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Welcome back to an old friend…..For want of a better name I will use Karin. We had lived together tempestuously about ten years ago and it was some of the best loving of my life. Karin is now sixty five, just a few years my junior. She got back in touch with me over the summer. I had kept abreast of her since we broke up. She worked in a small community across the desert from me but whenever I travel out to Ca I swing by the town. Our breakup had been tough on me since I enjoyed many fun nights and weekends with her in the back of my pickup.On Friday evenings we’d load the bedding and cooler into the truck and head deep into the desert. As soon as we drove past the last house off would come the clothes. We had a favorite place to park overnight where the solitude was absolute. So quiet we could hear the airliners high overhead. But they were in passing as we spent the evening in carnal bliss. The ancients of Rome had nothing on how we spent those nights. First was a full tongue bath over each of our bodies. I put my tongue deep into her while she enveloped me with hands and tongue. I felt my penis would burst from it’s skin. I licked and probed her deeply samsun escort while inserting first one and then another finger into her backside. Thank goodness we were so far out where only the cacti could hear us.I would be lying if I were to say orgasm followed orgasm. Karin IS an exciting woman with very full hips from multiple c***dren and true hanging breasts from all those pregnancies. Her belly sag is well earned. There is only the enthusiasm remaining of the nubile teen I never knew but her maturation is exciting to this very evening.Before the sun would rise there would be two or three very serious couplings. We would thrash at each other until exhausted, lie back for a bit and then go again. Each of my orgasms was followed by a short nap only to awaken when the night air cooled us.Karin would first fondle me to arousal and then take me into her mouth. She would lick all around me even throwing my legs back so she could probe me with her tongue and fingers. There was nowhere on my body she was not allowed, nowhere she didn’t go. On more than one occasion I would surprise both of us with an unexpected emission. She would squeeze me to hold it escort samsun back until she could fully envelop me. I thought I would never stop shooting as I felt my sperm travel down my penis. She did not always catch the full load so I would lick up what was on her and exchange it into her mouth.More often we locked up our loins thrusting away as though I would spear her to the bedding. She met every thrust and soon the bedding was soaked with not only sweat but our abundant body fluids. Ritualistically our last effort would be me penetrating her in the very rear. This did not happen quickly with lubricants first being used followed later with nothing at all but our eagerness. We NEVER looked upon this as a perversion. It was more exciting for her than me since it had none of her natural moistness but she screamed and thrashed all the same. This became a regular part of our lovemaking.In the morning we would add more to the mess we had already made of the quilts. One last time, in broad daylight, whether anyone saw us or not. We had to curtail this over the summer only because of the intense sunlight. Karin has the fair skin of the Irish.Now we are samsun escort bayan together again. Well, not completely. I drive over her way sometimes during the full moon to enjoy again our time in the desert. I cannot live with her again as the memory of our breakup remains fresh. But I CAN lie with her again on these cools evenings all lathered in sweat with her above dripping ALL her fluids onto my belly.Licking her is still the best. She has that mothers pelvic spread which offers a greater surface to lick, nibble and probe. She is ALWAYS wet. She doesn’t squirt which I’m okay with. Many times I will force her to just lie back and enjoy my ministrations. I lick all around her and when I can stand it no more I lick my way up her belly to her face where she can lick mine as I insert myself into her.She has long ago lost here vaginal tautness but I can easily tell when I am surrounded by her warm moisture. By her exhalation and moan as she presses back against me. It is true ecstasy even a decade on. We thrash lustily. We roll over with her on top while I get hardly a respite. This is the position I prefer to shoot deep into her and deep into her it goes.What a tremendous feeling this is back with her. She will probably want us to be exclusive again but I’m still unsure. I am still enjoying time with Gwen and Sabrina, a relationship Karin MIGHT be ready to be a part of. Only time will tell…..

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