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You’re Gonna Get It!You’re Gonna Get It!“You’re gonna get it”That’s all the text message said but I knew I had crossed a line and I was suddenly feeling apprehensive. My husband and I had been teasing each other via text message all day while we were out on various errands and most of the banter was light joking back and forth but I knew what I said had just poked a bear and I almost regretted it. My husband had been teasing me about how many I was going to receive for my spanking tonight, 10, 15, 25, it was climbing at an alarming rate until I said “Well, it doesn’t really matter, you hit like a girl anyway” That did it. “you’re gonna get it”I could tell instantly he was now being serious so I tried to back track. “Aw baby I was just teasing, I didn’t mean it, ok 30 swats and I’ll promise to keep my hands away”I got two more text messages. “No, you’re getting 50.” And then my stomach clenched as I read “With the belt”Instantly my heart started beating hard and fast in my chest. We had talked about the belt but dismissed it because of my fear. Most of our play had been light hearted otk with his hand and some swats from a couple moderate homemade floggers and paddles he made. To have earned the belt was…. huge.“Get home. Now. You are going to go inside, go upstairs and get the belt then come down stairs and wait for me.”I sent a couple more pleading messages but received no response. He was serious this time so I headed home to wait.I came home and thought about getting naked as I usually do but his message didn’t say to get naked. I tried to send a text message to ask but still I wasn’t getting anything back. I decided to stay clothed. I went upstairs and got the belt and for good measure my butt plug. He always liked spanking me with my butt plug and I figured if I could turn it sexy that maybe he would back off from whatever his intentions were from the belt. I sat on the couch and waited.He arrived home about 15 minutes after I did. I was sitting on the couch with the belt laying over my lap with the butt plug on the coffee table when he walked in. I didn’t say anything as I was actually kind of bristling about him not answering any of my text messages. He walked around, dropped off his keys, put down his bags and entered the living room where I was sitting.“So, I hit like a girl?” His tone was even, a little menacing.“Baby I didnt-“Shut up slut.” He cut me off. “Stand up and turn around”I shivered a little but didn’t say another word. I got up still clenching the belt in my fists. He came up behind me and groped my tits. He practically mauled them as he started kissing on my neck. I heard a growl. “A bra?”“Yeah, I had to-I received two sharp smacks to my blue jeaned covered ass. “SHUT. UP.”I stiffened. They startled me but over my jeans they didn’t really hurt. He yanked the belt from my hands and tossed it aside then pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it in a corner of the room. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it back harshly. “Take it off”I yelped but immedediately undid the clasps hooking my bra in front, he let güvenilir bahis go of my hair and I let the bra drop off of my arms as he was doing something behind me.“What are you..” I started to ask but was cut off again“Bend over and put your hands on the couch. Not a word”I leaned over and let my heavy double d tits hang down in front of me. “I could see him setting up his new phone on the table letting it rest on the kick stand and it dawned on me what he was going to do. “No video!” I was freaking out inside.He growled, the tone was annoyed and I didn’t say anything else. I don’t think any of this was going to be a my say so kind of spanking.He continued to set the phone up and I assume pressed record. “The only thing you are to say from now on is Yes Danny and Thank you Danny, understand?”“Yes Danny”He pushed me over futher so that my jean covered ass was pushed up in the air. He reached forward and groped my bare hanging tits, squeezing hard. He gave them a couple whacks back and forth and they swayed like those medicine balls that click back and forth you sometimes see on peoples desks in big offices. He stood up and I saw him take the belt with him. So this was it, no warm up, just the belt. Oh god I thought in dread.He checked the angle on his video and when he was satisfied that my plump ass was perfectly framed he came back around and I shuddered when I heard him snap the belt. The first blow over my jeans was more like a shot. It was loud and I leaned away from it instinctively although it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would, at least not yet. “Get back in position, keep your hands on the couch and ASS UP!”I whimpered and muttered and received a crack on my right thigh. “What?” He challenged.“Yes Danny” I gulped. He cracked the belt against my jeans a couple more times.“How many was that slut?I balked. I wasn’t really paying attention. I was too nervous. He didn’t tell me to count. Should I count the other spanks? The blow to my thigh? Oh god I had no idea…I took a guess“4?”“You don’t know?”I gulped, I knew what that meant, starting over. I regrettfully answered “No Danny”“Ok, we start over” I groaned hearing the actual words, thank god he didn’t get too far before he count checked me.I started counting in my head as he began again. The strokes were slow but were coming in solid whacks. I was wincing a little. He got to ten before he asked again “How many slut?”“Ten” I answered confidently.“And what do you say, slut?”“Thank you Danny” I whimpered.The next ten were harder and I was getting really uncomfortable, starting to get scared. I was squirming. He stopped to ask “How many?”“Twenty, thank you Danny”“Good. I don’t want you to move an inch. These next swats are going to be hard and if you move I swear I’ll start over, do you understand?”I groaned inwardly, my heart racing “Yes Danny” I braced myself and dug my fingers into the seat of the couch. The next FIVE took my breath away but I stayed still. “How many”“Twenty five,” I was practically sobbing, but not quite “Thank you Danny”“Good girl” he purred and türkçe bahis rubbed my jean covered ass. Before I knew it he was reaching under me and was unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans. He explained “Twenty five more, on the bare. Got that slut, do you understand?”My insides were panicing, my mind racing, swirling, I tried to think fast. “But I brought the plug, I figured just a couple, then we could go play?”He looked and noticed the plug for the first time and chuckled. “Alright slut, 25, with the plug in, as you wish”I wanted to scream and pout. In my head I was thinking no no no no! It wasn’t supposed to be like this! I knew bratting at this moment would land me in a heap more trouble so I thought better of it and kept my mouth shut, my body, however, was trembling as he shoved the plug unceremoniously up my ass. 5 inches of thick bulbed plug, no lube, and it slid in. He noticed and I felt his fingers in my cunt.“Look at you, slut. So wet the plug slid right in. I think you like this belt whipping. Do you?:”I didn’t say anything. I had a number of thoughts, liking it, hating it, I was melting, I was shaking, I didn’t know.”I shrugged and he chuckled. Thankfully he didn’t require me to give him an answer as he went on to explain “Twenty five, bare, keep your hands glued to that seat and this ass in the air. Count EVERY one, OUT LOUD, and thank me after each one. If you forget or take too long I’ll give you another one and the count will be repeated. If you MOVE, I will start over I don’t care if I’m on the last one, is that understood?”I tried to process the rules with the fear sinking in… I think I understood, god, I was scared. “Yes Danny”He stood behind me, I forgot all about the video which was now shooting right up between my legs, the plug was vulgarly visible, my fat hairy pussy lips dripping, my juices tickling me as they slipped into the folds of my skin. He reared back and the first crack made me yelp and lurch forward on the couch. I didn’t count. I didn’t say a word, my heart was in my throat. “Get. Up.” He smacked the belt on each of my thighs, I knew that meant we were starting over, and none of those three counted.He reared back and I caught my breath in my throat again. I stayed in position except for a little hair tossing brown curls cascading over my shoulders and back. “One, thank you Danny” I finally managed to squeal out.Again the belt fell, same place, I gasped. Oh My God it hurt!! 23 more of these? How was I going to take it? I don’t know how much time passed. The sting was fading “Two, thank you Danny!” I shouted before he had a chance to cut me off and repeat the stroke.For the next one he gave my ass a break and hit my thigh, but he hit it hard! I took a few seconds to recover but made my count and was receiving a twin of that stroke on my other thigh before I knew it. “Four, thank you Danny”He reached forward and rubbed the red marks appearing on my ass and thighs, he laughed and began again. Five, Six, Seven and Eight were in the same spot between my ass and thigh, over and over, each one felt güvenilir bahis siteleri harder than the next, I didn’t think I could stand nine and I didn’t have to right then as I delayed the out loud count on eight and he mercifully allowed the pause.He moved to my other side. Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, same spot on my left cheek. Thirt-een and Fourt-een were in the same spot mid cheek like one and two but on my left side. “Spread your legs slut”I thought he was just changing my position I never could have imagined what he did next. FIFTEEN was a blow directly on my pussy. I SCREAMED the count, had the presence of mind not to move. It took me a few more seconds to say “Thank you Danny”“Ask me for another one to your pussy slut”I shook my head. He did it again anyway and I shouted “SIXTEEN, thank you Danny!” I was panting.“Ask me for another one on your pussy slut”I knew then that he was going to do it again there whether I asked for it or not. “P-p-p-please belt my pussy again Danny”He flicked the worn tip of his belt between my fat thighs and it whacked my thick lips with a noisy wet thwack. I noticed he didn’t hit me as hard as a reward for asking.“Sevent-een, thank you Danny” I was bucking and pushed my cunt back. Sonofabitch I wanted another one “Please belt my pussy again Danny”I can only imagine his smile behind me as he snapped the belt between my legs again. “Eighteen, thank you, thank you Danny” I moaned.He shoved his finger between my sopping wet pussy lips and frigged my clit. His thumb pushed my plug in. “Two more here slut, you don’t have to ask just count and thank me when you’re ready for the next one.”I nodded and spread my legs wider, pushing my ass back, leaning way into my hands on the couch. NINETEEN, thank you Danny came after about 5 seconds. TWENTY thank you Danny came around 7 seconds after the second blow. “How many more slut?”“Five, Danny.”“Count and thank me when you’re ready for the next one”I nodded and braced myself. I know how he spanks, these were going to be the worst. They were hard and I screamed at each one. I was scared and turned on, panting, sweating, my ass was throbbing and felt like it was on fire. The last five probably took at least 5 minutes. I lost track of time. Finally, TWENTY FIVE THANK YOU DANNY. I stayed still. Out of breath, crying, when did I start crying? Tears were flowing. I was oblivious but I know at this point he shut the video off and came around to comfort me. He stood me up and held me against him while I cried into his chest. I could feel his hardon pressing against my tummy. He started to kiss me, our tongues dueling and soon he was pushing my hot red still plugged ass down into the couch and spreading my legs. I winced but watched him take his shorts and boxers down in one move before he grabbed my legs and drove his rock hard cock straight into my sopping wet cunt. I was on my back against the couch my bare feet up on his chest as he slammed into me, over and over. His cock crammed deep in my cunt practically banging my cervix. “I’m gonna cum slut, take it, take it” I was crying again but in pleasure as I begged him to cum deep inside of me before he collapsed on top of me both of our bodies heaving, sweaty and out of breath. I laughed to myself and was wondering what I could do to get the belt again as soon as possible.
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