that position…. Then she took the cock in her mouth and started the blowjob…. Gyan started pulling and pushing it in and out her mouth deriving much pleasure….. he did that for more than 5 minutes and Neha felt the salty taste of his liquid of pre cum on her tongue, she again looked up at his face and expressions…… and after a good suck, she lay over the bed and Gyan started the job to her pussy….. He parted both her legs and very brutally ate her pussy making her drip as much juice as she could…. he took over 10 minutes staying in between her lags and Neha cummed twice only during Gyan’s manoeuvre…..And finally, they came to position and Gyan put his long thick cock in her pussy which slid easily as she was very wet…and the fucking started… Neha was as though in another world…she was absent from earth, if at that moment Pravindra came she would not have even heard and known…She was moaning, whining, pleading ,twisting over the bed stretching the bed sheets unevenly…… and thus Gyan continued the blows faster and faster till they both reached the peak of their orgasm….. Gyan was going to take out his dick to discharge outside but she tightened her hands over his waist asking him to unload his cum in her…. Gyan continued doing it and groaned with loud voice, “AAAAHH AH AH AH AH AH…YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS… ISSHSHSHSHSHSHSHS I AM CUMMING …YEEAH YEAH YEAH..SHSHSHSHSHSHS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…..”And Neha too shouted together with him, “OOHOHOHHHHH…ISHSHSHSHSHSHS….HMHMHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMM….OH God!! Its sooooooooooo goooooooooooood….”…And it was done….she was fucked three times from day to afternoon…. if it would have been possible this day she would have let 10 men fuck her she thought to herself…the 35 days of fast were too hard for a horny lady like her…. She had thought at night this day she will ask Pravind to do it…it would be her 4th time in 24 hours…And Pravindra was back by 6 in the evening. Gyan left by 5 .As usual, Pravindra after his bath and dinner, served by Neha , they both were watching TV in the lounge.Neha was not in the white sari and that intrigued Pravindra, but he did not tell her anything. He was also eagerly waiting for her to terminate the 40 days that’s why he was not asking for sexual relations with her… yet he longed to sleep with her as this had never happened before…After the death of his brother and father whenever they would sleep together the whole night till next morning would be the FIRST. During the first 15 days Pravindra was not keen of sex as the accident and funeral were deep in his mind and was like affected with the sudden change in his mode of life…. but after the 15th day he started longing for Neha but was curbing his desires as she was observing the mourn. He often stared at her with loving eyes and longed to hold her, to embrace her, but then Neha herself was distant as she was believed that it would not be nice to have sex before the 40 days. Hence he was avoiding him.But this day she had prepared herself for that and all their escapades of the past was in her mind and she was ready to live them again. She was dressed in a top which reached above her navel, with straps on the shoulders and a skirt just on her knees. Pravindra was visualizing those moments of hides and sex between her and him…. Pravindra also visualized her with his father and uncle….. Then he suddenly thought either his uncle could be coming to see her in his absence! The uncle was his father’s own blood brother and he had enjoyed Neha so much so he thought of him with her and felt disturbed when he thought she will soon be his wife…. Then he thought even if he will be married to her he can have his fantasies realised if she would cooperate with him…..thinking of all that he had a precocious hard on……. his eyes went on Neha who was seducing him by going to and fro from the lounge and kitchen pretending to bring and return something or another….. She was dressed in a way to show her ass dangling, her waist seen and her boobs visible…. Pravindra went on watching at her and felt like holding her……And once when she returned from the kitchen to sit on the couch Pravindra called her to sit close to him. She bit her lips and went near him asking, with a pleasant smile, “What?” Before she had sat on the couch, Pravindra put his right arm around her waist and pulled her to sit on his lap. She sat and smiling asked, “What’s up? Today you seem to be romantic?” When she was already on his lap, Pravindra, brushed his nose over her neck smelling her and murmured, ”Bhabhi, it’s being a long long time…” And she twisted and brushed her boobs to his face saying, “Who prevented you ever dear?” and hungrily his took her mouth into his and they were lost in a long passionate kiss like it was the first time they were kissing…… during the sensual kiss gradually she was laid all long on the couch and Pravindra’s hands were roaming all over her, pressing her boobs, caressing her waist, pressing her ass and all that…………. their mouth were stuck to each other yet they were meanwhile playing wit their hands…Neha’s hands were over his hard cock and she was trying getting it out of his short, while Pravindra was removing her Top…. And very fast each other made their friend all naked….. There they were both naked on the couch in the tube light of the lounge and were rolling over the couch still tongue drinking each others tongue juice…………….Neha was as if hungry or thirsty and she looked for his cock, and was soon taking it in her mouth to give him a good suck….Pravindra too had abstained from it for the last 35 days and groaned like a teen being sucked for the first time when his dick got in her hot mouth….he felt the heat of her tongue and the moisture of her saliva gliding his dick…. he moaned, “ Oohhhhh, aahhhhh, yesss bhabhi, its wonderful…..i love it….take it deeper bhabhi…wooooow…” Neha lifted her eyes to look at his face and moaning expressions and felt much aroused by that….. She has already started dripping her juices down there, and Pravindr’a fingers went to her wet pussy to explore the desirable longing out there….. And soon Pravindra turned her in a 69 pose over the couch…and there they were, each other exploring, sucking, eating their sex….. When Neha was sucking him hard, on the other side, Pravindra’s tongue was licking the opening of her pussy and his fingers were doing to and fro in it, and he sipping the juices…. They continued that way for about 10 minutes and soon Pravindra groaned ,”Bhabhi I am to cum….its too hot….” It was still in her mouth and he wanted to take it out to shoot them out but Neha firmly held it inside her mouth and he unloaded them inside her mouth and Neha took all them spat them on the floor….Pravindra hissed and moaned with pleasure as that happened and Neha laughed saying, “You naughty, you are like a k** who had it for the first time in your life!!” He excused himself saying, “But bhabhi, it’s after almost 20 days that….” Neha corrected him, “Not 20 days, it’s being 35 days sweetheart!!”Neha continued playing with his cock which turned dead like a snake…. And Pravindra said, “Bhabhi, sorry I was not able to please you and got discharged before penetrating you…” to which Neha replied, “I will make it hard soon again, you don’t worry, it has been fasting for 35 days so it will stand once more and you will please me soon…”So said she went on with the caressing and licking of his cock for the next 10 minutes after his discharge, and little by little it started taking shape like a monster waking up after a sleep….. it was hard again in her hands and she smiled and giggled at it looking at his expressions and felt amused on seeing him happy and stretching over the couch…. she then said, “ You see darling, I succeeded awaking your sleeping piece of my favourite flesh”Pravindra smiled and said, “You horny little sweetheart, okay it will enter you now, get ready…” Neha in a pleasing voice replied, “That’s what for I awoke it honey!” And she took position to take it in her by spreading her legs and Pravindra mounted over her and she by herself took it to introduce it in her pussy….. it slide deep in her and Neha gave a moan,”Hmmmm…yessssssssssssssssssss…” then Pravindra started the movements of his hips, first slowly and gradually accelerated while Neha started quivering under him and grasped him in his arms firmly, licking his shoulders then biting his neck fiercely….. it went on for quite some time as Pravindra delayed because he had just discharged a few minutes ago…but Neha went on shouting with pleasure and moans, trembling under him, vibrating her whole body all along the session and she reached two orgasm one followed by the other within minutes…….. she shouted with joy, something like, “OOHHH, YES…ITS FANTASTIC, YOU ARE SO GOOOOOOOOOD….CONTINUE…DONT STOP….I AM HAVING MY ORGASM…ITS GREAT….GO ON , GO OOON…DONT STOP….I LOVE YOU HONEY …YESSS YESSSSSSSS… I WILL COME AGAIN …WOWWWWW THAT’S SUPERB…OH MY GOOOOOD….OH…YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS….” And she was found panting under him lacking breath….and soon Pravindra came again and was about to discharge…..but Neha told him to let it inside….. And he unloaded his sperm deep in her groaning and panting, then laid all his weight over her for a long time…she supported his weight…till at last he got up laughing ….. Then both of them laughed…. and panted looking in each others eyes……Neha went to the bathroom followed by him, they returned after a good bath…. and went to bed together…and Neha started the conversation, “I have to tell you important things…….”And Neha started the talk, she said, “I am pregnant.”Pravindra did not know what to say he looked in her face surprised and could not utter any word. He took a deep breath and stammered, “You, a…ar…are pregnant? How? Since when?”And Neha asked him, “Why? Are you worried? There is no problem at all. It’s normal! I have already told the priest and he told me not to worry everything will be fine as he thinks it’s my husband’s c***d. So, why to worry?”And Pravindra felt a bit better and asked, “So do you want to keep the baby or abort it?” Neha looked in his face very seriously and asked, “Do you want me to abort?” He replied, “No if you want to have a baby it’s alright I have no problem with that. But who in fact is the father? Is it mine?”Neha smiled at him and said, “You know since the very beginning when your brother was not able to make love to me your dad was very worried and was always telling me needed heirs for this family and he wanted to get many grand c***dren, but little did he know that he planted his seed in me!” Pravindra jumped asking, “What? Papa made you pregnant? I am so happy, he left a c***d before dying? That’s great! I will have another little brother?”And Neha interrupted him saying, “Hello! You will be his/her brother and FATHER too!! The world will know you are the uncle of the c***d in fact you will be the brother and will act as the father!”“That’s so complicated” said Pravindra but he was very happy knowing that it was his father’s c***d. And he was ready to assume all responsibilities. Though he asked when that happened and when did she conceive and when she became aware of that? Neha related him it was just before her mother was sick and she had to go to her native village that she discovered she was a month late for her period, and the last man to let his sperm inside her was the father-in-law. She said she was following her menstruation very well as there were the father-in-law, his brother, and Pravindra having sex with her at that time so she was careful to remember who leaves his semen in her and she followed the next period accurately.So it was then just before going to her father’s place, when it was routine for her to be in her father-in-law’s bed, that for several days she received his semen inside her. (To bring this here today I had not given details at that time, this is the reason I did not mention it at that time as this has to be the suspense and had to be revealed now.)So that is what Neha explained to Pravindra bout how and when she got pregnant. And Pravindra said, “Yes you are right those days not even a day did you let me discharge inside you.” And she replied, “Yes, because I knew your father had already done it and I wanted to know either it will remain…. And just 2 days before I left for my father’s place I knew I was a month pregnant.” And Pravindra said, “I have never had a sister, it will be good if it’s a girl!!” to which Neha added, “And she will officially be your daughter!”Pravindra smiled. Neha, on seeing his joy, was relieved. She had thought he would be disturbed, but he was so happy on thinking his father has left a c***d for them!!Then they talked about their wedding. Pravindra said they have to invite all relatives, parents, acquaintances and all neighbouring village people on the 40th day of his father’s funeral ceremony. And he suggested why not get married religiously on that day itself in presence of all guests? Neha found that to be a great idea and said tomorrow she will talk about that to the priest…. and thinking of the priest she had a quiver in her body, she for an instance thought of her sexual encounter with him…. But she only smiled to herself thinking of that wonderful moment she had…. so the intercourse with Pravindra was the 4th one since the relation with the priest in the day. She got the priest, Subhash, Gyan and Pravindra. Yet she felt still thirsty when she just thought of the priest. If the next day she will be fucked by him before noon it will be her 5th sexual intercourse within 24 hours, she thought.They started feeling sleepy and both lay over the bad and Neha was as if semi conscious, and felt horny….. Pravindra felt deep asleep and started snoring….. Neha started thinking of Sheikh and Roopchand…she had enjoyed a lot that day…she had preferred the act of Sheikh when Pravindra had gone out with Roopchand….. then she thought of the hotel where her 2 brothers had taken her, she thought of the attendant who wanted to have her as their client….Soon Neha’s hand went to her pussy, she started fingering herself…. she had never done that before…she visualised many men with her…she thought of her father, of her brothers, of Sheikh and Roopchand, of Gyan and Subhash, she even visualised her late father-in-law…she became horny, looked at Pravindra who was snoring, she made round circles over her clitoris, she parted both her legs, she introduced her finger only a bit, and she was all wet and she was once again longing for a cock in her…she triee and tried to please herself and on not being satisfied, she got up went to the kitchen, looked for something which could satisfy her…. and she found a brinjal, its thickness was a bit bigger than a dick…she sat on the floor, spread her legs and introduced the polished part of the vegetable to her pussy…it slid in her and she was giving moans, and slowly pushing it inside her, to take it out again and re-introducing it…. she tried to make it go faster like dick does, but her hands started paining….she told herself….. ”A DICK IS A DICK”…… Yet she was so horny that she twisted over the floor with that vegetable in her and, she went over her belly on the floor and let the brinjal inside her and she moved her hip over the floor and rubbed her pussy over the floor with the item still in her and she shouted with moans and quiver, and bit her lips and straightened herself like a twisting snake which tries to stand up…… and she got her orgasm. Panting over the cod floor she laid there, sweating partly and took several deep breaths and laughed at herself feeling pleased.The next morning, she was up early served Pravindra his lunch in a Tiffin-carrier and a taxi came to take him to the fields. The taxi drives him and takes him back from the field since their car got smashed in the accident. He was trying to buy a van of his own but the legal papers were not yet ready after his father’s death and he was not yet the legal owner of the business and anything of his father. The advocate was still undergoing the things and the affidavit was to be carried on after the last rituals of his father’s funeral. Pravindra did not notice but the garage was open when he left and Gyan was waiting for him to leave to get in.As soon as the taxi faded away in the road Gyan went to knock at Neha’s door. She was not expecting him so was surprised but let him in. He immediately enlaced her in his strong arms and started kissing her all over her face, neck, bobs, and ran his tongue all over like a hungry wolf. Neha was still in her pink flimsy nighty with thin straps over the shoulder, wearing no bra and in his movements Gyan moved one strap down to take one boob in his mouth and started sucking the nipple like a hungry baby seeking to be breast fed.They were still standing and Neha was responding but said, “The priest may suddenly come, you must hurry…” And it went very very fast. She was too quickly on the bed naked and Gyan undid all his clothes and mounted on her and his black long cock had already started doing and fro in her wet pussy and she was moaning already under him gasping and twisting on the bed. His mouth was eating her cheeks while he was fucking with rapid movements of his hip, and his big belly thrusting over hers gave her the desired friction to get utmost pleasure. Very soon she was heard moaning, “YES YESSSSSSSS I AM CUMMING OH!! ITS SO FAST…YOU DI IT!! YEAHHHHHHH” And Gyan also roared resting all his body weight on her leaving all is cum in her as she asked him not to take it out.And quickly Gyan left and went in the garage as Neha told him the priest can be there any time. She sat and thought it was her fifth intercourse within 24 hours and if the priest would do it in within the next 4 hours it will be her sixth one.She went to the bathroom and was having her shower, when the priest got in the house as she had let the door open since she knew he was about to come. He called her name and she replied from the bathroom, “I am having a bath will be there soon.” The priest walked to the bathroom and stood near the door saying, “Bitia, open it, let me have a look at you having a bath.” She laughed and said, “But I am almost finished, will come out now.” The pundit caressed his sex and moved a bit of his ‘dhoti’ and was erect and longed to see her bathing.He pleaded, “Please don’t get dressed, let me see you in that state under water…” …….And Neha opened the door. She was all wet, water dripping from her whole nude body, all her long black hair, wet and stuck to her back, partly over her breasts….. The priest, could not wait any longer…. He got in Neha was welcoming him with a lovely smile and lust in her eyes… Neha asked, “Did you lock the door after getting in?” He said, “No” So Neha told her to go to lock then be back. He did it and this time he took off all his dress then got in the bathroom. They let the bathroom’s door open and all nude both, standing Neha took him in her arms and started licking his neck and ears and the old man started rubbing his hard old cock to her thighs by bending his knees…..Neha was horny again and, her eyes turned upside down when she put her hands on his dick while her mouth was over his mouth and they were kissing…. her hand moved over his cock in the masturbating way while the kiss went on…. And the priest’s hands were over her ass, one hand pressing the ass flesh and one hand trying to introduce a finger in her butt’s hole…. Neha stood up on her toes over his movements and she tightened him in her arms biting his ears lobe…. then the oldie, lowered his mouth over her boobs, and drank the running water over it and sucked the breasts and erect nipples which made her shiver… And the priest after a while pushed her head towards his dick, so Neha sat down and took his cock in her mouth….she first licked the tip, looked up in his face to watch his expressions and smiled, then took the tip in her mouth, which made the priest groan and stand on his toes stretching his body and he hissed….. Neha looked up at his face again and took half of the cock inside her mouth and did a to and fro movements…and she felt amused when she saw the old man groaning and moaning….. The priest’s hands were on her shoulder when she was almost kneeling on the marbles of the floor and she was sucking him to his great pleasure, she was every now and then looking on his face to see him enjoying the sucking session…… The pundit started moving his hips and his cock was going in and out her mouth as though he was fucking her in her mouth…… This continued for a while and Neha stood up saying, “My mouth has started aching now pundit ji” with a smile. And it was the priest’s turn to sit down in front of her young inviting pussy… he started running his tongue from her knees, little by little going upper and upper till he passed over her fleshy, soft thighs, and he reached the oyster…. with his fingers he opened the lips of the vagina and ran his large tongue over them, she was dripping and the oldie tasted her juices, licked and sipped, and penetrated his hot tongue into……. Neha held his skull and pressed it to her womb and quivered, trembled, vibrated under the ecstasy of the tongue of the priest. She moved her hips sideways and then the other way like in a dancing style….. The old man was not leaving the pussy and she was going on stretching her whole body thus giving more pleasure to the old man……And after a while he stood up, rubbed his dick to her pussy, took her mouth in his, and they were kissing tongue melting in each others mouth…… He got to crouch to be able to join his dick to reach her pussy as he was taller…. and he penetrated her in that was…Neha gave a loud moan, “Aaaaah,,ishshshshssssssssssss” when the cock entered her. The priest started the movements of his hip, but got tired in that position as he was old to do it that way. So he took her in his arms like a baby, and walked to her bedroom, both all nude, walking in the corridor to reach her bed.He laid her over the bed, and Neha spread her legs by herself and put her arms around his shoulders to welcome him in her again. And the old penetrated her once more and this time he went on fucking by quick movements of his hips…… during the action their mouths were collated to each other and they were meanwhile drinking the nectar produced by the tongue while her pussy was receiving blows of the old hard cock. And soon it was the peak of pleasure, and the old groaned, making a creaking sound deep in his throat, and moaned, “UUUHHH…AAGH…AGH…AGH…he was discharging into her and Neha started violently dancing under him with loud voiced moans, whimpering, twisting, stretching her whole body receiving the pleasure of the flesh, with the meat in her pussy vomiting its thick liquid deep into her…… and she soon relaxed her whole body gasping and as if suffocated and taking deep breaths she laughed at him….. He too laughed and said, “Now I need to purify myself before undergoing with the rituals”…and he went to have a bath……………….. And Neha told herself ‘sixth in 24 hours’The next five days elapsed fucking the priest, Gyan, Subhash, and her to-be husband Pravindra. The two teenagers four times went to eavesdrop and found her being fucked by Gyan and Subhash in turns. They went to masturbate in a corner of the garage after watching. Every time that they saw her, their young dicks raised and they also started having desire to fuck her. But no one except those two knew that they knew things. Each time that they were gong to fill the water at the tap near the washing stone they were watching her boobs when she was bending to wash clothes on the stone…. They talked to her and she got used to them as well but little did she know that they were also fantasizing about her. Gradually we will see if things will turn in their favour as well. Pravindra invited all relatives, friends, acquaintances for the services, last rites and rituals to be rendered for the funerals and her wedding taking place on the same day, but at night. So people were invited for lunch and dinner as well. It was on the 41st day after the death of Pravindra’s dada and b*o. A huge tent was pitched in the yard and many people were busy since the eve in the work of the tent and decorations plus installations of religious materials. Among the people working, many amongst the men’s eyes were on Neha and as she got to serve them meal and drinks every now and then. Many of them got access inside the house on the eve while doing the works. There was a group of three who talked among themselves that Neha is very hot and they wished to get her to fuck. They were from the neighbouring village and they were aged 40-30-20. They on many occasions rubbed with her, touched their hands on her butt, brushed hands or arms over her boobs and all that…. and every time that it happened they signalled each other and they met to speak that she never said any word despite the touching etc…. they talked that she only smiled on those actions from their part and they believed that they can get her for a fuck. But they were not getting any appropriate occasion as other people were around. They planned to get her someday or other and they accepted to be together to fuck her. So we will see later if they will succeed. Finally the day arrived. Even the civil marriage bureau’s officers were present with relative documents to celebrate the registered marriage as well. About 1500 people were present from morning to night at her place in the yard. It was looking like a kermess held in public. Many vehicles on the road she lived, traffic jam, police officers on the roads to deviate traffics…. Close relatives like her father, brothers, sister-in-laws, her father-in-law’s brother (the one who fucked her), his family, were all inside the house of Pavindra. The whole house was in a mess. Persons going from here to there… catering service were busy on a part of the tent, and foods were on the cooking, cakes and all that…. The religious ceremony of the rites and rituals took place in the day and ended at 1 pm. All relatives assisted and the last rites and rituals took place with Pravindra and Neha participating. Food was then served to all the guests in the tent. The family members had their lunch inside the house where the table was managed. After 4 pm the arrangements for their wedding for the night started. Great rush in the house. The room of Neha alone was spared. As both Neha and Pravindra had to get dressed in that room. It was visited by only the two and Neha’s parents now and then. All other guests were in the tent, some on the roads. Gyan , Subhash, and the teenagers were also among the guests. Their eyes were on Neha during the religious ceremony as she was then dressed in the white saree and was lokoing sexy and hot despite being religious. The Priest himself could not move his eyes from her during the ceremony. Now as the wedding ceremony was to be held at night, by 8 pm they had to have dinner before that. The guest were served dinner in the tent after sunset. Neha had been to have a shower before getting dressed for the wedding. When she returned from the shower, most of the persons, even her family were outside in the tent, including Pravindra who was busy serving some close friends with drinks and food. People were waiting for the wedding to take place in the tent. When Neha opened her room’s door to get into her room she came face to face with her father on her bed with her brother Anil’s wife Aarti(hope readers remember her and their affair). They were in an embarrassing posture on the bed. The sister-in-laws sari was moved up and her thighs were all seen and her father had enlaced her while their mouths were collated and his hands were caressing her thighs….. and Aarti’s hand was playing with Neha’s father’s cock, which was out of the pant, the zip-fastener opened. The sister-in-law quickly got up and ran away in the tent, but her father stayed with her trying to give explanations to Neha while closing his zip…. Neha in the day had found them close to each other and every time her father was trying hard to be only in his daughter-in-law’s company… but Neha had not at all thought about what she just saw… When her father was trying to explain Neha only smiled with his and gently said, “Cool papa, its okay, you are getting your chance hmmm, but what if instead of me someone else opened the door? What if Bhaiya Anil opened? You both should be very careful, this is not the place and the right time, you were both so horny?” Her father hugged her tightly and kissed her on the mouth, she responded and after the kiss, still in his arms said, “Hmmm, so when I left the village, you went with her? Huh? She let you! You lucky old papa! You are happy now huh? You go to her place everyday?” and Pravindra opened the door to take his clothes and the towel as he was going to have a shower now. When he found daughter and father in each others arms, he did not mind but he knows they have an affair and thought they can do something, but then told himself, ‘no they can’t do it now as there are too many people around…’ And as soon as Pravindra went to the bathroom, Neha’s father re-started kissing her, running his hands over her body…..But Neha objected, “No papa, this is not the time for this, please, its enough, satisfy yourself with the kisses for the moment, you will get other chances later on…” But her father locked the door and said, “Let people think you are getting dress, in this rush no one will know that I am in the room,” and he quickly enlaced her in his arms and started rubbing his dick over her thighs lifting up the robe she had worn when getting out of the bathroom. She had worn no panty no bra, and the old dad of hers was fondling all….. But Neha objected that it was not the right time…. So he said, “Okay just do one thing for me quickly” “What?” she asked. He opened his zip and took out his big cock and asked her to suck him….. She said, “Well only a quick suck, right?” And she sat on the floor took his dick and started sucking him… he started moaning and was as if fucking in her mouth, Neha was holding the cock in both hands and his cock was doing to and fro in her mouth, when someone knocked at the door…… They got to stop, it was her elder b*o Sunil and her bhabhi with her niece who wanted to assist her getting ready as the bride…….The wedding took place at night. Neha was looking very beautiful in the bridal attire. They way her hair was made, her make up and all that made her look like the models we often see on the podiums. All men’s eyes were on her only and even the girls and women envied her.Late by 11 pm in the night all guests left and the family members remained in the house. The elder brother of Neha wanted to return as his daughter had to go to school but upon the insistence of others he accepted to return the next early morning. Now they had a family discussion as Parvind and Neha were going on their honeymoon trip the next day. They were to be back after a week and Pravindra wanted someone from Neha’s family to stay in his house as The taxi would be coming in the morning and the fields had to be visited at least once a day. From among the older persons Pravindra had selected one men whom he employed as a sort of manager who would be looking after everything but one person from home should be going there to see if they needed anything more.After discussion the father of Neha had accepted to stay the one week but after a while Anil and his wife also said they will stay a week as Aarti stays at home and Anil had his car to drive to the town for work.So it was finalised that they three will stay in Pravindra’s house for a week. Hmmm….the father of Neha felt very happy when he heard that Aarti will be staying a whole week with her!! A great whole week of enjoyment for him he thought. And Neha looked at her father and laughed when it was known that Anil and his wife were to stay a week.Once before they went to sleep after midnight, Neha got a little opportunity to talk to her father and she murmured in his ears, “You are a lucky fellow papa….. She is staying with you a whole week, Bhai will go to work and you and she alone at home!! Huh? This house has that kind of chance I think to have a woman alone in the house and a man around her….Especially old and young…it is the fate of this house or a curse if not a benediction!!” The father held her and kissed her on the mouth licking her tongue the fastest he could before anyone could come there. And he replied, “Its all thanks to you my baby, had you not been married again I would have got this sweet opportunity.” And Neha told her to take Aarti bhabhi to the fields with him to visit. The next morning there was a big rush in the house as Neha’s elder brother was leaving. When he went away, the other members got sometime to enable each other getting the breakfast and the taxi came to horn at their door. Neha’s father was about to leave but the manager appointed by Pravindra came out of the taxi and said its not important to come as he can manage and if they will need anything he will himself come there to ask for.So the father of Neha did not have to go. Neha looked at him and smiled then she glanced at her Aarti bhabhi smiled at her and she continued with her breakfast.Later when Pravindra and Neha started packing their affairs in the case, Neha was once left alone in her room when her father joined her. He embrased her and said, “You will enjoy a lot sweetheart I wish I could be there with you and could have got you for some time alone with me…” Neha told her, “You are as lucky as me papa, I am going out for my honey moon, but you have got to enjoy a honeymoon here with Aarti bhabhi…isn’t it?” they both laughed then. And Neha asked, “Papa, it excites me a lot to see you with her, tell me, explain me, how did you managed to get her? Did she accept it? She did not make a scene? Did you do it at her place for the first time? Please do relate me how was your first time with her?”Her father was going to tell it to her when Aarti came there, so they stopped the talk. And Aarti spoke, “Neha, I had to talk to you, please never talk about waht you saw here yesterday to anybody….” Neha stopped her by saying, “What thing? I did not see anything bhabhi? What are you talking about? Huh?” And they both laughed. And Neha hugged her, and in her ears whispered, “My old papa is good I know, enjoy yourself to the maximum, it’s your luck to be with him. Nobody will ever know anything, just don’t worry bhabhi. You have got a week’s honeymoon with him so enjoy, just enjoy dear.” Aarti felt relieved and sighed. She smiled and hugged Neha tightly and said, “You are so good. Be happy always.”And by noon Neha and Pravindra left home for the location they had chosen for their honeymoon. A big Van came to take them as it was arranged since before. That van was the tour operator agent who managed the suit for them in a five star hotel by the sea side in another state.They were gone soon. And Neha’s father looked at Aarti who was waiting for his look to come on her. She was in a flimsy sari and a backless blouse which had a very deep v cut, and almost all her boobs were seen. She usually got dressed very sexily always. The old man’s eyes were devouring her, and he took her in his arms and carried her to the bed in the guestroom of Neha’s house. BVut one thing they did not notice is that from the garage, Gyan was watching, and Gyan thought who are they? How and why an old man like him carried such a young woman in his arms to go inside the house…………….to be Continued ………….contact me :[email protected]
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