Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
The CamGirl and MeIt was a Thursday night like most other Thursday nights. I met the friends at our bar for Trivia night. We drank, we ate, we sucked hard at trivia and took fourth place. Then I made my way back to my one bedroom apartment, stripped to my boxers, and settled into bed. But the night was still young and I was still ready for a little something extra, so I flipped my laptop open and logged into my favorite cam site. Then I saw she was online. Her screenname was SomethingLeftToBeDesired. It was an allusion to the fact that she never showed, unlike the other girls on the site who were just out to get some tokens. She simply enjoyed coming on and trolling the guys who were so desperate to see what lay hidden. Sometimes, when she was in an extra playful mood, she would tease the guys, acting like she was about to take off her top, then she would dump her feed for the night. When she would return she’d make up some excuse about her internet going out if anybody asked her about it. When asked to show to make up for it, she’d simply say she wasn’t in the mood anymore. More often than not she was called a bitch for this, but I found it amusing and it endeared me to her all the more. A typical session with her was mostly just bullshitting though. In this method we’d delivered a bit of a more personal relationship. Not to say I knew anything about her, but we had developed a bit of a…professional relationship, you might say. During one of our early bullshitting sessions we had discussed the recurring characters of Final Fantasy and come to the agreement that Biggs and Wedge were the most underrated of them. The next time I entered her room, she greeted me in all caps calling me Wedge. The moment I said that must make her Biggs we were instantly best cam friends, although we never interacted outside of her room. Getting back to that Thursday night, I was elated to see her on. But when I jumped into her room there was a shit storm going on in the chat. From my quick scan it seemed like a few of the guys she had trolled decided to take up residence in her room. While she had the capacity to boot them out, they could just create throw away accounts and continue to harass her. I was just illegal bahis about to jump to her defense when the cam quickly cut out. Disappointed, I was about to bail myself when I noticed a message notification. It was from Biggs:Couldn’t take the haters tonight, but saw you jumped on before I bailed. Come talk to me on Skype…i<3BiggsI chuckled to myself at the name. If she wanted to play that game, then so would I. I quickly created a new account for myself and jumped on to find her waiting. "Heya Biggs!" I said when she answered her call. She was already giggling at the name I had chosen for myself. "I see you dig."She quickly quieted herself. "WedgeTheUnderrated? How could I not?!?" After our hellos I let her vent about the haters that drove her off cam. Then I told her about my night, after which we launched into our usual bullshit unhindered by what would have normally been the rest of the chat. After a while she excused herself for a minute, allowing me to take in her outfit as she left the room. She was wearing a short jean skirt and a black form fitting tank top. Normally she's sitting so that her image is cropped from her shoulders up, so this was really the first chance I had to take in her form. She looked like she was about average weight, with just enough meat on her bones to give her some figure rather than looking like five sticks holding up a ball where the head should be. Her black hair fell right to her shoulders. As she walked back I could see the front was much the same. She didn't have an large chest but there was enough meat so she wasn't flat. I estimated she probably had a handfuls worth. Coming back she grabbed her laptop off the desk she was sitting at and carried it over to the bed. She sat it down then took a crossed leg position in front of it, causing her skirt to bow up, revealing her panties. Pink and white stripes. Not exactly what I'd expect. "So where were we?" she asked adjusting her cam slightly, but not enough to keep her panties off cam. "Well not to sound crude, but you're panties are showing miss." I said. I know, I know. Nice guys...yeah...yeah."Oops." She said, tilting the cam up to where only her waist up was showing. The lower part illegal bahis siteleri of her arms were also off cam and she began fidgeting awkwardly. Before I could ask if I had made her uncomfortable she dropped the cam back down to its original position. “Better?”My jaw almost dropped. All her wiggle was her shimming out of her panties. Now she sat there showing me more skin than I ever dreamed of seeing from her. “Much.” I couldn’t help but say. We went back to chatting like nothing was up, but she didn’t bother to cover up so I couldn’t stop myself from stealing glances. Each time I noticed a small smirk appear at the corner of her mouth. Finally I broke down. “You’re enjoying this too much aren’t you?” She gave me a full smile this time. “Well I always enjoyed talking to you, but when you came on cam without a shirt on looking all kind of cute I started thinking over things as well…” she trailed off, blatantly glancing down at what was showing of my bare chest. “You know, it didn’t even occur to me until you said that just now that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. Usually I’m not the one that can be seen so I don’t worry about my appearance.” I tried to explain. “The unusual thing is what you’ve shown tonight.””Yeah. Well. I trust you enough to not be screen capping me like this.” She said, uncrossing her legs. Now I was really dreaming. “Feel lucky Wedge. You’re the first person to see me like this without actually being in person.” “Trust me Biggs, nobody feels luckier than I do right now.” I replied. Despite the fact that she still had her crotch on display, we went back to chatting randomly. But inevitably again I kept getting distracted. But this time, I wasn’t the one to break the conversation. “You seem a little out of it Wedge. I can’t imagine why.” Biggs said, slowly pulling up her skirt. “Yeah, I don’t that’s going to help any.” I said, just staring now. “Well maybe you should show me how distracted you are.” She suggested. “After I assess the problem, I might have a solution…” I took her cue and slid my laptop to the side so that the cam from head to mid thigh. The angle made it more than apparent that I was pitching a tent, but I didn’t hesitate as I slid my canlı bahis siteleri boxers down below my knees. Biggs took in the sights like a tourist at the leaning tower of Pisa. “I can fix that.” Without another word she slid her skirt down her legs then lifted the front of her tank over her head, exposing her breasts. “Damn.” I squeaked out. “Lucky doesn’t seem to quite cover it now.” She ran her hands up her stomach to her breasts. She massaged them for a minute before pulling slightly on her nipples, bringing them to attention. Before I knew it I had my hand on my dick and was stroking slowly while watching her play. Without a word she joined in. While one hand stayed at her breats, the other ventured back down her body. She slowly rubbed with her whole hand, covering her crotch. Just to warm herself up it seemed, since she immediately went down to just a couple of fingers circling her clit. She began softly moaning which only drove me wilder. I picked up the pace, stroking from base to head. My breathing quickened. But I didn’t take my eyes off her for a second. There are things you know will only happen once in your life, and I was pretty damned sure this was one of those moments. Not the actual acts of course, but this moment, with this girl. I drunk in every inch of her body, thrust of her hips, arch of her back, flick of her wrist. Her moans had grown louder. Almost as if in response I could feel myself building up. Almost as if she could see it on my face Biggs said only two words, “With me.”As she began to let out a long moan, I released myself. I shot a warm white load onto my chest and exhaled as if I had just finished a Herculean feat. Meanwhile Biggs looked like she was trying to wrap herself into a ball. The arm that she had been fingering herself with was cupping her crotch while the other was pressing against both breasts, making them look perkier than they had before. Small convulsions seemed to be rippling across her body. Finally she took a deep sigh herself and then just stared into the camera. Staring back at her I let my now flaccid dick flop to one side. “Well Biggs, that problem is certainly fixed.” “Yours and mine both Wedge.” She said with a half dazed smile. “I hate to cum and run, but this girl needs to go clean up. Until next time stud…” The cam slowly panned down until the laptop was closed, cutting off the call. A brilliant end to an otherwise mundane Thursday night. I shut my laptop and set out to clean up myself.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32