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The Mexicn 9 that i fumbled awayI’ve noticed recently that my dick doesn’t get fully hard 100% of the time anymore. Just the other day I was fucking a sex buddy and my dick was only half hard. She still enjoyed it and I came but I wasn’t destroying her pussy like I usually do. The weird thing is she came harder then when I pound her so I was like ok maybe its just in my mind. Then on Saturday I ran into a ex girlfriend when I was out. We both got fucked up and was about to fuck her when she had to suck me for 10 min to get me hard. Once again I was hard for only like 10min then back to 3/4 hard. Strange thing she loved it and told me how much she missed my dick blah blah blah. All day Sunday I was kinda worried as I thought back and I’ve noticed over the last 3 months or so that I don’t jack of multiple times every day or fuck multiple times daily. It s more like once a day and sometimes none. Then I went down to Luckys pub for the Texans game yesterday. Saw this Spanish chick I’ve wanted fuck for a year or so now. We exchanged numbers and did some light petting one time last year but never really hooked up. She is so sexy and when I hugged her I leaned in and kissed her neck. As I did I smelled her sweet perfume and slid my hand down to the top of her ass. Shes Mexican but has a ass like a Puerto Rican or Dominican chick. In fact I always call her my Dominicano. I went back to my crew and she went back to hers but we glanced at other during the game. She even came over and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek after the Hopkins touchdown. My boys was like “D you gotta hit that”. I played it smooth but as I walked past her to go to the bathroom she gave me that look. I rubbed her neck as I walked past and heard her girl say “hes something” but couldn’t make it out. As im in the bathroom with my dick in my hand at the urinal, I get a text from her. I pull out my phone and its a pic of her or somebody that looks like her walking down the beach in red two piece with the message “you know you want this ass when are you going to get it?”. The ass in the pic is perfect! The pic is in my “women bartın escort I met on Xhamster gallery” check it out. She has a phat ass but im not 100% sure this is her in the pic but instantly my dick is 100% hard. YESSSSSS! but now im stuck in the bathroom with a woody. So when the bathroom clears out I walk over to the sink with my woody and throw some cold water on my face. When I went past her I notice her and her friends laughing. I know they know what she sent me so I just calmly stop and say confidently “ohh yeah im ready. They all start laughing and she says too bad its her ass pointing to the friend who said something when I walked past. I just look and tell her to stand up and as she does GOD DAMN that ass is crazy. Through her sweatpants you can see perfection. But I have to admit her face is avg at best. I’m caught in the moment and say “you two are some bad bad bitches damn” and walk back to my group. When I get there I text her, here is our text chainme- I need to see your assher- whatever if you wanted me you would’ve called me back when kissed at the party me- you was acting like you didn’t want ither- whateverme- I want youher- you want my girl and she wants you, her ass is phater then mineThis is where I make a rookie yeah but your sexier What the fuck was I drinking (Wild Turkey) all game to say some dumb shit like that. Guys never say a girls friend is sexier hotter better then a girl your trying to fuck when said girl is trying to leverage the other chick back to the texther- that’s why you never called because you like big asses and mine is just niceme- Can I get thather- fuck no I’m not that easyme- why you playing with meher-that’s the problem your not serious Playaher- my girl wants you though she’s easier then me and has a phatter ass, can I give her your number?me- are you seriousher- yeah babeme- would you be mad if I fucked herher- nope! I asked about you after we met and Steven told me you just about the pussySteven is one of my close friends but he’s the type of guy that would use you to get some pussy behind your back. The thing bartın escort bayan is that phrase “all about the pussy” is one of his favorite sayings. He is the type guy that only gets chicks because of his bragging about this or that and dumb young girls fall for whatever, from where i’m sitting your the only chick I want in here I just hate chasingher- no your all about the pussyme- I want yours look at me She looks over at me and I make some stupid face across the room just being sillyme- can I be honesther- yesme- this is embarrassing so don’t repeather-okme- nah come over here so I can tell youShe comes over and I give her a hug and whisper in her ear the followingme- Steven was right, i am all about the pussy but for two specific reasons. One I am a sex addict I love the enjoyment from a beautiful women and a dope body like yours. Two as corny as it sounds I just having met my soulmate. So if I’m in a relationship that is essentially not going to be long term, the sex better be great otherwise why not just be friends lolher- I guessAt that moment I know I’m in there I GOT HER! then rookie mistake number 2 again what the fuck was I drinking all day (wild turkey) my dumbass saysme- why did you say your girl wants meImmediately she snaps out of the moment and says yeah let me get her. And waves her friend over at that same moment Steve comes over and starts his dog and pony show for her. Her PHAT ass friend’s face now looks like a 2 and her ass like a 12 because of the alcohol and I realize I’m hammered. I know think about hammering some pussy. I chat a little w her friend and she is a total airhead but THAT ASS. Steven is bragging about his trip to Russia and my Dominicano is listening I grab her girl and say lets go for a walk. We walk out to my girl and get in and im me- so whats up you know that ass pic made my dick hardher_ giggling me- but I got to see your ass for myselfI kiss her and pull her over to me sliding my hands all over that ass. I put my hands in her Texans sweatpants and palm that ass and she leans back and is like I gotta tell you something. escort bartın me- what, this aint real, you had ass implants?? lolher- lol no I am on my periodme-fuck well come here let me show you something. I pull out my rock hard dick that she starts to play with. I’m now totally gone from the liquor. Her face looks like a dog but that ass IS PERFECT in my hands. I push her head down to my dick and she resist and starts giggling. I m like WTF and she saysher- I want to give you head but cant. I just had my tongue ring removed and my mouth will get disinfected.I’m like WHAT??? Bitch suck my dick and she’s like no for real i’m aint that a bitchher- I can jack you offAt this point i’m blown we just go back in the bar. As soon as I get to the crew I see my Dominicano snuggled close up with Steven. She glances a mean look to me that we both understood. It basically said you could have been w my fine ass but you picked the wrong chick. The Texans came is over and everybody was talking about where the party was going to continue. Steven and my Dominicano get in his car. I end up just going home pissed w a hard dick. Later that night Steven texts me steven- you know I hit thatI go to the bathroom and throw up, from the liquor and that news. Steven is a clown type guy but would never lie on his dick me-what?????! What happenedsteven- She was mad because her girl gave you a blowjob, she said you liked her girl over her and never made a move on her even though she tried to talk to you a year ago she broke up with her boyfriend like 2 months ago and hadn’t had sex since then. We started talking right when you guys walked outside and she said her girlfriend loves to give head and she giggled she did too. That’s when we started talking about sex. One thing she said is she’s not fucking w you D because her girl is a freakme- well I aint hitting it after you clown lol plus her girl was on her period and had a tongue ring removed so no nut for mesteven- lol. Score one for me b*o I know she gave me some good head driving to the spot and after we left the spot I had to drive her home because she was a little drunk. Bent her over her couch rawMan I was pissed I blew it with a 9 that wanted to give me the pussy I wanted for a year for a bitch on her period who couldn’t give head. BAD BAD DAY. But hey my Texans won 1-0 babyDerek
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