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Why we do what others say is wrongThere are so many that say and think what we do with each other (twins–br***** and s*****) is wrong.Well it may well be wrong, but we wonder how can something that gives us so much pleasure be so wrong. I***st is a word that shocks most people but it also is some thing that many of them have thought of doing also. My twin brother and I have been playing with each other from a y*u*g age. Most of it was just exploringour y…g bodies. I remember the first time I touched his “pistol” as I called it. It was only maybe half the size of a mans little finger. It was great to play with it and watching with excitment as it started togrow longer and harder. I remember pulling back the skin that covers the head of his pistol. türkçe bahis The head wasalways shinny, smooth and kinda moist to the touch.I was shaking so bad the first time that I kissed hispistol and was surprise that he jumped when I did itbecause it surprised him. He never expected me to touchpistol much less to kiss it. I was not content to just kiss it but I was to young and innocent to know what to do next. We played like this for many months with justme touch and kissing his pistol. He would play with thebumbs that would soon to be breasts. I was always sothrilled with the feelings that it gave me between my legs. I could not understand why I was always getting wet in my slit when he touched my bumbs. He would kiss,lick, play and suck youwin giriş on them alot. I remember waking up once in the middle of the night to the feeling of being wet. I first thought was “I p-d in my sleep”.Then when I was more awake I could feel my b…..r wasin between my legs. I do not recall having my pj’s being removed. Later he told me that he took his timeremoving them hoping I did not wake up an be mad.I was far from mad, I was shaking, hot, sweaty, with goose bumps all over me. My slit was soaking wet andthere was liquid running down my butt cheeks. At leastwhat my brother did not slurp up. It felt so good having my slit licked and the lips of my kitty being gentlebitten. He even was putting a finger in kitty to myshear youwin güvenilir mi pleasure. I remember him telling me to stop moaningso loud. I had know idea I was making a sound. Hesaid if I dont keep quite Mom or Dad will be in tosee if I am ok. It was hard not to make a sound. I donot know if I had an orgasm but I think now that I musthave came several times. I was shaking, and liquid was oozing out of my slit none stop. The next few weeks we stopped doing anything because we feltso naughty and bad we did not want to do it again. But,with growing desire it was not going to be something thatwe could do without.To this day at nearly 23 years old those days of t** or e***** years ago are still fresh in our thoughts daily.That should answer some of the questions that I am sure many of you thought about with your own sib****s. I hopeyou have resolved the question of whether it is somethingthat should be done as sib****s. I hope this true tellingwas interesting to some of you. mandi
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