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The shemale transformation part 6So i woke up in bed next to ebony mmmm wat awesome sex we had. When i got up my mom was down the hall she said zach i need to talk to you i said in a minute.she said now zack. I got out my room she said have been stealing my panties. No mom dont lie to me. I told her well i didnt think you would catch me she said it ok dear i just dont want you lieing she ask me wat i use them for i told her that i was out of underwear and need it for school. She said that ok as she rubbed my ass she said they look good on you lol get to school ok mom. My mom so hot she got big tits perfect round booty and she wears weird iv been attracted to my mom lately i think the shemale part of me is more wild then before that kinda thought would never cross my mind any way i got back to my room and ebony had left i was walking to school and i saw this strange plant i took it with me tonmy lab class. My teacher said it was not of this earth kayseri escort i took it home and it got dark it started to glow bright green and it grew i called ebony hurry. Come over quick then it was the size of a car and vines came out and started grabing my leges slowly pulling me in.ebony showed up and said hang on i got you but then it grabbed her and started fucking her with tentacles she let go of me as its mouth opend wide she moaned hard fuck harder so it tentacles drived deep in side as it started to eat me i felt its tong my dick istarted to transform as soon as i did it realized i was female and stoped instead it put all of it self inside my ass and into my body ebony held me said are you ok.yea i think but it inside me now i dont know wat this means she said w will figer it out dont wurry. Then bigbirtha showed up and told ebony to give me zack im going to **** him ebony side no bigbirtha throw. Her on the bed Victoria showed escort kayseri up and layed on ebony and started to **** her hard ebony started to scream help me zack im going to but then bigbirtha grabbed me and forced her cock into mouth it was soo big ebony started to moan ahhhhhh Victoria ur cock harder ahhhh ebony started to lose contral then bigbirtha told me to fuck my mom she said the birth of a c***d from you and your mother or ill have Victoria eat ebony. No i said dont do ill do anynting for ebony bigbirtha said any thing huh kiss me then so instarted to kiss bigbirtha as ebony watched she started moan as if it turned her on then bigbirtha said no wonder ebony likes you your so sexy bigbirtha started lickin m ass then she stuck her cock in my ass real hard my eyes went blurred as her cock whent deep she then started to cum ebony broke free and was mad she tried to stop bigbirtha then tentacles cam out of bigbirtha and she started kayseri escort bayan grabbing ebony an pulling her into her pussy head first as i as geting fucked ebony wS getng sucked into bigbirtha pussy untill she was deep inside holy crap then all of a sudden Victoria and bigbirtha vanished me and ebony we wure kinda scared but then we wure also horny so instarted licking her pussy and fucking her with my tentacles she screamed with joy and then i cumed inside her over and over next moring my mom walked in and saw ebony naked and me naked ebony was fucking me in the ass and i was moaning then i saw momnin the mirror she was playing with her pussy as ebony fucking my instarted sucking ebony then she cumed mom cloesed the door and started nocking ebony vanished and headed to gym room my mom walked in said are you up she.said some dream you had wat was it about i started ask is she ok yes zack im fine she bent over in front of me and i could see her wet pussy i couldn’t help it she was steaming up with that pussy i transformed i she got up said who are you it me zack i been meaning tell you she sat on my cock and called school said i was sick and she started to fuck me harder and harder stay toon for part 7

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32