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The KissJamie felt like he had stared too long and looked away. He wasn’t thinking straight. Jake was undeniably attractive, this he had gotten over already, or so he’d led himself to believe, but had it been anything so shallow that had the boy mistaking a sleepy glare for a starry-eyed gaze? Yes, Jake was attractive, especially for an older guy, though he wasn’t in any danger yet of having to start acting his age. For Jamie, the feeling (he hoped) wasn’t so shallow. It ran through the faults of his facial features, the marks of old emotional earthquakes – the years of laughter, anger, pain and despair – that painted him like an unfinished lovers’ tragedy.Jake was distinguished yet still young and he had a body that diminished Jamie’s willpower even further. And as quiet as he could be, he never skipped a beat…‘What is it?’ he asked, hands behind his head and propped up on two pillows, one leg over-lapping the other at the foot of the bed. Jamie was already shaking his head. He wasn’t going to be the class fool, no matter what his urges demanded. But then he looked sheepishly to Jake and then Jake gave a smile. ‘What?’ he repeated.Jamie curled his toes, held his breath, failed to think of a diversionary remark, something, anything…‘Nothing,’ Jamie said, half-slouched in the black leather office recliner and wishing to shrink a little further away. ‘Just thinking gay thoughts as usual…’‘Humour me, then,’ Jake said, not even blinking. ‘Let the alcohol talk freely, we’re grown-ups.’‘True, but you’re not gay,’ Jamie responded, biting his lip, and the bomb dropped on target. Still, Jake didn’t blink or even show an ounce of discomfort.‘Uh-oh, busted!’Jamie laughed.‘Not that it’d stop me,’ he tested, daring to lock eyes with the hunk from across the room. His heart went crazy, adrenaline surged, made him feel like going crazy.‘Knowing you, no it wouldn’t,’ Jake smirked, ‘so don’t let it stop you-‘Pardon,’ Jamie blurted.‘I mean tell me already,’ Jake reiterated, eyes still locked, ‘just because I’m not gay doesn’t mean I’m a fucking prude. You like me, it’s a big deal, what else?’‘Oh it’s no big deal, I’m used to being hot for guys,’ Jamie quipped, ‘but whereas you’re lying on that bed and I’m in this chair, we could both be in that bed. I’m fucking tired!’Jake gave that some thought, aware by now that Jamie wasn’t much of a face reader and that he wasn’t going to cotton onto the fact that he was playing it a little too casually. The boy was sweet but he wasn’t one for being direct, or maybe he just wasn’t so confident.‘sleepy tired?’ Jake asked.‘I could sleep. Wouldn’t have to straight away,’ Jamie said.Jake then did something he never imagined he would, something that might either leave an opening worth taking or end up with a lot of jokes being told on his behalf. He gave Jamie two options.‘There’s the small spare bed in the other room, or you can get in bed with me if you like. I don’t mind, cutie like you…’He gave Jamie a wink and then another smile, making the boy grin.‘That was easy,’ Jamie joked, and then, ‘can we snuggle afterwards?’‘Shut up and get your pants off,’ Jake then said like an angry mother.Ten minutes later, Jamie was brushing his teeth over the bathroom sink and the smell of coal tar soap and hot water emanated from across the landing. Wondering if it might be a bit too cruel, Jake had taken the time to strip and put on some fresh underwear; tight white cotton boxer canlı bahis şirketleri briefs that clung to his hips and muscular buttocks as though they’d been tailored specifically for him.A funny thought, he liked to wear these particular kinds on dates when sex was most likely on the cards. Maybe he was just being a tease. He heard the familiar clicks of the bathroom and hall light being switched off and was just about to crawl into bed when Jamie appeared also naked but for a pair of snug boxers that hid an impressive package. Both of them tried not to make it look so obvious that they were thinking the same about each others’ then, getting under the duvet and away from the late night chill. Then it was lights out!‘Do you want to be big spoon or little spoon?’ Jake asked, to which Jamie laughed somewhat awkwardly….‘Oh I’m versatile, what about you?’‘Well I am nearly ten years older so I should be daddy spoon by default.’In the dark they flipped around. When Jamie felt Jake snuggle up behind him, he nearly lost his cool, especially feeing the warm soft mound of Jake’s crotch pressing right up against his backside. He bit his lip, tried to keep it casual.‘If we swap and you get an erection, just tuck it under your waistband.’Jamie wasn’t sure if he was serious or not but he was already fighting his hardness, which was also the reason brushing his teeth had taken so long.‘No, that’d be your fault letting a homosexual into your bed,’ Jamie whispered. ‘I didn’t! You tricked me and I will deny everything to the end,’ Jake whispered back, snaking his arms around Jamie’s warm torso and pulling him closer into his chest.Fuck, fuck, fuck, holy fucking fuck-‘Fine, I’ll just tell people we did everything I wish we were doing, anyway!’‘Goodnight, sweetness,’ Jake said, affectionately kissing Jamie’s cheek as a joke and then rubbing his fine two-day growth into his neck.‘Sweet dreams, stud muffin,’ Jamie replied, fighting his raging erection, not to mention the crazy beating of his heart. He didn’t quite see it going this way.Sometime during the night, Jake had rolled over onto his other side. His stiffness subsided, Jamie had rolled over and spooned him back, and to his barely conscious surprise Jake had crossed fingers with him momentarily. Jamie had been the one to pull away, simply to prevent any awkwardness there might be upon morning.Falling back asleep again, he later became aroused from sleep to feel something pressed up against him. Opening one eye, barely enough to see that the night was turning a lighter shade of blue, he guessed that it must have been about 6am. Jake was breathing deeply and sound asleep, though inches from his own face. Even in the dusky light where he could just about see, he couldn’t help but feel for how beautiful he found this man. His mind wandered as his erection once again strained at his boxers. Then some time later, he came to realise exactly what was pressed up against him.Feigning a clumsy wandering hand, he had discovered that Jake had twisted out of his own boxers in his sleep. Not only was his gloriously hard morning wood bare-naked and free, it was pressing against Jamie’s own, with only the fabric of his own shorts between them. He could have come there and then if he weren’t careful.Ever so lightly, Jamie flexed his hips, pushing the head of his sensitive, pulsating cock into Jake’s. Jake squirmed in his sleep and then to Jamie’s delight, he mobilbahis pushed back. Now more than ever, Jamie could barely trust himself, with Jake’s smooth lips so close to his and with his cock inches from his hand. He stroked Jake’s excitement beneath the cover, growing ever more turned on by its size and thickness, and then dared to wrap his fingers around it, gently pulling the smooth, hot skin back and forth ever so slightly. Again, Jake pushed in his sleep…Was he definitely asleep?He had bucked his hips, leaving Jamie with one hand full. With the other hand, Jamie then decided to release his own desperate hardness from its confines. His heart skipped and danced, he could almost hear it beating in his throat as he then slid their naked hardness together.Then he dared to move his lips closer to Jake’s, slowly, gauging how close he was by the thin breaths escaping both of their mouths. Innocently, or so he would want it to seem, he kissed Jake so lightly that he might never have known, and then remained there waiting for a response.Jake then licked his lips, catching Jamie’s lips as his tongue slid out. Jamie dared to kiss him again, their hardness burning up together underneath, meanwhile. Jamie snoozed…‘Jamie?’He heard Jake’s voice, slowly coming around. What time was it? Again he opened one eye and then noticed that Jake was still right in front of him.‘Yeah,’ Jamie whispered.‘Do you know what you were just doing?’ Jake whispered back.He didn’t want to lie.‘What?’‘You were kissing me!’‘I warned you about sleeping with homos,’ Jamie said sleepily then dared to kiss him again. His heart nearly exploded however as Jake leaned in and kissed him back, and again, so deep and soft. Jamie reciprocated after the initial surprise at just how soft yet deliberate Jake’s lips were. Their eyes sleepy but focused on each other in the moment, they kissed again, but deeply, slowly and with suggestive, lazy snaking tongues. Jamie melted into Jake’s beautiful mouth, aware that he had then pulled back the covers and was working his cock with long, smooth strokes as their lips and tongues intertwined. They became lost in the kissing for some time before sleep took them again…When Jamie woke up the next day, he found himself in Jake’s bed, empty but for his own naked body. He sat up and wrapped the duvet around his waist, trying to gather his thoughts.Flashes of that night came back to him, with Jake’s touch seemingly as fresh on his skin as it was on his mind. That almost instantly made him hard again. It had been a long time since anyone had switched him on like that. In fact he’d never felt like this before and he wanted more.He searched his clothes for his phone, eventually finding it in his hooded jacket, then felt dejected at the absence of any messages. And the house was silent with no sign of Jake. Maybe Jamie had scared him away. He supposed he would have, although what happened in the early hours of the morning seemed both natural and choreographed, like they had both wanted it to happen just as much.But it was just as natural for someone like Jake to think twice about what had happened…As if to impose on the thought, and on Jamie’s guilt, a key turned in the lock to the front door downstairs, and then someone – hopefully Jake himself – let themselves in. Jamie suddenly found himself having to summon up a lot of courage.Five minutes later, he travelled downstairs barefooted and still mobilbahis giriş as god had intended, but for the shorts he decided to put back on. He supposed he’d know soon enough were he and Jake stood after their encounter.‘Hey sleepy head,’ came Jake’s voice from the kitchen, along with the aroma of freshly brewing coffee.Jamie walked in on Jake, somewhat sheepishly standing before him in his shorts and gave him an uncertain smile.‘Hey,’ he finally said back.‘Look, I’m going to be honest,’ Jake started mildly, and Jamie braced himself, ‘I’ve been thinking and I got nothing. I don’t know what happens now…’‘Nothing has to happen, nothing really did happen, did it?’ Jamie said as disarmingly as he could. ‘I don’t want you to be freaked out…’‘I’m not that freaked,’ Jake offered, though now being the one to feel dejected. He had acted on impulse as much as Jamie had. It didn’t feel wrong. ‘What happened this morning was fucking hot. I’m kind of ashamed I fell asleep…’Jamie smiled, and quickly that smile turned into a grin. Soon enough his face ached as he looked so fucking adorably at Jake, now ‘Yeah,’ he said, thinking about it, ‘yeah it was fucking hot.’ But Jamie had to come clean. Jake wasn’t the only thing on his mind and not the only reason he should feel guilty. He just couldn’t bring himself to. Not yet. ‘I’d do it again,’ he then teased, wondering what might happen.Jake looked him dead in the eyes making it so hard, then, for him to look away or think anything else. On the kitchen worktop, the boiling hot coffee dripped from the filter, releasing steam that billowed up into the air beside them.‘Me too,’ Jake seconded.For the second time that morning Jamie found himself wrapped up in Jake’s strong naked arms, bodies intertwined beneath the duvet which was slowly but surely falling off the end of the bed. Their wet hungry lips pressed together, their tongues danced and slid together like they’d done this a thousand times before.This time Jake hadn’t even made a move for Jamie’s straining hardness and yet the chemistry between them was much more sexually charged. They kissed with deliberation, eyes gluing together occasionally and then coming unglued as Jake pulled Jamie closer, licking and sucking at his sensitive pink nipples.Jamie couldn’t bear it any longer. He rolled over on top of Jake and told him to stay put before inching down the bed and taking his hardness in hand, still encased in those tight white boxers.‘I want you. Can I have you?’ Jamie begged. Jake nodded, eyes wide open, his breath halted.Jamie pulled down his shorts at the waistband, releasing his swelling cock from its confines and ran his wet tongue up to the tip all the way from between his morning lover’s smooth shaven balls then sucked his length into his hot mouth. Jake groaned, arching his back and praying to sweet Jesus. The boy was an expert, his mouth filling up with hot saliva and masterfully sucking at the head before taking him all in again and lapping at the base with his cool tongue. Such was the ferocity and passion of Jamie’s sucking motions that before long Jake was erupting into his mouth and down his throat, calling his name out loud as he crashed hard upwardly into orgasm. Jamie climbed up his sweat soaked body, removing his own shorts as he did, just wanting to feel skin on skin, and looked Jake in the eyes smiling.‘Now THAT was fucking hot,’ he said watching Jake recover as they both breathed raggedly together.‘Mind officially fucking blown,’ Jake gasped, looking the young boy in the eyes. He was beautiful. He really did love him. How could you not?‘No, that was your cock,’ Jamie laughed. ‘Get us a condom and I’ll blow your mind!’
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