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Velvet Crush: A New BeginningDenise:I finally realized where I was, as I pulled the filthy blanket down to find that I was naked. I was lying on a mattress in a dirty room, in some house, somewhere in LA. Our tour had ended nearly four months ago and I had been on a sex and d**g binge since then. It had begun as a party to celebrate our tour and after a sequence of events, had degraded into my demise as a street whore, d**g abuser and live sex act star. After two days of partying, I had returned to see my mom and grandma off to Japan. They were going to be flying back in a private jet with my grandma’s husband, who was our boss, manager and sometime lover. He had fucked me when I had arrived and when we had finished, I got to visit with my mom and grandma for a few hours, before their flight departed. We planned some things to do when I returned to Japan and also some events for our Euro tour. I got to speak with my mom very intimately about her past and she had explained quite a bit to me, filling in parts that I had never known. She was looking so good and I was so proud of her personal accomplishments. She was beaming and when I asked, she explained that her and my father had gotten together to clear up all of their past issues and problems and that they had spent an entire day making love. My mom was still so in love with my dad, the man who had also raised her, as his daughter, before they had become lovers. She knew that he was happily married and had a different life, but they had still made love and he had rocked her world with his actions and his forgiveness for her choices during their marriage. My mom had confided that she was dating a younger man in Japan and now she had the ambition to move on, since her past had been confronted and she had made peace with the person she had always loved the most. We discussed her dual retirement, with my grandmother, from the adult entertainment business, once our Euro tour was over, and I knew that she had nothing else to accomplish. That would leave me as the last working porn star of our family and that was going to lead to a lot of work, to which I looked forward. I kissed and hugged my mom and grandmother goodbye at the airport and then departed for a party with my mom’s former gang. I had donned her gang jacket and had left to party with a group of guys whom I knew would wear out my pussy and provide the d**gs I needed to satiate my sex drive. I didn’t get the news until two days later, as I came out of my d**gged up stupor. The plane in which my mom and grandmother had been flying had crashed. I cried for an entire week as I mourned their loss with my father and my family. I had found a message sent to my phone, after I had heard about the accident, and it had been sent by my mom minutes before the plane had gone down. It contained an attached file that included all of the information that I needed to access her records and files from her career and her finances. I was going to be the executor of her will and the fortune that she had accrued under my father’s scrutiny. I also received the film that she had shared with me from her dark days. I watched it over and over as the week went by, but I couldn’t grasp the lesson from it, about not becoming a slave to d**gs, and soon I was on the streets, selling and giving myself away as I succumbed to the d**gs which I thought would lessen the hurt. Sitting here, naked on the mattress, my mind was clear for the first time in three months and now I knew where I was and what day it was. I had stumbled through the room, letting the men who had used me, the night before, sleep off their high as I finally found my clothing, my purse and cellphone. d**g paraphernalia littered the rooms around the house, which was devoid of much furniture and had no electricity or running water. I remembered doing so many d**gs and having sex with so many different men and women during my d**g binge. I hadn’t been in contact with anyone and had fallen off of the face of the planet, as far as they were concerned. My phone was dead, so I had no access to messages or my personal information. I had a recharging cord in my purse pocket and after straightening myself up as best I could, I squeezed out of a boarded up window and made my way down the street. Hopefully, I would find a restaurant that would allow me to charge my phone and get back to civilization as it were. I found out the exact date at a local bookstore and realized that my birthday was going to be in two weeks and that I would be 18 years old. I would finally be of legal age to do the work that I had been involved in for the last two years. Maybe I would start out fresh or maybe I would try my hand at something new. I had no other skills though and as I waited for my phone to charge, a gentleman approached me, we made small talk and then he propositioned me for sex. I had no money and my phone was still off, so I followed him to his car where I sucked his cock for $20. I walked down to a small diner and got something to eat and used their restroom to clean up a little as my phone finally came on. As I called my dad, I knew right away what my future held, I was going to be Velvet Crush, in honor of my mom. My porn career was waiting for me and I was going to begin anew, with a new name and hopefully a much brighter future. I watched my mom’s film footage, while I waited for my dad to arrive, and I knew the lesson that she had wanted to pass on to me. I hadn’t heeded her warnings and I had to learn the hard way, but I truly admired and loved my mom and my grandmother and from now on, my life would be dedicated to everything that we shared. I was going to be the greatest porn star of all time.Velvet Crush:As I waited for my dad, I retraced what I remembered over the last four months, since I had tried to escape the pain of my loss. My mind spun with the number of parties that I had attended, the different men whom I had been with and the places where I had woke up, many times not knowing how I had gotten there. I went from one place to another trying to drown my sorrows with d**gs and alcohol, trying to lose myself in the only pleasure that I enjoyed, sex. I fucked and sucked nearly every man I met, who wanted to be with me. Sometimes I sold myself, but most of the time I gave myself freely to the men who asked. I didn’t really care and I hoped that the orgasms and the taste of sex, which I thrived on, would replace the loss of my mom and grandma. I thought back about the amount of d**gs that I had done, ranging from alcohol, pot and ecstasy to cocaine, kaçak iddaa crack and heroin. I kept myself stoned and in a stupor, just alert enough, mentally, to participate and enjoy the sex that I was having. Not all of it was good though, as I was passed around between so many different men, but the d**gs made it seem pleasurable and made me want more. After nearly a month into my d**g and sex binge, I found myself back with my gang, each of the members taking turns with me and using me however they wanted. They kept me supplied and high and I kept their cocks hard and wet, letting them empty their sperm filled nuts into my body as they wished. It was late one night when I talked three of them into taking me over the border, to Mexico, to party and see some live sex shows. They fucked me in the car as we made our way across the border and down to the city where my mom had worked. I wanted to find her past, to find what she wanted me to avoid with all of her will. They nearly carried me into the club, when we had finally arrived, as I was nearly u*********s from the amount of d**gs I had been doing. We watched a few live sex shows, the women masturbating with large objects or taking on multiple men, while we drank tequila. I could barely keep my head up, but I continued to watch, imagining my mom doing upwards to 5 shows a day. I asked to see the owner of the club and an older man in his late 50’s approached our table and sat down to join us. I spoke fluent Spanish, so I began to ask about the history of his club until I finally found out that he had been the owner when my mom had worked there. The club was nearly empty now, as one of the women performed with an old man on stage. He had no teeth and had to have been in his 90’s as he sat in a chair and she sucked on his flaccid penis for 15 minutes before giving up. “I can do better than that.” I told the owner and got up from my chair and made my way to the stage. The owner waved off his bouncers and I stripped off my clothes as I walked onto the stage. The old man watched me as I moved to the music and finally began my lap dance for him. The small crowd became more vocal now, since a new girl had arrived and I felt a small spark of life revive the old man’s cock as I rubbed on it. It was growing, so I knelt before him and sucked it until it was fully erect. His dick was actually rather long, nearly 9 inches and uncut. I eventually straddled his lap and slid onto his dick and rode him until he came in me. I stood up after we had finished and then used my hand to scoop up his cum as it ran down my thighs, eating it while the crowd watched. The owner had loved it and congratulated me when I returned to the table.My fellow gang members left me that night and returned to LA. The owner had offered me a job and I gladly accepted it and his offer to spend the night at his place, where he fucked me until we both fell asleep. That is when and where I began my descent, not unlike my mom, and as I soon found out, my grandmother. I confided in the owner and told him who I was, asking him in return to share the story of my mom with me. He then went on to tell me that he had pimped out my mom because a local d**g lord had ordered him to do so, after he had grown bored with her as a play thing. He knew of my mom’s history as a porn star and used that to lure in more clientele to his establishment. He went on to tell me that after nearly 6 months of working, as his top attraction and whore, that my grandmother had arrived to take her away. She had attempted to purchase her contract from him, but that the d**g lord had not given him permission to do so, since he still enjoyed coming into the club to see her extreme sex shows. My grandmother then agreed to work for a few weeks, alongside my mom, becoming an addition to his stable of hookers and live sex acts. Along with an offer of money and her addition, as a sexual draw to his earnings, she wanted to purchase my mom’s freedom from what seemed to be her slavery into extreme sex. With the d**g lord’s approval, she began working in the club. My grandmother and mom became a popular sideshow for his establishment and soon, after only a couple of days, word alone had driven up the popularity of his cross border sex venue. According to him, both of them together would have sex with 20 or more men and still perform in their daily live sex acts. He was making a lot of money and the d**g lord was coming by more often, enjoying their shows and, along with his group of 10 bodyguards, fucking them both whenever he wanted. The owner still had many videos on cassette tapes, which showed both of my elders performing their live sex acts and he shared them with me as I became his main draw and regular lover. He kept me rolling in d**gs and I kept money coming into his business as word of my work spread. The building was packed each night as I performed, just as my mom and grandmother had, when they were the headliners. I was sold to so many customers and eventually to the same d**g lord who had gotten my mother and grandmother into this lowly sex industry. Each night I fucked many of the same men and even many more men who arrived to watch my shows or to enjoy my sexual skills. I laid on the same padded table and spread my legs wide as the men prepared me for the same sex acts that both of my porn sires had engaged. Sometimes up to three or four times a night, depending on the crowd, I laid there waiting as the two men led it onto the stage, helping a fresh one, for each show, up onto the table and guiding its arm length, bicep width tool into my well lubed vagina. I found myself moving with it, sometimes nearly ¾ of the entire cock buried inside of me, thrusting my hips upward to meet its pumping motion. Each show they would ride me until completion, filling me with a pint of their sticky, white goo. The handlers would then help it down, after pulling its still erect penis from my gaping hole, while one of them held a clear glass bowl between my legs to catch the semen as I sat up to drain its seed. I would then dance around the stage, drinking the warm, sticky fluid as the crowd cheered me on. The d**gs allowed me to revel in the attention and to enjoy each show until the next one, savoring the cum as if it were that of the men whom used to do the same in my bukakke orgy films. This went on every night for nearly three months, before I learned that my dad had arrived, nearly 30 days after my grandmother. He had gotten word from my grandmother’s husband, explaining that she had left a month before kaçak bahis to help her daughter. My dad then flew down to Mexico and with a few bribes and after paying a hefty amount of cash, got both of them out of the country and purchased all of the owner’s videos. That thought is what made me really think of the love that my family shared and it shook me out of my d**g stupor long enough to realize what my mom tried to warn me about. It had all come to me one night, after I had performed a record setting six live sex acts and finished with my dozen more customers. I was smoking a cigarette, while I watched one of the old cassette tapes of my mom and grandmother performing their acts, when I was given the rest of the story by the owner of the club. He told me of my father’s move to rescue both of them and how he only had two or three dozen movies still remaining from his sale of all of his tapes. I gave him a blow job before he went off to bed and then I packed up all of his tapes, including the new ones, showing me engaging in a wide variety of extreme sex acts over the last three months. I then took his car and left, somehow making it back across the border and into California. I drove back to my gang member’s warehouse and, for some reason, celebrated by getting stoned again. I continued my sex and d**g binge for another week, until a couple of my Latino lovers found the videos in the car and they showed them to the rest of the gang. I sat with them as they watched my nightly sex acts replayed over and over, along with the films of my mom and grandmother. The b**stly acts had them looking at me in a different light and soon I found myself being brutally gangbanged by the entire gang. They used me for two days and then sold me to a local d**g dealer, who then passed me around to various groups of friends, whom I had recently found myself with, as I came out of my d**gged up mental haze. Now I was waiting for my father to come and rescue me, just as he had my mom and grandmother. The gang still had all of our remaining movies and I couldn’t let them get out publicly, if I wanted to continue as a porn star, so when my dad finally showed up, I explained the last 4 months of my life in detail. He shook his head, but he somehow understood. Later that week I received a box with all of my videos and my cell phone. I condensed all of the movies into a small download, just as my mom had, and I kept it to remind me of her wishes. It was time for me to clean up my act and move on to better things. My birthday was in another week and I was going to be 18 years old and through a series of events, I was going to be the sole owner of my grandmother’s husband’s porn empire. I had plans and my goals were still to become the greatest porn star in the world. It took me nearly a week to get my personal and business matters under control. I called Ryan, my lover and sometime film director, explaining my sabbatical. He understood my loss and I met him at his place. I had only seen him three times since I had begun the tour with my mom and grandmother and then I disappeared for almost 4 months. We sat and talked at his house as I explained what had occurred, completely leaving out most of the truth. I just told him that I had to get away to think and that I was sorry that I hadn’t return any of his messages. He kissed me and before you know it, we were naked and on the floor fucking. He pounded me hard and I loved it. It had been so long since I had been fucked well and intimately. Ryan filled me with his hot cum and then we fell asleep. When I awoke, he was sitting across the room with a container of my belongings. We had been living together before my tour and now I knew that we were done. He told me that he still cared for me, but that he had moved on. His new lover was not like me and didn’t approve of an open relationship, so we could no longer be sex partners. I understood and thanked him, even if he did fuck me before dumping me. I had enjoyed the sex and it had been worth the trip to his house. I always thought of things in a sexual manner and this was my logic. I grabbed my stuff and returned to my dad’s house. The emotional effect of our breakup hit me when I saw my dad and he held me as I cried. He told me to get cleaned up and that the family was going to be having a party for me. I had nearly forgotten, but it was my 18th birthday and his love had cheered me up. I showered and dressed and then my entire family and I went out for dinner and putt-putt golf. I felt like a k** again and enjoyed seeing and interacting with my brothers and sisters. I was going to enjoy my time with my family while I could, because in the next week, I was going to be returning to Japan to go through some legal issues with my new porn company. It seemed as though my step-grandfather’s family wanted to fight me over my inheritance. I would deal with that then, but for now I was going to be a teenager again. For the next three days I ate well, slept well and began working out at the gym again. I was feeling good and getting back to my old self again. My dad had offered to bring his lawyer and to join me for my business work in Japan and I took him up on it. He was a business guru and I was going to need all of the help that I could get. He was helping me with my mom’s inheritance and now he was going to help me with that of my grandmothers. I felt like a k** again, instead of a porn star, and it was fun. My only problem was that I had not had sex in almost 4 days and that was an eternity for me. I was getting cranky and moody and I hung out in my room, so that I didn’t take it out on my siblings or my dad. He came in later in the evening and we talked about our upcoming trip. It made me think of my mom and grandmother and I began to cry once more. He held and cradled me as we laid on the bed, telling me how he also missed both of them and how much he had loved them both. It felt so good to be in my dad’s arms again, just as it did when I was younger, but now I had urges and it was difficult to fight them off. We both began to nod off to sleep and I heard and felt my father’s breath on my neck. It kept me from falling asleep and so did his growing member, pushing against my ass as I lay close to him, his arm around my waist. I found myself pressing back against his nocturnal erection and being even more aroused and unable to sleep. My hand began to rub my pussy through the thin velvet shorts that I was wearing and my other hand slid up under my crop T and squeezed my nipples. Slowly I moved the bottom güvenilir bahis of my shorts aside and slid two of my fingers into my wet twat. It felt so good and I pushed back harder into my father’s groin. His hard cock felt so good against me and my mind reeled as I rubbed my clit and stroked my fingers faster. I didn’t realized that my hips were gyrating and my father moaned slightly in his sleep, most likely dreaming of my mom, grandmother or both. I pinched and pulled on my nipple as I ground my ass into my father and then to keep from screaming out, stopped and pulled my hand back to my side where I struggled to keep from reaching back to touch his dick. I wanted to feel it with my hand so bad and it kept creeping closer to his body. I didn’t want to do it, but I had no control and I gently placed the palm of my hand against his stiff prick, slowly and softly moving it up and down his shaft. His breathing became heavier and soon I found myself unbuttoning the top of his pants and pulling down his zipper. I knew that he was dreaming as he mumbled and my hand slipped around his long pole. I gripped it and began to stroke very gently. Every fiber of my body screamed to stop, but I wanted his cock so bad. I pulled his cock level to my ass and then arched my back, as I lifted my top leg and pushed myself back onto his cock in one fluid motion and it slid all the way into my slippery hole. I just laid there without moving, feeling his hard cock as my vagina squeezed itself tightly around his throbbing shaft. After about 10 minutes of feeling my juices run down my thigh and ass, I had to move, so I slowly began to grind. His arm pulled me closer and he groaned and mumbled again. My dad had not been sleeping much after the accident and my disappearance and now he was in such a deep sleep that I had his cock buried in my hot, wet cunt and he was dreaming through it. He moved slowly against me and I almost cried out as I came. I pushed back and soon our motions coincided with one another and we were fucking. Not hard, not thrusting, but just slowly grinding.I rubbed my clit as his cock gently slid in and out of my moist opening. I wanted to explode as I came for the second time and more of my fluids spilled down my legs, beginning to soak the sheet under me. On and on this went for what seemed an eternity. I kept rubbing my clit and squeezing my breasts, which were not fully out of my shirt, as I had pulled it up and away from my chest. Three more times I came and moaned softly out, purring like a kitten. Then I felt the explosion and the throbbing and pulsating of my father’s cock as he exploded inside of me. I moaned louder and pushed back one time, sinking him deeper into my sloppy slit. His cum poured from my bald gash and my hand caught his warm, sticky semen and I brought it to my mouth to savor. I was so deep into my ecstasy that I didn’t realize that I was thrusting backward, feeling the last vestiges of my father’s erection plunging deeper into me as I fucked him. “No honey.” He said sleepily in my ear, but my hand reached back and gripped his hip and ass while I pushed back even harder, pulling him even deeper as I felt one last blast of his jizz against my cervix. I let out a long, squeal and moan as his cum gushed from between my gaping labia when he pulled his thick cock from my just fucked hole. He sat up in bed and I rolled over, throwing myself across his thigh to discuss what had just happened. He shook his head as he looked down at me, his still erect cock inches from my face. I was subconsciously licking the cum from my fingers as he tried to tell me that this should have never happened. “I wanted it.” I told him. “Why can’t I have what mom and grandma had?” I asked. “I know how you think. Not unlike them, since you all are afflicted by the same disease.” He told me bluntly. “You’re my daughter and it should end there. None of your sexually addicted mental justifications can make it ok.” He said. My eyes began to water, but I found my hand on his cock again, tugging it as I spoke to him about how much I missed them and how much I loved him. “I did this for years with them and I don’t think I can do this again, sweetie. I’m 76 years old and you’ve got your whole life to find someone to love and understand you.” He said gently. “I’ve had much older men.” I said with a wicked smile and he just nodded and told me that the number of men that I’d been with was not relevant. He didn’t stop me as I continued to stroke him, looking up into his eyes and hoping for more. “You know that I have the same problem Denise. That’s why I understood them so well.” He admitted for the first time. I was shocked, but that admission pulled me closer and soon my lips parted and took his cock into my mouth. I began sucking and stroking madly and his hand found the back of my head. For the next two hours, he fucked me as I’ve never been fucked before, filling my holes with his long, hard cock and pumping me into a multitude of gushing and squealing orgasms. He finished with me, my legs wrapped tightly around his back as he came in me once again and I held him close to feel his warmth inside me. I fell asleep and when I awoke almost 10 hours later, he was gone. I had been satiated for once in my life and it was wonderful. I didn’t say anything when I joined my family for lunch and prepared for our trip to Japan in the next couple of days. I had a lot of plans for my new porn company and I was going to be busy working.My father waited until late each night, before sneaking into my room, for the two nights before we left. Each night I gave myself to him, our tongues and mouths devouring one another. He would bring me to orgasm, sometimes up to 5 or 6 times before he stuffed his rock hard prick into me and rode me until I came another three or four times. I was in heaven and he had to cover my mouth on a number of occasions to keep me from screaming in delight. Each night I fell into a deep slumber, fully satiated as never before. I didn’t even need a cigarette afterward and it had been nearly a week since I had smoked last. I couldn’t believe what we were doing, but it seemed so right and it felt so good. I didn’t care either and if it were up to me, I would fuck him every night, making him my permanent lover. I knew he would never allow it, so I enjoyed it while I could. We landed in Japan three days later and we got a hotel room before our meeting in two days. In between preparing with our lawyers, we spent the rest of our time in our room having sex. It nearly wore me out and that was something I didn’t think possible. I invited him into every hole and he took me in each one, this time letting me scream, curse and moan as loud as I wanted. We weren’t home anymore and I was going to enjoy this time as much as I could.
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